
  • Still, the battle for third is heating up nicely eh?

    1 point from the last 4 games, I believe... We're doing all we can to finish forth (and possibly behind Spurs... jeeeeeeez).

    Wenger should have appealed to the FA to sign an emergency keeper as did Citeh since Fabianski is clearly shite.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Ah that explains it. Also


    I hope you haven't bought into the ridiculous notion that we didn't (and never intended to) play for a win on Sunday - although, given that we played a lone striker at home again, I can see why some people might think that.

    I listened to the first half on Five Live, and heard Colin Murray report sightings of Chelsea flags on the Kop, which ought to be punishable with a life ban for the offender, his kids, their kids, their mates, their mates' mates, and anyone who lives in the same street as any of them. Despicable behaviour. Any so-called Liverpool fan who declared they'd be supporting Chelsea for the day is an absolute disgrace. Hard to stomach though it might be, we have to concede that if a less-than-imperious United side can scramble their way to their 19th title while we flounder in 7th place, the fault probably doesn't lie with that peculiar quirk of physics known as Old Trafford Time, and could have more to do with us being shit. But to respond to such a possible outcome by hoping we lose against Chelsea (who I loathe, but who've been mightily impressive towards the end of the season), thus gifting the title to the most smug, graceless, mean-spirited shower of twats in the Prem...well, that is the very embodiment of

    On a lighter note, how I did LOL and LOL again at the sound of the ridiculous Alan Green trying to teach his granny how to suck eggs as he told Pat Nevin that he didn't understand the depth of animosity between Liverpool fans and United fans, or, indeed, fan rivalry generally. ?Imagine if this involved Liverpool and Everton!?, he spluttered, seemingly forgetting that Nevin was once a professional footballer who took part in the odd Merseyside Derby. Nevin, being an altogether classier act, neglected to point this out to him.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,938 Posts
    A lot of City heads on the block Wednesday night. Mancini will be out if he fails to get 4th.

    Knowing City, we'll do spurs but flop at the Hammers.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Ah that explains it. Also


    I hope you haven't bought into the ridiculous notion that we didn't (and never intended to) play for a win on Sunday - although, given that we played a lone striker at home again, I can see why some people might think that.

    Nah to be fair it didn't cross my mind though I enjoyed Jamie R getting more and more angry at half time as Richard Hairy Hands asked him about Stevie's record with suspect backpasses. I was just more plain irritated as, while Liverpool never looked remotely like scoring, neither did Chelsea until that fated ball back to Didier. The Chelsea squad seemed once again frozen by the prospect of taking the title and all at sea despite playing against an extremely makeshift back four (Mascherano at right back?) but once that goal went in it could have been four or five.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Still, the battle for third is heating up nicely eh?

    1 point from the last 4 games, I believe... We're doing all we can to finish forth (and possibly behind Spurs... jeeeeeeez).

    Wenger should have appealed to the FA to sign an emergency keeper as did Citeh since Fabianski is clearly shite.

    LOL! I don't see Spurs or City doing it despite Fabianski's best efforts. As Jimster rightly points out, both teams have a habit of cocking up the easier fixtures though it's certainly keeping things interesting. Can't remember the last time when six of the top seven positions were being contested in the final week of the season.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    berbatov missed 3 golden opportunities
    rooney had daggers in his eye

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Berbs is going to be awesome next season.

    For whatever European team we sell him to.

  • GV FiQz is not[/b] 50CRATES.
    I didn't enter a team for this season, but i'll claim it if nobody else does

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,938 Posts
    Found a way to get to the site.

    FiQz has copped t3h zuzpendz0rz too.

    I know most have stopped caring but it's gotten better for me since Rooney has been resting. Epic 24 point transfer penalty to pay this week but I am going out in a blaze of glory.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Ah that explains it. Also



    For those Liverpool fans upset at this weekend?s loss to Chelsea, I say ?What are you upset about??. The loss that Liverpool have just experienced, has ironically just ensured that their long term rivals Manchester United will fail to win a 19th Premier League title this season, overtaking Liverpool?s 18.

    By losing against Chelsea, Liverpool have kept their tradition and historical dominance in the Premier League intact, for this season at least. Of course, the title is not quite signed, sealed and on it?s way to Stamford bridge quite yet, but I can?t honestly see them losing, or even drawing to Wigan at home this weekend.

    Manchester United fans will have known that realistically, Liverpool were the only team remaining that could help Alex Ferguson?s men to a fourth consecutive title. Oh the irony! It was a win-win situation for Liverpool. Had they have beaten Chelsea, they could have finished the season with some sense of pride and dignity intact, but should they lose, which they inevitably did, they can rest easy knowing rivals United have quite probably seen the title slip out of their sights.

    Steven Gerrard obviously preffered the latter situation, realising that his side were still not losing the match, he provided Drgoba with an outstanding assist, slotting it right infront of the Ivorian striker, allowing him to round Pepe Reina and set Chelsea on course for their win.

    Of course, I?m not suggesting for one moment that Gerrard would do such a thing, and in hindsight, it was never likely that Liverpool would get a result on Sunday, with the likes of Kuyt and Babel left upfront to find the back of the net. Fernando Torres could only look on in despair from the stands as his stand-ins failed to fill his boots.

    After failing to emulate last season?s success, and even failing to reach the final of the Europa League, Rafa Benitez would have no doubt looked to Plan B. Of course, I?m not referring to the increasingly popular rap artist, but to the silver lining still on Liverpool?s horizon. That being the chance to ensure Manchester United fail to overtake Liverpool?s 18 Premier League titles marker.

    That silver lining might not be fully set in stone yet however. Yes Chelsea only have to play Wigan on Sunday, and yes they play them at home, and yes they?ve hit a run of extremely intimidating form, but Manchester United fans can take heart from the fact that there have been many unexpected twists and turns throughout this season?s title race, and should there be one more on Sunday, it might just prove the final nail in the coffin for Liverpool?s season.

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    Come on Wigan!

    This match will be like JT's penalty miss but stretched out over 90 mins.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Ah that explains it. Also



    For those Liverpool fans upset at this weekend?s loss to Chelsea, I say ?What are you upset about??. The loss that Liverpool have just experienced, has ironically just ensured that their long term rivals Manchester United will fail to win a 19th Premier League title this season, overtaking Liverpool?s 18.

    By losing against Chelsea, Liverpool have kept their tradition and historical dominance in the Premier League intact, for this season at least. Of course, the title is not quite signed, sealed and on it?s way to Stamford bridge quite yet, but I can?t honestly see them losing, or even drawing to Wigan at home this weekend.

    Manchester United fans will have known that realistically, Liverpool were the only team remaining that could help Alex Ferguson?s men to a fourth consecutive title. Oh the irony! It was a win-win situation for Liverpool. Had they have beaten Chelsea, they could have finished the season with some sense of pride and dignity intact, but should they lose, which they inevitably did, they can rest easy knowing rivals United have quite probably seen the title slip out of their sights.

    Steven Gerrard obviously preffered the latter situation, realising that his side were still not losing the match, he provided Drgoba with an outstanding assist, slotting it right infront of the Ivorian striker, allowing him to round Pepe Reina and set Chelsea on course for their win.

    Of course, I?m not suggesting for one moment that Gerrard would do such a thing, and in hindsight, it was never likely that Liverpool would get a result on Sunday, with the likes of Kuyt and Babel left upfront to find the back of the net. Fernando Torres could only look on in despair from the stands as his stand-ins failed to fill his boots.

    After failing to emulate last season?s success, and even failing to reach the final of the Europa League, Rafa Benitez would have no doubt looked to Plan B. Of course, I?m not referring to the increasingly popular rap artist, but to the silver lining still on Liverpool?s horizon. That being the chance to ensure Manchester United fail to overtake Liverpool?s 18 Premier League titles marker.

    That silver lining might not be fully set in stone yet however. Yes Chelsea only have to play Wigan on Sunday, and yes they play them at home, and yes they?ve hit a run of extremely intimidating form, but Manchester United fans can take heart from the fact that there have been many unexpected twists and turns throughout this season?s title race, and should there be one more on Sunday, it might just prove the final nail in the coffin for Liverpool?s season.

    tl;dr version - "Hi, my name's Adam Horne and I'm a fucking moron!"

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts

    So who's voting tomorrow?

    Fingers crossed for a hung Parliament?

    Anybody got a list together of suitable music for different results?

    Cameron win = The Doors The End

    Hung = Salt Hung Up

    Labour = ???


    et cetera

  • Labour = ???

    for labour win/tory supporter - david bowie "always crashing in the same car"

    for labour win - slum village "forth and back" (ok, this one is a bit tenuous... 4th election win and all that)

  • oh, and not to get all melodramatic but i will be furious if cameron gets in. not just because of personal beliefs, but because all of the polls (as well as every election result since 1992) show that the right wing in this country are clearly a minority.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,938 Posts
    I am voting LAB even doe I am supposedly respectable now (I hear Mel & Kim cueing up) but smells like the spin has worked and it'll be a CON running ting.

    If he thought she was a bigot, he should have stood by his words. It's ok to call a bigot a bigot.

    But not a ray-kyst.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts

    Not sure that the right are that much of a minority, just that people are aware that their views may chime against Political Correctness gone mad, i.e. people who don't tick the 'Briddish White box' get to vote... crazy, crazy views come to the surface if you do a little poking around, and you begin to understand why politics is an oft-avoided subject.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts

    more knowledge nuggets from your favourite agony uncle.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,938 Posts
    I guess people always lead with their own personal experiences first, feeding a generalisation, rather than acknowledging there could be a bigger picture. It's human nature.

    One man's freedom fighter being another man's 7err0r157 etc.

    Invading Iraq (afaik) had to happen. Credit crunch had to happen. Greedy MPs had to happen. But it happened on Labour's watch, so they get the blame when it comes to Maxwell putting the spin on these events.

    Same old.

  • Not sure that the right are that much of a minority, just that people are aware that their views may chime against Political Correctness gone mad, i.e. people who don't tick the 'Briddish White box' get to vote... crazy, crazy views come to the surface if you do a little poking around, and you begin to understand why politics is an oft-avoided subject.

    Well, in voting terms the country is definitely left-leaning. And if proportional representation were to be introduced it could mean that the Tories are kept out of power indefinitely, since they haven't got much more than 30% of the national vote since 1997, while Labour and the Liberals combined have consistantly managed around 60%.

    But, then again, some previously stanuch Labour strongholds in the north have been flirting with the BNP over the past few years...

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    I guess people always lead with their own personal experiences first, feeding a generalisation, rather than acknowledging there could be a bigger picture. It's human nature.

    Generalisations are the bread&butter of politics though, no?

    People's politics generally seem to head right with age, and we're an ageing population (although I seem to remember a headline recently that birth rates were, for the first time in years, on the up). All of the hardcore views I've encountered have come from people that seem perfectly reasonable, but they're of a certain generation that look to put the blame of things that happened on Labour's watch on people 'not-like-them', which the Tories, and to a lesser extent BNP, have been preying upon, which seems especially rich when the Tories have the interests of a very small minority at heart, rather than 'people-like-you-and-me'... although that particular phrase is beginning to grate.

    Well, in voting terms the country is definitely left-leaning. And if proportional representation were to be introduced it could mean that the Tories are kept out of power indefinitely[/b], since they haven't got much more than 30% of the national vote since 1997, while Labour and the Liberals combined have consistantly managed around 60%.

    I have a dream...

    Eh... not sure if I even have a point to make, other than I've been surprised at the spite[/b] some people have pent-up inside them. Economics has to be the thing feeding it, because at bottom, people are greedy fuckers, and when they're made to hurt via the pocket, they look to point the finger. Politics of greed.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts

    ^^ More Gooners ^^

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    OI, POMS!

    The Poll tax, never forget.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Duder, tell us about the spite you have encountered.

    I voted Lib Dem by post the other day. Couldn't vote Tory, or Labour under the current mob for that matter. PR is the over-riding issue. Libs seem to be right of Tory on some issues, left of Labour on others. They operate in a kind of fractal space, possibly at right-angles on the z-axis of a two dimensional graph. That's why I voted for dude. It's all about the imaginary number i.
    And unfortunately, a Lib govt is likely to remain imaginary.
    But as Neil says, a CON win wouldn't have anywhere near a majority mandate, but then no government for ages has operated thus.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts

    So who's voting tomorrow?

    Fingers crossed for a hung Parliament?

    Anybody got a list together of suitable music for different results?

    Cameron win = The Doors The End

    Hung = Salt Hung Up

    Labour = ???


    et cetera

    As many of you will by now have concluded, I won't be voting Conservative. Not least because, when the Tories talk about "change", what they mean is "change it back to how it was when Maggie was still in charge"

    I walk to the Queen Caroline Estate along the river, and it is one of the most calm and bright council estates I have ever seen ? a walkway of houses and flats lined with trees, all washed over by a gentle river breeze. Teenagers are playing on a football pitch; an elderly couple is watching them, eating sandwiches. Everyone I talk to says they like it ? "You've got a good mix of people, and it's so friendly," says one woman. On the other side of the Thames, staring down, is the ?25,000-a-year St Paul's School, where [Hammersmith & Fulham Council Leader, Stephen] Greenhalgh was educated alongside George Osborne in the 1980s.

    Greenhalgh has declared that this estate is "not decent", and has offered it for sale to property developers. Maxine Bayliss is a 42-year-old mother who lives here with her two children. She says: "It's frightening to discover there are plans to sell off your home so they can give the land to rich developers. At first the council denied it, but when we challenged them they finally said, yes, we do have plans, actually. One Conservative councillor shouted at me that this was a ghetto and I shouldn't want to live here. Does it look like a ghetto to you? This is my home, it's my children's home. If they charged market rents, people like me would be forced out of London totally. This should be a city for normal people too, not just rich people. It's so insulting to say people like me shouldn't be living here."

    Together with a coalition of other mums from the estate, Maxine has formed a group to stop the sell-off. When David Cameron came on one of his visits to the area to cheerlead for the council, she asked him about the threat to her home ? and he accused her of "black propaganda". When she explained that the council itself had admitted to having plans, Cameron snapped: "If you don't like them, you should stand for election."

    I live in Bethnal Green & Bow where, for the last four years, we've had a showboating, egomaniac crook allegedly acting as our parliamentary representative in between high-profile appearances on Capitol Hill and Celebrity Big Brother, and the area's suffered through the absence of a decent constituency MP with connections to the community as a whole, rather than a few local imams with questionable allegiances. Despite my misgivings about Labour on a national/parliamentary level, I'd rather have a Labour MP for this constituency than someone with connections to Jamaat-e-Islami.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Duder, tell us about the spite you have encountered.

    I'll leave that for another day.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Wish I could sit across from Big Ben and watch the results projected on The Clock Tower.

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