Old PMs Appreciation



  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    My name is **** ****. You probably picked up bits n pieces about me from various poasts, I'm 33, I live in ********, went to the same high school as ********, I am a cancer nurse, I collect records, DJ and produce a little.

    I might also state that I have great respect for your poasting ability and have always regarded you as, well, a dude. I even suspect that were we to meet up in real life, our combined coolness would be sufficient to reverse global warming.

    So it is with a twinge of regret that I have you, after our delightful bit of interaction several days ago, using harsh words against me. I absolutely am indeed a fool, but god damnit, I am also an outstanding human being. I could care less about being clowned on some astrology bullshit, but you sir, took it to a personal level.

    Accordingly, I offer you an invitation to converse together that we might collectively overcome our personal sensitivities in a communal setting and perhaps build a friendship to last the ages.

    Sincerely awaiting your reply,
    **** ****.

    How dare you put me on blast like that!!!!

    Seriously though, a "fool" and "astrology." hmmm. I'm trying to put the pieces together but I got nothing. I must have been absent that day. Better call Sleuther.

    You should holler at dude real quick. Reverse global warming? That's huge. We could use that. See if the Wonder Twin coolness powers can do something about the economy too.

  • Garcia_VegaGarcia_Vega 2,428 Posts
    My name is **** ****. You probably picked up bits n pieces about me from various poasts, I'm 33, I live in ********, went to the same high school as ********, I am a cancer nurse, I collect records, DJ and produce a little.

    I might also state that I have great respect for your poasting ability and have always regarded you as, well, a dude. I even suspect that were we to meet up in real life, our combined coolness would be sufficient to reverse global warming.

    So it is with a twinge of regret that I have you, after our delightful bit of interaction several days ago, using harsh words against me. I absolutely am indeed a fool, but god damnit, I am also an outstanding human being. I could care less about being clowned on some astrology bullshit, but you sir, took it to a personal level.

    Accordingly, I offer you an invitation to converse together that we might collectively overcome our personal sensitivities in a communal setting and perhaps build a friendship to last the ages.

    Sincerely awaiting your reply,
    **** ****.

    Yo wtf! That is some stalker shit.

    Who got some stress_dollaz gems? My PMs are mad boring.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    I think I deleted all my own obscure_addict challenges to
    meet him for a brawl in suburban CT, unfortunately.


  • Options

    Sween compliments me on my humor. Out of context and three years later I have NO IDEA what this was about (I'm sure this was quoted from a public post):


    From: Sween

    Jesus Christ

    DESCRIBE YOUR LOCAL NIGGERS would be a more apt title.

    Dude, that is the funniest thing I've seen on here in a loooooong time. I swear, it's rare for me to laugh audibly about things on here, but this one did it. Nice.

    That "DESCRIBE YOUR LOCAL NIGGERS" line was a post you placed in Guzzo's "Describe your local black experience" thread.

  • GrandfatherGrandfather 2,303 Posts
    Your private message at http://www.soulstrut.com/ubbthreads/login.php to RAJ about 'Help' has been read.
    Never did get a reply though.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    An official 2005 summer jam:

    By the way, is it too malicious to suggest you see if you can convince **** to like something you think is terrible? Perhaps devote several weeks to attempting to convince **** that J-Kwon (or someone of his caliber) is indeed great. Or, perhaps better yet, Bow Wow. Perhaps you can argue that Bow Wow's new album is really good or something. I am interested to see how big his crush on you really is influenced by you he really is.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    From: *****_********
    Dude, 2 copies of **** ******* on the bay in 2 weeks?


    Damn dude I know it's not you but damn... making it hard to sell these things!


  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    From: *****_********
    Dude, hopefully you are sitting down... OK.

    This dude no shit began to believe that the apocalypse - or maybe the rapture - was going to come around the time of peak oil. He forwarded a friend some truly amazing material he was subscribing to which had to be the work of one of these quasi-religious conspiracy cults. Anyway, the dude pretty much dropped everything and moved to rural northern CA, above Humbolt county (figures - he was mainly a weed dealer, that gospel shit never made him much money) and is - check this out - part of a self-sustaining agri-commune.

    Put THAT shit in your pipe and smoke it.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    The 2 oldest one in my inbox ~Jun 2007

    No, not yet!

    great picture! Sometimes I get all soft and think how that SS dads are the best as they are always so proud to show it off. No shame, no deadbeats (at least that I know of).

    My significant other has been dropping clues and when he is ready to have kids, kind of scares me sometimes. But such a big beautiful step. I am 24, and my family is on the "when are you gonna get married?" tip. Makes me a little weezy.

    so do you play out at all, or still play out now that you have a baby? I always wondered how it could make it harder, or wouldn't matter at all.

    My best friend just had his baby, like I said earlier, and he feels that he has to stop buying records, playing every weekend. I guess thats where microwave helps, when you want to save money!


    hey man.. i don't qualify as a hipster, but i've been meaning to buy a bike for a while to get some excercise so I'll take it off your hands.

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    From: *****_********
    Dude, hopefully you are sitting down... OK.

    This dude no shit began to believe that the apocalypse - or maybe the rapture - was going to come around the time of peak oil. He forwarded a friend some truly amazing material he was subscribing to which had to be the work of one of these quasi-religious conspiracy cults. Anyway, the dude pretty much dropped everything and moved to rural northern CA, above Humbolt county (figures - he was mainly a weed dealer, that gospel shit never made him much money) and is - check this out - part of a self-sustaining agri-commune.

    Put THAT shit in your pipe and smoke it.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    From: *****_********
    Dude, hopefully you are sitting down... OK.

    This dude no shit began to believe that the apocalypse - or maybe the rapture - was going to come around the time of peak oil. He forwarded a friend some truly amazing material he was subscribing to which had to be the work of one of these quasi-religious conspiracy cults. Anyway, the dude pretty much dropped everything and moved to rural northern CA, above Humbolt county (figures - he was mainly a weed dealer, that gospel shit never made him much money) and is - check this out - part of a self-sustaining agri-commune.

    Put THAT shit in your pipe and smoke it.

  • Options
    My oldest...

    Apr 07, 2005 06:39 PM

    Yeah, man--I'm thirty-one, and really appreciate the grown perspective you bring, even when you're just talking some old bullshit like all of us so often do.

    That gong looks like some serious bidness, though. I'm not sure whether you're addressing it on some Eastern mysticism angle, or on some Zeppelinesque/lighter-fluid shit, but either way that's a hell of a gift. My condolences to your neighbors.

    Anyway, welcome to the thirties. What's the old saying? "In your thirties, you'll actually come to possess the confidence that you faked in your twenties"? Or something like that. Whatever the case, hope they're good to you and yours.

    Take it easy.


  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    Whoa. I just found a pot o gold in my sent files. Some of it was too embarrassing. So I deleted, but here's a taste: Sent by me Jul 28, 2005 08:48 AM:

    Sent to: rape_donkeys
    you know there is a differnce. you are not dim. you can post whenever you want, no doubt. i suggest directing your snippy remarks elsewhere. don't make this real[/b].

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Another BITD Banger:

    The thing is, im pretty sure i met his "friends"... and that chick is NOT his girlfriend although he said she was

  • ZEN2ZEN2 1,540 Posts

    hey man.. i don't qualify as a hipster, but i've been meaning to buy a bike for a while to get some excercise so I'll take it off your hands.

  • From: Young_Phonics

    yeah man I just thinking of calling you this weekend. I was at a subway and noticed the indian owners toasting my garden patty and was like "I gotta call that dude and chop it up about filters".

  • RaystarRaystar 1,106 Posts
    From: luck

    Thank for playing along. Now, we can't mention it too much (read: no more today). This could be a great, no, THE GREATEST of all SoulStrut scams.

    -Luck (patent holder & originator of ePeek)

    This was a good idea for a post, I seem to have quite a few gems in my pm's!

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts
    I like all the dudes that are all like "I'm still on PMs, but I'm too real for the board," which = "I got sonned one too many times, but I still read the board obsessively"

    That was from Bam.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    This is from 2004
    From: Legend
    Subject: Dan this should be your avatar

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    The oldest one I have says "i sent that last pm to egbert, i didn't know you changed your name". from 2007. i guess i'll have to log in as egbert and see what the oldest is.

  • from may 2007:

    Re: Sorry bout that phone thing....
    From: *****
    I'd say you should make a Buster Keaton alter-ego but silent film folk didn't talk a lot in their films.

    you ever seen "The Lady Eve"?

    Screwball goodness.

    and no one ever does Henny Youngman.


    From: *********
    haha. Yeah. He hasn't started harassing me again but if you could schedule a digging trip with him it would be awesome. We could decide later if we'll show. And again, it's still very likely that this guy is an alias.

    I think your piano would be, um interesting.

    Want to go hole hunting on Friday? [/b]

  • some haiku for you
    From: ***
    monday's not very good. (5)
    it's the arm pit of the week. (7)
    thrusdays are way better. (5)

    the x clan hates you (5)
    disconnected from the streets (7)
    AY BAY BAY you hate (5)

    let's buy army tank (5)
    paint it invisible paint (7)
    drive street girls butt spank (5)

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    I like all the dudes that are all like "I'm still on PMs, but I'm too real for the board," which = "I got sonned one too many times, but I still read the board obsessively"

    That was from Bam.

    Haha... delicious!

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    You can send me a pink Luke Walton jersey.

  • the x clan hates you (5)
    disconnected from the streets (7)
    AY BAY BAY you hate (5)


  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    Poetry like that should never have been hidden in PMs in the first place.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Why no KALA pms?

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    Why no KALA pms?

    Just look for the KKKKKKKs and the
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