Millions Of Words A Day And Some Are Flat Out Lies



  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    i stand corrected. now where is laserwolf?

    I wrote a succinct defense, but then got a deleted notice. To recap what was lost.

    I didn't know I was suppose to be defending something, sorry.

    Obama was directly confronted and did directly respond. Please read the Philadelphia Speech. He directly address his wrong statement. And he address the bigger questions.

    I started in this thread by defending Hillary. I agree it is not a big deal that she got a 12 year old memory wrong.

    What I find alarming is that she will not admit she got a 12 year old memory wrong. She has been told about the video, but still claims that she ran to the vehicles under snipper fire.

    I find this alarming. Did you watch Frontline Bush's War? When Bush says something, does something, appoints someone, he sticks by that decision and will not back down. He sees that as a good thing. In regards to her Iraq vote and this little dust up, she is showing the same kind of traits.

    Is that what you want in a president?

    I prefer Obama's openness and honesty. Dig?

    Now, shall we talk about issues.

    Does Hillary have more experience? She has traveled the world, some. He has traveled and lived all over the world. She has met some foreign leaders, a decade ago. He has met some foreign leaders. What real world, not imagined, events make her more qualified?

    control a control c

    I think the Bosnia thing is TOTALLY irrelevant whereas you have seized on it and extrapolated about her character. That's where we differ.

    Obama said he never heard Wright talk bad on America (a blatant misrepresentation). After days of furious speech-writing and meeting with his advisors he wrote the following into his speech:

    Did I know him to be an occasionally fierce critic of American domestic and foreign policy? Of course. Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes. Did I strongly disagree with many of his political views? Absolutely ??? just as I???m sure many of you have heard remarks from your pastors, priests, or rabbis with which you strongly disagreed.


    but had Obama been confronted on the day he (untruthfully) said he had never heard Wright talk bad on America with video footage of him and his wife in the front row of Trinity while Wright was blaming the US for 9/11 you can believe he would have stammered, embarassed, and come up with a less-than-eloquent response.

    just like Hillary's.

    she got caught off guard and was embarrassed. Obama wrote some amazing speech which pretty much made everyone forget that he had previously denied ever having heard Wright talk bad on America.

    like I said, apples and oranges.

    this Bosnia shit is irrellevant, but if you want to seize on it to make grand generalizations about Hillary's character, go ahead.

    I had to go back and read all my posts. Mostly I've defended Clinton's statements. I tried to change the subject but you seem to be upset about something I am saying. The whole thing seems to be a much bigger deal to you than to me.

    Obama was just in Oregon for 24 hours, he held 4 events. After each (or maybe only some) event he took questions from the press. They asked hard questions, he answered them. He tended to be honest, open and eloquent (not that there is anything wrong with that). Local news carried some of what he said to the press, national news did not. I assume that he also talked to the press after his initial response, my guess is he was honest open and eloquent (not that there is anything wrong with that). My guess is that is why it did not make the press.

    Now, by contrast, Hillary has been making the snipper fire statement for a while now. Correct me if I am wrong, but what happened is this did not start with CBS blindsiding her. I think youtube and Simbad started things percolating before CBS. Her staff should have mentioned it to her, done some fact checking and she should have been prepared. She wasn't. Has she corrected the record now? I don't think so.

    If this was an isolated incident I would agree with you that talking about it or making too much of it is foolish. But it is not.

    Iraq Vote
    Health Care Task Force
    And now this.

    She will not admit a mistake and will not back down. That is what I am talking about, not a 12 year old memory.

    If you don't think these things are connected or matter, fine. It seems to me that all kinds of other people are calling her a liar and a cheater and vicious and all kinds of nasty things up in here, not sure why my assessment got you going.

  • You should hear the other Hilary Clinton "lies" that they keep repeating over and over and over again on Fox.

    "She said she played softball in junior high, but they didn't have a softball team!"

    "She says she was named after Sir Edmond Hilary, but she WASN'T!!"

    They literally repeat things like this 50 times a day.

    Yes, I watch Fox news. I can't help it. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just have to hear what crap most of the country is eating up.

    People will sink soo low. It's shameful, on both sides.

    ps. Dick Morris needs a good ass whooping.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    You should hear the other Hilary Clinton "lies" that they keep repeating over and over and over again on Fox.

    "She said she played softball in junior high, but they didn't have a softball team!"

    "She says she was named after Sir Edmond Hilary, but she WASN'T!!"

    They literally repeat things like this 50 times a day.

    Yes, I watch Fox news. I can't help it. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just have to hear what crap most of the country is eating up.

    People will sink soo low. It's shameful, on both sides.

    ps. Dick Morris needs a good ass whooping.

    That kind of thing burns me. I guarantee you for every Hillary one they find there are 2 for McCain. In 2000 they did this to Gore, while Bush got a free ride.

    Who is Dick Morris working for now?

  • That kind of thing burns me. I guarantee you for every Hillary one they find there are 2 for McCain. In 2000 they did this to Gore, while Bush got a free ride.

    Who is Dick Morris working for now?

    Dick Morris is one of the major contributors on there. He's like their expert on the Clintons.

    He recently told a story about how he was at their house (the White House I guess?) and Bill had one too many and got really angry at Morris for quitting. He said that Bill TACKLED HIM TO THE FLOOR AND RAISED HIS FISTS AS IF HE WAS GOING TO PUMMEL HIM, but Hilary said, "Bill, stop! Think about what you're about to do!" He sits up there with Sean Hannity and says things like this constantly. The man has no shame at all, and its like his mission in life is to shit all over them.

    Fox actually refers to this episode as "Bosnia-Gate".

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts

    Fox actually refers to this episode as "Bosnia-Gate".


    I hope that actually catches on.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    well it's basically caught on on the strut...meaning people on here really do seem to think it's worth talking about.

    aren't you all the same people that applauded Obama's speech where he was talmbout not making this campaign about soundbites, but rather choosing to discuss real issues?

  • Well personally I'm expressing outrage at the outrage expressed in the mass media.

    Doesn't mean shit to me (other than that I think she's dumber than I thought)

  • ps. Hilary will be on Fox tonight @ 10.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    well it's basically caught on on the strut...meaning people on here really do seem to think it's worth talking about.

    aren't you all the same people that applauded Obama's speech where he was talmbout not making this campaign about soundbites, but rather choosing to discuss real issues?

    I can tell you it's not just being talked about here. It's water cooler fodder here at my job and the breakroom was buzzing about it today. The most interesting thing was it was the admitted CONSERVATIVES that were most upset about it. They are literally praying that Hillary gets the nod because they think she doesn't stand a chance come November.

  • ZekeZeke 221 Posts

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    lol. oh man where she's holding the gat? hilarious.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    This just in: Bill Clinton really[/b] needs to stop.

    Bill Clinton: 'Let's just saddle up and have an argument'
    Posted: 04:30 PM ET
    Bill Clinton campaigned in West Virginia Wednesday.

    (CNN) ??? Bill Clinton took aim at critics of his wife Hillary Clinton Wednesday, adding that ???if a politician doesn't wanna get beat up, he shouldn't run for office.???

    "If a politician doesn't wanna get beat up, he shouldn't run for office,??? the former president said in Parkersburg, West Virginia. ???If a football player doesn't want to get tackled or want the risk of an occasional clip he shouldn't put the pads on."

    ???Clipping??? is an illegal football maneuver where an offensive player tackles a defensive player from behind, or below the waist.

    Clinton added that the recent rough tone of the campaign didn???t trouble him. "I don't give a riff about all this name-calling that's going on. They've been going on ever since Iowa. I've heard them say all these things about her,??? he said. ???Apparently it's okay to say bad things about a girl."

    He added that the advisers on both campaigns who???d been forced to resign because of controversial comments should have stayed put.

    "I don't think any of these people oughta be asked to resign. All these guys that say bad things about any other campaign, they say, 'Should they resign?' My answer is no; they're repeating party line. They oughta stay right where they are,??? he said. ???Let's just saddle up and have an argument. What's the matter with that? That's what America's about, right?"

    "All this moaning and groaning ??? none of these politicians are gonna have anything like the tough time half the people in this audience have already had for the last seven years. This is about you. Don't you let anybody take this election away from you."

    West Virginia votes May 13. Clinton complained today that the ???glitterati??? wanted to end the campaign before the state???s voters had a chance to weigh in because his wife had momentum. "In spite of the best efforts of a lot of the elites in the media and other places it looks like we are gonna have an opportunity for everybody to vote in this primary, and I think your vote should be counted, don't you?

    ???I know Hillary's gaining on them when they say, 'Oh, let's shut this down now; we don't want to be divided. Let's just disenfranchise several of the million people who could vote.

    Wouldn't you like to vote and have your votes counted? Wouldn't you like to have a voice in this election? Don't you think that your vote should count as much as the people who voted in Iowa first? Yeah, well so does Hillary."

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    well it's basically caught on on the strut...meaning people on here really do seem to think it's worth talking about.

    aren't you all the same people that applauded Obama's speech where he was talmbout not making this campaign about soundbites, but rather choosing to discuss real issues?

    ive adressed this before...obama has done extremely much less mudslinging then hillary directly attacking him on things that could also be considred non-factors as you put it

    i respect your support for hillary but for the last time


  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Over the last few months there has been lots of talk about Barack supporters voting for for Hillary if she got the nomination and vice versa....this latest Gallup poll is surprising and contradicts the KVH theory on the subject.

    If McCain vs. Obama, 28% of Clinton Backers Go for McCain[/b]

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Over the last few months there has been lots of talk about Barack supporters voting for for Hillary if she got the nomination and vice versa....this latest Gallup poll is surprising and contradicts the KVH theory on the subject.

    If McCain vs. Obama, 28% of Clinton Backers Go for McCain[/b]

    KVH wrong? The hell you say.

    The party's permanently damaged, even beyond November. Before AND after winning the general, conservatives will take every opportunity to remind America exactly how divisive, disorganized, petty, etc, "democrats really are".

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    Over the last few months there has been lots of talk about Barack supporters voting for for Hillary if she got the nomination and vice versa....this latest Gallup poll is surprising and contradicts the KVH theory on the subject.

    If McCain vs. Obama, 28% of Clinton Backers Go for McCain[/b]

    she has morons supporting her too. also, i think most of the smart people who were planning on voting for hillary have abandoned ship over the past few months as a result of, among other things, her less-than-statesman like behavior v. obama's coolness under pressure.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts

    lol. oh man where she's holding the gat? hilarious.

    Paging Controller 7! Someone probably got paid for that, man! You can do that shit with your eyes closed. The world is yours! Get on the phone and get to networkin'!

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Over the last few months there has been lots of talk about Barack supporters voting for for Hillary if she got the nomination and vice versa....this latest Gallup poll is surprising and contradicts the KVH theory on the subject.

    If McCain vs. Obama, 28% of Clinton Backers Go for McCain[/b]

    she has morons supporting her too. also, i think most of the smart people who were planning on voting for hillary have abandoned ship over the past few months as a result of, among other things, her less-than-statesman like behavior v. obama's coolness under pressure.

    Um, NO. Obama's 14 pt lead over Clinton in February has dwindled to just 3 pts in March.

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts

    Um, NO. Obama's 14 pt lead over Clinton in February has dwindled to just 3 pts in March.

    and because a poll says this, it must be true. hillary is definitely not gaining momentum. her numbers in pa are declining, and if she loses this state, its game over....not that it already isn't statistically the case anyway.

    btw, stop e-stalking me and walk away son. i think if i posted a recipe for peanut butter and jelly, you'd try to jump in and say peanut butter isn't one of the ingredients. relax, take a breath, focus yourself.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    Um, NO. Obama's 14 pt lead over Clinton in February has dwindled to just 3 pts in March.

    and because a poll says this, it must be true. hillary is definitely not gaining momentum. her numbers in pa are declining, and if she loses this state, its game over....not that it already isn't statistically the case anyway.

    btw, stop e-stalking me and walk away son. i think if i posted a recipe for peanut butter and jelly, you'd try to jump in and say peanut butter isn't one of the ingredients. relax, take a breath, focus yourself.

    You sound asshurt.

    Momentum's not even the issue. The issue is handicapping a forerunner that supposed to be on the same team.

    My point is people aren't switching candidates this late in the game, they're leaving the party or sitting this one out, period.

  • This just in: Bill Clinton really[/b] needs to stop.

    Bill Clinton: 'Let's just saddle up and have an argument'
    Posted: 04:30 PM ET
    Bill Clinton campaigned in West Virginia Wednesday.

    (CNN) ??? Bill Clinton took aim at critics of his wife Hillary Clinton Wednesday, adding that ???if a politician doesn't wanna get beat up, he shouldn't run for office.???

    "If a politician doesn't wanna get beat up, he shouldn't run for office,??? the former president said in Parkersburg, West Virginia. ???If a football player doesn't want to get tackled or want the risk of an occasional clip he shouldn't put the pads on."

    ???Clipping??? is an illegal football maneuver where an offensive player tackles a defensive player from behind, or below the waist.

    Clinton added that the recent rough tone of the campaign didn???t trouble him. "I don't give a riff about all this name-calling that's going on. They've been going on ever since Iowa. I've heard them say all these things about her,??? he said. ???Apparently it's okay to say bad things about a girl."

    He added that the advisers on both campaigns who???d been forced to resign because of controversial comments should have stayed put.

    "I don't think any of these people oughta be asked to resign. All these guys that say bad things about any other campaign, they say, 'Should they resign?' My answer is no; they're repeating party line. They oughta stay right where they are,??? he said. ???Let's just saddle up and have an argument. What's the matter with that? That's what America's about, right?"

    "All this moaning and groaning ??? none of these politicians are gonna have anything like the tough time half the people in this audience have already had for the last seven years. This is about you. Don't you let anybody take this election away from you."

    West Virginia votes May 13. Clinton complained today that the ???glitterati??? wanted to end the campaign before the state???s voters had a chance to weigh in because his wife had momentum. "In spite of the best efforts of a lot of the elites in the media and other places it looks like we are gonna have an opportunity for everybody to vote in this primary, and I think your vote should be counted, don't you?

    ???I know Hillary's gaining on them when they say, 'Oh, let's shut this down now; we don't want to be divided. Let's just disenfranchise several of the million people who could vote.

    Wouldn't you like to vote and have your votes counted? Wouldn't you like to have a voice in this election? Don't you think that your vote should count as much as the people who voted in Iowa first? Yeah, well so does Hillary."

    So he refers to Hillary as "a girl" and thinks that "clipping" is totally acceptable in football? Damn, Bill.

    Also, who "saddles up" to argue?

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    well it's basically caught on on the strut...meaning people on here really do seem to think it's worth talking about.

    aren't you all the same people that applauded Obama's speech where he was talmbout not making this campaign about soundbites, but rather choosing to discuss real issues?

    ive adressed this before...obama has done extremely much less mudslinging then hillary directly attacking him on things that could also be considred non-factors as you put it

    i respect your support for hillary but for the last time


    you're changing the subject. someone expressed indignation at how much airtime this lame Bosnia story is getting so I merely pointed out that there's a whole thread devoted to this Bosnia bullisht on the Strut. the Strut lookin like Fox News up here.

    but since you asked about the mudslinging, my opinion is that there really hasn't been that much of it, and what little there has been has not offended me at all. this is an election campaign. a lot of you sound like Frickin' pussies in here.

  • Yeah but see there's a point at which the democratic party needs to grow up a little bit and realize that the in-party petty mudslinging ends up hurting the party to such an extent that it almost ensures a republican victory.

    This happened last time around too and I remember being just as pissed. What if there was some sort of agreement: ok guys, look, we can not have another 4-8 years of these fuckers in the White House. here are the rules, let's stick to the issues and things that are really important, like health care, the economy, education, etc. Leave the other shit for the run up to the actual election and let the Republicans do that and look petty for it. That way everyone looks a little more mature and we can focus on some real debate, and it doesnt hurt the party so much. Now we've got democrats defecting or probably sitting out of the election altogether, which is shameful given the huge turnouts we had in the primaries.

    But that'll never happen.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Yeah but see there's a point at which the democratic party needs to grow up a little bit and realize that the in-party petty mudslinging ends up hurting the party to such an extent that it almost ensures a republican victory.

    This happened last time around too and I remember being just as pissed. What if there was some sort of agreement: ok guys, look, we can not have another 4-8 years of these fuckers in the White House. here are the rules, let's stick to the issues and things that are really important, like health care, the economy, education, etc. Leave the other shit for the run up to the actual election and let the Republicans do that and look petty for it. That way everyone looks a little more mature and we can focus on some real debate, and it doesnt hurt the party so much. Now we've got democrats defecting or probably sitting out of the election altogether, which is shameful given the huge turnouts we had in the primaries.

    But that'll never happen.

    Actually I think that is 99% of both campaigns. All three candidates have issued their mortgage crisis positions. McCain's is, bail out for really really really big banks, fck the little guy. Obama and Clinton have both said they will bail out everyone. This should be news.

    Instead the media reports on the 1% gaff made this candidate or that supporter.

    And soulstrut does the same. We could try starting a mortgage crisis bail out thread, but I doubt we will get 5 pages.

  • Didn't McCain say that it isn't the federal government's role to help people who have defaulted on their predatory mortgage loans and are facing foreclosure? But on the other hand the government should step in and invest $30 billion into a private company like JP Morgan? Unbelievable.

    Am I getting that right?

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Didn't McCain say that it isn't the federal government's role to help people who have defaulted on their predatory mortgage loans and are facing foreclosure? But on the other hand the government should step in and invest $30 billion into a private company like JP Morgan? Unbelievable.

    Am I getting that right?


    His argument, which would be consistent with conservative and libertarian values, is that the government should let the markets play themselves out and let the chips fall. UNLESS, it would cause major harm to the markets, which means big banks and hedge funds and such, not peoples homes.

    Obama is saying the cost of being bailed out is more government regulation. Bear Sterns hedge funds and mortgage backed thingys were not being regulated.

    Clinton's bail out plan is broader than Obama's but she has not mentioned oversight.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    Obama-Bloomberg ticket.


  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Obama-Bloomberg ticket.


    Bloomberg doesn't bring enough clout.

  • as adults we should be able to hear a profanity without being offended.

    No Frickin' Kidding!

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    That's interesting to hear - he's a billionaire and has successfully managed the most complex bureaucracy in this country, possibly the world, and brought its economy back from severe economic distress post-9/11.

    Say what you will about post-millennial NYC (and I have quite a bit to say about it) but you can't deny his managerial prowess.

    The case being put forward (and who knows if this will ever be a reality) is that Obama is strong on vision but weak on specifics; Bloomberg is all about cross-party bridge building and has the specifics down to a tee.

    Plus he puts some of us scared-ass Jews at ease.
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