Millions Of Words A Day And Some Are Flat Out Lies



  • Was she actually saying that the got shot AT? I thought it was just that she heard shots somewhere, which is a bit more believable. Still, I wouldn't doubt it if she made it up.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i can't watch the video right now but the quote i got from a cnn article says

    "I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."

    "under sniper fire" to me sounds like getting shot at. it's bad enough that she made up getting shot at but then the whole "ran with our heads down" escape plan kinda makes the whole thing lean more towards being premeditated.

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts
    i'm sorry but completely fabricating some shit about getting shot at & repeating it over & over again for months[/b] thinking no one is going to find out is straight out deceptive.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i would have paid good money to have seen her face when that video of their arrival was made public

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts
    + with friends like this


    what was he thinking ????

  • (sigh)

    We're fucked.

    How is it that the democrats always end up completely screwing themselves?

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    I propose that everyone for whom this is only another opportunity to express faux disgust at Hillary leave the thread now.

    Those in here who didn't already hate this woman and whose vote might actually be affected by this episode can remain and discuss.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts

    I just wish that there were people focused on digging up dirt on people like Sean Hannity and Dick Morris. These fuckers are more powerful than anybody- they completely shape public opinion, and they're the ones that blow these things up into major issues that swing voters. Hannity will be talking about Rev. Wright and Hilary's statement about Bosnia every night for the next 10 years. And that has a huge influence on people, esepcially dumb people, which there are a whole lot of. If we can catch him with a male hooker we're all set.

    What's really aggravating about the Hannitys of the world is no matter how much you call them on their bullshit, expose their lies, point out their hypocrisy, etc., it doesn't make any difference. He's just gonna keep on doing what he does, and his audience will love him because he sure gives that skeletal-looking liberal what-for!

  • It's infuriating.

    That's why we gotta find the transsexual prostute he's been visiting during his lunchbreak for the past 10 years.

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts
    It's infuriating.

    That's why we gotta find the transsexual prostute he's been visiting during his lunchbreak for the past 10 years.
    maybe this will do untill then
    Sean Hannity Confronted Over His Relationship With Neo-Nazi Hal Turner

    but really, the kool aid drinkers who can not see Limbaugh's recent troubles as they are or the hypocrisy of "Rev Wright is evil with hate, and our guest next hour is our good friend Ann Coulter"
    will never see the light

    this was Hillary's race to win, only she could defeat herself & it is a shame that it has unravelled so completely

  • Seems that one of Hannity's former close chums is a neo-Nazi named Hal Turner who used to be a radio host, is apparently the top man in Bergen, NJ white-supremacist circles, and probably spends a lot of his time in his basement with Star Wars action figures acting out Holocaust-denier versions of The Return of the Jedi. In short, just the sort of person with whom you'd imagine Sean Hannity spends a lot of formational time with.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    It's infuriating.

    That's why we gotta find the transsexual prostute he's been visiting during his lunchbreak for the past 10 years.
    maybe this will do untill then
    Sean Hannity Confronted Over His Relationship With Neo-Nazi Hal Turner

    but really, the kool aid drinkers who can not see Limbaugh's recent troubles as they are or the hypocrisy of "Rev Wright is evil with hate, and our guest next hour is our good friend Ann Coulter"
    will never see the light

    this was Hillary's race to win, only she could defeat herself & it is a shame that it has unravelled so completely

    The only people who hope Hillary wins the nomination more than KVH and Bill are the Republicans.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I propose that everyone for whom this is only another opportunity to express faux disgust at Hillary leave the thread now.

    Those in here who didn't already hate this woman and whose vote might actually be affected by this episode can remain and discuss.

    What if the disgust is real??

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    please dude. post a thread the first day mccain or obama doesn't exaggerate the truth....and we are talking about some bullshit incident that happened as first lady ten years ago and is meaningless, other than for the fact that she embellished the truth.

    its just embarrassing for her because CBS had her landing on tape.

    great thread here.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    please dude. post a thread the first day mccain or obama doesn't exaggerate the truth....and we are talking about some bullshit incident that happened as first lady ten years ago and is meaningless, other than for the fact that she embellished the truth.

    its just embarrassing for her because CBS had her landing on tape.

    great thread here.

    This was not a quip to one of a thousand questions from reporters.

    This was not an off the cuff comment.

    This was a well thought out lie that Hillary tried to use to build up her failing campaign and to downplay it as an "embellishment of the truth" is ridiculous.

    I believe very little that comes out of her mouth and when she is nailed on video like this it needs to be shouted from the highest rooftop.

    I don't want a liar OR someone with this faulty a memory as President.

    Especially when there appears to be a much better choice.

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    dont know if its already been mentioned, but....

    whuppud with the McCain Banner here on SS????

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Especially when there appears to be a much better choice.

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts

    its just embarrassing for her because CBS has video of her telling the story over & over, month after month[/b]

    KVH, i was a HUGE Clinton supporter, Mr & Mrs
    but I'm afraid they have lost their way & their all or nothing slash & burn attitude scares me

    i think it is a bit accumlitive & most of the worse is from surrogates
    but it is all really catching up with her

    so please do not lump me in with the haters, but i gotta call em like i'm seeing em

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    I propose that everyone for whom this is only another opportunity to express faux disgust at Hillary leave the thread now.

    Those in here who didn't already hate this woman and whose vote might actually be affected by this episode can remain and discuss.

    What if the disgust is real??

    I propose that everyone for whom this is only another opportunity to express their incessant and oft-expressed[/b] disgust at Hillary leave the thread now.

    Those in here who didn't already hate this woman and whose vote might actually be affected by this episode can remain and discuss.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    You want only people who might support Hillary in a thread about her fronting?? How about we discuss why with even KVH acknowledging reality, you're basically the last man riding for her?

    Not trying to call you out, just honestly wondering....

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    You want only people who might support Hillary in a thread about her fronting?? How about we discuss why with even KVH acknowledging reality, you're basically the last man riding for her?

    Not trying to call you out, just honestly wondering....

    I don't think he's riding as much as he sees this kind of talk/publicity bad for the Democratic party.

    The above won't be said in 6 months when this place becomes a 24/7 McCain/Republican bash fest.

    I have no interest in preserving either one of these crooked political entities.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    You want only people who might support Hillary in a thread about her fronting?? How about we discuss why with even KVH acknowledging reality, you're basically the last man riding for her?

    Not trying to call you out, just honestly wondering....

    I don't think he's riding as much as he sees this kind of talk/publicity bad for the Democratic party.

    The above won't be said in 6 months when this place becomes a 24/7 McCain/Republican bash fest.

    I have no interest in preserving either one of these crooked political entities.

    Unherd: I just think these threads have become self-congratulatory and gratuitous. I was simply pointing out that everyone in here has made up their mind about this woman already. This "revelation" about her Bosnia trip is just another opportunity for people who dislike the woman to (once again) talk about how they dislike the woman.

    I presented a thought exercise whereby everyone for whom this Bosnia thing does nothing to change their impression of Hillary in a meaningful way simply leave the thread. My point is that the thread would be empty. It was my way of pointing out how pointless the thread is.

    Rock: and yeah threads like this are no good for the wider effort to see a Democrat in the white house next year.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    You want only people who might support Hillary in a thread about her fronting?? How about we discuss why with even KVH acknowledging reality, you're basically the last man riding for her?

    Not trying to call you out, just honestly wondering....

    I don't think he's riding as much as he sees this kind of talk/publicity bad for the Democratic party.

    The above won't be said in 6 months when this place becomes a 24/7 McCain/Republican bash fest.

    I have no interest in preserving either one of these crooked political entities.

    Unherd: I just think these threads have become self-congratulatory and gratuitous. I was simply pointing out that everyone in here has made up their mind about this woman already. This "revelation" about her Bosnia trip is just another opportunity for people who dislike the woman to (once again) talk about how they dislike the woman.

    I presented a thought exercise whereby everyone for whom this Bosnia thing does nothing to change their impression of Hillary in a meaningful way simply leave the thread. My point is that the thread would be empty. It was my way of pointing out how pointless the thread is.

    Rock: and yeah threads like this are no good for the wider effort to see a Democrat in the white house next year.

    I was defending her earlier. I just heard her on the radio. I think it was a CBS reporter say, yeah, but we have you greeting an 8yo girl on the tarmack. She says, Well, I couldn't just run past the girl, I stopped to talk to her, then ran to the cars under sniper fire.

    OK, I know memories are tricky, but when someone reminds you of the way it was its time to say, I guess I remembered wrong. I doubt this was a calculated lie, but it was a dumb lie and when reminded of the truth it was time to disavow the lie. Her line now, I say lots of words, is weak, like her defense of the Iraq vote. If it was wrong, say it was wrong and move on.

    Obama initially said he never heard Wright say inflammatory remarks. He wisely didn't stand by that statement. She appears so muleheaded that she wont back down. Reminds me of what we are seeing on Frontline this week. Instead of admitting there was no Iraq/Qaeda connection Bush stuck to his decision once it was made. Not a good trait in a president.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    I can't believe I made it to the end of this thread without anyone noting that the first person to pull Clinton's card was motherfucking SINBAD.

    Yeah dude, SINBAD pulled your card and said "the scariest thing about the trip was wondering where your next meal would come from."

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    Obama initially said he never heard Wright say inflammatory remarks. He wisely didn't stand by that statement. She appears so muleheaded that she wont back down.

    well nor did Obama "back down" from his earlier claim never to have heard Wright say inflammatory shit. he just ignored his earlier claim. and as far as I know (in contrast to Clinton), no one has said to him "but you claimed never to have heard these remarks in the first place," which -- if he were truly caught off guard rather than allowed time to write a speech about it -- would probably have led to a mealy-mouthed response like Clinton's.

  • Obama initially said he never heard Wright say inflammatory remarks. He wisely didn't stand by that statement. She appears so muleheaded that she wont back down.

    well nor did Obama "back down" from his earlier claim never to have heard Wright say inflammatory shit. he just ignored his earlier claim. and as far as I know (in contrast to Clinton), no one has said to him "but you claimed never to have heard these remarks in the first place," which -- if he were truly caught off guard rather than allowed time to write a speech about it -- would probably have led to a mealy-mouthed response like Clinton's.

    You have no way to prove that. Stop projecting Hillary's weaknesses on Obama.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    Obama definitely could not go on a trip to Bosnia with The Comedian Sinbad. The press would be all over that.

  • I think we need a Sinbad graemlin with his quote to use when someone has been played out.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    Obama initially said he never heard Wright say inflammatory remarks. He wisely didn't stand by that statement. She appears so muleheaded that she wont back down.

    well nor did Obama "back down" from his earlier claim never to have heard Wright say inflammatory shit. he just ignored his earlier claim. and as far as I know (in contrast to Clinton), no one has said to him "but you claimed never to have heard these remarks in the first place," which -- if he were truly caught off guard rather than allowed time to write a speech about it -- would probably have led to a mealy-mouthed response like Clinton's.

    You have no way to prove that. Stop projecting Hillary's weaknesses on Obama.

    fair enough. so it's apples and oranges. laserwolf tried to place Obama-pretending-to-never-have-heard-his-preacher-talk-bad-on-the-US-only-to-then-ignore-said-claim-in-his-speech-several-days-later-without-anyone-having-directly-confronted-him-on-it-then-or-since on equal footing with Clinton-questioned-directly-and-off-the-cuff-on-an-embarassing-misstatement-and-forced-to-come-up-with-lame-on-the-spot-excuse.

    I just don't see the similarities at all between these two events.

    Laserwold talmbout Obama backed down and Hillary didn't.

    truth is no one has challenged Obama on this because his speech has supposedly made his previous claim irrelevant.

    really all he did was change the subject.
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