Which country has the worst food?

Young_PhonicsYoung_Phonics 8,039 Posts
edited March 2008 in Strut Central
BRING 'EM OUT! Qualifiers[/b]:The food/dish has to be distinctive of the cultrue. So no "YOU I HAD A BANGIN' CHEESEBURGER IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC ONCE!"My nomination:England. I mean, besides Fish and Chips what else do they got? Bangers and Mash? Spotted Dick? I'm also mentioning Ireland, Scotland, & Canada (Do they even have food outside of Poutin?). i was gonna mention Russia but that Vodka really made it happen for them (I'm reaching on that one)


  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts

    McDonalds or Monsanto, take your pick general public.

  • jimeyjimey 279 Posts

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts

    Which country eats the worst, or has the worst available cuisine?

    You can hate on McDonald's, but if you've never had proper Cajun cuisine from New Orleans, then you are sorely

    And I'll take a Big Mac over haggis, any day. Not that I go to McDonald's.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts

    You haven't spent much time amongst the ________.

    The boy wasn't raised like that!

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts

    Which country eats the worst, or has the worst available cuisine?

    worst available cuisine based on what? nutrition? taste?

    You can hate on McDonald's, but if you've never had proper Cajun cuisine from New Orleans, then you are sorely

    no doubt. and i never have, im just stirring you up.

    And I'll take a Big Mac over haggis, any day. Not that I go to McDonald's.

    gimme fresh haggis with a side of fresh blood pudding over McDonalds any day.

    and yeah, i know McDs is not representitive of the vast variety of regional food available in the USA, but unfortunatly it is the american food with the biggest ad campaign, thus the first thing that most people think of when they hear 'american' and 'food'.

    And that is a sad sorry state of affairs indeed.

  • HamHam 872 Posts
    maybe iceland? they eat rotten shark, and goat testicles. i think? icelandic dudes please school me

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,850 Posts


    The food/dish has to be distinctive of the cultrue. So no "YOU I HAD A BANGIN' CHEESEBURGER IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC ONCE!"

    My nomination:

    England. I mean, besides Fish and Chips what else do they got? Bangers and Mash?

    England has a fantastic and brilliant culinary tradition. That may not translate into accessible and plentiful good food, but you can't dismiss England's cuisine so easily. For example, no country on earth does puddings like the English, trifles are pretty noble and kicking things, the English basically perfected eating turtle until the things became endangered, English Stilton and Port made for the English is bliss, the English do roastbeef as well as they do pig-innards (the glorious faggot), etc. etc. etc. You can eat mighty well in England.

    Spotted Dick? I'm also mentioning Ireland, Scotland, & Canada (Do they even have food outside of Poutin?). i was gonna mention Russia but that Vodka really made it happen for them (I'm reaching on that one)

    If you eat local ingredients prepared with care and integrity, any of those countries will provide superlative food. I'm from Canada and happen to be living in interior New Brunswick. Here, there are tonnes of incredible local ingredients that comprise a number of local cuisines. We're coming out smelts season, which is a shame, since freshly fried smelts are fantastic. Now it's maple syrup time--endless maple-based foods (but the Quebecois do the sugar season cooking better than the people in NB). Anyway, speaking about a country as big and diverse as Canada as if it has some monolithic food culture is kind of pointless. Even in NB there are the Acadiens and the Anglos, and then there are the rich and the not-so rich. The former traditionally wouldn't touch lobster and other seafood and stuck to meat and potatoes and so their eating traditions are different than the folks who couldn't afford meat and were stuck with less prestigious foods.

    I've had the good fortune to travel pretty extensively and food is as much a passion of mine as music. I've managed to eat well pretty much everywhere, but the one place that had consistently awful food was Cuba. Not even the rancid yalk butter tea that was forced on me by the gallon in Tibet could surpass the crappy Cuban food I ate (or pretended to eat). That being said, pre-revolutionary Havana had some world-class restaurants, and those Cubans that weren't deep in poverty could enjoy the fruits of a fertile island and a rich creole culinary tradition. So Cuba's terrible food has less to do with the country than the people running it.

  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
    say what you want to say about 'merica, but canada has food like "Beaver Tails".

    also my ignorant ass didnt know that poutine wasn't universal. i went to the states like 5 years ago where the original kfc is and i asked them for poutine and the chick was like "what? poh tain? what on earth is that".

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    I wasn't too impressed with the food in Costa Rica. I mean, you cant go wrong with rice, beans and fish. but it didnt seem to go much further than that.

    Spain got pretty thin once you got tired of paella. tapas is a nice concept though

    Portugal was weak from my limited experience. The women were surprisingly dowdy too.

    stupid thread

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,850 Posts

    McDonalds or Monsanto, take your pick general public.

    No way! I haven't been to a McDonald's for well over a decade and I do what I can to avoid anything that's produced industrially, but I'll sing praises for American food to the end. BBQ anyone?

  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts
    english breakfast is my shit. minus the marmite.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts

    stupid thread

    You're just saying that cause the boy didn't single out fish hoagies

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,850 Posts

    Spain got pretty thin once you got tired of paella. tapas is a nice concept though

    Dude! This thread is killing me! Spain is not paella; Valencia is paella. Eating paella outside of Valencia is like eating New England Clam Chowder in New Mexico (for tourists and the ignorant). Every part of Spain has their own unique food culture based on local ingredients and history. A lot of these food cultures are totally different than the other. What you get in Valencia, is not what you get in Catalonia. Food from Andalusia is different than the both of them.

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    that, buddy, is philadelphian cuisine, and it is a delicacy that shouldnt even be mentioned in a worst foods thread

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    hear hear Danno sir, well put.
    You can pretty much make a case for every country's 'representative' food being trash - witchety grubs, frogs legs, black pudding, McDonalds anyone?

    You'll be hard pressed to find locals in those places eating that stuff on the regular. It's great as a treat now and then, right?
    I could take you for a fish n chips to make you wish you hadn't spouted your nonsense nomination. And shame on you for lazy cliches.

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts

    Spain got pretty thin once you got tired of paella. tapas is a nice concept though

    Dude! This thread is killing me! Spain is not paella; Valencia is paella. Eating paella outside of Valencia is like eating New England Clam Chowder in New Mexico (for tourists and the ignorant). Every part of Spain has their own unique food culture based on local ingredients and history. A lot of these food cultures are totally different than the other. What you get in Valencia, is not what you get in Catalonia. Food from Andalusia is different than the both of them.
    okay zorro, i will officially retract my statement.
    but if we accept your argument for regional cuisines, this stupid thread would become altogether meaningless

  • Norway. Any country where traveling mercenaries pass down their cuisine has gotta be the worst.

    Lefsa and lutefisk, for God's sake. It doesn't get worse than those.

  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts
    anybody ever try hakka cuisine? i like some of it but it consists of lots of fermented and pickled meats/veggies and such. plus they eat guts and whatnot and i really cant mess with that.

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts

    McDonalds or Monsanto, take your pick general public.

    Please dude, I guess you don't like pizza? Chili? Who knows how many other foods were 'invented' here. Any Louisiana heads want to stand up? San Francisco sourdough? In a country where so many other countries, and so many food resources converge that is just blasphemy.

    Although I'm not too familiar with English cuisine I will certainly list it as a country whose food I am not interested in exploring. I don't eat meat, and I prefer tropical fruits and vegetables--which are appropriatel lacking in all English cuisine I've ever seen. I feel like their cheeses--almost exclusively made from cow's milk--and beers pale in comparison to continental Europe. That said, Shepperd's pie is a hearty and fulfilling meal. The English did give the world I.P.A. which is basically a lifetime culinary pass to do whatever else they want.

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts
    This is an ignorant concept for a thread...

    but that's never stopped us before! CHINESE

  • akoako https://soundcloud.com/a-ko 3,413 Posts

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    I've done a fair amount of travelling. Hands down, Cuba.

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    yeah, it aint all that

    but they got good guava juice on every block!

  • 99Problems99Problems 1,541 Posts


  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    I think the regional multiculturalism going on here is kinda silly.

    its like dude, how can you dis Brunei, they do these little pickled, deep fried raccoon testicles there that are amazing!

    If the local food has never been adopted anywhere else, no matter how much the locals love it, its probably not that great. If it was halfway decent, someone woulda tried to make money off it, somewhere. Not seeing a lot of english pudding spots or canadian restaurants around.

    My vote's for the UK, although I've never had anything I really liked from anywhere in Scandinavia. My girl's Irish vegetarian fam makes straight salmon and potato's every time I come, cause they know I don't really fucks with any of their normal repertoire....

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,850 Posts

    Spain got pretty thin once you got tired of paella. tapas is a nice concept though

    Dude! This thread is killing me! Spain is not paella; Valencia is paella. Eating paella outside of Valencia is like eating New England Clam Chowder in New Mexico (for tourists and the ignorant). Every part of Spain has their own unique food culture based on local ingredients and history. A lot of these food cultures are totally different than the other. What you get in Valencia, is not what you get in Catalonia. Food from Andalusia is different than the both of them.
    okay zorro, i will officially retract my statement.
    but if we accept your argument for regional cuisines, this stupid thread would become altogether meaningless

    I guess my response read as a little harsh. Sorry, it's just something I think too much about.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    LOL at "Pizza was invented in America"

  • muggimuggi Reykjavík, Iceland 44 Posts
    maybe iceland? they eat rotten shark, and goat testicles. i think? icelandic dudes please school me

    not goat testicles but sheep testicles

    here is gordon ramsey having a taste of icelandic rotten shark

  • shooteralishooterali 1,591 Posts

    So in some places they eat dog, I rather eat mcdonalds than have to eat Lassie sandwiches.

  • I was hoping there would be posts like (U)Mad Drama Teacher and Dano'S. Actuall knowledge dropped as opposed to a couple of exposed tender hindquarters.

    How is this an ignorant thread? Again, I knew people would get their salad forks in a tizzy.

    I can see Cuba being terrible, I've heard it many a time from a lot of different people.
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