Young_PhonicsYoung_Phonics 8,039 Posts
edited January 2008 in Strut Central
POAST OR YOU SOFT. And I don't want to hear anybody's armchair Siskel and Roper analyzation of "No country of old men". I'm tawn 'bout if you went and saw something intentionally "crappy".In El Salvador I repped:BeowolfAliens vs Predator 2


  • well, I didn't "go" and see was on demand and I accidentally ordered it:

    I got about 40 mins through it before turning it off, and only because I fell asleep for about 30 minutes of it.

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    My worst films of 2007...

    ones I knew would suck but watched anyway[/b]:
    Number 23
    I Know Who Killed Me

    ones I thought might be decent but was very, very wrong[/b]:
    I'm Not There
    Charlie Bartlett
    Factory Girl
    Lars and the Real Girl

  • Aliens vs Predator 2

    there was a part 2? holy crap theres this dude that comes in here and claims that avp is some sort of ancient allegory of the origin of man on earth. like he goes into this whole analysis of how the predator represents the black man and how the aliens are like the white man or some shit. its pretty awesome when he explains it though cuz he sounds crazy or mental or something. oh yeah, he also claims that the matrix is basically some screenwriters sick joke on the true story behind the us government and how they control you. he thinks he's really smart which is amusing for about 5 minutes.

    anyways, i almost picked up dragon wars at the blockbuster yesterday.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    My cousin came to town from the UK and demanded that I take her to go see....


  • well, I didn't "go" and see was on demand and I accidentally ordered it:

    I got about 40 mins through it before turning it off, and only because I fell asleep for about 30 minutes of it.

    I really wanna go see this. Shit, I think I just need to return "Kickin' it old school" back to Hollywood Video and i'm straight.

    Dragon Wars? That's that Korean jump-off right?

  • dragon wars looks american. i think youre thinking of the host. which was pretty ok.

    i was really disappointed with balls of fury. i mean it wasnt the worst thing i seen this year but it ws definately the biggest let down. i mean terry crewes, whom i think is one of the most highly underrated comic actors, couldnt even save this piece of poopoo.

  • 1408

    Plan on watching this tonight. It sounds like it should be alright.

    Is it really that bad?

  • shooteralishooterali 1,591 Posts
    well, I didn't "go" and see was on demand and I accidentally ordered it:

    I got about 40 mins through it before turning it off, and only because I fell asleep for about 30 minutes of it.
    Damn the same thing happened with me. I feel asleep after watching 40 minutes of this shitty movie.

  • dragon wars looks american. i think youre thinking of the host. which was pretty ok.

    i was really disappointed with balls of fury. i mean it wasnt the worst thing i seen this year but it ws definately the biggest let down. i mean terry crewes, whom i think is one of the most highly underrated comic actors, couldnt even save this piece of poopoo.

    oh snap. I saw that to. It was alright, it had it's moments.

    Actually wait! I caught the last Die Hard joint on the plane ride back from El Salvador. I loved it. It's exactly what it was supposed. Mindless entertainment when you have 5 hours to kill.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    dragon wars looks american. i think youre thinking of the host. which was pretty ok.

    i was really disappointed with balls of fury. i mean it wasnt the worst thing i seen this year but it ws definately the biggest let down. i mean terry crewes, whom i think is one of the most highly underrated comic actors, couldnt even save this piece of poopoo.

    oh yeah, that was awful.

    I liked 1408.

    I'm having a hard time thinking of the movies I saw last year.

    oh- now I know. WAR with jet li and jason statham was AWFUL. Should have been awesome. was not. hated it.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    dragon wars looks american. i think youre thinking of the host. which was pretty ok.

    Nah, Dragon Wars is a Korean film with an American cast.

  • shooteralishooterali 1,591 Posts
    My worst films of 2007...

    ones I knew would suck but watched anyway[/b]:
    Number 23
    I Know Who Killed Me

    ones I thought might be decent but was very, very wrong[/b]:
    I'm Not There
    Charlie Bartlett
    Factory Girl
    Lars and the Real Girl

    I really thought BUG was going to be about BUGS on some SCI-FI horror stuff. MAN, was I wrong. When they advertized that movie, they were saying it was the new HORROR!!!

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    Actually wait! I caught the last Die Hard joint on the plane ride back from El Salvador. I loved it. It's exactly what it was supposed. Mindless entertainment when you have 5 hours to kill.

    See, I think my problem with DH4 was that John Mclane's character throughout the series was him being portrayed as John Q Average placed in an extraordinary situation and rising to the occasion. In DH4, he might as well have been Superman, riding jumpjets and whatnot.

  • ones I thought might be decent but was very, very wrong[/b]:

    Factory Girl

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts

    Stupid mad me laugh funny. Lighten up fellas.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts

  • shooteralishooterali 1,591 Posts

    Stupid mad me laugh funny. Lighten up fellas.

    Billy Bob trying to do comedy is

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts

    Aliens vs Predator 2

    Not just the worst of the year...

    Nothing beating this.

  • Aliens vs Predator 2

    there was a part 2? holy crap theres this dude that comes in here and claims that avp is some sort of ancient allegory of the origin of man on earth. like he goes into this whole analysis of how the predator represents the black man and how the aliens are like the white man or some shit. its pretty awesome when he explains it though cuz he sounds crazy or mental or something. oh yeah, he also claims that the matrix is basically some screenwriters sick joke on the true story behind the us government and how they control you. he thinks he's really smart which is amusing for about 5 minutes.

    anyways, i almost picked up dragon wars at the blockbuster yesterday.

    Yeah, but dude has good weed, so that makes him amusing for about 10 minutes in my book.

    Hey Shig, did you watch Murder She Wrote last night? Angela Lansbury solving crimes with that bigass magnifying joint. her old ass just ain't havin it with these criminal folls trynna get over.

  • JustAliceJustAlice 1,308 Posts

    I was an extra in The Feast Of Love with
    Morgan Freeman and Greg Kenner. It came out
    around my b-day in September.
    It got horrible reviews and was only out
    for like a month on the big screen.

    I actually never got a chance to see it before it was pulled.
    I wanted to see my ass @ 18 ft so I am hoping at least one of the
    pub theater-cheap sets will be picking it up in the next few weeks.

    No one talked about it here so I don't think I
    am the only one that missed it.

    How come no one mentioned Chuck And Larry!??

    I know some of ya'll watched that....even if you won't admit it.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts


  • magneticmagnetic 2,678 Posts

  • anyone catch this gem?
    how bad/good is it by the fact that the actors kept their real-world-moves supercuts?

  • Superbad

    yeah. the title could not have been more apt.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

  • Stupid mad me laugh funny. Lighten up fellas.

    Billy Bob trying to do comedy is

    see that's just it: I think dude CAN be funny. I mean REALLY funny.

    but this movie was not funny. and it was painfully slow.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts

    yeah. the title could not have been more apt.

    I'm sorry. But there is nooo way this is worse than AVP2. Watch it and come back to me...

  • Aliens vs Predator 2

    there was a part 2? holy crap theres this dude that comes in here and claims that avp is some sort of ancient allegory of the origin of man on earth. like he goes into this whole analysis of how the predator represents the black man and how the aliens are like the white man or some shit. its pretty awesome when he explains it though cuz he sounds crazy or mental or something. oh yeah, he also claims that the matrix is basically some screenwriters sick joke on the true story behind the us government and how they control you. he thinks he's really smart which is amusing for about 5 minutes.

    anyways, i almost picked up dragon wars at the blockbuster yesterday.

    Yeah, but dude has good weed, so that makes him amusing for about 10 minutes in my book.

    Hey Shig, did you watch Murder She Wrote last night? Angela Lansbury solving crimes with that bigass magnifying joint. her old ass just ain't havin it with these criminal folls trynna get over.

    haha! dude once went on a fast cuz he claimed food is poisonous for the human body! he got really sick and he couldnt figure out why. this sounds like a case for

  • anyone catch this gem?
    how bad/good is it by the fact that the actors kept their real-world-moves supercuts?

    how dare you do burt reynolds hairpiece like that!

  • Bloodrayne 2. Vampires in the wild west, directed by Uwe Boll.
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