hillary is shady



  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    I'm feeling Lazer Wolf and Jonny in this thread.

    KVH, with all due respect, I think you are either misreading some of the responses to what you have said, or you are ignoring the points that were made.

    i'm not misreading anything, you fools don't know what the hell you are talking about. four years ago, people rode for Dean because he was divisive. he put a line in the sand on Bush and democrats didn't give a shit if the gop was offended that we were calling him a war criminal. now all the sudden, you guys are worried about whether the gop dislikes hillary? please. a majority of the people in this country are a bunch of idiots who voted for bush in '04. its probably a good thing that so many people dislike her. meanwhile, peep the articles today about which candidates received endorsements from governors. my boy ed rendell know's what time it is here in pa.

    Alright dude, whatever. Anyway, we at least know who the divisive person is on soulstrut.

    Haha no shit! You tried to sum up the posts and offered a well thought out viewpoint, and were met with "ehh none of you fools know what you're talking about!". I wonder if all Hillary supporters are this open minded...

  • Dean put a line in the sand on Bush and democrats didn't give a shit if the gop was offended that we were calling him a war criminal. now all the sudden, you guys are worried about whether the gop dislikes hillary? please. a majority of the people in this country are a bunch of idiots who voted for bush in '04. its probably a good thing that so many people dislike her.


    This is not about issues or positions, or how wrong the Republicans have been. This is about who's got the best chance to beat them. And if your conceding that she does poorly among independants and swing voters, than who cares if she's right on every issue. ...Do you really think putting a divisive and hated candidate is the way to win? Don't you get it dude, they are frothing to go up against her. Do you care?

    How many times do we have to drag you in circles dude?

    i lost my patience with you dude. go reread the half dozen or so posts where i said that if the polls show clinton losing to mccain, i'd back obama if it meant that the dems were assured a slam dunk. BUT, until that becomes clear, i'm not gonna back a weaker candidate just because he has independent supporters and is cozier with the gop. gore was most dems choice and the gop HATES him with a passion. again, if the gop hates a dem candidate, i'm not mad at that.

  • Haha no shit! You tried to sum up the posts and offered a well thought out viewpoint, and were met with "ehh none of you fools know what you're talking about!". I wonder if all Hillary supporters are this open minded...

    aside from me, everyone who has posted in this thread is either a completely obvious hillary basher/obama worshiper or..they are the same thing but in disguise, like my man who got offended, acting like mr. neutral mediator who just happens to think obamam is the greatest political figure of our time and hillary is the devil.

    i'm the most reasonable guy in here! i'm cool with hillary, obama or edwards.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    i'm the most reasonable guy in here!

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    Haha no shit! You tried to sum up the posts and offered a well thought out viewpoint, and were met with "ehh none of you fools know what you're talking about!". I wonder if all Hillary supporters are this open minded...

    aside from me, everyone who has posted in this thread is either a completely obvious hillary basher/obama worshiper or..they are the same thing but in disguise, like my man who got offended, acting like mr. neutral mediator who just happens to think obamam is the greatest political figure of our time and hillary is the devil.

    i'm the most reasonable guy in here! i'm cool with hillary, obama or edwards.

    I can tell an intelligent person, their opinions are the same as mine.

    Back around page 2 or 3 you were complaining that people here were using sexist language against Hillary. I was feeling that argument. I decided to go through all the posts and pull out the sexist language. One bitch. That was it. All the arguments against her were specific to here campaign style, leadership style, policies, experience, ability to win, divisiveness...

    I don't hate her. I gave a quick list of reasons why Obama was a better candidate. You responded to only one reason. I think you said, I was wrong that the gop would remember Whitewater.

  • I can tell an intelligent person, their opinions are the same as mine.

    Back around page 2 or 3 you were complaining that people here were using sexist language against Hillary. I was feeling that argument. I decided to go through all the posts and pull out the sexist language. One bitch. That was it. All the arguments against her were specific to here campaign style, leadership style, policies, experience, ability to win, divisiveness...

    I don't hate her. I gave a quick list of reasons why Obama was a better candidate. You responded to only one reason. I think you said, I was wrong that the gop would remember Whitewater.

    dawg, you must have me confused with someone who can't smash a hillary-hater on the issues alone. i haven't said a word about people using sexist language and that sh*t isn't even on my radar. you just reviewed the thread? please quote the post on page 2 you are referring to.

    its not my job to respond to you point for point, but if you want to talk about why you think obama wins on the issues, i'd like to hear something besides the "new blood" argument or the clintons as "divisive figures" routine, which by the way, worked right into the republican playbook in tonite's debates.

    ability to win is a premature and speculative. matthews said there was a poll showing that any dem beats any unnamed republican in a general election by over 13 points. its too early. anything else?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Who do you think are dumber....

    Those Dems who feel that Hillary is so divisive and unelectable that they support Obama and/or Edwards out of fear of having yet another Republican Prez.....


    Those Republicans who are hoping and praying that Hillary gets the nomination because they feel she is so divisive and unelectable that fence sitters, independents and fellow Reps who usually don't get off their asses and vote will come out in droves to vote AGAINST Hillary resulting in yet another Republican Prez??

  • is that a trick question...we all know republicans are dumb as rocks.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    is that a trick question...we all know republicans are dumb as rocks.

    Honestly, that is the exact pompous attitude that will put another Republican in the White House in 2008.

  • Sidney Blumenthal, a former staff writer at this magazine, who was a senior adviser to Bill Clinton and is now a senior adviser on Hillary Clinton???s campaign, describes the 2008 election as a chance to secure progressive government for years to come. ???It???s not a question of transcending partisanship,??? he said. ???It???s a question of fulfilling it. [/b]If we can win and govern well while handling multiple crises at the same time and the Congress, then we can move the country out of this Republican era and into a progressive Democratic era, for a long period of time.???

    Peter Wehner served in the Bush White House until August, 2007, working for Karl Rove, the Administration???s chief strategist. Wehner, who is now a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, in Washington, said that, as a candidate, Hillary Clinton would provide a ???much more target-rich environment??? than Obama. Republicans wouldn???t need to uncover new scandals; they would simply remind voters of the not so distant Clinton wars. ???Certain regions of your brain are latent,??? Wehner said. ???But if there???s a word or a sound or a memory that you hear, that region of your brain lights up again. And I have a feeling that, with Bill and Hillary Clinton, there are latent regions of the brain that will light up, and, if the Democrats don???t light it up, the Republicans will. And that is going to be Clinton fatigue.??? As for Obama, Wehner???s only complaint is that he???s a liberal: ???I find him to be very impressive. He would be much more difficult for Republicans to handle. He has much more breakout potential.???

    Hillary is running on more partisan politics

    She sneaks in a soundbite or two about "unity" and "change" but it's lip service

    If Hillary gets nominated, and with luck elected, I guarantee we will see 4 years of gridlock and bullshit, and then another Republican president.

    Think about it.

  • smh @ "all republicans are stupid"

    Some of the smartest people I've ever met were Republicans.

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts
    is that a trick question...we all know republicans are dumb as rocks.

    Honestly, that is the exact pompous attitude that will put another Republican in the White House in 2008.

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts
    smh @ "all republicans are stupid"

    Some of the smartest people I've ever met were Republicans.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    ^^^^^^ That's awesome.

    Hilary and McCain picked up endorsements from the New York Times this morning. Not very surprising.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    the exact pompous attitude that will put another Republican in the White House in 2008.

    Hillary is running on more partisan politics
    If Hillary gets nominated, and with luck elected, I guarantee we will see 4 years of gridlock and bullshit, and then another Republican president.

    Some of the smartest people I've ever met were Republicans.

    Yes, yes and unfortunately yes.

    I dont know why I'm not tired of KVH's kamikaze "with us or against us" spiel, but you gotta give him points for digging his heals in, and repeating himself even in the face of reason and overwhelming evidence. Actually, who does that remind me of?

  • Hilary and McCain picked up endorsements from the New York Times this morning. Not very surprising.

    what does "not very surprising" mean? the nyt got reamed by the mainstream media for taking hillary's mlk jr/lyndon johnson quote out of its original context, and then after being called out, continuing to do so. much of the controversy that resulted stemmed from the press regurgitating the times' carefully spliced quotes.

    if you want to see a well-reasoned argument for voting for hillary, go read their editorial endorsement of her. it is by no means a slap to barack or edwards, giving them due praise, but just presenting a solid argument as to why, among a field of strong candidates, hillary deserves the candidacy.

    AND, yes, "all republicans are stupid". keep riding that one out and i'll be able to say all obama supporters have no sense of humor.

  • Sidney Blumenthal, a former staff writer at this magazine, who was a senior adviser to Bill Clinton and is now a senior adviser on Hillary Clinton???s campaign, describes the 2008 election as a chance to secure progressive government for years to come. ???It???s not a question of transcending partisanship,??? he said. ???It???s a question of fulfilling it. [/b]If we can win and govern well while handling multiple crises at the same time and the Congress, then we can move the country out of this Republican era and into a progressive Democratic era, for a long period of time.???

    Peter Wehner served in the Bush White House until August, 2007, working for Karl Rove, the Administration???s chief strategist. Wehner, who is now a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, in Washington, said that, as a candidate, Hillary Clinton would provide a ???much more target-rich environment??? than Obama. Republicans wouldn???t need to uncover new scandals; they would simply remind voters of the not so distant Clinton wars. ???Certain regions of your brain are latent,??? Wehner said. ???But if there???s a word or a sound or a memory that you hear, that region of your brain lights up again. And I have a feeling that, with Bill and Hillary Clinton, there are latent regions of the brain that will light up, and, if the Democrats don???t light it up, the Republicans will. And that is going to be Clinton fatigue.??? As for Obama, Wehner???s only complaint is that he???s a liberal: ???I find him to be very impressive. He would be much more difficult for Republicans to handle. He has much more breakout potential.???

    Hillary is running on more partisan politics

    She sneaks in a soundbite or two about "unity" and "change" but it's lip service

    If Hillary gets nominated, and with luck elected, I guarantee we will see 4 years of gridlock and bullshit, and then another Republican president.

    Think about it.

    yea, think about it. you are cosigning a bush staffer who worked right under karl rove. you must have had a ball watching the republican debates last night, giving high fives everytime Romney said the same bullshit. And i'm totally with what Blumenthal said. sign me up for partisan politics if that includes knocking the republicans on their ass. was partisanship okay when the gop was opposed to the civil rights act? aren't you mad the democrats didn't stand up to the gop post 9-11 in terms of the patriot act, the iraq war, etc? would partisanship have been okay then?

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

    if you want to see a well-reasoned argument for voting for hillary, go read their editorial endorsement of her. it is by no means a slap to barack or edwards, giving them due praise, but just presenting a solid argument as to why, among a field of strong candidates, hillary deserves the candidacy.

    agreed. but i enjoyed the stabs at guiliani and romney in the mccain endorsement far more.

    at the same time, one has to wonder about wisdom of the NYT editorial board these days?

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    the exact pompous attitude that will put another Republican in the White House in 2008.

    Hillary is running on more partisan politics
    If Hillary gets nominated, and with luck elected, I guarantee we will see 4 years of gridlock and bullshit, and then another Republican president.

    Some of the smartest people I've ever met were Republicans.

    Yes, yes and unfortunately yes.

    I dont know why I'm not tired of KVH's kamikaze "with us or against us" spiel, but you gotta give him points for digging his heals in, and repeating himself even in the face of reason and overwhelming evidence. Actually, who does that remind me of?


  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Those Republicans who are hoping and praying that Hillary gets the nomination because they feel she is so divisive and unelectable that fence sitters, independents and fellow Reps who usually don't get off their asses and vote will come out in droves to vote AGAINST Hillary resulting in yet another Republican Prez??[/b]

    KVH.....doesn't the above possibility scare the shit out of you as a Dem??

  • I'm not a Democrat.

    I don't hold a very high regard for the Democratic Party.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

    Those Republicans who are hoping and praying that Hillary gets the nomination because they feel she is so divisive and unelectable that fence sitters, independents and fellow Reps who usually don't get off their asses and vote will come out in droves to vote AGAINST Hillary resulting in yet another Republican Prez??

    doesn't the above possibility scare the shit out of you as a Dem??

    I prefer Obama by a mile, but I ain't scurred.

    The only chance the GOP has at the WH in 2008 is by stealing it. Wait...

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Those Republicans who are hoping and praying that Hillary gets the nomination because they feel she is so divisive and unelectable that fence sitters, independents and fellow Reps who usually don't get off their asses and vote will come out in droves to vote AGAINST Hillary resulting in yet another Republican Prez??

    doesn't the above possibility scare the shit out of you as a Dem??

    I prefer Obama by a mile, but I ain't scurred.

    The only chance the GOP has at the WH in 2008 is by stealing it. Wait...

    I guess if they run Hillary and lose we'll hear four more years of....

    "They stole the election"

    "The majority of the country are idiots"

  • Those Republicans who are hoping and praying that Hillary gets the nomination because they feel she is so divisive and unelectable that fence sitters, independents and fellow Reps who usually don't get off their asses and vote will come out in droves to vote AGAINST Hillary resulting in yet another Republican Prez??[/b]

    KVH.....doesn't the above possibility scare the shit out of you as a Dem??

    why do you (and Unherd) keep making the same point over and over again? i think its a good thing that republicans can't keep hillary's name out of their mouths. fuck them and i don't want a candidate running who doesn't piss of the gop. there was another article in the nyt that was talking about obama might be perceived as "wussified". exactly. watch hillary in the debates against mccain if she wins. his arms are too short to slap box with god! when mccain gets his ass kicked, i think republicans will slink back into their holes and let destiny unfold. if i'm wrong, and its obvious that mccain will beat hillary, i'll vote for obama in pa. no problem with that.

    and johnny, you're not a democrat...why not? please name some republican policies that you favor.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

    and johnny, you're not a democrat...why not? please name some republican policies that you favor.

    speaking of doo doo, why does not being a democrat make you a republican?

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts

    Those Republicans who are hoping and praying that Hillary gets the nomination because they feel she is so divisive and unelectable that fence sitters, independents and fellow Reps who usually don't get off their asses and vote will come out in droves to vote AGAINST Hillary resulting in yet another Republican Prez??[/b]

    KVH.....doesn't the above possibility scare the shit out of you as a Dem??

    why do you (and Unherd) keep making the same point over and over again? i think its a good thing that republicans can't keep hillary's name out of their mouths. fuck them and i don't want a candidate running who doesn't piss of the gop. there was another article in the nyt that was talking about obama might be perceived as "wussified". exactly. watch hillary in the debates against mccain if she wins. his arms are too short to slap box with god! when mccain gets his ass kicked, i think republicans will slink back into their holes and let destiny unfold. if i'm wrong, and its obvious that mccain will beat hillary, i'll vote for obama in pa. no problem with that.

    and johnny, you're not a democrat...why not? please name some republican policies that you favor.

    Are you this dense? Seriously?

    "not a big fan of the Dems" = "a Republican"?

    What kind of stupid-ass logic is this?

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    I'm not a Democrat.

    I don't hold a very high regard for the Democratic Party.

    I don't hold any politicians in very high regard

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    i'll play for fun...

    i like my gun.

    i think the government could be reduced by 50% across the board*.

    *so i guess that doesn't make me inline with the GOP because I include DOD.

  • Are you this dense? Seriously?

    "not a big fan of the Dems" = "a Republican"?

    What kind of stupid-ass logic is this?

    okay, keep the personal insults coming, but please get your facts right before you start hurling them at me. he said "i'm not a democrat". i don't think it takes a big leap to assume that if he's not a democrat, there must be some republican policies that he favors. while its arguable to say we have a three party system (independents included), when it comes down to it, there are republican policies and democratic policies because the issues are the issues (gun control, abortion, etc.). if you say your an independent, that generally means you are split, to some degree, on the issues.

    are you this dense? seriously?

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

    I guess if they run Hillary and lose we'll hear four more years of....

    "They stole the election"

    "The majority of the country are idiots"

    does that really bother you as much as, say, the way the Bush Admin. has run the country?
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