So breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. I was reading an article on how a balanced breakfast stimulates something like the frontal lobe of the brain or something (?), essentially fueling your focus, creativity, and endurance throughout the day.So what do you guys eat? What filling and healthy snacks do you recommend in between/after meals?
Yogurt w/ walnuts
Toast w/ peanut butter
Oatmeat w/ honey/brownsugar
String cheese
Grapefruit juice w/100% egg whites.
Sunflower kernels
breakfast is the only meal where i will eat that fancy shit like with 4 forks. i love me some breakfast. im not a sweets person though so i usually opt for the savory joints. and yes, im on the turkey wagon which means turkey bacon and chicken sausage and shit like that which is still fine by me.
My breakfast is usually potatoes, oatmeal, green beans, and tuna/protein shake.
Granola bars, fresh fruits and vegetables, almonds, rice milk, sandwiches, salads, and shakes are all snacks that I have in between meals. Just remember, eat fruits and proper meals should be separated by at least an hour since fruits are digested differently.
-Glass of mango juice with a scoop of organic triple greens and a shot of multi vitamin.
-Country Fried Potatoes
-Vegetable Lasagna
that's cool. that sounds like something nice to eat on a weekend morning. i ate like 30 brite crawlers yesterday and i felt like shit. i think i've had enough of that bullschitt.
Breakfast of Champions
got coffee maker for the holiday so i've been drinking a big cup of that too.
when i am in the mood, which is rare these days, i get the chicken fajita breakfast burrito made by the cute korean girls at the german sausage spot on the next block.
I eat Shredded Wheat N' Bran in the morning one day with some bananas and blueberries mixed in. Not terribly exciting, but the fiber and protein in the cereal keep you filled for most of the morning. The next I eat 2 hard boiled eggs and 1/2 a cup of Fiber One cereal. Also keeps you full and the protein gives you a good boost. Alternate between the two during the week, eat something more fun on weekends. Be careful the first couple of days, though. This much fiber will give you the shits. But fiber is really important for health and weight maintenance.
i hold these types of places in high regards. imagine my excitement when jack in the box decided to do this. too bad jack in the box sucks.
today i had odwalla bar and i picked up a champurrado from the local lady on my way out. its cold out here. im wearing a jacket and the sun's still out. fuck winter!
It's not always easy to get Amy Winehouse if you eat breakfast past 10 AM.
maybe some toast
nothing real sweet , makes you hungry in an hour.
oh and of course, meat of the day, forgot about that. bacon, chorizo, sausage, etc.
nonfat yogurt, tablespoon of wheat germ, blue or black berries.
kashi golean honey almond with skim milk
coffee with skim erry day..
on the weekends, spinach and mushroom omelette and a bloody mary.
Bowl of cereal: either Kashi or Special K red berries w/ vanilla soymilk
Coffee w a dash of vanilla soymilk
12 grain toast w/peanut butter
Coffee w a dash of vanilla soymilk
two eggs scrambled on 12 grain toast
but usually i'm in a hurry to get to class or work so monday-friday it's a big cup of coffee with a scoop or two of protein powder, oatmeal with peanut butter, raisins and some splenda. that oatmeal is reeeeeal good. got your protein, carbs and healthy fats in about 5 minutes.
Lately organic no salt added peanut butter with unprocessed honey on whole grain very seedy bread.
Also, goat milk yogurt with fresh cut berries or papaya (about .5 pound of fruit), ezekiel sprtoued grain cereal, and crushed pecans and cashews. This is by far my favorite breakfast ever. Incredibly filling, and very easy on the digestive tract (or is it track?).
Also, egg white french toast made from whole grain bread with .5 pound of berries, and maple syrup.
When fresh fruit is not available, or affordable:
3 frozen flax seed waffles with two egg whites, maple syrup, and fruit compote. The fruit compote is easy because you just stick an immersion blender in a container with a bag of frozen berries and lemon juice. Voila! Fruit for three days of breakfast.
I'm usually a "continental" kind of guy unless it's the weekend. I'll have youghurt or cerial or a baked good, fruit and nuts is good...leftovers...those instant shake things and yes 99% of the time and emergen c, but no Motrin! oh yeah and 1 cup of coffe lots of sugar lots of milk
crushed with milk b/w
2 X
Then when I get to work, 9:30 breakfast II (sometimes) = Bacon, mushrooms and tomatoes with a slice of brown toast and marmite.