VICK takes plea



  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    That all said, as others have pointed out - the consequences for boxers is not the same as dogs and therefore, I can appreciate how folks see a comparison b/t the two as utterly ridiculous[/b] .

    You mean like comparing vick and OJ?

    What better example could YOU come up with of a verdict being judged and cheered on based on race vs. the crime.

    You can't ...OJ is THE example of this and that's why I used it.

    And I stated that BOTH were not a good could you possibly disagree with this..

    You can't.

    Comparing boxing and dog fighting is absurd....but apparently you and SOI disagree.

    You're both wrong.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    That all said, as others have pointed out - the consequences for boxers is not the same as dogs and therefore, I can appreciate how folks see a comparison b/t the two as utterly ridiculous[/b] .

    You mean like comparing vick and OJ?

    but...but...Faux_Rillz MADE him do that!

    SOI....and I mean this in the nicest way possible.....mostly because I like you and will get to meet you at ARC.

    You're An Idiot

  • If I go hunting in your back yard and kill your dog I'm pretty sure I'm going to jail.

    If you fuckin' around in my yard jail time ain't what you need to be worried about.

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    They should be worried about a clip loaded with empty shells?

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    You're An Idiot

    Why'd you change it?

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    That all said, as others have pointed out - the consequences for boxers is not the same as dogs and therefore, I can appreciate how folks see a comparison b/t the two as utterly ridiculous[/b] .

    You mean like comparing vick and OJ?

    What better example could YOU come up with of a verdict being judged and cheered on based on race vs. the crime.

    You can't ...OJ is THE example of this and that's why I used it.

    Rock - you need to get out more and not rely on cable TV as your only outlet for news concerning race and celebrities. Saying.

  • You're An Idiot

    Why'd you change it?


    And, how could the first one be said, 'in the nicest possible way.'

  • You're An Idiot

    Why'd you change it?


    And, how could the first one be said, 'in the nicest possible way.'

    It can. If you knew R*** it would make more sense maybe.

    Like M*** don't like gettin a rise out of folls.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    You're An Idiot

    Why'd you change it?

    Political correctness.....of course.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    That all said, as others have pointed out - the consequences for boxers is not the same as dogs and therefore, I can appreciate how folks see a comparison b/t the two as utterly ridiculous[/b] .

    You mean like comparing vick and OJ?

    What better example could YOU come up with of a verdict being judged and cheered on based on race vs. the crime.

    You can't ...OJ is THE example of this and that's why I used it.

    Rock - you need to get out more and not rely on cable TV as your only outlet for news concerning race and celebrities. Saying.

    You have no KNOW that black folks cheered the OJ verdict based on race and that is no better/different than white folks cheering Vick's verdict(if indeed that happened, and I'll assume it did based on Faux's post)based on race and they are both wrong.

    Some black folks are stupid and ignorant and some white folks are stupid and with it.

    So what News outlet did you get your Vick news from that led you to coming up with your ridiculously ignorant boxing comparison??

    Is OJ some taboo subject that can't be referred to when critiquing our society??

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    You're An Idiot

    Why'd you change it?


    And, how could the first one be said, 'in the nicest possible way.'

    This is some NYC slang I picked up as a kid...

    Just imagine a nice thick Soprano's-like Italian accent saying...

    "Hey asshole, and I mean that in the nicest way possible"

  • That all said, as others have pointed out - the consequences for boxers is not the same as dogs and therefore, I can appreciate how folks see a comparison b/t the two as utterly ridiculous[/b] .

    You mean like comparing vick and OJ?

    What better example could YOU come up with of a verdict being judged and cheered on based on race vs. the crime.

    You can't ...OJ is THE example of this and that's why I used it.

    Rock - you need to get out more and not rely on cable TV as your only outlet for news concerning race and celebrities. Saying.

    You have no KNOW that black folks cheered the OJ verdict based on race and that is no better/different than white folks cheering Vick's verdict(if indeed that happened, and I'll assume it did based on Faux's post)based on race and they are both wrong.

    Some black folks are stupid and ignorant and some white folks are stupid and with it.

    So what News outlet did you get your Vick news from that led you to coming up with your ridiculously ignorant boxing comparison??

    Is OJ some taboo subject that can't be referred to when critiquing our society??

    Some black folks are stupid and ignorant and some white folks are stupid and with it.

    If you asked MV whether he thought what he was doing was wrong (i.e unlawful, criminal, subject to prosecution and punishment under the law) he can have no other response but to say "Yes." And that's why he lied to the commish (based on what I read here) and authorities and tried to lie his way out of it throughout. If he's such a tough guy why not just own up to what he did and face the music?

    Also, in my experience, practically only "in the hood" (Jersey City, NJ) are you likely to see the ignorance and stupidity of smashing glass on the very same ground that you know you and your relatives must then later walk over. And that kind of stupidity has nothing to do with race.


  • Just chiming in here with my own personal experience.

    There was a guy who lived a few doors down from me growing up (in a small Southeast Texas town) who raised pit bulls to fight. He was white, sketchy as all hell, and would give his 6-year-old son beer early and often. Every now and then, he'd bring a live goat home for his frenzied and abused dogs to rip to shreds. His dad (who lived in the house0 was arrested--and subsequently released on a technicality--for shooting Bill Hinote at the height of a particularly ugly labor dispute.

    There were other people in our neighborhood who operated on the social fringes: the biker across the street who left his "motorcycle club" and then was almost murdered by them two consecutive summers (while all us kids watched) before he finally got the hint and left town; the (unrelated) Bandidos who rented out (and shot up) the house kitty-corner from ours; the guy two doors down who wrestled alligators for fun; and a handful of other neighbors who were in and out of jail on drug and burglary charges.

    Just sayin': even in my neighborhood, the guy who fought pit bulls stood out. It was not seen as something that was acceptable or par for the course.

    (Man, reading that back, it makes the family with the retarded son who sold mud minnows out of their garage seem pretty normal.)

  • Tim Keown at ESPN totally disagrees with my point, but it is fairly well written, though a bit shorter than i'd like.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    My office is adjacent to the General Assembly in Richmond Virginia--right across the street from the court where all this has been going on. I can see it out my window everyday. The little media camp out party on the street has completely taken over four blocks. PETA headquarters is in VA Beach (~1 hour drive). I have had to walk through it everyday. It all sickens me to no end. ALL OF IT. I'm so glad this is over. Those fat-fuck teamsters clogging up the sidewalk, those self righteous crust punk vegans and Vick's stupid STUPID fucking ghetto stereotype perpetuating ass can all DIE. Thank you.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    until I trained to spar

    don't call it a comeback?

    dude you must have the other PhDs shook.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    the teamsters comment was misdirected--should be at the general mainstream media

  • the teamsters comment was misdirected--should be at the general mainstream media

    i was talking to espn's producer down there a couple weeks back; he said there were 39 satellite trucks there.

    he also said it was the worst assignment he'd had in a while.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    A Prostitute was walking down the street in NYC wearing a fur coat when she was approached by a bunch of PETA folks.

    They began screaming at her and asked "Do you know how many animals had to be killed just so you can wear that fur coat"??

    The Hooker answered back... "Fuck that, do you know how many animals I had to sleep with to BUY this fur coat"!!

  • i didnt read this 14 pages before this, a pit owner, fuck vick. dude should get mauled by a few of em..see how he likes it. that kind of punishment will never happen but, instead he will do time comfortably. i could never see fighting my dog..infact i have seen dead pit pups in the field near my house. fucking sickening.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    Roger Cossack, legal analyst for ESPN, breaks down the plea agreement.

    1) admits to gambling
    2) admits to assisting in killing
    3) likely to become snitch for gov't to reduce sentence.

    Vick files plea agreement

  • Dogfighting is not just a activity enjoyed by gangsters,thugs,'s just has popular w/ rednecks down here. I just thought that should be noted.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    "I want to apologize to all the young kids out there for my immature acts and, you know, what I did was, what I did was very immature so that means I need to grow up."

  • "I want to apologize to all the young kids out there for my immature acts and, you know, what I did was, what I did was very immature so that means I need to grow up."

    Are you teasin the man? He was freestylin, bruh.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    It's better than letting his lawyer speak for him, back when he was talking about Vick missing "spring training."

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    In other news:

    NBA: no comment on Donaghy accusing other refs
    BY KEN BERGER | [email][/email]
    August 19, 2007
    The NBA is refusing to comment on a radio report stating that Tim Donaghy has information about the gambling habits of 20 other referees, a development that could widen the scandal and increase the scrutiny of his former colleagues.

    John Lauro, Donaghy's defense attorney, also refused to comment on the report Friday on 1050 ESPN Radio in New York, which stated that Donaghy plans to detail about 20 other referees' involvement in some form of gambling as part of his agreement to cooperate with federal prosecutors. The type of gambling was not specified, but is believed to include casino gambling.

    It is against NBA rules for all employees, including referees, to gamble at casinos. The collective bargaining agreement between the league and the referees' union stipulates that officials are barred from all forms of betting with the exception of offseason wagering at horse tracks.

    "We haven't received any additional information and have no comment," NBA spokesman Tim Frank said yesterday.

    In his July 24 news conference addressing the Donaghy matter, NBA commissioner David Stern called the former ref "a rogue, isolated criminal," and the league has remained steadfast that no evidence has come to light implicating any other referee. In the same news conference, Stern stated adamantly that any referee found to have engaged in gambling activity would "most likely" be subject to "expulsion from the league and the job."

    The NBA presumably has conducted its own investigation of Donaghy's activities and the possible gambling involvement of anyone else affiliated with the league. Such an investigation, typically conducted by a law firm, often is the first step when corporations are faced with a "whistleblower" former employee who has accepted a plea agreement from authorities and could assist them by implicating others.

    The potential for 20 referees, a third of the league's officiating staff, being implicated by Donaghy - even in legal gambling activity - only underscores how delicate the NBA's predicament is as it awaits Donaghy's sentencing Nov. 9.

    And the situation could get even more serious for the league if local prosecutors all over the country attempt to bring charges against Donaghy if he is found to have wagered on games in their jurisdictions. Maricopa County (Ariz.) prosecutor Andrew Thomas has sent a letter to Stern and the FBI stating that he would consider bringing state charges against Donaghy if he wagered on two Phoenix Suns playoff games he officiated this past season.

    Under federal sentencing guidelines, Donaghy would receive a reduction in the proposed 25-year prison sentence related to his guilty plea based not only for cooperation with authorities, but also with the NBA.

    Donaghy, 40, a 13-year veteran, pleaded guilty Wednesday to felony charges related to betting on NBA games and being paid to supply confidential information to gamblers. James Battista, 42, and Thomas Martino, 41, both from Pennsylvania, were arraigned on charges related to conspiring with Donaghy on NBA bets.[/b]

    Vick is fucked up right? But is his story more important than this, the possibility that the NBA has had referees who don't like certain players and call fouls, fix games, go with or against the point spread that Vegas puts out? It is possible the NBA has been more fixed than wrestling for years. There is a report estimating the possibility of games vs the spread that Donaghy officiated falling the way they did in a row was a 19-1 shot. Think about the Hubert Davis phantom foul years ago Knicks fans? Vick did wrong, but shit, R Kelly commits statutory rape repeatedly and the trial is just coming up this Fall? Muhfucka has scheduled a world tour at the same time too, sheeeeeeeeeet. The amount of coverage this Vick trial has gotten is insane. Pro Bowl tight end Mark Chmura fucks the underage babysitter and it's on and off the radar in a matter of months? Vick is the media fall guy for the NBA being in HUGE fucking trouble with this betting shit and the love the media has for flashy black dudes being "taught a lesson."

  • I don't know... people that are really "in to" sports would get upset about the gambling and fixing games and all that, but people like me aren't really going to give a shit. However, everybody loves doggies. Torturing doggies is worse to me than gambling and being a generally greedy dickhead.

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    However, everybody loves doggies.

    you sound white

  • However, everybody loves doggies.

    you sound white

    Well, I am wearing loafers right now.....

    And I like doggies.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    But is his story more important than this, the possibility that the NBA has had referees who don't like certain players and call fouls, fix games, go with or against the point spread that Vegas puts out? It is possible the NBA has been more fixed than wrestling for years.


  • vajdaijvajdaij 447 Posts
    Vick is still facing state charges in VA, right?
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