Parental Beatdown Appreciation Thread



  • Seriously yall I have plenty of friends who got beatings/whippings when they were young. I have plenty of friends who didn't. It doesn't really have much to do with whether or not they are good or successful people. All of this hostililty is unreal to me... who are any of you to criticize how a parent raises their child???

    When yall pop some babies out and raise them I'll give a flying fuck what you have to say about this.

  • DongerDonger 854 Posts
    Damn, this thread turned real

    Have fun discussing your methods of raising your imaginary kids.

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
    Well yo, I can understand everyone's points in this damn serious thread.

    I think the original intent of this thread was to just share some beatdowns in the lightest sense of the term - shall we say 'Trivial Beatdowns'.... meaning the odd clips around the ear, not the hardcore straight-up domestic violence stuff....

    Now I know for some, there was no such thing as a trivial beatdown, so that kind of made this thread a serious one too (although I'm sure the original intent was light hearted) and now we've arrived in some serious domestics kind of territory.

    First off. I'm not a parent okay.

    Anyway, on the whole 'smacking' thing, I think this is pretty negative. I mean, you are actually hitting a child..... BUT understand that some kids are uncontrollable, be it through hyperactivity or whatever... and if you're a single parent who just cannot get an ounce of good behaviour and you are seriously strung out, you could lose it for a second..... I'd say that a swift ass-whooping could maybe be forgiven....

    What I do find a bit mad is the people who can perfectly calmly and casually issue the kid an ultimate beatdown for every wrongdoing - like use of random objects and stuff.

    I'm not saying its not a good idea, but this timeout thing.... does anyone think that if everyone used this technique we would have empty prisons and no crime going on in the world..?

    I dont know where we can draw the line, but I know violence is no answer.

    Last off. My beatdown I wanna share is when I pushed my older sister in the bath.... the only time I ever claimed a victory against her!! BUT wooooo....

    After that beatdown, my ass was like


  • All I know is that sometimes, in life, people need to get smacked or get their ass beat.

    That kind of applies to kids too. But I don't have any, so I'll refrain on posting some bullshit philosophy out of my own private mind garden.

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts
    Damn, this thread turned real

    Have fun discussing your methods of raising your imaginary kids.

    no doubt, chill the fuck out dudes. It's not like we are talking about how we treat OUR kids.

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    the thing about children that freaks me out the most (esp since i don't have any) is the level of violence kids use on each other and on people in the name of FUN... my wifes nephew is just fucking out of control... smaking EVERYBODY and everything in his path.. constantly jumping on you running up and smaking you... you see these shows like Supernanny and some of these children are like the devil themselves...

    honestly i don't know how the parents can restrain themselves alot of the time.

    but then again alot of parents are straight up STOOOOOPID... like give the kids candy and fruit juice ALL FUCKING Day and then wonder why they're so freaking hyper and uncontrollable

    not to mention the amount of yelling and screaming goin on... uhh gives me shudders just thinking about it.

    you need to have the patience of a zen master to raise children.. and even then there's a good chance they'll come out fucked up anyways "damn my fuckin pops was soooooo mellow used to bug the shit out of me" type crap.

    the world is overpopulated as is, my wife and i are goin to abstain from the child birthing...

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts
    my dad would always only hit me in my arms, i remember having fucking bruised ass arms after one particular "beatdown"

    for some reason he never hit me anywhere else, i guess that was a good thing though...

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
    But another time I got my arse whooped and then my moms made me kneel down on Mongobeans(a very small hard bean), for an hour in nothing but my underware in front of everyone,

  • DocBeezyDocBeezy 1,918 Posts

    When yall pop some babies out and raise them I'll give a flying fuck what you have to say about this.

    Although my child is young, and not at that age of discipline yet, I can not imagine ever hitting him. I suppose I am too much of a humanist, but when it comes to hitting a child I feel it is wrong, for many reasons.
    1: It diminishes self worth greatly. Feelings that you are not worthy of regular communication, yet only worthy of physical violence. This may not occur on a conscience level, it is there.

    2: When my wife does something that I do not like I DO NOT HIT HER. She is part of my family, she gets the respect, and non-violence. Why would my child get less than that.

    3: No matter what you say, people who were hit mimic that behavior, whether or not it is with their own kids or in society. They learn that hitting is an acceptable way to handle situations, thusly perpetuating violence.

    4:This is a CHILD! how much experience does a child have in the world compared to the parent? Not much, so this child needs to be taught rather than hit. If you take the time to teach the child, educate, and guide the child you wont have to hit the kid, very simple, true statement. Using this, "after work,american 9-5, we are tired " excuse is a HUGE cop out. I work a 9-5, help run a design company, do some freelance work etc..... I ALWAYS HAVE TIME FOR MY SON.

  • sergserg 682 Posts
    my mom use to smack me with whatever was close by, brush, shoes, broom, telephone, books whatever. Once she busted a dinnerplate across my grill. I think that was probably the worst but I guess I shouldn't have told her I wanted my grandma dead and that she was a fucking idiot. We use to fight all the time, shit kind of sucked but my mom is stupid and can't learn for shit.

    my pops was always going for the belt when I was young. At somepoint he gave up on that shit and just started lecturing me. That shit was worse because he'd sit me down and fucking bitch at me for an hour or two straight. I couldn't leave the room he'd just fucking have me sit there and just take it. He kept that shit up even when I was in college. He fucking found one of my tests one friday and saw that I got a 79. He didn't know it was actually the highest grade in the class and I got an A so the next morning he wakes me up at 5am to fucking go over the test. I happened to be drunk as shit and just crawled into bed at 4am so when he starts talking about calculus my ass fell asleep. That's when he flipped out and I'm sitting there drunk and confused no knowing what the hell he's yelling about. That's the point that I just got pissed because I didn't do shit wrong and this asshole is flipping out on me first thing in the morning. After I explained to him the shit I got wrong was shit we hadn't even covered in class he still didn't give a fuck. Stubborn bastard told me I should know more than whats on the test.

  • Anyone ever get their mouth washed out with soap????

  • I think (hope) that as a society we have reevaluated the way we discipline children. When I was a kid I used to get the belt (ouch), and once my Mom broke a plastic dish over my head. I don't consider either of my parents violent people, but I would never lay a hand on my kid like that, ever.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts

    Although my child is young, and not at that age of discipline yet, I can not imagine ever hitting him. I suppose I am too much of a humanist, but when it comes to hitting a child I feel it is wrong, for many reasons.
    1: It diminishes self worth greatly. Feelings that you are not worthy of regular communication, yet only worthy of physical violence. This may not occur on a conscience level, it is there.

    2: When my wife does something that I do not like I DO NOT HIT HER. She is part of my family, she gets the respect, and non-violence. Why would my child get less than that.

    3: No matter what you say, people who were hit mimic that behavior, whether or not it is with their own kids or in society. They learn that hitting is an acceptable way to handle situations, thusly perpetuating violence.

    4:This is a CHILD! how much experience does a child have in the world compared to the parent? Not much, so this child needs to be taught rather than hit. If you take the time to teach the child, educate, and guide the child you wont have to hit the kid, very simple, true statement. Using this, "after work,american 9-5, we are tired " excuse is a HUGE cop out. I work a 9-5, help run a design company, do some freelance work etc..... I ALWAYS HAVE TIME FOR MY SON.

    yeah...wait till he's like 12 and he steals your weed, liquor and $40 out of your wallet just to impress his friends. whooooo did I get my ASS WHOOOOOPED.

  • Hahaha, ear pulling is more embaressing than anything!

    You would always hear a little rip sound too!

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    Anyone ever get their mouth washed out with soap????

    fuck that, how many of ya'll had to go pick your own SWITCH?!?!?!

    my dads's side of the family is COUNTRY, and that is a country ass way to punish your kids.

    This thread should have been called the "WHOOPIN' appreciation thread" for all those sensitive folls out there.

    I got my ass whooped on many occasions and i deserved it every single time...stealing, lying, ditching, getting caught with weed at school in the 6th grade, taking off when I was like 10 and not telling my mom where i was going and coming back like 5 hours later....shit like that. you messed up, you KNEW you were getting whooped, kept you from fucking up too much. I had fun though, I wasn't some dipshit sitting in the corner on a "time out"...I was a little hell raiser that had fun and paid the price sometimes, I don't regret one moment of it, my mom is the sweetest woman alive, she's my best friend, but she didn't take any shit, especially when I was just as big as her.

  • Anyone ever get their mouth washed out with soap????

    fuck that, how many of ya'll had to go pick your own SWITCH?!?!?!

    Grandma used to go there. Thats a really disturbing punishment. I used to linger around outside, acting like i was looking really hard for one. That would only make G'ma even more pissed.

  • Damn, this thread turned real

    Have fun discussing your methods of raising your imaginary kids.

    You what I'm NOT FEELING is people who come to SS and start mindlessly mimicking the cheesiest and most embarassing aspects -- "____ appreciation thread," "If there was ____ you could ____ what would it be," etc etc without saying what's up or making any apparent attempt to distinguish themselves except by acting a fool.


    This all makes me think I may have to start a new thread, "Tell us about the time you got snuffed" Appreciation Thread.

    Everyone's gotten snuffed at least once, on or off film.

    Huh huh huh, you suck. I'm not saying these innane threads don't have a place but if that's all you do, piss off. Everybody's saying ban Artefact and I don't know about banning but as far as I'm concerned, if you want to argue with and insult people who are saying they're not in the mood to read words "parental beatdown appreciation," you can fuck yourself, dude. And by the way, before your simple ass got all defensive no one blasted you in the first place, a couple of folks just politely pointed out super reality check style that getting beat down as a little kid by your parents ain't a nostalgic walk down memory lane for some people.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    a couple of folks just politely pointed out super reality check style that getting beat down as a little kid by your parents ain't a nostalgic walk down memory lane for some people.

    and for them I would suggest therapy, and not scolding fools on the internet like they should have known better.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    All I know is that sometimes, in life, people need to get smacked or get their ass beat.

    your gonna make some woman very happy one day

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    When yall pop some babies out and raise them I'll give a flying fuck what you have to say about this.

    It's good to know you value my opinion, big daddy.

  • a couple of folks just politely pointed out super reality check style that getting beat down as a little kid by your parents ain't a nostalgic walk down memory lane for some people.

    and for them I would suggest therapy, and not scolding fools on the internet like they should have known better.

    No fools got scolded the first time it was mentioned that this is a stupid thread in need of some perspective. But when fools came back like they had been scolded, like their fragile little beings had been wronged, that's when I personally started to get mad.

    You really think we all need therapy, or is this a prime example of "talking out your ass"?

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    a couple of folks just politely pointed out super reality check style that getting beat down as a little kid by your parents ain't a nostalgic walk down memory lane for some people.

    and for them I would suggest therapy, and not scolding fools on the internet like they should have known better.

    No fools got scolded the first time it was mentioned that this is a stupid thread in need of some perspective. But when fools came back like they had been scolded, like their fragile little beings had been wronged, that's when I personally started to get mad.

    You really think we all need therapy, or is this a prime example of "talking out your ass"?

    no but if it's not for you then reading about it probably isn't very healthy is it?

    Just because you or someone else had a bad experience doesn't mean everyone else did. I can wax nostalgic about a lot of things that are probably sensitive issues for others. That doesnt mean i should just NOT talk about them...sorry if you get offended by the fact that I think it's funny that my mom hit me with a paint brush when I was 15 for telling her to "fuck off" and as a result i had to get 2 stitches...I deserved it, and it was funny, and when someone brings up a "whoopin" thread it's gonna get mentioned.

    If you had horrible experiences with parents beating you as a child, then that's fucked up, but seeing a thread about something closeley related, and then clicking in that thread and reading what people have to say is PROBABLY a bad idea, no?

  • a couple of folks just politely pointed out super reality check style that getting beat down as a little kid by your parents ain't a nostalgic walk down memory lane for some people.

    and for them I would suggest therapy, and not scolding fools on the internet like they should have known better.

    No fools got scolded the first time it was mentioned that this is a stupid thread in need of some perspective. But when fools came back like they had been scolded, like their fragile little beings had been wronged, that's when I personally started to get mad.

    You really think we all need therapy, or is this a prime example of "talking out your ass"?

    no but if it's not for you then reading about it probably isn't very healthy is it?

    Just because you or someone else had a bad experience doesn't mean everyone else did. I can wax nostalgic about a lot of things that are probably sensitive issues for others. That doesnt mean i should just NOT talk about them...sorry if you get offended by the fact that I think it's funny that my mom hit me with a paint brush when I was 15 for telling her to "fuck off" and as a result i had to get 2 stitches...I deserved it, and it was funny, and when someone brings up a "whoopin" thread it's gonna get mentioned.

    If you had horrible experiences with parents beating you as a child, then that's fucked up, but seeing a thread about something closeley related, and then clicking in that thread and reading what people have to say is PROBABLY a bad idea, no?

    Obviously they need a smack

    come get yo' whoopin

    honestly people have a right to be upset.. but if you are then don't fucking continue to read about it... doing things you know you shouldn't do.
    Damn don't you learn anything from getting your ass whopped... sorry I did it again.. really I'm sorry

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    Seriously yall I have plenty of friends who got beatings/whippings when they were young. I have plenty of friends who didn't. It doesn't really have much to do with whether or not they are good or successful people. All of this hostililty is unreal to me... who are any of you to criticize how a parent raises their child???

    When yall pop some babies out and raise them I'll give a flying fuck what you have to say about this.

    what are you trying to say dude. lol

    yall got it confused man. it is ideal not to hit people. Guzzo, Mylatency, BeardedD and a couple other dudes simply pointed that out, and you and others come off side-ways. wtf?

    i'll say it one more time, reinforcement works better than punishment.

  • Seriously yall I have plenty of friends who got beatings/whippings when they were young. I have plenty of friends who didn't. It doesn't really have much to do with whether or not they are good or successful people. All of this hostililty is unreal to me... who are any of you to criticize how a parent raises their child???

    When yall pop some babies out and raise them I'll give a flying fuck what you have to say about this.

    what are you trying to say dude. lol

    yall got it confused man. it is ideal not to hit people. Guzzo, Mylatency, BeardedD and a couple other dudes simply pointed that out, and you and others come off side-ways. wtf?

    i'll say it one more time, reinforcement works better than punishment.

    That's true, and even though we may not be raising kids, having been raised is enough to give anyone a clue.

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
    By the way whats a 'SWITCH'?

    I also gotta add that when I got whooped, my ass did deserve it....

    I was asked..... I was asked again....... I was told........ I was told sternly.......... I still kept pushing my luck........ I got my booty whooped.

    3: No matter what you say, people who were hit mimic that behavior, whether or not it is with their own kids or in society. They learn that hitting is an acceptable way to handle situations, thusly perpetuating violence.

    Thats a bit of a wild generalisation. Not everyone is a clone of their parents....

    If you get a whoop and it hurts like hell you don't think 'Yeah!! I can USE that move on my kids!!!!'.......

    Some people have learned from their parents mistakes.

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts

  • alrighty now. EVERY KID NEEDS AN ASS WHOOPING. it's called life. if you dont whoop a kid's ass then they grow up into adults and get their asses whooped for popping off on the internets or some shit.

    now me, im above hitting my own hypothetical child. i want my kid to trust me and not fear me and know that i love them. so, nope, i will not hit my kids. but that wont stop me from setting my kids up like "yo justin, junior is in one of his smart ass moods again. can you call up one of the dudes from the block and have him "learn" em?"

    see that? a controled lesson. kid get's the valuable lesson of an ass whooping all within the safety of a situation that i control. that way i know he/she is safe, all the while getting a much needed lesson in life.

  • I swear to god when I first read the title of this thread I though it was going to be about somebody beating their parents up.

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
    Speaking on this being a rebellious kid stuff.. has anyone ever seen the Angry Kid films?

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