Parental Beatdown Appreciation Thread

DongerDonger 854 Posts
edited June 2005 in Off Topic (NRR)
I remember catching an ill beatdown by my dad for shooting my sister right in the eye with Shogun during dinner. I'll never forget that beatdown most likely cuz it was embaressing as hell to catch a NASTY beatdown while the rest of the family was still eating and totally chilling at the dinner table.I've had a couple of worse beatdowns, but this post was inspired by the TOYS thread and SHOGUN and I had an instant flashback to that night.


  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts

    Jesus, I read this as dude saying

    I remember catching an ill beatdown by my dad for shooting my sister right in the eye with Shotgun during dinner...

  • I remember catching an ill beatdown by my dad for shooting my sister right in the eye with Shogun during dinner. I'll never forget that beatdown most likely cuz it was embaressing as hell to catch a NASTY beatdown while the rest of the family was still eating and totally chilling at the dinner table.

    I've had a couple of worse beatdowns, but this post was inspired by the TOYS thread and SHOGUN and I had an instant flashback to that night.

    hmm. yeah, i did the same thing except i shot my mom with one of those battlestar galactica cylon fighters. she kicked my ass. another unfavorite of mines was the ear grab at church. where that woman would pick me up by my ear and take me outside of church for a beatdown. the name calling was probably the worst tho. girl could shit talk like an angry fatback. was not pretty, but its where i cut my teef.

  • DongerDonger 854 Posts
    Hahaha, ear pulling is more embaressing than anything!

    You would always hear a little rip sound too!

  • Options
    Only time I ever got hit was when I asked my mom for a pair of Adidas that were yellow with black stripe, (back in the early to mid '80s). She told me we couldn't afford them, I asked her "why don't we just steal them then?". She whipped around and smacked me clean across the face. I felt like such an asshole.

  • Dude I got so many beat downs when growing up the one I remember good is a time when my pops laid my brother, sister and I on the table and he broke out his bamboo stick and we just started ballin like crazy, then next thing you know my dad goes to hit us and he faked us out! Straight siked!!! Then I just started laughing and everyone was laughing... classic family fun... But another time I got my arse whooped and then my moms made me kneel down on Mongobeans(a very small hard bean), for an hour in nothing but my underware in front of everyone, my brother is just crackin up eating candy and sayin, "want some, CAN'T"! and starts to laugh even harder.... Though I ain't mad at moms cause come football season peoples felt them hard ass knees when I would run through them holes.. KEEP THEM KNEES UP! Also good advice for young little girls....

  • DocBeezyDocBeezy 1,918 Posts
    But another time I got my arse whooped and then my moms made me kneel down on Mongobeans(a very small hard bean), for an hour in nothing but my underware in front of everyone,

    i have no idea what to say to that

    also, it is UNDERWEAR.thanks

  • when i was in the 5th grade, on the playground, i dipped a stick in dog shit and threw it at this kid. Of course there was a gang of other kids around, watching and laughing at homies misery so the teacher saw the commotion, came over, etc..etc..

    I got suspended. Sent me home, and my mom HAD to tell my pops (which was usually a no-no, cuz homie was ape shit). Man i was sweating. When he got home from work, i knew it was gonna be one of them "drop yer pants" type ass whippings. Dude used to have this crazy thick, hand stamped, leather belt with his name on it, and huge ass Harely D buckle. Uses to whip it off crazy fast for that fear inciting SHHHWWAP sound. Anyway, he commenced the ass whooping, THEN was like, bring me yer cassette tapes. I thinking what the fuck, gonna ban the metal now, fuck that. But NO, dude grabbed a trash can, and grabbed each tape by the tape and spooled it out in the the can and cut it with scissors. I had SOOOOO many fucking tapes when i was a kid, and it took like an hour. He was so dramatic. Each one he would be like "whats yer favorite song on this one?" or "Is this yer favorite album?" Its really crazy though, the beating didnt really fuck with me. But the shit he would say, and the "tape shreading" type stuff would bug me out soooo hard.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,633 Posts
    Only time I ever got hit was when I asked my mom for a pair of Adidas that were yellow with black stripe, (back in the early to mid '80s). She told me we couldn't afford them, I asked her "why don't we just steal them then?". She whipped around and smacked me clean across the face. I felt like such an asshole.

    I think it's funny how a lot of kids have single moments like this that put them down the right path. I remember my little brother stealing some toy from Longs. When my mom found out she drove all the way back there, made him give it back to the clerk and apologize. He's been a straight arrow since then.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    But another time I got my arse whooped and then my moms made me kneel down on Mongobeans(a very small hard bean), for an hour in nothing but my underware in front of everyone,

    i have no idea what to say to that

    also, it is UNDERWEAR.thanks

    This type of punishment is common amongst Asian familes. Variations of it involve no beans, but I never heard of the underwear thing though. Guess it depends on how harsh your parents want it to be.

    I am not cool with this thread though, seriously. I can understand it if you get a time out for hurting your sibling but there is no excuse of domestic abuse.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    I am not cool with this thread though, seriously. I can understand it if you get a time out for hurting your sibling but there is no excuse of domestic abuse.

    Yeah I never got people bragging about getting beatdowns from adults as kids. When you think about it it takes a really fucked up adult to assault a child. I went through it and, although I'm not ashamed of it, I am definitly not proud of it either and neither is my father. This shit went on until I was able to defend myself. Now he is 75 years old and his handicaps have got him looking and feeling like an old man. Because of this and his financial status my sister and I take turns aiding him through daily tasks. There will always be an uncomfortable vibe between us because of what went on when I was younger and in no way do I think its a laughing matter.

    Anyone who really brags about getting beat down from from mom and dad didn't really get "beat down"

  • DongerDonger 854 Posts

    I am not cool with this thread though, seriously. I can understand it if you get a time out for hurting your sibling but there is no excuse of domestic abuse.

    Then this thread aint for you, next.

    I love beatdown stories.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    I am not cool with this thread though, seriously. I can understand it if you get a time out for hurting your sibling but there is no excuse of domestic abuse.

    Then this thread aint for you, next.

    I love beatdown stories.

    man if you like beatdown stories you should hear some violent rape stories...I'm saying that shit is the next next level

  • DongerDonger 854 Posts

    This all makes me think I may have to start a new thread, "Tell us about the time you got snuffed" Appreciation Thread.

    Everyone's gotten snuffed at least once, on or off film.

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts
    My mother was one of those moms that hit me with whatever was in her reach (usually her hairbrush). I swear, I must have had five hairbrushes broken against my head back in the day.
    She has a funny story that she recalls when the family is around. Anyway, she was changing my bed sheets, and under the mattress she found all of her wooden spoons and spatulas (I was hiding from her so she wouldnt hit me with them). Oh, and she also found a bunch of Victoria Secret catalogs in the stash, I was only 6 years old!

  • I am not cool with this thread though, seriously. I can understand it if you get a time out for hurting your sibling but there is no excuse of domestic abuse.

    Then this thread aint for you, next.

    I love beatdown stories.

    man if you like beatdown stories you should hear some violent rape stories...I'm saying that shit is the next next level

    Im saying, if you lived a life were punishment was a "time out", great for you pal. But, not everyone was raised up on some fruity mess like that. Didn't have nobody taking me to piano lessons when i was 15 or some shit, encourageing me to read, or write poetry, "be myself" and shit. If i fucked up, i got a smack. If i talked back i got a smack. Im not saying thats right, its actually quite fucked up. But thats how it was. I guess this thread is for us folk, that grew up like that, and arent out robbing neigborhood restaurants, like my childhood ace. Dudes pop used to make homie fight like a fucking grown stranger when we were 10 and shit. Sweep kicks everytime he tried to get up. Real foul parenting. Since we arent all out in threapy, crying, or cooking meth, we can reflect and see the humor in how fucked up it kinda was. And, nobodys really talking about some "man, one time my pops hit me with a closed fist, and said if i told he make it worse" type shit.

    Mellow out Mr Sensitive.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    Mellow out Mr Sensitive.

    sorry if I came off sensitive, I just really think its a dumb thing to brag about, I mean seriously I came out (relatively) ok. But truth be told it wasn't like pops whooping my ass shaped me to be the person I am, I'd say having to fend for myself outside the home played a much more important part. I can't really laugh about shit like having a parent give me a "beatdown".

    Now bear in mind there is a BIG difference between mom & dad giving you a smack every once in a while when they got that shit under control, its another thing when it gets to a point where your relationship with that parent was turned sour from misuse of such power. I don't want to talk on my life, but I have had friends who's dads gave them a beating and then decided to do it moms as well. Now the smacks they gave their kids were no different than the smacks they were giving their wives but do you really think them moms are laughing about how funny it was?

    Perhaps its the title "beatdown" that made me speak up, like I said before those bragging about getting beat down never really got "beatdown"

  • DongerDonger 854 Posts
    This wasn't called the "Domestic Abuse Appreciation Thread" for a reason.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    I don't think anyone is really bragging about anything. They're more just sharing shit that happened.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    I don't think anyone is really bragging about anything. They're more just sharing shit that happened.

    point noted and I'll return to the quiet corner again

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    I don't think anyone is really bragging about anything. They're more just sharing shit that happened.

    point noted and I'll return to the quiet corner again

    I'm gonna have to side with Guzzo and mylatency. Beating the shit out of your kids is really fucked up. For some reason people think that beating your kids is doing them a favor... but there is a fine line between keeping them in check and straight up beating them. I don't think time outs will cut it, but I would never be like some of these mental cases and beat the shit out of my kids with a belt or something crazy.

    Mainly, the people who do that shit are fucked up. They usually got their own problems, i.e. getting beat downs from various people in their own past.

    People who get beat like that like to play it up like it makes them a tough person, but it really just points out the fact that you had some retards for parents who probably hit their peak as the assistant manager at McD's.

  • Why do any of you assume any of us want to hear what you have to say about raising kids right

    If they turn out like yall, I'll do the opposite!

  • Im saying, if you lived a life were punishment was a "time out", great for you pal. But, not everyone was raised up on some fruity mess like that. Didn't have nobody taking me to piano lessons when i was 15 or some shit, encourageing me to read, or write poetry, "be myself" and shit. If i fucked up, i got a smack. If i talked back i got a smack. Im not saying thats right, its actually quite fucked up. But thats how it was. I guess this thread is for us folk, that grew up like that, and arent out robbing neigborhood restaurants, like my childhood ace. Dudes pop used to make homie fight like a fucking grown stranger when we were 10 and shit. Sweep kicks everytime he tried to get up. Real foul parenting. Since we arent all out in threapy, crying, or cooking meth, we can reflect and see the humor in how fucked up it kinda was. And, nobodys really talking about some "man, one time my pops hit me with a closed fist, and said if i told he make it worse" type shit.

    Mellow out Mr Sensitive.
    WORD! I have many friends that F-uped there life. And there parents did beat them, maybe its a koinky dink, but I know if my parents didn't lay it down like it was to me I know for a fact I would be messsed up...

    But like someone said we are sharing stories.

    Well to each is own I guess, I don't have to answer to anyone only to the man upstairs cause what I reap I will sow.....

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    Definitely ain't appreciation but we had 4 kinds of physical punishment involving "foreign objects" depending on what was handy, and maybe I deserved it, maybe I didn't. There has been so much debate about this sort of stuff in the home and at the moment some parts of the government here are pushing for a ban on physically disciplining your children through the high court, so it is kinda a hot topic here in NZ. I am sweet with my parents for pulling some of that stuff, because that's just how it always was, I have no real ill feeling & I don't think it was detrimental to my upbringing. In saying that though, I really don't know if I ever have kids of my own that I would follow that same route, I'd like to think no, but I'm also glad I haven't had to choose. It definitely wasn't cool having my piano teacher rap me over the knuckles with a wooden ruler every time I fucked up in a lesson, put me off the piano for sure. My folks didn't stand for that & pulled me out after a few months, thankyou. I remember getting a hiding from both parents after I threw a steel bristled hairbrush at my sis & cut her head open, she got me back though by pushing me down our staircase into a concrete block wall. We look back & laugh now, but hell. The wars we used to have, sisters fight sneaky & dirty.

  • Anyone who really brags about getting beat down from from mom and dad didn't really get "beat down"


  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    Douglas is on the right track, at least in my opinion:

    [extremely serious]

    Personally I don't see anything fruity in a timeout, or other non-violent methods of reprimanding and most importantly TEACHING children. These are children[/b] you are talking about.

    Think of it this way: if you got mad at someone at your workplace, would you smack them (with or without objects) to attempt to teach them a lesson? I've heard this is what our legal system defines as ASSAULT and BATTERY. I just think flaunting your personal abuse (yes, being beaten is abuse, however you look at it), is pretty strange.

    I'm in no position to tell anybody how to raise their kids (don't have any of my own), but I must wholeheartedly agree that:

    Anyone who really brags about getting beat down from from mom and dad didn't really get "beat down"

    I understand these are thought of as "campfire stories" but Parental Beatdown + Appreciation? I just don't get it, sorry. Maybe it set you "straight" in some way (more power to you) but to be honest this type of abuse has done A LOT of damage to families around the world. That's my 2 cents. I'm all with joining the quiet corner with Guzzo now. Peaceful Solutions.

    [/extremely serious]

    We now return to our regularly scheduled record talk....

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    Personally I don't see anything fruity in a timeout, or other non-violent methods of reprimanding and most importantly TEACHING children. These are children[/b] you are talking about.


    Parental Beatdown + Appreciation? I just don't get it, sorry. That's my 2 cents. I'm all with joining the quiet corner with Guzzo now. Peaceful solutions.

    You know, my main concern in dealing with anything violent really has very little to do with my actual parenting, but preparing my kids for being out in the real world with kids whose parents tought them to be violent. That doesn't really have anything to do with beating your own kids per se, but having to deal with other parents who are just off their rockers with shit like that. And I see them all the time.

    It's kind of annoying having to prep your kids for that in addition to spelling, math, etc. And by prep I don't mean beating them myself.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    yup. it definitely is best to lay off the physical violence. i've had a couple incidents in my household take place in which i was scared to shit, and more than that, just devastated and i cried one time. I had all of my family members sit down and talk shit through for hours. I'm glad i talked it out w/ my family, it definitely made things better there after.

    From a psychological perspective, punishment has proved not to work as effectively as reinforcement right? People generally do not know that. Most of the time I see way too much punishing and not enough reinforcing in society in general.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    I hear you Yuichi. I'm all for reinforcement and I stress this whenever I can.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    Unfortunately, reinforcement is a lot harder; especially in the US. When you get home from your 8+ hour work day, you want to deal with your kids in the easiest and fastest way possible. Of course, that's not usually the greatest way, but that's how it is.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    you know what Brian you're right. It takes a hell of a lot more effort to reinforce and be optimistic. But ofcourse that doesn't mean you should give up.
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