Listen to that first one (called "Broken")and give the most honest critique you can. Why? I'll tell you why later, for right now I want you to listen to it and tell lil homie what you think.and no "its crap" or anything like that. give this dude some serious feedback.
It is dangerous to mimic the disjointed style of Madlib.
His other compositions show more promise (ya know ... relatively speaking), but the off-time forced in "stabs" and such weren't working for me in "Broken". Not to mention the loooooooong uninterrupted loop in the background ... but he's 15 after all.
And he makes that ABUNDANTLY clear on that page, by the way.
at least it's not some 'balzing downtempo' where it's just basically a slow beat playing for 5 minutes while the 'producer' twists another one up.
figure of your imagination. I am 15 though.
dog, at 15, you best expect to do shit with this. dream big, dude.
Man, lay offa Genome, he's just a kid!
I almost lost it in the office just then.
oh yeah
Listen ... you've got some talent, promise, an ear for the old tunes. Its just that you also have the rare skill of being able to make all of SoulStrut spin on its head. We're all bored guys at work (in the day ... now we're bored guys at home) ... we eat this shit up. Please for to not take this stuff too personally.
Then you honestly would have been better served at The-Breaks.com. SoulStrut is known for its cut-throat sarcastic humor, not its educational opportunities.
That said, many people gave you SOLID advice and you basically shrugged most of it off. And it was the manner of your shrugging that fired people up. Hate to say it, but you brought it on yourself. I'll repeat advice you've received all day ... read more, post less.
word?? you're only 15? day-yum! Only 15...well, will you look at that. 15...huh.
Dizzy! Check yer PM's!
- spidey
Never lose that feeling...
you made my night.
It has taken me four years to find a way out of no way. It may take you longer.
Get out now.
Thanks for the laughs. Sorry some internet tough guys hurt your feelings.
This shit is gonna get me fired from my job.
is that you supertoastor?????