
  • Damn dude, thats harsh!

    Come on! That's the way YOU wanted it

    NO WAY!

    I just wanted lil homie to get some honest feedback, since he obviously wasn't getting it anywhere else. I won't put his PMs on blast, but my dude is sensitive.

    OK, then. Those beats are phat!

    Never that son. I'm being honest. It's bad music. He took some well known loops and killed it. In a bad way...

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I don't think he's coming back here

  • I don't think he's coming back here

    He will! Like I did!

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I don't think he's coming back here

    He will! Like I did!

    I'm gonna go look for him.

    I'll be back.

  • as Udo once said, "You've been a wonderful atmosphere - good night."

    Please tell me that you're referring to Udo Dirkschneider.

  • as Udo once said, "You've been a wonderful atmosphere - good night."

    Please tell me that you're referring to Udo Dirkschneider.


  • Well, I just went and listened to "Broken" by Supertoastor and I don't
    see what the negative fuss is all about, I liked that schitt. Can't really
    comment on the Madlib-tribute aspect of it, as I am not all that familiar
    with the work of Madlib to begin with.

    But the Supertoastor beats, at worst, sound like a rough sketch demo that
    needs some tweaking. Didn't sound too out of tune to me. I like folk musics.
    This is folk music too. The whole point of making music is to get the sounds
    inside your head onto the outside plane. The more what ends up oustide
    resembles your head-pieces, the more successful you are.

    Just wait until I get my Terry Clubbup myspace page going and you hear my beats.
    It will be like that creeping-dread post scrotum thump. Dropped beats, added
    beats, uneven measures, samples suddenly starting and stopping, fucking
    REGULATING on the main drum track at will. It's like Tiny Tim mixed with
    Jam Pony. All made on equipment less than a hundred dollars.

    The only difference is, that as a guy that's old enough to be Supertoastor's
    DAD, and has been-there done-some-of-that, when I make my entry on the
    Beat Post, like "check out my beats", I will not keep adding more and more
    posts to establish my asshurt status. I will take my emotions of asshurt
    and channel that schitt into a whole new REVENGE song. On the goddamn
    message bored poastors.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts

    The mutant hydra that is the Soulstrut lexicon sprouts another head.

    "I pay to poast here!"

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    I think the kid (if he he is a kid) is really tryin hard to do what he wants. I think Dizzy is actually helping him more than he can realize at such a young age.

    Sure he may get upset, but it is good to push kids even more.

    I think the kid is great and maybe some of you dont like his music. But, I dont like some of your guys music either

    Keep up Supertoaster![/b]

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Thank you for acknowledging my profound mentorship!

    If he gives up now then he never wanted it in the first place.

  • ZomBZomB 397 Posts

  • This experience has helped me so much in my music that you would not beleive how greatful I am. The criticism and the shit will make me only better. All those bad comments will make me better. This has been an amazing experience. Thank all of you, even you assholes.

    see, he came back...

    and called me an asshole. BAN. i'm too old for this (in comparison).

  • sconesscones 434 Posts
    This experience has helped me so much in my music that you would not beleive how greatful I am. The criticism and the shit will make me only better. All those bad comments will make me better. This has been an amazing experience. Thank all of you, even you assholes.

    You forgot to thank jesus

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    This experience has helped me so much in my music that you would not beleive how greatful I am. The criticism and the shit will make me only better. All those bad comments will make me better. This has been an amazing experience. Thank all of you, even you assholes.

    You forgot to thank jesus

    that is rap star rule #1.

  • Thank all of you, even you assholes.

    prime location.

  • But, I dont like some of your guys music either


    how dare you???

  • Don't listen to any of these party-poopers who will tell you that
    you're doing schitt "wrong". There is no wrong, there is only ring
    from bells that have been rung. And for those of us on the bottom rung,
    there is only the blood which has been wrung from the cloth.
    Get prepped, get your sounds on and start fitting.
    Make that schitt grow like an un-pruned fruit tree, for that
    is the only way which is real.

    All these older love-handle dudes on here with their quantitized,
    perfectly synched, noise-reduced in-tune sounds have accomplished
    one thing in their quest for possibly having a beat bought by a
    big artist, and that is they have made their schitt boring and sterile.
    Further, by throwing salt, they then suck up all the water which
    was once in their beat.

    Supertoastor, you may not find immediate success right now, or even in
    the next ten years, but if you keep doing what you're doing, there is
    a handful of guys over at www.waxidermy.com who will bid THOUSANDS of
    dollars for your schitt in the auctions of the 2030's.


  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts

    Don't listen to any of these party-poopers who will tell you that
    you're doing schitt "wrong". There is no wrong, there is only ring
    from bells that have been rung. And for those of us on the bottom rung,
    there is only the blood which has been wrung from the cloth.


  • as Udo once said, "You've been a wonderful atmosphere - good night."

    Please tell me that you're referring to Udo Dirkschneider.

    of course I am. you know my steez!!!! now name the record!

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    thanks man.

    dude, this is the same guy that just said all that gnarly anti-semetic shit in that other thread.

    seriously, i think its time that sean thomas got the BAN.

  • yo, silly dope.

  • macacamacaca 278 Posts
    i almost spit my chocolate milk out when i saw this:


  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    i almost spit my chocolate milk out when i saw this:

  • But then again, soulstrut is almighty so everyone else fails. But then again. I guess I got skill.
    but then again.....its a review of myspace

    post your favorite "hip-hop" record and single or you're goose feather pillow material

  • But then again, soulstrut is almighty so everyone else fails. But then again. I guess I got skill.

    just keep only acknowledging reviews that think you're a year away (you could actually be the Memphis Bleek of instro-hip hop!) and you'll have all the skills you need.

  • post your favorite "hip-hop" record and single or you're goose feather pillow material

  • the 4th month of samping

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts
    But then again, soulstrut is almighty so everyone else fails. But then again. I guess I got skill.
    dude enough. Just shut your mouth right about now. I felt bad for you earlier, but now your just get annoying. Stop responding to these lame threads and lets all move on with our lives.

    And your beats sound like someone who just started. The samples are not programmed right and they need some things like filtering and eq to make them site better. Music is not something that you can just jump right into and expect to be making classics. Do yourself a favor and learn about things like timing, drum programming, chopping samples. You have a good taste in music, but you need to spend some serious time getting good. Thats what everyone has to do to be able to make good music. Not a diss, just being honest. So dont get all asshurt about people giving you honest criticism. Build from criticism, not let it make you loose sleep. Soulstrut does have a lot of people that are making real world moves in music, so to put up music of that caliber is not really a good idea unless you got tough skin. So fall back, dont really start many new posts, just read what people are saying and learn. Aight?

  • post your favorite "hip-hop" record and single or you're goose feather pillow material

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts
    did u get into a magazine. nope. And if you did, did you do it in the 4th month of samping.. nope.
    christ. Who cares? That has no indication of your talent. Thats actually worse, cause the only reason they put you in there was the novelty of a 15 year old that listens to jazz, not your musical abilities. So dont think that means a god damn thing. No one is jealous of that minuscule achievement. Its better to get in a magazine after making music for 5 years, cause then you deserve the place in there (if your talented)
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