
  • I bet the real world supert*aster is wondering why his player's getting so many hits today...

  • sconesscones 434 Posts
    I used the same loop as supertoaster

    the mid nineties called, they want their loop back

  • sconesscones 434 Posts
    I used the same loop as supertoaster

    the mid nineties called, they want their loop back
    im jesting. that acapella sounds nice on it ;-] it goes out of time on the 2nd verse

    I used the same loop as supertoaster

    the mid nineties called, they want their loop back
    im jesting. that acapella sounds nice on it ;-] it goes out of time on the 2nd verse

    Im aware Im stuck in 96 and dont really care as far as beats go. I fixed the parts that were off but never re-uploaded the mix.

  • LazerLazer 796 Posts
    ummm, what happened to day's post that was just here???

    yeah, i'm beginning to have second thoughts about the *realness* of superpoaster. but y'all gotta check out splattermonkey from the links on stuperboaster's myspace page. priceless.

    clon me while you're at it too.


    uncle nicky

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    I erased it because I remembered dude emailed me from that myspace account so I know he's who he says he is.

    That said, I think some folks are being too hard on the kid (I know I had no sense at 15, but I was trying to bone not post on the internet). I just remember that was a hard time of life for me so maybe I'm being a little too nice. Either way, he'll figure it out sooner or later. Hopefully sooner for his sake.

  • I erased it because I remembered dude emailed me from that myspace account so I know he's who he says he is.

    That said, I think some folks are being too hard on the kid (I know I had no sense at 15, but I was trying to bone not post on the internet). I just remember that was a hard time of life for me so maybe I'm being a little too nice. Either way, he'll figure it out sooner or later. Hopefully sooner for his sake.

    He needs that tough love cuz cuz. Don't feel bad.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Hey Supertoaster,

    I applaud you for the attempt, but honestly, your beats are not ready for public consumption. You should take them back in the lab, perfect them, and then present. It sounds like you're having problems sequencing tracks, as the samples come in very choppy and spastic (and off-pitch). As others have said, you have a good sampling ear (I love those Jazz Crusaders and Bobbi Humphrey joints), but it'll take time to get your techniques down to a science. Keep working at it, but you're not up to Soulstrut producer level just yet. That's cool because you're only 15. You are expecting too much of yourself for such a tender age. Lighten up and take your time.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    P.S. I do think some of y'all are being too hard on the kid. Man, y'all some cold muthafuckas!!!

  • LazerLazer 796 Posts
    Hey Supertoaster,

    P.S. I do think some of y'all are being too hard on the kid. Man, y'all some cold muthafuckas!!!

    i hear you Stacks, but i tell ya, i was one of the first to answer this dudes requests, then i get told i don't know what i'm talking about and that my suggestions are wrong. how can a SUGGESTION be wrong? then my pm box gets inundated with a whole bunch of nonsense. so i questioned his validity and turns out he's really who he says he is, and so is the SPLATTERMONKEY. my bad.

    uncle nicky lazer

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Hey Supertoaster,

    P.S. I do think some of y'all are being too hard on the kid. Man, y'all some cold muthafuckas!!!

    i hear you Stacks, but i tell ya, i was one of the first to answer this dudes requests, then i get told i don't know what i'm talking about and that my suggestions are wrong. how can a SUGGESTION be wrong? then my pm box gets inundated with a whole bunch of nonsense. so i questioned his validity and turns out he's really who he says he is, and so is the SPLATTERMONKEY. my bad.

    uncle nicky lazer

    True, but he's a kid and we're grown folks. We know better, he does not. Cut the kid some slack because he's young and lacks wisdom, and so did most of us at his age. Kids his age take shit like he's gotten here pretty damn hard. He hasn't formed his identity yet and maybe unsure of himself right now. What, are we trying to give him an inferiority complex or something? Give him the real, true enough, but perhaps be a little gentler about it. I would expect the grown folks to be more mature than a teenager. All you cats jumped into the sandbox with him.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    then my pm box gets inundated with a whole bunch of nonsense

    Now you know you can't say some schitt like this without sharing...

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts

    L.L. was a fucking prodigy, and not the rule. Hell, I played drums with adult musical groups when I was 12 years old (7 years into playing already), but this was abnormal. I never gave up first chair in band because I started earlier than most of my peers. I didn't disparage them because of that. Most people won't be on Uncle L's level as a teenager.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • (I know I had no sense at 15, but I was trying to bone not post on the internet).

    priorities with kids these days....

  • LazerLazer 796 Posts
    Hey Supertoaster,

    P.S. I do think some of y'all are being too hard on the kid. Man, y'all some cold muthafuckas!!!

    i hear you Stacks, but i tell ya, i was one of the first to answer this dudes requests, then i get told i don't know what i'm talking about and that my suggestions are wrong. how can a SUGGESTION be wrong? then my pm box gets inundated with a whole bunch of nonsense. so i questioned his validity and turns out he's really who he says he is, and so is the SPLATTERMONKEY. my bad.

    uncle nicky lazer

    True, but he's a kid and we're grown folks. We know better, he does not. Cut the kid some slack because he's young and lacks wisdom, and so did most of us at his age. Kids his age take shit like he's gotten here pretty damn hard. He hasn't formed his identity yet and maybe unsure of himself right now. What, are we trying to give him an inferiority complex or something? Give him the real, true enough, but perhaps be a little gentler about it. I would expect the grown folks to be more mature than a teenager. All you cats jumped into the sandbox with him.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    my lord you're right. although i gave nothing but constructive criticism, how could i have forgot the kid is only 15. i throw in the towel. i'm done trying to help. hope i didn't come off as that big of an ass, i truely didn't mean to.

    (or at least no bigger of an ass than i normally do.)

    soulstrut is no place for the kids.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    (I know I had no sense at 15, but I was trying to bone not post on the internet).

    priorities with kids these days....

    Are you dudes certain that this series of semi-coherant ass-hurt posts is not, in fact, an attempt to bone?

    Everyone's got their own way of hollering...

  • (I know I had no sense at 15, but I was trying to bone not post on the internet).

    priorities with kids these days....

    Are you dudes certain that this series of semi-coherant ass-hurt posts is not, in fact, an attempt to bone?

    Everyone's got their own way of hollering...

    y'know , prolly. i didnt read all this bs , just the last page or so.


  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts


  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    --------- Thanks Man.

    And superposter... dont get all bent outtta shape man. when i was 15 i was falling off my skateboard, scared to talk to girls and listening to top 40 radio.

    These interwebs are a fucking blessing and a curse, re-read the advice you recieved from some of the guys round here, Jesus, if i had that kind of advice when i was 15 maybe i wouldnt have been such a little bitch.

    Bottom line man: stick around and always remember: you will learn a whole lot more from listening than you will from talking.

    post your favorite "hip-hop" album
    and single or you're goose feathers

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts

    Listen to that first one (called "Broken")and give the most honest critique you can. Why? I'll tell you why later, for right now I want you to listen to it and tell lil homie what you think.

    and no "its crap" or anything like that. give this dude some serious feedback.

    Constructive criticism coming up. It's kinda rough and ready. Some of those stabs and samples might work better if they were truncated and filtered a little. On the whole, it's nothing earth-shattering, but there's no reason to think this kid couldn't produce something pretty decent in time. In conclusion, I'd say stick at it, but try to get a little more creative with the equipment and the source material.

  • akoako https://soundcloud.com/a-ko 3,419 Posts
    aw. remember when i was 15?

    im just glad myspace didnt exist when i started making beats because i would have gotten...well...wow. i listened to some of my earliest shit the other day and i dont even know why i recorded it. its like if you hit the "record" button on your sampler twice, randomly, by mistake, then layered the mistakes. thats how bad it is.

    anyway, keep it up supertoaster, learn your shit and dont let dudes get you down, and if youre passionate enough youll be unstoppable.

  • BaptBapt 2,503 Posts

    I remembered dude emailed me from that myspace account so I know he's who he says he is.

    That said, I think some folks are being too hard on the kid.

    Same here. And I think Soul Strut is also a place for "kids" but please don't make 80 posts each day.

  • I think Soul Strut is also a place for "kids" who [/b] don't make 80 posts each day.

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts

    P.S. I do think some of y'all are being too hard on the kid. Man, y'all some cold muthafuckas!!!

    , they say it's kinda frightnin'

    How this younger generation swings

    You know it's more than just some new sensation

    Well, the kid is into losin' sleep

    And he don't come home for half the week

    You know it's more than just an aggravation

    And the cradle will rock

    Yes the cradle, cradle will rock

    And I say rock on. Uh! Rock on

    And when some local kid gets down

    They try an' drum him outta town

    They say, "Ya coulda least faked it, boy"

    Fake it, boy (Ooh, stranger, boy)

    At an early age he hits the street

    Winds up tied with who he meets

    An' he's unemployed (Unemployed?) Ow!

    And the cradle will rock. Ow!

    And the cradle, the cradle will rock

    An' I say rock on. Oh, say, rock on

    (Guitar Solo)

    Have you seen Junior's grades?



    And when some local kid gets down

    They try an' drum him outta town

    They say, "Ya could've least faked it, boy. Faked it, boy"

    And so an early age he hits the street

    'N winds up tied with who he meets

    An' he's unemployed. His folks are overjoyed

    And the cradle will rock

    Yes the cradle, cradle will rock

    I say rock on. Hey! Rock on

    Rock on. Rock on. Rock on

    This ain't never been new, babe, child. Ow!

    Rock on, wow! I said...

    Rock on. Rock on. Oh, oh, oh

    Rock on. Oh, ow, ah, ah, ah

    Rock on. Rock on. Rock on

  • yo, you need to let me add that "Robots Plz Dance" track to my myspace page:


    that's my new theme song.

  • I still can't believe some of you guys are buying this shit!

    Those beats are really just bad. Some of the worst stuff I ever heard. There's absolutely no musicianship in that work. Completely out of tune. I mean out of pitch (even worse!). Really, everything is wrong about those beats.

    I was making beats when I was 15. Not that my stuff was good (I stil suck at making beats), but at least I tried to sort things out. I tried to make everything fit together. That's the least you can do as someone who mixes loops. There's no way that supertoaster is for real.

    The kid has no ears and no skills. It's really not that hard to take loops, record them and hit the copy and paste button. I know some of you are all excited. Pleae go and watch that 3 year-old kid playing the drums on youtube again...

    Worst thing is that he's asking where to find more loops. For god's sake. That's one of the few things that distinguishes a hip hop producer. The rest is not THAT hard. Any good musician would know what to do!

    What scares me most (if supertoaster is for real after all) is that nowadays, kids seem to have no sense of shame. I would have never uploaded the first beats I did at home and posted them on Soulstrut. How dumb and ignorant must you be? Some of my fellow students show that kind of attitude towards their university professors. While I'm sitting there shaking my head, pissing myslef laughing.

    I think someone is trying to make a joke and some people still didn't get that...

    A "super toaster" getting burned. Ha. Ha. What a lame joke.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Damn dude, thats harsh!

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    This supertoaster person is leaving his crumbs all over Facebook, too.

    Looks like he's on a mission.

  • Damn dude, thats harsh!

    Come on! That's the way YOU wanted it

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Damn dude, thats harsh!

    Come on! That's the way YOU wanted it

    NO WAY!

    I just wanted lil homie to get some honest feedback, since he obviously wasn't getting it anywhere else. I won't put his PMs on blast, but my dude is sensitive.
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