NY bans most trans fats from restaurants



  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts

    You're assuming that people's choices in our society are guided by equal levels of education and understanding about what's good or not good for them. Moreover, you're also assuming that people have equal access to what's good for them vs. what's bad for them.

    How many affordable organic restaurants do you know are on every street corner in poor neighborhoods?

    Save us all your libertarian nonsense on this particular topic.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    You seriously would support a law that says a person can't eat what food they choose to??
    nothing is preventing someone from purchasing and consuming transfats at their own home. restaurants are simply not able to use most trans fats in their food.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    better question:

    ban foie gras?


    gimme that fattened duck liver!

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    I see it like this.....

    The "DUMB" people in our country have to be protected from themselves. They are too "DUMB" to wear a helmet, or put on a seatbelt or eat raw pig livers, so the "SMART" people have to pass laws to protect the "DUMB" ones from making the wrong decision.

    (O-Dub summed it up much better though)

    They're banning a fat that kills you, not bread and water.
    Let's maintain some perspective here.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    I see it like this.....

    The "DUMB" people in our country have to be protected from themselves. They are too "DUMB" to wear a helmet, or put on a seatbelt or eat raw pig livers, so the "SMART" people have to pass laws to protect the "DUMB" ones from making the wrong decision.

    Honestly, this line of thinking is the most bigoted, pompous pile of shit I've ever seen.

    whats the difference between "dumb" and uneducated?

    I need to know where to draw the line

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts

    I got no problem with people fucking themselves up as badly a they want as long as they are educated on what they are doing to themselves and they can pay the medical bills afterwards for the damage they've done.

    until folks know what Trans fats are, what they do to your body, and have the non-government assisted means to pay for any health problems caused by them I say we need to remove them from restaurants

    folks can still get as partially hydrogenated as they want in their own homes

    They have been using transfat for i think well over 40 years, but just actually started listing them on the contents of packagaing in the last few years. The whole reason they didnt want to list them is how bad for you they really are. Companies freaked out when they had to list the amounts and did loose business over this. So they even know the shit is bad for you and would like to keep that as hush hush as they can. So even with ciggerates, they have a big warning on the side and have all sorts of regulations. And honestly I think 10 years of smoking compared to 10 years of eating trasfat cookies and french fries, the overall effect of the transfat would be much much more lethal. They should start putting burgers out with skull and crossbones on the label, and maybe then they can keep the transfats in restaurants.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts

    I see it like this.....

    The "DUMB" people in our country have to be protected from themselves. They are too "DUMB" to wear a helmet, or put on a seatbelt or eat raw pig livers, so the "SMART" people have to pass laws to protect the "DUMB" ones from making the wrong decision.

    Honestly, this line of thinking is the most bigoted, pompous pile of shit I've ever seen.

    whast the difference between "dumb" and uneducated?

    I need to know where to draw the line

    In this thread, there seems to be a lot of "educated" people saying some truly "dumb" shit.

    Does that help?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    You're assuming that people's choices in our society are guided by equal levels of education and understanding about what's good or not good for them. Moreover, you're also assuming that people have equal access to what's good for them vs. what's bad for them.

    How many affordable organic restaurants do you know are on every street corner in poor neighborhoods?

    Save us all your libertarian nonsense on this particular topic.

    People are FORCED to go to certain Restaurants....they are too DUMB to make a different choice......tell me what Grocery Store doesn't have every friggn fruit and vegetable you need.....or how it's more expensive to eat rice, beans and vegetables than fast Food. Not only do we have to protect the DUMB people we have to protect the LAZY too.


    Fuck a Libertarian.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    we're arguing about FAT

    It's come to this.

    Cosmo had the "worst day" prediction off by a day.

    seriously, this debate is a whole lot more refreshing than any of the ones we had yesterday

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    affordable organic restaurants
    do not exist

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    They're banning a fat that kills you, not bread and water.
    Let's maintain some perspective here.

    They're banning a fat that kills you, not bread and water.
    Let's maintain some perspective here.

    They're banning a fat that kills you, not bread and water.
    Let's maintain some perspective here.

    They're banning a fat that kills you, not bread and water.
    Let's maintain some perspective here.

    They're banning a fat that kills you, not bread and water.
    Let's maintain some perspective here.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    affordable organic restaurants
    do not exist

    My point exactly.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Save us all your libertarian nonsense on this particular topic.

    What's really amusing is that it has been..."Take your Republican nonsense out of here"

    And now it's "Save us all your libertarian nonsense on this particular topic"

    Why don't you just tell it like it is straight out...

    "Take any opinion that doesn't agree with ours the fuck out of here"

    At least I'd respect that.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts

    Fuck a Libertarian.

    Would you prefer "eugenicist"? Your line of thinking seems to suggest that people who lack both the education and access to better choices deserve to suffer for their consequences.

    And as Day noted: I don't get people are drawing a line in the sand over transfats.

    Is that some slippery (but tastefully greasy!) slope I'm not aware of?

  • Rockadelic,

    You're assuming that people's choices in our society are guided by equal levels of education and understanding about what's good or not good for them. Moreover, you're also assuming that people have equal access to what's good for them vs. what's bad for them.

    How many affordable organic restaurants do you know are on every street corner in poor neighborhoods?

    Save us all your libertarian nonsense on this particular topic.

    People are FORCED to go to certain Restaurants....they are too DUMB to make a different choice......tell me what Grocery Store doesn't have every friggn fruit and vegetable you need.....or how it's more expensive to eat rice, beans and vegetables than fast Food. Not only do we have to protect the DUMB people we have to protect the LAZY too.


    Fuck a Libertarian.

    What world do you fuckin' live in? I'm suprised that you're suprised. And let's not call the "uneducated" dumb just because they may have not had access to the best schools, can't afford good quality food, don't have the time because they're having to work and raise a family, or don't have a parent/guardian around that knows what to prepare

    Like I said it's a damn shame that good quality food or at least having that having option is a luxury. Especially when a lot of it's determined by class.

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    I'm against any law designed to protect sane people from harming themselves.

    Go rollerblading without your knee-pads and helmet in your own little corner then, thrill-seaker. But miss me with whatever bullshitt you're trying to bring into this discussion.

    Between 1970 and 2000 obesity in the US has more than doubled, and the amount of money consumers spent on fast food increased 1883% (CDC, Schlosser 2001).

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts
    affordable organic restaurants
    do not exist
    for real man. I dunno about you but when im working all day or have a million things to do, i cant take the time out to make some whole wheat pasta with a presto spread. When your on the road or running around town, sometimes you really only have a few minutes to eat and fall prey to fast food. Its not about being lazy or just being a slob, its just the way our society is structured. Im no health nut, but i did drop almost 30 lbs, and my roommate dropped over 75 lbs, after going on a diet high in whole grains, no transfats, no high frutose, lean meats, veggies, beans, nuts, low fat dairy shit like yougart and milk, and we have never been healthier. To do this though took a lot of work and a lot of willpower which i can see some people having problems with. You really have to be dedicated and work hard at which is a hard thing to do in fast paced living. So calling these people "lazy" or whatever, for letting themselves get fat when fast food is being pimped and pushed in your face in every direction 24/7, is just callous and naive.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    When certain sex acts were discovered to promote a disease that could kill we didn't outlaw it, we educated.

    I'm 100% for education and against passing a law.

    What an asshole.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    Save us all your libertarian nonsense on this particular topic.

    What's really amusing is that it has been..."Take your Republican nonsense out of here"

    And now it's "Save us all your libertarian nonsense on this particular topic"

    Why don't you just tell it like it is straight out...

    "Take any opinion that doesn't agree with ours the fuck out of here"

    At least I'd respect that.

    Rock I'm all about not falling in line simply to be with the majority (especially here on soulstrut)

    but this issue really doesn't have much in the way of being pro-transfat.

    if you want to defend it though, go right ahead and give me some of the benefits of this wonderfat

  • The fact that certain people in this thread are blaming overweight people for ANY of society's ills--to the point of complaining about paying for their health costs--is both ridiculous and disgusting.

    And Guzzo:

    if folks can't take care of themselves and the end result means I got to pay for their fat asses than I'm glad this move is being made.

    Coming from someone who seems to think that America's crack epidemic can be blamed almost entirely on the contents of Faux_Rillz' iPod, this doesn't surprise me.

    FACT: Unhealthy food is cheaper/easier to get than healthy food. It is largely marketed to our nation's lower class, along with alcohol and tobacco. Simple example: Safeway versus Whole Foods (aka Whole Paycheck). You tell me where you're spending more?

    And I thank God that I've been blessed with the metabolism I've had for most of my life, although it has slowed down considerably in recent years. I have nothing but respect for overweight people who are trying to do what they can to make healthy choices in their lives, because it is far from the easiest path to take.

    To sit back and blame people for their weight problems is low.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts

    Save us all your libertarian nonsense on this particular topic.

    What's really amusing is that it has been..."Take your Republican nonsense out of here"

    And now it's "Save us all your libertarian nonsense on this particular topic"

    Why don't you just tell it like it is straight out...

    "Take any opinion that doesn't agree with ours the fuck out of here"

    At least I'd respect that.


    If your opinion wasn't innately condescending by describing people who suffer from poor dietary habits as "dumb" and "lazy" then I'd have no problem respect your difference. You just sound like an asshole sometimes.

    I'm not asking to ban you though. Sheesh.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    I'm 100% for education and against passing a law.
    im sure educating people about trans fats and the like will help a lot when they're deciding as to whether they should completely change their diet (and spend a whole lot more money) or pay their rent and bills for the month

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    How are you going to enforce the no trans fat thing? That crap is in everything....

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts


    If your opinion wasn't innately condescending by describing people who suffer from poor dietary habits as "dumb" and "lazy" then I'd have no problem respect your difference. You just sound like an asshole sometimes.

    I'm not asking to ban you though. Sheesh.
    No....I was saying that the folks who feel these laws are needed see these people as dumb and they have to protect them.

    You wanna change it to the Educated need to protect the Uneducated, and you think that sounds any less condescending, that's cool with me.

  • Is this thread really going to be a :5pager:?

    I've seen some curious threads on here in the last year or so, but wow.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    The fact that certain people in this thread are blaming overweight people for ANY of society's ills--to the point of complaining about paying for their health costs--is both ridiculous and disgusting.

    And Guzzo:

    if folks can't take care of themselves and the end result means I got to pay for their fat asses than I'm glad this move is being made.

    Coming from someone who seems to think that America's crack epidemic can be blamed almost entirely on the contents of Faux_Rillz' iPod, this doesn't surprise me.


    Once again you are thinking with your emotions and not your mind. First off to say that I think the crack epidemic has anything to do with some rich whiteboys music selection is fucking outrageous.

    Secondly, I've seen plenty of uneducated and poor people eat themselves into an unhealthy world in which they take a delicious cocktail of pills just to operate.

    I've seen my father have a heart attack linked directly to his high in saturated/ trans fat diet.

    I had the pleasure of wondering if my dad was going to survive after his double bypass surgery

    I've been blessed with having a sister who has taken her medical degree and worked primarily in free clinics, the patients she's dealt with and the stories she's told me are enough to turn many-a-stomach.

    Any attack on my stance of educating people on health and removing dangerous fats with little to no health benefits from public restaurants is welcome, especially from someone as impartial as you.

    I'm still waiting for someone to tell me a benefit of transfat

    oh and save me from this bullshit

    To sit back and blame people for their weight problems is low.

    while there are people with true health issues not related to unhealthy diets there are still many who choose to eat unhealthy and end up paying the medical price for it down the road. I refuse to beleive that a person who has had a diet that included a mix of fast food, junk food, and fatty foods is not responsible for the end result of the shit they put in their mouth.

    if one is not responsible for their actions than who is?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Can I assume that every one of you are also for outlawing cigarettes??

    And if not, please list all the benefits.

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts

    I'm still waiting for someone to tell me a benefit of transfat

    duhhh... they are finger licking good homes. Didnt you get the memo?

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts

    You don't think society has a responsibility to look after the well-being of the uneducated (who are uneducated largely due to inequalities in our social structure rather than individual decision)?

    I suppose the poor are poor b/c they don't work hard enough - so forget about helping them?

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    You wanna change it to the Educated need to protect the Uneducated, and you think that sounds any less condescending, that's cool with me.

    So trying to teach people who are uneducated is now a condescending form of protection?

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