Post stuff you've done that not many people have..



  • ageage 1,131 Posts

    Corrected an ex's letter to me and sent it back w/ corrections and graded it.
    what'd she get?


    i was nice,no?


  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts


    Got chased by a herd of cattle.


  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts

    Had sex with a famous person.. neither of the above

    Come on, man, you gotta spill the beans...

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts

    Here are some:

    -Grabbed my 9th grade physical science teachers ass (Ms. I---n was fiiiine!!!).
    -Received a doctorate degree with a 3.95 GPA and had fun too (drank, got pussy, traveled, collected records, produced demos, etc.).
    -Walked through a lava tube (and videotaped it).
    -Earned a 4.0 GPA in my undergraduate major.
    -Made the National Dean's List three years in a row (1991-1993).
    -Sleepwalked and pissed in the clothes hamper as a child.
    -Smoked dope with and fucked a professor while a student (she didn't teach where I attended school, though).
    -Earned the high school senior superlative "Most musically inclined".
    -Catch a stray bullet in the left arm.
    -Turned down pussy from Tangie Ambrose while in college (superh-e related).


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts

    Had my freinds house surrounded by police (street blockaded, dudes in vests down in the creek behind his place- the whole deal) due to an water pistol i had that was mistaken for a real gun. (another long story)
    This reminds me of this one time my brother got a water pistol through Heathrow (sp? the airport in London, England) but when we tried to go through the airport in Calgary, Alberta they shut the place down, had security come in no some bomb threat, stopped all the planes leaving, and the whole time my whole family was just laughing because we knew it was the water pistol.

  • djannadjanna 1,543 Posts
    yo, too many of you have been chased by cattle!

    - stayed in the Maharaja's Lake Palace in Udaipur, India
    - got trampled by a police horse
    - gave the speech at my high school graduation
    - had Passover dinner with Bob Dylan
    - toured the country with an annoying rapper
    - lived in SF, LA and NYC before SD
    - recycled my Masters Degree by mistake
    - (I know I've mentioned this) dj-ed Punky Brewster's 21st Birthday
    - met Rootless Cosmo when he was one day old
    - had a class at UCLA with three cast members from Family Matters
    - got to talk on the Wake-Up Show
    - took Chloe Sevigny to her first rave in SF
    - saw a taping of Seinfeld
    - got picked up at the Detroit airport by a DJ whose Escalade plate read: ASSAULT

    and a million corny dj-related incidents as well

  • sneakypsneakyp 204 Posts
    cooked dinner for lou reed, twice.
    had a telephone conversation with fat joe.
    ate a horse's stomach.
    ate human feces.
    bought christmas gifts for michael dougals and then forged christmas cards from him to his family.
    did the same for tommy motola.
    played rugby.
    drove styles of beyond around in my friend's mini van but there were only two seats so they had to ride around on the floor in the back.

    huffed chloroform
    made maple syrup
    never saw pulp fiction or top gun...

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts

    -went to school with Ted Danson's daughter

    crossroads strikes again....

    When did you guys go to Crossroads cause I went to college with a ton of peeps from there?

    Saw Bob Dylan's son play in a Doors cover band in college.

    Marched in a parade of neighborhood kids led by my father celebrating the resignation of Richard Nixon.

    Was the third fastest breaststroker in my state when I was 10.

    Dated Chaka Khan's half-sister for several months.

    Lost my virginity in the Soviet Union.

    Lived in France for a year, attended Lycee Sophie Germain in the 4th arrondissement.

  • ate human feces.

    Plaese to Tell me you're joking. Tell me it was an accident somehow.

  • gibla74gibla74 182 Posts
    When i was 18 a club I was rapping in was surrounded by armed police due to my suspected involvement in a drive by shooting. (long story)
    I've never had a conversation with my grandparents as we speak different languages.
    Have smoked with Prince Po & Edan, had dinner with co flo & buck 65 & taken lord finesse & puts to very bad parties.
    Had an operation when I was 7 & when the nurse came to take the stitches out she said "oh dear they've been practising on you"
    Saw Chuck berry, David Ruffin, Eddie kendricks, Dennis Edwards & Van Morrison when I was 15.
    Have met allen ginsberg
    Seen Bjorks knickers.
    Was once stranded overnight on my own in Paris, I don't speak french but thought I'd go out, found a cool oldfashioned atmospheric wine bar off the bastille with old french dudes chillin & weird french music playing from a stereo behind the bar. sat in a corner & got drunk. The old bar lady put a new tape in the tape deck & to my surprise p.u.t.s's san francisco nights came on, (this was when it had only just come out & was not well known) was a beautiful moment.*

    * didn't last long as a group of loud U.S jocks & frat type girls sat at the table next to me & ruined the mood.

  • Seen Bjorks knickers.

    What's the story behind that?
    Bjork is wonderful.

  • - Did a trekking in Yemen.

    - Removed a "meat-tree" from my father's shoulder with a sharp knive.

    - Had a band when I was 10 and we appeared on TV and radio.

    - Wrote one article on Indian porn and one about Pakistani gore/porn flicks for an English academic magazine ("Universalism in sleaze").

    - Grew weed at my parents place using among other things the little bath my mother washed me in when I was a baby. I used holy water from a container I had bought in Lourdes. Lourdes weed =

    - I had sex on a night train in Thailand when I was 16 and when the train had to stop suddenly I had an orgasm (we were lying in the direction of the train).

    - Had sex in a cave-church in Ihlara, Turkey. I'm not sure but I think the church was on the Unesco list.

    - I pretended to be a psycho when I had to show up to be drafted (and was declared insane).

    - I have burried my real father and some years later burried my stepfather. I saw them die both.

    - I called Jan Hammer's mother to get into a jazz club in Prague (she was my mother's neighbor).

    - I got incredibly stoned at a qawali concert in a mosque in Lahore (together with the drummer of a Pakistani rock band called The Ventures). Because I was the only westerner I was placed on a special seat in front of the stage (despite my red eyes), in between the mullahs who had funded the concert. Uncomfortable...

  • gibla74gibla74 182 Posts

    Seen Bjorks knickers.

    What's the story behind that?
    Bjork is wonderful.

    I'm afraid it's not that exciting..

    a few years ago she played a gig in London, I think it was at The Royal Albert Hall, I managed to get a photo pass & was at the front of stage for the first 3 songs along with the other photographers. I was the only one who wasn't a pro, I caught the other photographers sneering at my inadequate camera. (I was also prob the only one who was actually really into bjork & had a bit of a crush on her at the time) It was hard to get a decent shot of her as she kept rushing around from one side of the stage to the other then she just came over to where I was standing & stopped right above me for almost an entire song, I think she felt sorry for me & decided give me the best photo opp over the pros (who were pissed off!) . She was close enough to touch & her skirt was directly over my head so for a couple minutes all I could really see was her knickers, unfortunately my camera ran out of film & I got no naughty shots.

    a shot from gig:

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts

    Helped put out a 45 of a friends band Operation Ivy

    Props...Incredible and influential band

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Fished Gatun Lake in Panama.
    Traveled on a ship through the Panama Canal.
    Open and closed a section of the Gatun locks for a ship on the Panama Canal.
    Visited the San Blas Islands and Indians.
    Marched in Mardi Gras parades.
    Body surfed the Wedge in Newport Beach, California.
    Wade-fished the Seabrook flats on Galveston Bay in Houston.
    Ate squirrel heart.
    Forced the future all-time leading passer in Texas Longhorns history (since surpassed) to fumble in a high school football game.
    Spent the night in a floating camphouse on Laguna Madre near Corpus Christi.
    Played pick-up basketball games with Tony Gonzalez of the Kansas City Chiefs.
    Attended Thursday night open mic events at the Good Life Cafe in Los Angeles.

    I guess I haven't done anything all that unique since 1994.

  • troublemantroubleman 1,928 Posts

    -went to school with Ted Danson's daughter

    crossroads strikes again....

    a little after that I'm afraid. We both went to Art Center in Pasadena. Graduated the same term too. Really nice and sweet girl.

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    What year was she there?

  • Fed bumble bees as a job.

    Quit my career job and moved to another country with only $300 and without a place to live, a job, or an ability to speak the native language.

    Slept under a bridge in Groningen (not from inebriation, but because I had no money and didn't know where else to sleep)

    Spent the night in a bathroom at the long-distance train station in Frankfurt (not from inebriation, but because I had no money and didn't know where else to sleep)

    Spent the night in a house boat in the Leuvehaven in Rotterdam.

    Had my life threatened by a skinhead in a Dutch hostel.

    Ate iguana.

    Drove from Miami to Houston, then two months later drove from Houston to L.A.

    Driven from Houston to L.A. (or vice versa) nine separate times.

    Gave Sammy B a dubbed copy of Q-Bert's pre-school breaks mix.

  • Okay, I just thought of a few more:

    Won a Louie Award for Get Well Greeting Card of the Year in 2003.

    Appeared in the movie Dazed & Confused.

    Studied kung fu with the nephew/adopted son of Lam Sai Wing (The Magnificent Butcher).

    Sold bulk candy to David Yow's dad at Sam's Club in Austin. He was a super mild-mannered guy who put the stress on "Lizard" when he said "The Jesus Lizard." It was funny to me that he seemed to think of his son as normal.

  • taken lord finesse & puts to very bad parties.

    when was this?!

  • troublemantroubleman 1,928 Posts
    What year was she there?

    I graduated a year ago this may. It's a little more than a two year school (if you don't take breaks off) Most of my class went straight through.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Fed bumble bees as a job.

    Quit my career job and moved to another country with only $300 and without a place to live, a job, or an ability to speak the native language.

    Slept under a bridge in Groningen (not from inebriation, but because I had no money and didn't know where else to sleep)

    Spent the night in a bathroom at the long-distance train station in Frankfurt (not from inebriation, but because I had no money and didn't know where else to sleep)

    Spent the night in a house boat in the Leuvehaven in Rotterdam.

    Had my life threatened by a skinhead in a Dutch hostel.

    Ate iguana.

    Drove from Miami to Houston, then two months later drove from Houston to L.A.

    Driven from Houston to L.A. (or vice versa) nine separate times.

    Gave Sammy B a dubbed copy of Q-Bert's pre-school breaks mix.

    plaese to add:

    Was called "lil guy, lil fry" by Busdriver.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    cashless[/b], i need to hear the full story of how you mended the native tongues relationship. also, i knew they used to have bad blood, but i forget why they were feuding in the first place.

    This is a VERY long story. I'll come back to this in a minute.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts

    -went to school with Ted Danson's daughter

    crossroads strikes again....

    When did you guys go to Crossroads cause I went to college with a ton of peeps from there?

    which college?

    edit- actually, let me guess - nyu?

  • nrichnrich 932 Posts

    Appeared in the movie Dazed & Confused.

    I knew some people that were in that, where in the movie were you? An extra or minor role?

  • Fed bumble bees as a job.

    Quit my career job and moved to another country with only $300 and without a place to live, a job, or an ability to speak the native language.

    Slept under a bridge in Groningen (not from inebriation, but because I had no money and didn't know where else to sleep)

    Spent the night in a bathroom at the long-distance train station in Frankfurt (not from inebriation, but because I had no money and didn't know where else to sleep)

    Spent the night in a house boat in the Leuvehaven in Rotterdam.

    Had my life threatened by a skinhead in a Dutch hostel.

    Ate iguana.

    Drove from Miami to Houston, then two months later drove from Houston to L.A.

    Driven from Houston to L.A. (or vice versa) nine separate times.

    Gave Sammy B a dubbed copy of Q-Bert's pre-school breaks mix.

    plaese to add:

    Was called "lil guy, lil fry" by Busdriver.

    You gonna tell them about your Duke scholarship, homie?

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Fed bumble bees as a job.

    Quit my career job and moved to another country with only $300 and without a place to live, a job, or an ability to speak the native language.

    Slept under a bridge in Groningen (not from inebriation, but because I had no money and didn't know where else to sleep)

    Spent the night in a bathroom at the long-distance train station in Frankfurt (not from inebriation, but because I had no money and didn't know where else to sleep)

    Spent the night in a house boat in the Leuvehaven in Rotterdam.

    Had my life threatened by a skinhead in a Dutch hostel.

    Ate iguana.

    Drove from Miami to Houston, then two months later drove from Houston to L.A.

    Driven from Houston to L.A. (or vice versa) nine separate times.

    Gave Sammy B a dubbed copy of Q-Bert's pre-school breaks mix.

    plaese to add:

    Was called "lil guy, lil fry" by Busdriver.

    You gonna tell them about your Duke scholarship, homie?

    I never said that was MY scholarship.

  • Appeared in the movie Dazed & Confused.

    I knew some people that were in that, where in the movie were you? An extra or minor role?

    Just an extra (in the beer bust scene). And I think everyone in Austin knows someone who was in it.

  • Appeared in the movie Dazed & Confused.

    I knew some people that were in that, where in the movie were you? An extra or minor role?

    Just an extra (in the beer bust scene). And I think everyone in Austin knows someone who was in it.

    Yah, kid that went to our HS in Dallas was in it.

  • JRootJRoot 861 Posts
    *Ridden on the back of an ostrich
    *Performed in the following operas: Tosca, La Boheme
    *won a prize for selling a lot of $1 lottery tickets door-to-door in a white button down, black sweater vest with a white treble clef on the right lapel, black slacks, and china flats where the grand prize was a trip to waikiki
    *Visited clients on death row
    *Interviewed surviving family members of a woman who had been raped, stabbed and burned to death where the likely innocent person accused of the crime was on death row
    *Eaten Kudu (not record related)
    *been charged by an elephant
    *got turned away from the Zimbabwe-Mozambican border trying to cross into Mozambique
    *drank single malt scotch with Nels Cline
    *gave a speech at h.s. graduation
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