Gettin’ Right...Health-Wise!!!



  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    mar'dell is AWESOME!!!

    - signed: "the relaxation mafia"...

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    word, I heard of her through HCrink. he told me I'd dig it. That pimp thread today was an all time low for soulstrut imo. Thats radd that you're penpals with her! I'm listening to ancient echoes right now by Georgia Kelly and Steven Halpern, nice record but I'm bout to go to bed now. Makin me sleepy. One last thing though, you have any Richard Pinhas/Heldon recommendations? Heldon iv aural explorer has been my favorite of late. It's the only one I have though, any recommendations would be appreciated. Peace, J

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    I love cheese, caffine, alcohol, salt, and cigarettes.

    I've all but cut out soda and fast food (every once in a great while) but my biggest thing is being consistent with everything. I'll get all hype and start working out and eating right then after a couple weeks i'm like "baaaaaaaaah fuck it" and get buck for a couple days.

    It's all about getting back on track after you fall off. I lost 7 lbs in a week and a half, got careless for a few days and now i'm trying to get focused again. I need to eat more vegetables foreally. Smaller portions does a lot too. Get some trail mix and drink alot of water. Especially if you sit on your ass all day.

    Btw, I saw Tony mentioned oregano in the NWO thread. Has anybody tried the liquid form?

    Shit is I N D E E D[/b]

  • HAZE1HAZE1 40 Posts
    yeah i just quit smoking trees in december, from like ten years of daily use. Goto the gym like 3 or 4 times a week now, started buying my own food and cookin myself instead of eating fast food on the daily. i do feel alot better then i did. Now i just gotta get my sleep patterns back on track. Im one of thouse cats that wakes up at 2 pm, goes to work at 5, gym at like midnight then come home and make a track and lurk online till bout 7am. I had to rig shades in my room to keep out the sun. Im like a vampire.

  • Sun_FortuneSun_Fortune 1,374 Posts
    where my vampires at?

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    damn, yall are pretty healthy. Its certainly a goal of mine, but shit, ive got some rather heavy vices right now. cigarettes are terrible, but there are times when I still love them....but they are discusting and horrible for you. but Ive never actually tried to quit. They calm my nerves after all the amphetimenes I take every day. That and a few bong rips before I leave the house barely manages to keep me sane.

    but man, Im grinding right now. Nothing in my life is really comfortable and nothing is situated yet. Im getting close, and then I wanna get right. But at least I have been working out before i start on a session. Usually keeps me from passing out from all the dro.

    props to those of yall that quit smoking, that shit is fucking hard as hell. Im moving into a place with a real kitchen at least. so then I can do some cooking.

  • Sun_FortuneSun_Fortune 1,374 Posts
    adderall and weed is the best combo of all time...wish I had a little of both.

  • lucerolucero 425 Posts
    just walked in the door from 2hr's of yoga - it doesn't get much shine up on here but its the shizznit. Without wanting to sound like some sales brochure yoga alerts you to muscles you never knew you had, and can increase your awareness & knowledge about your body a surprising amount.

    shit like the pic below might look easy but this asana will bust your hamstrings into the middle of next week, takes a lot of balance too - ya'll should try it sometime

  • kilogramkilogram 152 Posts

    not just soda. try to give up anything with high fructose corn syrup.

    used to be a snapple fiend and now it just tastes like shit to me.

  • NateBizzoNateBizzo 2,328 Posts
    There is a diffence between being emo-skinny & Fit. There are plenty of skinny folks that are totally out of shape and plenty of fit folks who are not skinny.

    Skinny does not always equal healthy.

    It's all quite simple. Work out 3-5 days a week and eat healthy. Not much too it except to do it. Sticking with a routine is the most difficult part.

    Ciggarettes make me fucking ill. Hard to believe people still smoke butts these days.

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts

    but man, Im grinding right now. Nothing in my life is really comfortable and nothing is situated yet. Im getting close, and then I wanna get right. But at least I have been working out before i start on a session. Usually keeps me from passing out from all the dro.

    oftentimeseating/drinking/living in a focused, healthy simpl way can help comfort levels, productivity, and getting situated. good luck with that b.

    day, oregano and all those herbs, whether in teas, sauces, etc are highest in antioxidants (fight cancer and such). you can grow them in your windowsill. ive heard good things about the liquid tinctures, but check the inredient labels, i guess. fresh herbs thing is usually the best(but not always most convenient). and you probably shouldnt smoke the oreano

    i dont f with cafffeine, cigarettes, meat, milk, refined sugars. i try to reduce salt, processed food in general, and eat whole foods-real shit and lots of water. that being said, if i was a guest at a dinner table, i wouldnt refuse a little meat. my drink of choice is rum and coke (combo of alcohol, caffeien, sugars gets my tore up) and i eat reputable cheeses (no cheezwhiz) and eggs from small organic farms (worth the extra 10 cents per egg in my book). i also eat fish once or twice a week (and any time i'm near bilal's).
    so i break my own rules and dont fit into a category: vegan, vegetarian, octovo, whatever. things in moderation seem to be best. anthony p's diet looks mighty healthy (and i know that red meat tastes good when you eat it once a week!)
    dont worry about slipping up once in a while and enjoying yourself...but get in good routines with the good stuff, so the bad stuff will have less and less time to hang with you (like get in the habit of always having a bottle of water with you....or in marco's case a gallon jug)

    really good program on ABC was "how to get fat without really trying" with peter jennings. explains how our environment encourages obesity. government farm subsidies? less than 1% go towards fruit and vegetable production. think abou thtat bullshit.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    I have a fairly strange diet... but I have to say that I can tell what makes me feel good and what makes me feel bad.

    What Makes Me Feel Good: 1-2 cups of coffee in the morning -- little bit of skim milk / no sugar, lots of cereal (Life, Low Fat Granola, Special K, etc. NO SUGARY SHIT), sushi / fish, lean protein (eat Turkey Sandwiches 5x a week), WATER (like 6 glasses/day) occasionally with lemon in it to spice it up, one beer at night (no Michelob... like a Heineken or NewCastle), fruit (bananas, oranges, etc.), Low Fat Wheat Thins or SunChips instead of Doritos

    Excercise: tread mill 3 x a week, keep active -- keep the metabolism up, don't be one of those dudes that circle Walmart for 3 hours looking for a close parking spot -- park the car right when you get in the lot and walk... Wrestle with your dog -- be goofy with your kids... stay active

    What Makes Me Feel Bad: SODA!!! -- I can't emphasize this enough... I have been drinking soda for years and have officially called it quits 2 weeks a go -- just makes my heart race and depresses me. Fast Food Burgers, Starches (cannot stand the uber carb foods like potatoes, home fries, etc... they make me ancy after consumption.) Ketchup... nothing but sugar... Too much alcohol -- at 29, I cannot be rocking hangovers especially with a child.

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    good points nate. skinny does not automatically = healthy. neither does vegetarian.

    7 steps to healthy diet (as specified by my employers) a rainbow of fruits and veggies whole grains
    3.avoid processed food/make homemade snacks
    4.reduce salt
    5.reduce sugar
    6.drink plenty water
    7.get regular exercise

    heres my 3 processed food ingredients to shun:
    partially hydrogenated oils
    high fructose corn syrup
    sodium anything (a lot of preservatives)

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    Good thread.

    This is, witout a doubt, the time of year to get started again with exercise. To anyone reading this, make it a serious goal and STICK TO IT.

    I just started doing push-ups, sit-ups, stretching and even running in place to get my blood pumping in the morning. I haven't worked out in seriously years, but it's nice to wake up with sore pecs and flex a bit on my way to the shower every morning.

    Another thing I've been doing is trying to run at random intervals during the day. For instance...when I got home with my new (used) PS2 memory card and figured out that the one they sold me was busted, I put on some athletic threads and ran the few blocks to the train stop, and then back again when I got off the train toward home. So, I saved a bunch of time I would've spent walking AND got home faster to fuck up some NBA Live. I'll also run to my girl's crib sometimes.

    Other than that, I've been trying to have what I termed 'salad parties' once a week for dinner and am always looking for ways to eat better.


  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    lots of cereal (Life, Low Fat Granola, Special K, etc. NO SUGARY SHIT)
    check the ingredients, RAJ, sometimes even non-lucky charms got a lot of lurky sugars.

    WATER (like 6 glasses/day) occasionally with lemon in it to spice it up,
    i am addicted to lemon in the water. so damn good.

    Excercise: tread mill 3 x a week, walking the earth looking for records, carrying crate after heavy crate into the soulstrut mansion, keep active -- keep the metabolism up,
    no wonder youre diesel!

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    I'll also run to my girl's crib sometimes.
    you so horny!!!!

    Other than that, I've been trying to have what I termed 'salad tossing parties' once a week

  • NateBizzoNateBizzo 2,328 Posts
    I eat sushi for lunch about 4 days a week.

    The other day I was told that was bad for me because of high mercury levels in fish. Now I'm all paranoid about eating sushi.

    Is this bullshit or is it true that eating lots of fish = nasty carcinogenic chemical in your body?

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    lots of cereal (Life, Low Fat Granola, Special K, etc. NO SUGARY SHIT)
    check the ingredients, RAJ, sometimes even non-lucky charms got a lot of lurky sugars.

    WATER (like 6 glasses/day) occasionally with lemon in it to spice it up,
    i am addicted to lemon in the water. so damn good.

    Excercise: tread mill 3 x a week, walking the earth looking for records, carrying crate after heavy crate into the soulstrut mansion, keep active -- keep the metabolism up,
    no wonder youre diesel!

    Oh shit... I forgot that I am on the crate diggers' diet on the weekends.... Cup of coffee in the morning... dig all day / no food.... haul crate after crate up 3 flights of stairs to house... sleep.

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    i heard the same. i wouldnt doubt it. just be moderate and stop trying to act japanese. just have the veggie sushi once in a all tastes pretty similar once you put wasabi and pickled ginger on it.

    yo sorry yall for posting so damn much. i'm legitimizing this as work related. i'm out. be well yall!

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    my post count is getting diesel

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    i said STRONG

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts

    Is this bullshit or is it true that eating lots of fish = nasty carcinogenic chemical in your body?

    What's crazy is that the Japanese have a high smoking rate yet have one of the longest life spans... The secret is in the fishies... fish oils are good for the heart.

    Oh and eat lots of yogurt, b!

  • dCastillodCastillo 1,963 Posts
    health strut is what's real.

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    I'll also run to my girl's crib sometimes.
    you so horny!!!!

    Other than that, I've been trying to have what I termed 'salad tossing parties' once a week


  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts

    Oh shit... I forgot that I am on the crate diggers' diet on the weekends.... Cup of coffee in the morning... dig all day / no food.... haul crate after crate up 3 flights of stairs to house... sleep.

    hmm this sounds alot like my daily regime

    get up

    drink coffee

    smoke spliff

    work on tunes / computer all day.. maybe go to post office or dig

    eat super


    well maybe not everyday...

    actually im pretty dang healthy... been vegetarian for about 12 years.

    no dairy (except for some posh ass imported organic cheeses and yogurts)

    no sugar

    no eggs

    when i hit 23 or so the beer belly caught up with me ... i removed cheese, eggs and dairy from the diet and kablow ...gut gone.. and i still drink beers .

    now im 30 and still in the same shape so i can't be doin that much wrong.. but at the same time im about to step up my game

    my wife is HARDCORE into this shit... health and nutrition would be like records to us fols... she pretty much only eats raw foods, fruits vegetables, alot of juices... weekly fasts ... goes to the gym 3 times a week, yoga 3 times a week, pilates 3 times a week.. bikes to work everyday... jogs in the summer..

    goddamn makes me feel like a lazy bum.

    anyhow she's takin pilates teacher training so im about to get signed up for free leasons as part of her course hours.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    See... y'all knock the cheeses on here. I thrive off cheese... eat Vermont cheddar right off the block with some Wheat Thins... so focused the rest of the day.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    My main vice is the cigs, and sodium. I have seriously high blood pressure. I kicked the cigs and now I'm back on the death stick. But I have seriously cut my sodium just by cooking at home, NOT adding salt to meals (out or home), and being sparing with high-sodium products like soy sauce, deli meats (STAY AWAY, these things are chock full with sodium), and canned products like soup. Like GZA said, read the labels!

    Btw, I was running but it was killing my knees and my back *PASUE*. But I read that an hour long *session* with your significant other(s) is as good as swimming a bunch of laps sooo.... perhaps I am getting enough cardio.

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    you and rapedonkeys swimming laps together? I'm confused

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts

  • kilogramkilogram 152 Posts

    Is this bullshit or is it true that eating lots of fish = nasty carcinogenic chemical in your body?


    What's crazy is that the Japanese have a high smoking rate yet have one of the longest life spans... The secret is in the fishies... fish oils are good for the heart.

    Oh and eat lots of yogurt, b!

    one thing i noticed is that in japan they would only smoke about 1/2 to 2/3 of their cigarette. apparently cause the really bad shit gets concentrated towards the butt.

    speaking of japanese smokes : unfiltered PEACE cigarettes in blue packs - stay the fuck away.
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