
  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,978 Posts
    It's hard to root for a public school boy, Oxbridge career politician doe.  I am sure they pick teams each side just like playground footy.

    Policies based on the colour of their rosette must always take a backseat to policies based on not being outed for hella soggy biscuit / Good clean fun / Sir Cliff / porcine orifice interfaceness.  It's just dreaming, the City will not tolerate anyone who will make them poorer.  Still think we are goaded by the illusion of choice.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,978 Posts
    WHERE THE VIRTUAL F*CK IS @DocMcCoy ???  I know he's in Berlin, guffawing into his stein at Brexit, but he needs to step his Strut game back up.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Those who look from afar can laugh at Brexit, but they did the same: they brexited. They have no solution to the fact that the EU is a basic busted flush.
    Time for a whole new game.
    Best believe Europe badly, and I mean BADLY needs the UK coin.

    I tell you baldly; the City snorts in derision at Frankfurt, Madrid, Dublin and them stealing the financial nous of London.
    Theres not enough bars, restaurants, brasses, Coke and general good times to make it viable. Or indeed people who can innovate, work outside of 9-5, etc etc.
    London is europe's capital by a country mile. 
    That won't change.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,978 Posts
    Not stressing Brexit anymore.  Weather so miserable I have booked Spain again.  Sack the exchange rate - I have come to the conclusion that as long as there is [Geordie]plen-ee buh-ah for wor Sherrall's terst[/G] everything will be fine.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Jimster said:
    WHERE THE VIRTUAL F*CK IS @DocMcCoy ???  I know he's in Berlin, guffawing into his stein at Brexit, but he needs to step his Strut game back up.
    He's deserted us for the land of 140 characters. 

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,803 Posts
    Boris Johnson appointed as Foreign Minister?
    Is May actually taking the piss?

    Skel, Jimster, Moke - are the Tories trying to sabotage themselves, Brexit, or the UK?

    Apprently the rest of the world is also stifling a laugh.


  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,803 Posts
    Okem said:
    Jimster said:
    WHERE THE VIRTUAL F*CK IS @DocMcCoy ???  I know he's in Berlin, guffawing into his stein at Brexit, but he needs to step his Strut game back up.
    He's deserted us for the land of 140 characters. 
    Doc loves a challenge.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    The last couple of days the news has been full of gushing eulogies about what a great PM Cameron was and how May is this compassionate force for good who's going to take care of everyone like they were her own. the Tory PR machine has been in full effect. 

    I'm sure that appointing a man who refers to Africans as "piccaninnies" with "watermelon smiles", who's also managed to insult Hilary, Obama and The Chinese, accused the Turkish PM of fucking a goat, compare the EU to Hitler.. is the perfect person to represent us in post Brexit UK. As the man himself said "there are no disasters, only opportunities. And, indeed, opportunities for fresh disaster"

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Okem said:
    The last couple of days the news has been full of gushing eulogies about what a great PM Cameron was and how May is this compassionate force for good who's going to take care of everyone like they were her own. the Tory PR machine has been in full effect. 

    I'm sure that appointing a man who refers to Africans as "piccaninnies" with "watermelon smiles", who's also managed to insult Hilary, Obama and The Chinese, accused the Turkish PM of fucking a goat, compare the EU to Hitler.. is the perfect person to represent us in post Brexit UK. As the man himself said "there are no disasters, only opportunities. And, indeed, opportunities for fresh disaster"
    Irrelevant, Echo chamber stuff. Tory is the only game in town until the Left get real.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,803 Posts
    skel said:
    Tory is the only game in town until the Left get real.
    Seems to be the case, I wonder if education is to blame for the way the working class (and the middle) have been voting against their own interests. Capitalism to blame? A general drift to the Right for a society of individuals?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,803 Posts
    Fuck. France attacked again. Weirdest quote from a French politician (if correctly translated) "We all have to learn to live with terrorism" - WTF? Why? Why not struggle to solve the problem?

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,978 Posts
    I think he probably meant "It's going to be a problem for a while".  We are fighting an idea.

    It's impossible to eliminate the possibility of such atrocities from the psyche of all nutters amongst us.  Dude responsible was a known criminal.  Something must have tipped him over the edge and that is what me must deal with.  I can't see how we can mitigate this.

    Maybe it's a red-flag from the far right illuminati so we can profile all folks with the potential to derail as such and, I dunno, round 'em up and do what those German folks did Poland?

  • trzakhstantrzakhstan IA 198 Posts
    I think a certain level of ambient terrorism is the new normal, like what the people in Israel have been living with for decades.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,803 Posts
    Yeah, I understand the observational point of it, but out of context from the full speech (not sure what else he said), seems a bit defeatist. You can't legislate for everything, every potential nutter, but I'd rather have heard him say he wants to work out what fuels this, but I suspect the result will be "We're going to bomb the fuck out of Iraq & Syria some more".

    Ambient terrorism isn't something people should live with. Especially if there's an obvious reason for it (re: Israel). France didn't get involved in Iraq, and it seems that disenfranchisement may be to blame.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    skel said:
    Okem said:
    The last couple of days the news has been full of gushing eulogies about what a great PM Cameron was and how May is this compassionate force for good who's going to take care of everyone like they were her own. the Tory PR machine has been in full effect. 

    I'm sure that appointing a man who refers to Africans as "piccaninnies" with "watermelon smiles", who's also managed to insult Hilary, Obama and The Chinese, accused the Turkish PM of fucking a goat, compare the EU to Hitler.. is the perfect person to represent us in post Brexit UK. As the man himself said "there are no disasters, only opportunities. And, indeed, opportunities for fresh disaster"
    Irrelevant, Echo chamber stuff. Tory is the only game in town until the Left get real.
    Yeah, when are the sore loser lefties going to learn their place and just shut up. We don't need good relations with China or the US. Irrelevant. Don't they know we're GREAT Britain! Biggest empire EVER. Money is the only thing that matter & we're the financial capital of the universe. 2 World Wars and 1 World Cup. Get some piccaninnies to build us a new nuclear plant, they'll probably do it for free if we tell them it's for the Queen. All you Liberals are just deluded, brainwashed, radicalised race traitors. Brexit has taken our country back and exposed multiculturalism as genocide through diversity, a liberal conspiracy perpetrated by Corbinista trotskyites and their like. Perpetuated by the Jewish leftwing London media elites, who use the label 'racist' in order to keep the white working classes down! The RIGHt has risen! The Cuntree has spoken! I'm off to firebomb another Polish shop! WHOS WIV ME!!1

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    More irrelevant meanderings 

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Okem said:
    skel said:
    Okem said:
    The last couple of days the news has been full of gushing eulogies about what a great PM Cameron was and how May is this compassionate force for good who's going to take care of everyone like they were her own. the Tory PR machine has been in full effect. 

    I'm sure that appointing a man who refers to Africans as "piccaninnies" with "watermelon smiles", who's also managed to insult Hilary, Obama and The Chinese, accused the Turkish PM of fucking a goat, compare the EU to Hitler.. is the perfect person to represent us in post Brexit UK. As the man himself said "there are no disasters, only opportunities. And, indeed, opportunities for fresh disaster"
    Irrelevant, Echo chamber stuff. Tory is the only game in town until the Left get real.
    Yeah, when are the sore loser lefties going to learn their place and just shut up. We don't need good relations with China or the US. Irrelevant. Don't they know we're GREAT Britain! Biggest empire EVER. Money is the only thing that matter & we're the financial capital of the universe. 2 World Wars and 1 World Cup. Get some piccaninnies to build us a new nuclear plant, they'll probably do it for free if we tell them it's for the Queen. All you Liberals are just deluded, brainwashed, radicalised race traitors. Brexit has taken our country back and exposed multiculturalism as genocide through diversity, a liberal conspiracy perpetrated by Corbinista trotskyites and their like. Perpetuated by the Jewish leftwing London media elites, who use the label 'racist' in order to keep the white working classes down! The RIGHt has risen! The Cuntree has spoken! I'm off to firebomb another Polish shop! WHOS WIV ME!!1
    Good god, man. Pull yourself together.
    We'll never get a decent left worth voting for at this rate.

  • Just sorry. Sorry to the entire world. Everything was going pretty cool in my world till the 23rd. I was never a nationalist, hated the 'Great' in GB, old enough to remember 70's NF skins etc (thought that would never come back) Always been a bit embarrassed of my heritage due to the history & arrogance of many of my fellow countrymen. But since the 23rd I'm dead inside. Totally sick in my stomach & my world has collapsed. I apologise to all my friends worldwide all those that ask me why & those that have already suffered. Music has always been my saviour but even that has died. Time normally heals. Thing is this is a massive long game mess whatever way it works out & the damage is done. Gonna fight this with all my heart. The world & life has irreversibly changed. If Trump gets in as well I'm gone.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Ha, nice one!

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    I was going to do one of these, but you've taken most of the Brexit Bingo points expertly there. Only thing missing is selfish old people/think of the children's future angle. And perhaps all the tech entrepreneurs will move to Berlin thing.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    skel said:
    I was going to do one of these, but you've taken most of the Brexit Bingo points expertly there. Only thing missing is selfish old people/think of the children's future angle. And perhaps all the tech entrepreneurs will move to Berlin thing.
    Irrelevant, echo chamber stuff. We'll never have a proper rightwing until we weed out the sheeple. Bring back Leadsom!

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Isn't she Emvironment minister or something? It's easy to lose track.
    It is irrelevant, agreed.
    Now, out of May and Sturgeon, which one would you be least sickened by waking up at 4am, naked, in a big spoon situation?
    I'm calling it for May. Tbf, Crankie is a tad more feminine but the leopard print kitten heels of Terry speak of some hidden tiger thing for which one might overlook the bags under the eyes.
    Jim to speak on it.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,978 Posts
    Krankie?  That has 'kin put me off my morning stroke.  :SMH: 

    Not that I look for such stories, but usually the press would be trawling for boyfriends past to establish where on the 0-10 scale wor Tess has scored.  Been all-quiet.  Tumbleweeds and such.  Perhaps there is some injunction going on.  @Duderonomy to speak on it.

    But yeah, Steve has clocked the nuanced style-ways and their allusion to the familiarity of standing at the self-checkout with a basket containing own-brand vodka, 24 paracetamol and a cucumber.

    In conculsion, then, May or Krankie?  Jeez.  Krankie would be third in a two-horse race.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    I watched that documentary about the staging of the Olympics opening ceremony the other day. Still amazed at what they managed to put together and seeing the work that went into it all was fascinating. Seeing all the volunteers practicing in a car park, in the rain, in Dagernam, then transplanting them to the actual stadium made me realise just how big that field is. It will be interesting to see what West Ham end up doing with it. It's going to be a transition for them for sure.

    I also stumbled across this video the other day, in which Beatnick tells a fascinating story about buying a new computer.. and also about becoming a big time house dj. 

    Explains why we haven't seen him around. I know it's old now, but congrats to the dude. 

  • trzakhstantrzakhstan IA 198 Posts
    Mr Beatnick had 20,000 posts on another message board in addition to this one then probably some others too, back in the previous decade. I guess it shows that there is hope for us all.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    The old Brownswood board? 

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    He came out for a couple beers with Duder n Junior n self iirc

    Then, nada.
    Charlie Big Potatoes.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    I always doubted his commitment to Sparkle Motion. 

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    He made a beat out of some shitty libraries (C&W, German arena rock) that we foisted on him.
    So there is that.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,978 Posts
    I did buy that tune he did.  Something about a Goddess.  I can't find it because I can't remember the name.  It had a deeeep kick doe.  I applaud that.  It had an annoying keyboard note (just one note) thrown in every now and then.  But fair play, the lad has spun it into gold. 
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