Boardwalk Empire



  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    Grandfather said:
    DOR said:
    Grandfather said:
    rootlesscosmo said:

    I'm an episode behind so I haven't seen "brother from Langley" Jeffrey Wright's character introduced yet.

    I don't know if it was just me but his introduction seemed godam terrible. His character came off way too unbelievable and generally phony.

    Really? I had the opposite thought.

    For me, the possible generally phonyness can be explained with this back n fourth.

    Chalky: I???ll give you one minute to get your Jamaican ass???
    Narcisse: I???m from Trinidad.
    Chalky: I don???t give a fuck

    Mix that with how the episode ended. And for me, it's gonna play out well.


    That "kings" back and forth with Nucky was just bad IMO.
    I didn't buy Nuckys willingness to give up a percentage just like that? I guess you could argue its because of everything he went through with masseria last season.
    Narcisse' attitude towards Chalky was cornball and you see him killin that white girl a mile away.

    I had great expectations for this guy but I think his introduction was just not well done.

    Isn't Nuckys willingness just keeping his enemies close? He knows he'll have to do business with him. And yes, with how Masseria played out last year. He's going to have to be much smarter earlier on.

    IMO, the girl dying was only once Nucky and Narcisse had a deal in play. When that deal was struck, it's just a given the girl had to go. The 10% wasn't just a pay off for Narcisse man getting killed and to take care of the girl, but to keep all business dealings unhindered.

    That whole kings back and forth is theater. And Nucky sees right through it and so does most of the audience I'm sure. But IMO, suits a purpose.

  • I watched last night.

    I agree the 10% thing was ridiculous. Nucky's got the connects to kill a police investigation in Jersey, no?

    And re: the club talent, they can't take a road trip to NY and peel some dancers? Big town. Hard to believe Narcisse has got *everyone* under contract.

    10% is a ton to pay a dude no one's ever heard of.

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    My impression Nucky was just trying to get rid of the problem so after listening for a while he quickly just came to 10% to be done with it. The club is not a big priority for him. It's supposed to be Chalky's reward for helping him in the war last season. What does it mean for Nukcy to offer up 10% of it then? Nothing

  • Sure it was an easy way to make a problem go away, but what about Nucky's rep/cred?

    He's stood up to whole rooms full of the baddest gangsters in the country.

    Then he caves to this no-name in under 5 mins.

    I just don't really buy it.

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    rootlesscosmo said:
    Sure it was an easy way to make a problem go away, but what about Nucky's rep/cred?

    He's stood up to whole rooms full of the baddest gangsters in the country.

    Then he caves to this no-name in under 5 mins.

    I just don't really buy it.

    Again, is it one of his main business holdings? How much does it matter to him? He's supposed to be a silent partner to Chalky. If it mattered I'm sure he would have put up a fight. The club doesn't matter, he cuts a deal to be done with it.

  • I guess it sets up a resentful-Chalky-with-Narcisse-egging-him-on-for-being-an-Uncle-Tom vs. Nucky type situation.

    Will Nacisse and Chalky team up against Nucky by season's end?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    rootlesscosmo said:
    I guess it sets up a resentful-Chalky-with-Narcisse-egging-him-on-for-being-an-Uncle-Tom vs. Nucky type situation.

    Will Nacisse and Chalky team up against Nucky by season's end?

    Personally, my thoughts are this. Narcisse will not impact the show like Gyp did. My only hope is it brings out more Michael Kenneth Williams (Who IMO has been criminally underused on the show).

    I say wait a couple more episodes and see where this all goes.

  • also
    Narcisse must have some heavy NYC allies, too be revealed

    a war with Narcisse could lead to Nucky's Manhattan trips being stress filled

    i don't see Harrow's current situation ending well,
    some how i think he will be raising his sister's baby, considering her recent string of bad luck

    the new young fbi agent will become this seasons nemesis ala Gyp

  • BE has the amazing ability to present these subtle scary characters.

    Gyp was the best example: he didn't do a lot of overt threatening, but he was capable of exploding into extreme violence at any moment, and that prospect led a scary air to almost everything he did/said.

    O'Bannon displays it to: his chipper voice, etc. but still scary as fuck somehow.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    coffinjoe said:
    the new young fbi agent will become this seasons nemesis ala Gyp

    Agreed. When Hoover showed up and the young guy came out... That was a taste of things to come.

    What year does season 4 take place? Mid 20's? I was hoping we'd see the show get to the Black Tuesday and the depression and see how things get. I'm not sure it will tho.

  • DOR said:
    coffinjoe said:
    the new young fbi agent will become this seasons nemesis ala Gyp

    Agreed. When Hoover showed up and the young guy came out... That was a taste of things to come.

    What year does season 4 take place? Mid 20's? I was hoping we'd see the show get to the Black Tuesday and the depression and see how things get. I'm not sure it will tho.

    1924 ?

  • Can someone explain to me the science fiction book >>> Harrow family tax bill >>> aborted assassination by Richard >>> dude gets smoked anyway >>> shooter calls Harrow house to extort money????

  • rootlesscosmo said:
    Can someone explain to me the science fiction book >>> Harrow family tax bill >>> aborted assassination by Richard >>> dude gets smoked anyway >>> shooter calls Harrow house to extort money????

    harrow snuffed dude after seeing the pistol (not money) in the drawer (shooting not shown)
    richard had left the bill in the book, book was knocked on to floor during the struggle with hand in the drawer
    and the bill he had found in the book must have fallen out
    police investigating the murder find the bill, being out of place and not belonging there,
    they call the harrows' house looking for a possible murder suspect

    i think

  • coffinjoe said:
    rootlesscosmo said:
    Can someone explain to me the science fiction book >>> Harrow family tax bill >>> aborted assassination by Richard >>> dude gets smoked anyway >>> shooter calls Harrow house to extort money????

    harrow snuffed dude after seeing the pistol (not money) in the drawer (shooting not shown)
    richard had left the bill in the book, book was knocked on to floor during the struggle with hand in the drawer
    and the bill he had found in the book must have fallen out
    police investigating the murder find the bill, being out of place and not belonging there,
    they call the harrows' house looking for a possible murder suspect

    i think

    ah ok so he kills dude; that part I wasn't sure of.

    but why did he bring that book to begin with? why did he place it on the desk for dude to see when he came in?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    coffinjoe said:
    rootlesscosmo said:
    Can someone explain to me the science fiction book >>> Harrow family tax bill >>> aborted assassination by Richard >>> dude gets smoked anyway >>> shooter calls Harrow house to extort money????

    harrow snuffed dude after seeing the pistol (not money) in the drawer (shooting not shown)
    richard had left the bill in the book, book was knocked on to floor during the struggle with hand in the drawer
    and the bill he had found in the book must have fallen out
    police investigating the murder find the bill, being out of place and not belonging there,
    they call the harrows' house looking for a possible murder suspect

    i think

    Maybe I took it all wrong as well.

    I thought the guy that called Harrow was a second hit man there to finish the job Harrow didn't do (Completing 3 of the 4 hits). The call was trying to find Harrow and will now track him down and try to kill him.

  • Again though: why the book? He brought it with him to the hit? Leaves on the table for dude to see? Fails to pick it up on his way out, despite him seeing on the floor as he exits? What the hell?

  • rootlesscosmo said:
    Again though: why the book? He brought it with him to the hit? Leaves on the table for dude to see? Fails to pick it up on his way out, despite him seeing on the floor as he exits? What the hell?

    he did bend down and pick up the book,
    just didn't realize the bill was left behind

    when harrow looked down at the desk drawer and saw the gun instead of cash (which he refused)
    his character would finish the task at hand (i think)

    i thought the phone scene had several people at the gravel? office

  • but why was the book even there in the first place?

    looked like he placed on the table for dude to see as well?

    still not understanding why he ever took it out of his house.

  • richard can't kill anymore after the "war" has been taken out of him.first they show him shooting a few people in the first episode like normal and then contrast his change in behavior once he reconnects with his sister, who he hasn't seen since before the war. he illustrates the loss of his will to murder with the dog, AND then the guy he let live.he was reading the book, and left the bill behind by accident, giving his employer knowledge of where he is staying. the employer killed the target, made the call making sure richard was there and is now going to be headed after him because he didn't complete the task.

    not that hard guys.

  • the book thing is far-fetched is all. Harrow brings along some reading material for the wait? wasn't sure how long he'd have to chill? leaves the book square on the desk when dude approaches rather than back in his coat?

    I'm not buying it; dude is thorough.

  • speakmumbles said:
    richard can't kill anymore after the "war" has been taken out of him.first they show him shooting a few people in the first episode like normal and then contrast his change in behavior once he reconnects with his sister, who he hasn't seen since before the war. he illustrates the loss of his will to murder with the dog, AND then the guy he let live.he was reading the book, and left the bill behind by accident, giving his employer knowledge of where he is staying. the employer killed the target, made the call making sure richard was there and is now going to be headed after him because he didn't complete the task.

    not that hard guys.

    you're correct

    maybe the book on the desk was just a distraction to shift attention from harrow behind the door ?

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    speakmumbles said:
    richard can't kill anymore after the "war" has been taken out of him.first they show him shooting a few people in the first episode like normal and then contrast his change in behavior once he reconnects with his sister, who he hasn't seen since before the war. he illustrates the loss of his will to murder with the dog, AND then the guy he let live.he was reading the book, and left the bill behind by accident, giving his employer knowledge of where he is staying. the employer killed the target, made the call making sure richard was there and is now going to be headed after him because he didn't complete the task.

    not that hard guys.

    That's the way I saw it as well.

    According to this site the book he was reading is The Chessmen of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs.

    it's part of his John Carter series that was made into a movie last year. Don't know what the book is about specifically. I'm not sure if the book has any deeper meaning itself. If it shows up in future episodes it must. It might just be a sign that he's turning away from his physical pursuit, i.e. killing people, and turning to more intellectual affairs, i.e. reading or just his family since he's burned out from all the violence. If it's highlighted again in the next episode it might mean that he's going to try to be good since it is a hero book instead of killing people for money like he's been doing.

  • obviously richard will die by seasons end, maybe sooner.

  • motown67 said:

    This is the best blog I've found for BE nerdery; I've been reading it for the last couple of seasons of the show.

  • This Narcisse dude is corny.

    He's the Brother Muzone of BE.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    Thoughts on tonight's eps?

    That whole scene in Daughters bedroom was great. The stand off was amazing... Tho, Chalky knew what was up. Why didn't he have a gun ready? Did the way Chalky reacted to Daughters singing save his life?

    Very little doubt after this. Michael Kenneth Williams is still my favorite actor on the show.

  • Im an episode behind.

    good to see your man Finn de Trolio get some shine last episode though!

    (pic from last season of the two Sopranos vets):

  • Looking forward to seeing more of Al Capone. The fact he's played a fairly minor role so far makes me think there's quite a few more seasons to come.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,144 Posts
    SP 1200 said:
    Looking forward to seeing more of Al Capone.

    Same here. I really like him even though he's ignorant. I'm still on season 1, though. Dad got me the first two seasons as a present and we have been watching eps every weekend.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    I don't care what you guys say, this show is REALLY great. This season was tops for me...

    The end of the season kinda has me gutted. I won't spoil just in case you're not caught up. But damn.
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