Sanpellegrino Blood Orange

i just discovered these shits and they are fucking amazing!! best soft drink out there. figured it deserves its own thread since we don't talk too much about music here these days . who else is down with the blood orange?

Only seen the bottles in the US.
Less sweet, slightly bitter. Super thirst-quenching.
Most soda is way too sweet for me, so this is more my style.
EDIT: This inspired me to go across the street and grab one - I forgot that there are herbs in here too. It's like an aperitif.
think Brio, less gross and more delicious.
for me pompelmo (grapefruit) is the best..blood orange is a touch too sweet
deifnelty the only 'soft drink' i fux wit
for a drink with bitterness
italian mist
ungava gin+grapefruit slice+splash of fernet and pompelmo peligrino
Blood Orange is wife's favorite.
Grapefruit is mine.
Both are regulars in our fridge.
Ill add a spash of it to my vodka and whatever citrus , to add some sparkle/fizz.
The foil on the lid makes it a more classy juice compared to other soft drink cans but sometimes I don't know what to do with it once it's off.. two trips to the bin for one drink? Get out.
i often have one mid way through a long ride in summer
its not the most popular but its there
go to little italy you can probably buy a case
Chinotto is not for me
Super tasty. I recommend the whole line honestly.
They have a grapefruit, lemon, kola, etc.. My favorite
lately has been there Tonic. It kills.
I have been a Chinotto fan for 30-plus years, since my first trip to Italy. In Italy there are soooo many different Chinotto brands (including Coca-Cola's "Fanta Chinotto") with some available only in specific regions and with a lot of different qualities. San Pellegrino is just about the only one you can get without much hassle in the UK, but (unless you buy online) you still have to go to Italian deli shops, which is odd considering that their water and all the other flavours are on the shelves at Tesco and other super markets. I have repeatedly asked the soft drink buyers in the super markets to stock it but they claim they can't get it.
I usually get it in cans in the UK and after the design change from brown to black-red last year I am certain that S. Pellegrino changed the recipe earlier this year. Unfortunately this was NOT an improvement.
The blood orange San Pellegrino has been a huge disappointment. Much to sweet for me. I like my drinks zesty and this is anything but. I don't think I need a soda made from it anyway. I love blood oranges and blood orange juice. The juice is hard to get in the UK (unlike in Germany for example) but the fruit seems to be virtually unknown here. I don't think that in almost 20 years in the UK I have ever found a fruit grocer who had it.
BTW: Did you know Chinotto has it's own song?
Pop version:
Samba Reggae version:
was drinking Limonata and Gin every day two weeks ago, such a great thirst quencher in hot weather...
also a big fan of boylan's black cherry.
also been drinking a lot of TAS coconut water (100% coconut water) of late, cop it in Chinatown. Fuck $3 whitey brand coconut waters.
I imagine it's great with vodka!