Explosions at the Boston Marathon.



  • Mali Islamists much stronger than expected: France
    January 13, 2013 08:21 PM

    FILES - This photo taken on August 7, 2012, shows fighters from the Islamic group Ansar Dine in Kidal. France launched airstrikes on January 13, 2013, on a large Islamist rebel base in the northern region of Kidal, a security source said, the latest in three days of attacks by the former colonial ruler. AFP PHOTO / ROMARIC OLLO HIEN

    PARIS: French forces in Mali have been taken by surprise by the fighting strength of the Islamist radicals they are attempting to drive out of the centre of the country, it emerged on Sunday.

    Aides to President Francois Hollande admitted the militants were better equipped, armed and trained than they had expected.

    "What has struck us markedly is how modern their equipment is and their ability to use it," one said in a reference to the rebels' hit on a French Gazelle helicopter.

    The helicopter was forced to make an emergency landing and its pilot, Lieutenant Damien Boiteux, died of his injuries after being shot with a light arm.

    The helicopter was brought down during an attack on an Islamist convoy travelling between the towns of Mopti and Sevare in central Mali.

    "Initially, they appeared like a rag-tag bunch travelling in their Toyotas with a few weapons," the official added. "But they've shown themselves to be well-equipped, well-armed and well-trained."

    The French officials believe the Islamists obtained many of their weapons during last year's unrest, when arms were delivered to rebels fighting to overthrow Libyan dictator Moamer Kadhafi.

    "In Libya they picked up modern, sophisticated kit that is a lot more robust and effective than could have been imagined," the source added.

    The strength of the Islamists appears to have bolstered France's resolve to limit its intervention to pushing the Islamists back and softening them up for a West African force to re-establish government control over the north of Mali, which has been under the rule of Al-Qaeda-linked groups since April 2012.

    "The important word now is 'Africanisation', which means the rapid deployment of an African force. The situation calls for that and it is up to the Africans to restore Mali's integrity," the official said.

    For that to happen, the French believe the Islamists will have to be driven out of the principle towns in the north: Kidal, Timbuktu and Gao, which was the target of intensive bombing by French fighter jets on Sunday.

    Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/International/2013/Jan-13/202061-mali-islamists-much-stronger-than-expected-france.ashx?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter#ixzz2RZ6OpIyE
    (The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,390 Posts
    Da Vinylmentalist said:
    There is a reason why all the embassies discourage Westerners from going to Libya, it's because terrorists rule everything there now.

    Khatami is an undemocratic leader part of a theocractic government you idiot, how can you support a theocracy? I bet you wouldn't mind if Pat Robertson was president in your country either.

    Khatami's appeal is in his reformist line and opposition to Ahmadinejad's mad(der) ambitions. It's what he's not rather than what he is that drives the support around him, particularly in the West.

    Libya is fucked. Not in transition to a better form of government just screwed.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Da Vinylmentalist said:

    Oneness and Jihad

    Is this like a Oneness Of Juju tribute band?
    That would be rad

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    Duderonomy said:

    Jesus...that is a goddamn masterpiece.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    vintageinfants said:

    Loose one turn? James Brown related?

    JectWon said:
    Duderonomy said:

    Jesus...that is a goddamn masterpiece.

    Has to be a Brit - multiple (shite) English tv references. But best GIF evaaaah candidate for me.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    If anyone is interested in some antidote, this site is pretty decent http://iranelectionwatch.com/

  • Duderonomy said:

    Advice taken ;-)

  • Duderonomy said:

    THE greatest GIF of all times's

  • parallaxparallax no-style-having mf'er 1,266 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    Duderonomy said:

    Who broke the internet?


    This is the single greatest statement made in any political meltdown on the Strut. Kudos!

  • Thymebomb13 said:
    Da Vinylmentalist said:
    All you strutters might want to know that because of the Libyan intervention, Libyan terrorists got embolded and invaded Mali last year and threatened to destroy all the rich cultural heritage of that country INCLUDING ALL MUSICAL RECORDS.

    If it wasn't for French president Francois Hollande, who clearly differs in his policiy from his gangster predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy, Mali would still be an extremist Islamist state now and Mali's musical heritage might have been lost forever.

    It's these same Libyan terrorists Hillary supported who are wreaking havoc in Mali now.


    WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2012 AT 10:20AM
    Mali's Music Scene Being Destroyed by Extremists

    Over the years, a tremendous amount of excellent music has come out of Mali. Just ask Damon Albarn or Robert Plant or anyone else who has gone to Festival au Desert. Acts like Tinariwen have established fan bases around the work. Hell, Bono has performed with them.

    But if you've been following the news, you'll know that large swaths of Mali are under attack from hardline Islamists, espcially in the north. And they hate music. I mean, really hate it--to the point of cutting out the tongues of people who dare sing.

    Cutting. Out. Their. Tongues.

    From the Washington Post:

    ???Music is against Islam,??? said Oumar Ould Hamaha, the military leader of the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa, one of the three extremist groups controlling the north. ???Instead of singing, why don???t they read the Koran? Why don???t they subject themselves to God and pray? We are not only against the musicians in Mali. We are in a struggle against all the musicians of the world.???

    Oumar Ould Hamaha isn't from Libya.

    He's from Mali.

    Why do you think lying makes your bullshit valid? You are utterly incapable of telling the truth about anything.

    Funny how you conveniently chose to ignore the other post right under it, so I will post it again:

    Aides to President Francois Hollande admitted the militants were better equipped, armed and trained than they had expected.

    "What has struck us markedly is how modern their equipment is and their ability to use it," one said in a reference to the rebels' hit on a French Gazelle helicopter.

    The helicopter was forced to make an emergency landing and its pilot, Lieutenant Damien Boiteux, died of his injuries after being shot with a light arm.

    The helicopter was brought down during an attack on an Islamist convoy travelling between the towns of Mopti and Sevare in central Mali.

    "Initially, they appeared like a rag-tag bunch travelling in their Toyotas with a few weapons," the official added. "But they've shown themselves to be well-equipped, well-armed and well-trained."

    The French officials believe the Islamists obtained many of their weapons during last year's unrest, when arms were delivered to rebels fighting to overthrow Libyan dictator Moamer Kadhafi.

    "In Libya they picked up modern, sophisticated kit that is a lot more robust and effective than could have been imagined," the source added.

    The strength of the Islamists appears to have bolstered France's resolve to limit its intervention to pushing the Islamists back and softening them up for a West African force to re-establish government control over the north of Mali, which has been under the rule of Al-Qaeda-linked groups since April 2012.

    Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/International/2013/Jan-13/202061-mali-islamists-much-stronger-than-expected-france.ashx?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter#ixzz2RZ6OpIyE
    (The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)

  • Controller_7Controller_7 4,052 Posts
    vintageinfants said:
    Duderonomy said:

    THE greatest GIF of all times's

    Holy cow. A masterpiece.

  • Thymebomb13 said:
    Da Vinylmentalist said:
    Thymebomb13 said:
    Da Vinylmentalist said:
    All you strutters might want to know that because of the Libyan intervention, Libyan terrorists got embolded and invaded Mali last year and threatened to destroy all the rich cultural heritage of that country INCLUDING ALL MUSICAL RECORDS.

    If it wasn't for French president Francois Hollande, who clearly differs in his policiy from his gangster predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy, Mali would still be an extremist Islamist state now and Mali's musical heritage might have been lost forever.

    It's these same Libyan terrorists Hillary supported who are wreaking havoc in Mali now.


    WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2012 AT 10:20AM
    Mali's Music Scene Being Destroyed by Extremists

    Over the years, a tremendous amount of excellent music has come out of Mali. Just ask Damon Albarn or Robert Plant or anyone else who has gone to Festival au Desert. Acts like Tinariwen have established fan bases around the work. Hell, Bono has performed with them.

    But if you've been following the news, you'll know that large swaths of Mali are under attack from hardline Islamists, espcially in the north. And they hate music. I mean, really hate it--to the point of cutting out the tongues of people who dare sing.

    Cutting. Out. Their. Tongues.

    From the Washington Post:

    ???Music is against Islam,??? said Oumar Ould Hamaha, the military leader of the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa, one of the three extremist groups controlling the north. ???Instead of singing, why don???t they read the Koran? Why don???t they subject themselves to God and pray? We are not only against the musicians in Mali. We are in a struggle against all the musicians of the world.???

    Oumar Ould Hamaha isn't from Libya.

    He's from Mali.

    Why do you think lying makes your bullshit valid? You are utterly incapable of telling the truth about anything.

    Funny how you conveniently chose to ignore the other post right under it, so I will post it again:

    I ignored it because I don't care where they got their weapons.

    You said they were Libyans. They're not.

    My observation about your inability to tell the truth still stands.

    Stop lying, it's not working.

    Keep on making an ass out of yourself in front of everybody by supporting music-hating Libyan terrorists.

    I guess you never heard of the concept 'foreign jihadi fighters'. It clearly says in the article French government officials say the radical Islamist Mali rebels got their advanced weapons from Libyan rebels. Now why would the Libyan rebels give their most advanced weapons to jihadists if they are not part of the same big group fighting jihad in North Africa?

    People in Mali already reported they observed a significant number of Libyans among the ranks of the shrine-destroying and ancient manuscript-burning terrorist group Ansar Dine:

    Descriptions of the Islamists in Diablay pile complications onto seizing any town, big or small; locals recount that they "generally kept their promise" to leave the people be, although their presence forced the town to shut down. Eyewitnesses said that every fighter masked his face, but they also reported a significant number of Algerians and Libyans in Ansar Dine's ranks, which are mostly composed of Tuaregs.


    Now why would the UN think even more (hundreds of thousands) Libyan rebels will join the jihadists in Mali if they're not from the same group? According to the UN 200000 Libyan rebels certainly are from the same ideological group as the music-hating jihadists in Mali.

    UN Officials Are Worried 200000 Armed Libyan Rebels Could Join The Fight In Mali
    Agence France Presse | Jan. 29, 2013, 4:49 PM | 1,017 | 5

    There are still 200,000 armed fighters in "revolutionary brigades" in Libya, a top UN envoy said Tuesday, expressing fears that Mali's conflict could spillover into the country.
    Foreign governments have raised concerns about security in Libya and UN envoy to the country Tarek Mitri said France's military campaign in Mali had opponents in Libya.
    "Opposition of armed radical groups to the military intervention in Mali may exacerbate the situation given ideological and/or ethnic affiliations as well as porous borders in Libya," Mitri told the Security Council.
    He said that border security was a "concern" because of unrest in Libya, particularly around the eastern city of Benghazi, and "the possible impact of recent developments in Mali."
    Mitri told reporters after the meeting there are up to 200,000 armed men in the revolutionary brigades that overthrew late dictator Moamer Kadhafi who are still not under government control.

    He added that an estimated 7,000 prisoners are still being held in jails run by the militias since the fall of Kadhafi in 2011.
    Mitri said more than 20,000 former revolutionary brigade militia are being trained to become police in state security forces and insisted government control is slowly improving.
    But he acknowledged problems. "They know they cannot extend the authority of the state to the whole of Libyan territory, they are aware that they do not have the monopoly of the use of force," Mitri told reporters.
    "Senior Libyan officials whom I met recently stressed their concern over the situation in the east and pledged to provide better security to the diplomatic community and the citizens of Benghazi," Mitri said.
    Britain reaffirmed its security fears on Monday when it said it had identified a "potential threat" to its embassy in Tripoli, days after warning of a threat to Westerners in the eastern city of Benghazi.

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/un-worried-libyan-fighters-will-join-mali-rebels-2013-1#ixzz2RfOj2M5J

  • When the Libyan demonstrations started in February 2011 some of my friends in Libya joined the protesters -who had legitimate grievances- and hoped that peaceful change would happen just like in Egypt. Then the Libyan revolution got hijacked by extremist Islamists who started an armed insurrection. Just like the Iranian revolution in 1979 it started out with protesters from all classes, social strata and political affiliations seeking to end the rule of dictatorial and authoritarian leader (the Shah) but soon, like in Libya, the Iranian revolution got hijacked by a group of Islamic fundamentalists. And the religious nutters turned out to be ten times worse than the Shah, just like the religious extremist Libyan rebels turned out to be much worse than Gaddafi.

    Western powers entered the Libyan picture not for humanitarian reasons but because they looked only after their own interests (Libyan oil was one of them). On top of that, people like Hillary Clinton lied by claiming Gaddafi was indiscriminately bombing his own people to garner up support for the enforcement of a no-fly zone by way of a NATO bombing campaign, while nobody has any proof Gaddafi ever did that. Hillary lied in the same manner as Bush lied about Iraq's WMD's. I even challenged everyone of you to produce any evidence of Gaddafi's airforce randomly bombing civilians but none of you could find anything because it simply doesn't exist. In this day and age everyone has a cellphone with a camera, how come nobody videotaped any of those alleged air attacks? We have plenty, perhaps hundreds, of videos of the Syrian airforce bombing its cities.
    Tell me why the West hasn't intervened in Syria yet? Assad has killed over 70000 people there already, more than three times of all the victims of the Libyan civil war. But Syria hasn't got the oil Libya has so NATO won't bomb Syria.

    The inability to view political events with nuance is characteristic for people with certain neurological and cognitive limitations. Yet avid supporters of NATO military intervention in Libya showcase exactly that. They just continue to claim the Libyan intervention is a succes story and refuse to see how Western meddling turned not only Libya's future into a disaster, but threatens to throw the entire Sahel region and countries south of the Sahara into complete chaos. The war in Mali, one of the few African countries which had a stable and peaceful democracy for over two decades, was a direct consequence of the Libyan intervention. Former UN secretary Kofi Annan for example said the war in Mali is 'collateral damage' from the Libyan conflict (see here : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-21070947).
    As even French officials have acknowledged, the Malian jihadists got a lot of their weapons from either Qatar, Gaddafi's arsenals after his government fell, or from former French president Sarkozy who delivered weapons to the Libyan rebels:

    Aides to President Francois Hollande admitted the militants were better equipped, armed and trained than they had expected.

    "What has struck us markedly is how modern their equipment is and their ability to use it," one said in a reference to the rebels' hit on a French Gazelle helicopter.

    The helicopter was forced to make an emergency landing and its pilot, Lieutenant Damien Boiteux, died of his injuries after being shot with a light arm.

    The helicopter was brought down during an attack on an Islamist convoy travelling between the towns of Mopti and Sevare in central Mali.

    "Initially, they appeared like a rag-tag bunch travelling in their Toyotas with a few weapons," the official added. "But they've shown themselves to be well-equipped, well-armed and well-trained."

    The French officials believe the Islamists obtained many of their weapons during last year's unrest, when arms were delivered to rebels fighting to overthrow Libyan dictator Moamer Kadhafi.

    "In Libya they picked up modern, sophisticated kit that is a lot more robust and effective than could have been imagined," the source added.

    Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/International/2013/Jan-13/202061-mali-islamists-much-stronger-than-expected-france.ashx?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter#ixzz2RZ6OpIyE
    (The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)

  • what do you call the war YOU'RE fighting, son?

  • vintageinfants said:
    what do you call the war YOU'RE fighting, son?

    Please formulate your question clearer, what war are you talking about? I don't fight in any war at all.

  • usernameusername 71 Posts
    Thymebomb13 said:
    Da Vinylmentalist said:
    All you strutters might want to know that because of the Libyan intervention, Libyan terrorists got embolded and invaded Mali last year and threatened to destroy all the rich cultural heritage of that country INCLUDING ALL MUSICAL RECORDS.

    If it wasn't for French president Francois Hollande, who clearly differs in his policiy from his gangster predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy, Mali would still be an extremist Islamist state now and Mali's musical heritage might have been lost forever.

    It's these same Libyan terrorists Hillary supported who are wreaking havoc in Mali now.


    WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2012 AT 10:20AM
    Mali's Music Scene Being Destroyed by Extremists

    Over the years, a tremendous amount of excellent music has come out of Mali. Just ask Damon Albarn or Robert Plant or anyone else who has gone to Festival au Desert. Acts like Tinariwen have established fan bases around the work. Hell, Bono has performed with them.

    But if you've been following the news, you'll know that large swaths of Mali are under attack from hardline Islamists, espcially in the north. And they hate music. I mean, really hate it--to the point of cutting out the tongues of people who dare sing.

    Cutting. Out. Their. Tongues.

    From the Washington Post:

    ???Music is against Islam,??? said Oumar Ould Hamaha, the military leader of the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa, one of the three extremist groups controlling the north. ???Instead of singing, why don???t they read the Koran? Why don???t they subject themselves to God and pray? We are not only against the musicians in Mali. We are in a struggle against all the musicians of the world.???

    Oumar Ould Hamaha isn't from Libya.

    He's from Mali.

    Why do you think lying makes your bullshit valid? You are utterly incapable of telling the truth about anything.

    what comes of all this ? or is it just a friendly debate. oh, and don't forget to shed a tear for the victims. say a prayer.

  • username said:
    Thymebomb13 said:
    Da Vinylmentalist said:
    All you strutters might want to know that because of the Libyan intervention, Libyan terrorists got embolded and invaded Mali last year and threatened to destroy all the rich cultural heritage of that country INCLUDING ALL MUSICAL RECORDS.

    If it wasn't for French president Francois Hollande, who clearly differs in his policiy from his gangster predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy, Mali would still be an extremist Islamist state now and Mali's musical heritage might have been lost forever.

    It's these same Libyan terrorists Hillary supported who are wreaking havoc in Mali now.


    WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2012 AT 10:20AM
    Mali's Music Scene Being Destroyed by Extremists

    Over the years, a tremendous amount of excellent music has come out of Mali. Just ask Damon Albarn or Robert Plant or anyone else who has gone to Festival au Desert. Acts like Tinariwen have established fan bases around the work. Hell, Bono has performed with them.

    But if you've been following the news, you'll know that large swaths of Mali are under attack from hardline Islamists, espcially in the north. And they hate music. I mean, really hate it--to the point of cutting out the tongues of people who dare sing.

    Cutting. Out. Their. Tongues.

    From the Washington Post:

    ???Music is against Islam,??? said Oumar Ould Hamaha, the military leader of the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa, one of the three extremist groups controlling the north. ???Instead of singing, why don???t they read the Koran? Why don???t they subject themselves to God and pray? We are not only against the musicians in Mali. We are in a struggle against all the musicians of the world.???

    Oumar Ould Hamaha isn't from Libya.

    He's from Mali.

    Why do you think lying makes your bullshit valid? You are utterly incapable of telling the truth about anything.

    what comes of all this ? or is it just a friendly debate. oh, and don't forget to shed a tear for the victims. say a prayer.

    Good point, we could go on and on debating, but maybe it's best to just end this and express our condolences to all victims of extremist religious violence, whether it's in Boston, Mali, Libya or anywhere else in the world. I wish all the victims and their families the best and hope they find all the strength to cope with these terrible tragedies. Peace.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    Thymebomb13 said:
    Local guy destroys one of Alex Jones's Infowars maggots in public. Perfect.

    "Nudnik," "pissflaps," "shitheel," "asshat"...this guys kills it. Major respect.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Whoa, a wordy hissy fit. Same dude said nothing to the meatcurtain cops who illegally raided his home.

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:

    ...I can understand why Paul and Jones do it - they make millions by selling this paranoid dogshit to brain-dead mental patients.

    It's all good, dude...just buy gold and you can avert yourself from all the problems the 'sheeple' will encounter. Especially, once Papa Paul gets us back on the gold standard!

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Yes, the country at large hates Texas so much that it can't stop moving here in droves.

    And if y'all are really wanting to put a fence up between us and you, be our guest. We'll see how that works out for you and your Homeland Security buddies.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:
    Yes, the country at large hates Texas

    Most hate is rooted in jealousy.


    As someone who has lived in NYC, L.A. and Texas I hold the latter in the highest esteem.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    HarveyCanal said:
    Yes, the country at large hates Texas

    Most hate is rooted in jealousy.


    As someone who has lived in NYC, L.A. and Texas I hold the latter in the highest esteem.

    These seem like odd statements to make...

    Granted, I haven't live in Texas for over 10 years. I've lived in a few US cities (also Mexico, a few cities in Canada and the UK). I've been to 32 states... One of the main things I noticed living in Texas is people think of themselves as Texans first and then Americans. While it was the opposite of all the other states I've ever visited or lived. And the amount of boasting in Texas that "Texas is the Best" was extremely high.

    This is not to say Texas is not a great place to visit or live mind you.

    But it seems like Texas dislikes the rest of the country much higher than any hate sent the other way... IMO.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    HarveyCanal said:
    Yes, the country at large hates Texas

    Most hate is rooted in jealousy.

    What are those that hate Texas jealous of?

    The high teen pregnancy rate? The lack of health care? The poor health of the residents? It's low rank in child well-being? It's low rank of financial security for it's residents? The amount of Texans living in poverty?

    What could it be?

    I've never been to Texas, but I want to.I hear it's beautiful, and the food is amazing. However the idea that the reason people dislike Texas is due to "jealousy", is weird and, frankly, childish (I'm thinking you're joking, though).

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    rootlesscosmo said:
    Thymebomb13 said:
    Local guy destroys one of Alex Jones's Infowars maggots in public. Perfect.

    "Nudnik," "pissflaps," "shitheel," "asshat"...this guys kills it. Major respect.

    Here's more from the guy you're giving "major respect" to...

    You must be so pleased to have him represent you.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    "Jealousy and hatred are twin thieves. The one cannot live without the company of the other."

    Sri Sathya Sai Baba

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    BOSTON (AP) ??? Three more suspects have been taken into custody in the marathon bombings, city police said Wednesday.

    The police department made the announcement in a tweet Wednesday morning, saying more details would follow. Police spokeswoman Cheryl Fiandaca confirmed the tweet but referred all other questions to the FBI.
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