
Been on a two week crystal meth binge.



  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    tripledouble said:

  • covecove 1,567 Posts
    Horseleech said:
    tripledouble said:

    (ps- Nagl.com is pretty weird)

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I was thinking last night how glad I was no one bumped this.

  • leonleon 883 Posts
    Horseleech said:
    tripledouble said:

  • bassie said:
    I was thinking last night how glad I was no one bumped this.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Reap > Sow

  • I don't think some harmless words on a message board constitutes the author having to "reap" anything. You see more vile shit in the comment section of your city newspaper website than some dude making a stupid joke about the sexual preferences of Greg Nice or Smooth B.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    St. Cornelius said:
    I don't think some harmless words on a message board constitutes the author having to "reap" anything. You see more vile shit in the comment section of your city newspaper website than some dude making a stupid joke about the sexual preferences of Greg Nice or Smooth B.

    My point was if you come to a public board and post details about your fucked up personal life at some point they will come back and bite you in the ass.

  • Rockadelic said:

    My point was if you come to a public board and post details about your fucked up personal life at some point they will come back and bite you in the ass.

    But he didn't have someone forcing him to post about his personal life; he did it of his own free will.

    Seems... well, kinda bitchy to bring up his past just because he made a thread that some people didn't like.

    I've been on message boards where people will fucking stalk you in real life because you said something stupid. I know I'm new here, but I've been a lurker for a while and SoulStrut doesn't seem to be that kind of a petty site.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    [Seems... well, kinda bitchy to bring up his past .

    This is EXACTLY what Charles Manson said at his last parole board hearing!

  • Okay, I laughed, but please to not be serious, I hope?

  • LokoOneLokoOne 1,823 Posts
    I never believed the thread was real. And if it was why would you return to a site that mocked your addiction and use the same name?

    I always thought Eggplant started the thread as a bad attempt at a joke/trolling (or some attention seeking) and it should be treated as thus.

    Unless someone can verify the shit was real :icallbullshit:

  • LokoOne said:
    I never believed the thread was real. And if it was why would you return to a site that mocked your addiction and use the same name?

    I always thought Eggplant started the thread as a bad attempt at a joke/trolling (or some attention seeking) and it should be treated as thus.

    Unless someone can verify the shit was real :icallbullshit:

  • SunfadeSunfade 799 Posts
    LokoOne said:
    Why would you return to a site that mocked your addiction and use the same name?

    Because I don't give a fuck and I'm not ashamed of bad decisions I made in my life? Plus I'm not gonna let a bad choice define me. And I love records...alot.

    How about you PM me your phone numbers and I'll give the rehab I went to permission to call you and tell you if they had a client that tested postive for methamphetamine that fits my description come there in 2008? Does that work for you?...smh

  • LokoOneLokoOne 1,823 Posts
    Eggplant Xanadoo said:
    LokoOne said:
    Why would you return to a site that mocked your addiction and use the same name?

    Because I don't give a fuck and I'm not ashamed of bad decisions I made in my life? Plus I'm not gonna let a bad choice define me. And I love records...alot.

    How about you PM me your phone numbers and I'll give the rehab I went to permission to call you and tell you if they had a client that tested positive for methamphetamine that fits my description come there in 2008? Does that work for you?...smh

    No I'd also like to see doctors reports, psychological assessments, a current urine and blood test and the number of your last five meth dealers to make sure you have not relapsed... plus I should have a chat with your current drug counsellor as last time you binged you were using this site so perhaps Soul Strut is a trigger for you.... GTFOOHWTB......

    Why do you need validation from strangers about your apparent past addiction? I've had the unfortunate situation to grow up in an area with a lot of drugs (and hence addicts) and seen many people close to me struggle with addictions (and many fail) so my experience with how addicts act leads me to not believe you and also think your a dickhead for starting that post in the first place and using something as serious as drug addiction as a way to get attention or a response out of people.

    And the way you still acting validates my view.

  • analysing the sexual habits of nice & smooth would send any man into a tail spin.

  • Some of you are really sad. This bump is a horrible idea.

  • Holy shit, the hand wringing moralization and judgement on bumping a soulstrut thread is some funny shit.

    Guys, it's a soulstrut thread. I'm happy EX is clean, but jesus, did you read this thing?


  • bumping this thread is why you don't use the internet as a confession booth or soapbox. like seriously.

    take that shit to snapchat.com

  • [Seems... well, kinda bitchy to bring up his past .

    This is EXACTLY what Charles Manson said at his last parole board hearing!

    it WAS his past when it was something exclusive to his life. since he made the decision to post all over soul strut about it, it became a part of OUR past.... and for fucks sake, we can do with it what we please.

  • SunfadeSunfade 799 Posts
    [Seems... well, kinda bitchy to bring up his past .

    This is EXACTLY what Charles Manson said at his last parole board hearing!

    it WAS his past when it was something exclusive to his life. since he made the decision to post all over soul strut about it, it became a part of OUR past.... and for fucks sake, we can do with it what we please.

    It must be so tormenting and cruel for you when someone brings up that 5 year old speed induced psychosis you never experienced.
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