DJ Matthew Africa Plays Seven Inches



  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    Following up on that thought, I love the fact that his tags here will live on. This is something that I was thinking about recently. I was listening to Stark Reality and thinking how I missed Monty's wit and humor on the board, so I went and searched for his posts. It was so cool to read thru his interactions here, there was so much that I had forgotten or had missed, it was like he was back and conversing again. It is comforting to think that if any of us want a taste of Monty, or Matt or Aaron, their spirits are somehow contained here, at least partially, at Soul Strut. It makes this community feel even more special to me.

    I only met Matt once or twice, and he probably wouldn't have remembered me, but I am surprised how shaken I am by his passing, and how touched I am by the outpouring of love for him. Everybody, love your people extra hard this weekend, I know I am.

  • Dude was incredibly knowledgeable and giving. I still listen to his DJ Rogers mix at least once a month and it still kills me how he sequenced great music without being pretentious and stodgy. May he rest in Everlasting peace

  • His Dirty RnB mix is easily the one mix I have listened to the most. A superb introduction to Kells.

    What are some good examples of Matt's writing besides his blog?


  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Things are still too raw for me to do it but it'd be cool to see someone do a "best of Mongo Slade" thread.

  • Wow...even as a very little dude around here I feel tremendously sad to hear this news. As one of the creators of Soul Boulders 2, Matthew was responsible for leading me to the Strut and a whole world of record/music knowledge beyond my wildest dreams. He was also one of the very first guys to welcome me to the site and offered nothing but encouraging comments. A huge loss.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    Didn't have much interaction with the man on the site. But always enjoyed his posts.

    Words from his friends in this thread are really touching. I have no doubt he thought just as highly of every single one of you.

    On a side note. This one post of his really sums up much about the strut.

    Mongo_Slade said:

    Back in 2002 or 2003, I first stumbled across SoulStrut when I was trying to figure out the track list information on Dante Carfagna's Chains and Black Exhaust compilation. I knew about half of the songs and googling those titles lead me to a SoulStrut thread where others were sharing information to piece it together. There was enough other cool stuff on the board that I ended up sticking around. In the process I've learned a lot and formed some real-life friendships that I really value.


    RIP Mongo_Slade/Matthew Africa

  • Never met the man but it sounds like his unbelievably deep mixes were only the tip of the iceberg of an even better person. R.I.P. and indeed more credence to the fact that the Creator Has A Master Plan for the good ones among us.

  • Terribly sad news, condolences to friends and family.

  • As I'm sure many of you have been doing, I've been listening to a lot of Matthew's mixes the past few days. Not only are they immaculately mixed and perfectly sequenced, but they really showcase the breadth of his knowledge. A bunch of a soulful 45s I'll never find, an hour and a half of fight music, two CDs worth of R. Kelly tracks, or the best Gangstarr mix I've ever heard, to name but a few. He'll be sharing his knowledge and love of music for a long time to come.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    hogginthefogg said:
    As I'm sure many of you have been doing, I've been listening to a lot of Matthew's mixes the past few days. Not only are they immaculately mixed and perfectly sequenced, but they really showcase the breadth of his knowledge. A bunch of a soulful 45s I'll never find, an hour and a half of fight music, two CDs worth of R. Kelly tracks, or the best Gangstarr mix I've ever heard, to name but a few. He'll be sharing his knowledge and love of music for a long time to come.

    Me and Michael Barnes were talking about this very thing on his radio show yesterday. It's really amazing how far reaching he could go.

    Michael put together a great tribute show on KPFK yesterday (and I'm not saying that b/c I was a guest). Apart from playing various songs he learned through Matthew, he included a segment from an April "Just Stay Hating" show where Matthew discusses his co-hosts' hatred of reggae. Pretty hilarious, especially Matthew's low-key incredulity.

  • sergserg 682 Posts
    Matthew never did sell me on reggae

    Stay Hatin' has been on hold since this happened but we'll be putting together a tribute show for him real soon. If anyone wants to check it out though, we did 32 episodes, you can find them at or just on itunes

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    serg said:
    Matthew never did sell me on reggae

    That whole exchange was HILARIOUS, especially when MA gets testy about the "proto-reggaeton" description.

  • sergserg 682 Posts
    honestly I wish there was video. That was one of the shows we did in my kitchen. I kept laughing off mic at how matthew would just be looking at us so mad, gripping a negra modela like he wanted to choke it to death and unable to comprehend the bullshit we kept throwing at him. All the awkward pauses in the recording are filled with the best facial expressions. For a few shows after that if I ever wanted to push his buttons I'd just mention how reggae sucked, I loved it.

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts

  • dollar_bin said:

    i had met matthew out before, but this actually captures the night i was formerly introduced to him. i think this photo is proof enough that he was an instantly likable person. i'm really grateful that i knew him and got to see him do his thing with some regularity as well as seeing him at various friend's gigs as well as during the holidays (tamale day related)

    also, if any of my real life strutter friends (or ahem, lurkers) can please keep a lid on the MA-related news i have for the next 24-48 hours, i would really appreciate it.

  • Sorry for being so cryptic with the last post.

    This is the same Stark Reality record Sween mentions in this thread that used to belong to Matthew (The one that Matthew donated for the Hurricane Katrina auctions)

    He sent it to me on Monday with a note that said he thought it belonged back in the Bay, to be shared with friends who knew Matthew and were close to him. I kept it quiet here because the person I thought should have it might see and I didn't get a chance to hand it over until earlier today.

    We all knew Sween was a saint, but I'm in awe at how he continues to shock me with his kindness.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    When paying it forward leads to a full circle. Astonishing, beautiful story.

    Sween: I don't even know you but next time I see you: drink's on me.

  • We love Sween.


  • wow


  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    hogginthefogg said:
    We love Sween.


  • mannybolone said:

    Sween: I don't even know you but next time I see you: drink's on me.

    Ditto, awesome gesture Sween. That Stark record has some legendary SS karma at this point.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    dollar_bin said:
    hogginthefogg said:
    We love Sween.


    The dude is unspeakably dude. Hats off.

  • Unherd said:
    dollar_bin said:
    hogginthefogg said:
    We love Sween.


    The dude is unspeakably dude. Hats off.

    Amazing. That's why I love this place.

  • Right?? I hope Sween lets me take him out to dinner when I'm out there.

    Also, I wanted to share my favorite photo I took of Matthew in 2008 with his wife during the holidays.

    Our friends led by Serg have had this tradition of having a Tamale Day in December for the last 9 years (hosted at either Serg's, my house or our friend EJ's) and Matthew was always there. I'm going to miss seeing him in that context the most.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    I know I haven't really chimed in on this (real world moves-related), BUT let it be known that I have been thinking about Matthew and his family every day since I heard the news.

    Sween's gesture is incredibly moving??? Always a stand up dude.

  • mr.matthew????

  • Just re-listened to Soul Boulders 1. Made memories flood back. 2006. Seems like yesterday but not. Probably knew half of these tracks at the time but I remember thinking and feeling inspired because more is out there to be discovered. Two tracks that this impressed on me the most
    were Gene King - Never Gonna Walk Out On You (a note perfect track beautifully balanced between mystical funk and aching soul, a top 20 lifetime song, it will bring tears to your eyes) and The Majestic Arrows - Who Do You Think You're Fooling (a song equally emotionally-provocative).
    Thanks Matthew. And to think of all the countless records that you knew and enjoyed for YEARS before they hit my ear drum. Gone after 40 years but I think that you packed in so much in that span, at least for sure sonically, and likely more within your social sphere, but above all you were willing to share and enlighten. Not hoarding and insular. That is the praise you deserve. RIP

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Just reading this thread again makes me realize how much I loved this place, how I miss this place, and how enriching to my life my involvement here was. Thanks to all the friends and colleagues that I've met here on The Strut, both in the real world and on The Internets.

    Keeping it in theme, I was just thinking of how much I missed my man and, last week when I was in The Bay for a few days by chance, it really felt wonderful to be so close to the community and to help spread some of that love and energy to those that were both close to him in life and in proximity. I knew MA from off The Strut but he was my ally on here, and also a valuable and irreplaceable member of this place.

    Also, much love to Sween. One of the most stand-up dudes that I've ever crossed paths with. I met him via this site, and then connected with him more often in the real world. Although it's been a minute since I've seen him, I am glad to count him among my friends.

    Okay, I'm probably Audi 5000 from here again, but much love to everyone on here and much love to Matthew, always, always, always.

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    Thank you to everyone for the kind comments in this thread. I was so happy when Audrey told me she forwarded it on to Josh (gave me chills for some reason), as I mentioned in the note to her I meant for it to go to a good home and be shared with his friends. I've been cool with all you bay folks over the years, and have been lucky enough to meet a couple of you. Sending the Stark record back was the least I could do, I held it long enough. Keep your heads up.
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