President Romney (NRR Catnip)



  • PatrickCrazy said:
    The_Hook_Up said:
    99% of all votes cast for Romney will just be "hes not Obama" votes . The other 1% will be from all the obscenely rich people who know that their taxes will go down with him in office. No one can claim they are voting for Romney because they like his policies and plans (besides the obscenely rich) because no one knows what they are because he refuses to tell us what they are. If he tell us, he risks a good hunk of that aforementioned 99% because his plans would hurt them/us.
    cool story bro

    Hey Patty Cakes, how ya feelin' about your boy?

  • Whatevs, I'm not even going to clicky clack the links. At this point I will just get a job for a non-profit who donates all their money to a charity.


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    I enjoy his comments on his tour of Chinese factories and all the women factory workers. How he was shocked at first, until they explained it to him that the towers and fences were put up to keep people out who wanted to work in shit conditions for peanuts. I bet he got a little hard thinking about how sweet it could be if he could bring this to the US.

    It makes me think about the richest women in Australia, who thinks Australia should be looking towards China and India and paying more like them. You know... To make Australia better...

  • DOR said:

    It makes me think about the richest women in Australia, who thinks Australia should be looking towards China and India and paying more like them. You know... To make Australia better...

    Yeah, and she inherited her billions. Didn't earn a dime of it apparently.

  • whoops

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    what was wrong with what he said? was anything untrue? you're not going to get someone to vote out of their own self-interest for the greater good of the country. bread and circuses and shit.

    for example, if i ran for president on the platform that i would ban posting like a shithead on message boards, there's absolutely no way lmj would vote for me because it would be completely against his self-interest. i really don't understand all this shock and awe when confronted with the truth like this.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    The_Hook_Up said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    The_Hook_Up said:
    99% of all votes cast for Romney will just be "hes not Obama" votes . The other 1% will be from all the obscenely rich people who know that their taxes will go down with him in office. No one can claim they are voting for Romney because they like his policies and plans (besides the obscenely rich) because no one knows what they are because he refuses to tell us what they are. If he tell us, he risks a good hunk of that aforementioned 99% because his plans would hurt them/us.
    cool story bro

    Hey Patty Cakes, how ya feelin' about your boy?
    i don't have a "boy" in politics. mostly because i don't treat it like a sports team where i need to ride for dude wearing the correct colors or talking the same old bullshit. i treat it like the cancer it is and aim to have as little of it as possible.

  • PatrickCrazy said:
    The_Hook_Up said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    The_Hook_Up said:
    99% of all votes cast for Romney will just be "hes not Obama" votes . The other 1% will be from all the obscenely rich people who know that their taxes will go down with him in office. No one can claim they are voting for Romney because they like his policies and plans (besides the obscenely rich) because no one knows what they are because he refuses to tell us what they are. If he tell us, he risks a good hunk of that aforementioned 99% because his plans would hurt them/us.
    cool story bro

    Hey Patty Cakes, how ya feelin' about your boy?
    i don't have a "boy" in politics. mostly because i don't treat it like a sports team where i need to ride for dude wearing the correct colors or talking the same old bullshit. i treat it like the cancer it is and aim to have as little of it as possible.

    Oooooooh, you're so butch and such an individual.

  • PatrickCrazy said:
    what was wrong with what he said? was anything untrue? you're not going to get someone to vote out of their own self-interest for the greater good of the country. bread and circuses and shit.

    for example, if i ran for president on the platform that i would ban posting like a shithead on message boards, there's absolutely no way lmj would vote for me because it would be completely against his self-interest. i really don't understand all this shock and awe when confronted with the truth like this.

    Wow, you have such a constipated worldview. Does it hurt to be such a callous prick?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    The_Hook_Up said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    The_Hook_Up said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    The_Hook_Up said:
    99% of all votes cast for Romney will just be "hes not Obama" votes . The other 1% will be from all the obscenely rich people who know that their taxes will go down with him in office. No one can claim they are voting for Romney because they like his policies and plans (besides the obscenely rich) because no one knows what they are because he refuses to tell us what they are. If he tell us, he risks a good hunk of that aforementioned 99% because his plans would hurt them/us.
    cool story bro

    Hey Patty Cakes, how ya feelin' about your boy?
    i don't have a "boy" in politics. mostly because i don't treat it like a sports team where i need to ride for dude wearing the correct colors or talking the same old bullshit. i treat it like the cancer it is and aim to have as little of it as possible.

    Oooooooh, you're so butch and such an individual.
    anything else besides regurgitating the same OMG DID U GUYZ NOE REPUBLICANS R SOW EVILLLL in every thread?

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Obama said he'd close Gitmo and still hasn't. FAIL.
    Mitt is clearly all about enriching Mitt.

    Really, can't you guys find anyone better than these two?

  • The_Hook_Up said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    The_Hook_Up said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    The_Hook_Up said:
    99% of all votes cast for Romney will just be "hes not Obama" votes . The other 1% will be from all the obscenely rich people who know that their taxes will go down with him in office. No one can claim they are voting for Romney because they like his policies and plans (besides the obscenely rich) because no one knows what they are because he refuses to tell us what they are. If he tell us, he risks a good hunk of that aforementioned 99% because his plans would hurt them/us.
    cool story bro

    Hey Patty Cakes, how ya feelin' about your boy?
    i don't have a "boy" in politics. mostly because i don't treat it like a sports team where i need to ride for dude wearing the correct colors or talking the same old bullshit. i treat it like the cancer it is and aim to have as little of it as possible.

    Oooooooh, you're so butch and such an individual.
    anything else besides regurgitating the same OMG DID U GUYZ NOE REPUBLICANS R SOW EVILLLL in every thread?

    Sorry cant talk, I gotta go to the welfare office to pick up my check...have fun at work paying for my leisure filled life. I know that is the kind of fuel you need to get through your teeth-gnashing, hate filled day. Enjoy.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    The_Hook_Up said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    The_Hook_Up said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    The_Hook_Up said:
    99% of all votes cast for Romney will just be "hes not Obama" votes . The other 1% will be from all the obscenely rich people who know that their taxes will go down with him in office. No one can claim they are voting for Romney because they like his policies and plans (besides the obscenely rich) because no one knows what they are because he refuses to tell us what they are. If he tell us, he risks a good hunk of that aforementioned 99% because his plans would hurt them/us.
    cool story bro

    Hey Patty Cakes, how ya feelin' about your boy?
    i don't have a "boy" in politics. mostly because i don't treat it like a sports team where i need to ride for dude wearing the correct colors or talking the same old bullshit. i treat it like the cancer it is and aim to have as little of it as possible.

    Oooooooh, you're so butch and such an individual.
    anything else besides regurgitating the same OMG DID U GUYZ NOE REPUBLICANS R SOW EVILLLL in every thread?

    Sorry cant talk, I gotta go to the welfare office to pick up my check...have fun at work paying for my leisure filled life. I know that is the kind of fuel you need to get through your teeth-gnashing, hate filled day. Enjoy.
    hate filled day? i live life well dog. im smiling from when i wake up until i go to sleep. i don't ever post anything remotely hate-filled on this board. btw, im okay with throwing a few pennies your way so you don't revolt.

    so once again, anything besides OMG REPUBLIKKKANZ R EVILZZZ?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    skel said:
    Obama said he'd close Gitmo and still hasn't. FAIL.
    Mitt is clearly all about enriching Mitt.

    Really, can't you guys find anyone better than these two?
    only worthwhile post in this thread (besides my own of course)

  • PatrickCrazy said:
    what was wrong with what he said? was anything untrue?

    Yes, most of it

    These are Republican policies, dawg

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    what was wrong with what he said? was anything untrue?

    Yes, most of it

    These are Republican policies, dawg
    compromise policies that the great ronald reagan was forced to make instead of what democrats would have done to make it rain

  • You clearly did not read the article.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    dont have time for more than a scan right now

    that doesn't change my point. people are not going to vote against their own self-interest; regardless of who established what program.

  • The "great" Ronnie Reagan that armed the Taliban, sold Iran arms to find an illegal war in central America and solved the jobs crisis by adding 200,000 government jobs?

    Sounds like a Muslim loving socialist.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i was completely 100% serious when i mentioned the great ronald reagan
    try harder bro

  • PatrickCrazy said:
    i was completely 100% serious when i mentioned the great ronald reagan
    try harder bro

    So was I...I stated irrefutable facts about him.

    And don't call me bro...I'm not a backwards baseball cap wearing frat boy fucktard.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    u r knot able 2 recognize sarcasm
    chillax dude, no need to raise ur blood pressure

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    The_Hook_Up said:
    The "great" Ronnie Reagan that armed the Taliban,

    The Taliban was formed in the early 90's.....Reagan was already out of I assume this is some indirect "The Taliban wound up with guns that Reagan sold to Iran" scenario....correct?

  • Rockadelic said:
    The_Hook_Up said:
    The "great" Ronnie Reagan that armed the Taliban,

    The Taliban was formed in the early 90's.....Reagan was already out of I assume this is some indirect "The Taliban wound up with gund that Reagan sold to Iran" scenario....correct?

    I assume he means Al Qaida. The funding was done through Operation Cyclone, which was started under Jimmy Carter.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Obama keeps trying to fight the courts on its repeal of the indefinite detention of US citizens portion of NDAA.

    Why the fuck anyone would want to re-elect a president so hell-bent on destroying habeas corpus is some serious weaksauce.

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    Horseleech said:
    Rockadelic said:
    The_Hook_Up said:
    The "great" Ronnie Reagan that armed the Taliban,

    The Taliban was formed in the early 90's.....Reagan was already out of I assume this is some indirect "The Taliban wound up with gund that Reagan sold to Iran" scenario....correct?

    I assume he means Al Qaida. The funding was done through Operation Cyclone, which was started under Jimmy Carter.

    ???These gentlemen are the moral equivalents of America???s founding fathers.???
    Ronald Regan while introducing the Mujahideen leaders to media on the White house lawns (1985).

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    Between Mitt's 47% comment and his remarks about the Palestinians not wanting peace, does anybody still think he has any chances?

  • Frank said:
    Horseleech said:
    Rockadelic said:
    The_Hook_Up said:
    The "great" Ronnie Reagan that armed the Taliban,

    The Taliban was formed in the early 90's.....Reagan was already out of I assume this is some indirect "The Taliban wound up with gund that Reagan sold to Iran" scenario....correct?

    I assume he means Al Qaida. The funding was done through Operation Cyclone, which was started under Jimmy Carter.

    ???These gentlemen are the moral equivalents of America???s founding fathers.???
    Ronald Regan while introducing the Mujahideen leaders to media on the White house lawns (1985).

    "How Jimmy Carter & I Started the Mujahideen" - Zbigniew Brzezinski

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    Horseleech said:

    "How Jimmy Carter & I Started the Mujahideen" - Zbigniew Brzezinski

    That's crazy, I had no idea the Mujahideen had existed and been funded by the US before the Russian invasion. Learn something new every day I guess.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
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