!!! (Daft Punk-related).



  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    SIRUS said:
    i think most people who don't have anyknowledge/love for the music they are referencing will hate it

    I'm seeing/hearing this already.

    At the same time, I'm shaking my head in disbelief about every thirty seconds at the sheer fucking balls of it. It's just a massive, self-indulgent GO FUCK YOURSELF to all the just-add-water shit out there, and the great thing about it is they're utterly sincere. No cynicism, no irony and none of the wanky fucking buffers people put between themselves and a genuine, honest emotional reaction to the music. Which might be why it's going to sail over the heads of all those people who need time to work out whether or not it's OK for them to like it.

  • 4YearGraduate4YearGraduate 2,945 Posts
    Man if Fragements of Time isn't time capsueld AOR at it's finest. fuck.

    They are straight tripping if this isn't the second single and they dont try to get this on KWAVE. Platinum plaques abound.Shit is pony-tail AM gold.

  • toby.dtoby.d 254 Posts
    Fuck. I can't stand this. I love a leak as much as the next guy but I didn't want this one to go down like this.

    The fear of missing out... It's too strong...

  • DocMcCoy said:
    No cynicism, no irony and none of the wanky fucking buffers people put between themselves and a genuine, honest emotional reaction to the music. Which might be why it's going to sail over the heads of all those people who need time to work out whether or not it's OK for them to like it.
    Damn.... Nail on the head.

  • 4YearGraduate4YearGraduate 2,945 Posts
    SoundOutLoud said:
    DocMcCoy said:
    No cynicism, no irony and none of the wanky fucking buffers people put between themselves and a genuine, honest emotional reaction to the music. Which might be why it's going to sail over the heads of all those people who need time to work out whether or not it's OK for them to like it.
    Damn.... Nail on the head.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    First impression: From a musical/production standpoint it's really good. It's gonna take some time to grow on me a bit. A little underwhelming in parts, but more than made up for in others. Classic Daft vibes throughout with heavy yacht influences (which I'm all about). They really gave zero fucks about another "One More Time" and just did what they wanted to do. I definitely dig it, and bonus points for the sheer amount of balls it took to make an album like this in 2013.

    There was no way ANY record could live up to the "Thriller" level of hype this one had. The real question is, will all this translate into actual record sales? The record industry is in the toilet and if RAM doesn't recoup AND make $ this will probably be the last time we see something this big happen in music.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    Just tweeted: This song "Touch" is like Vangelis' "Blade Runner" 'cept for instead of it being future Los Angeles it's the "The Love Boat"

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Watching people get pissed over this is almost as entertaining as the record itself.

  • soulmarcosasoulmarcosa 4,296 Posts
    cove said:
    Thanks for revolutionizing dance music, Daft Punk!!

    Is the whole thing gonna sound like Chromeo?

    I actually like the song. But yeah, not only is it a total late 70s/early 80s throwback, but tons of other groups like Chromeo seem to have been doing the same type of thing for awhile too.

    Which makes all the "dance music needs this fresh sound right now" talk on those promo docs all the more self-congratulating.

    I'm not hating, but this album is simply another retro-inspired release among a sea that are just as good or possibly better, right?

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,849 Posts
    soulmarcosa said:
    cove said:
    Thanks for revolutionizing dance music, Daft Punk!!

    Is the whole thing gonna sound like Chromeo?

    I actually like the song. But yeah, not only is it a total late 70s/early 80s throwback, but tons of other groups like Chromeo seem to have been doing the same type of thing for awhile too.

    Which makes all the "dance music needs this fresh sound right now" talk on those promo docs all the more self-congratulating.

    I'm not hating, but this album is simply another retro-inspired release among a sea that are just as good or possibly better, right?

    I'm only two songs in... But Nile's fingerprints are all over this. Advantage, Daft Punk.

  • BeatChemistBeatChemist 1,465 Posts
    This shit is like neo-prog-disco. All over the map sonically!!

    and the fucking outro!!!!!????!?!?!?!??!

    I can't wait to rock this in my headphones!

  • PonyPony 2,283 Posts
    Smooth Jazz.

    I'll stick to Homework/Discovery

  • Controller_7Controller_7 4,052 Posts
    Pony!!! What's up dude.

    My wife loves Lucky and she gets mad when I sing the woke up a Mexican monkey line that I learned in here.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    I've seen a few people say this album has "no soul" which is pretty odd considering that this album has had more humans involved than any of their others.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    I wonder if the Daft Punk cover band will incorporate the new shit in their sets?

    They are playing here soon, so I can cover this development.

  • willie_fugalwillie_fugal 1,862 Posts
    some of y'all might be interested in this... my friend put together a bunch of brass musicians in new orleans to record covers of daft punk in new orleans brass band-style. this was back in the fall, and they released the resulting ep a month or so ago. now they've got a new kickstarter that ends in a little less than a day, raising money to record a cover of "get lucky."

    if you contribute to this campaign, you can still get a copy of the original ep on vinyl, which i think he plans on shipping out in july: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/Samplefreq/brassft-punk-does-get-lucky

  • We've rented an RV and are driving to Wee Waa to listen to it. I'm not listening to any of it till we are in the proper setting......(that being Wee Waa apparently).

    I'll post some photo's in a week or so, hopefully.

  • Possum SlimPossum Slim 353 Posts
    Listening to it now, the office working crowd that whistle along to Get Lucky when it comes on the radio are going to hate this.

  • jjfad027jjfad027 1,594 Posts
    Very nice stuff. Beyond is killer. Guitars on Lose Yourself are perfect.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    SP 1200 said:
    Listening to it now, the office working crowd that whistle along to Get Lucky when it comes on the radio are going to hate this.

    Get Lucky sounds about 10000x stronger within the context of this record than it does as a single. And it's a fucking great single.

  • BallzDeepBallzDeep 612 Posts
    DocMcCoy said:

    Get Lucky sounds about 10000x stronger within the context of this record than it does as a single. And it's a fucking great single.

  • Possum SlimPossum Slim 353 Posts
    Its is a good single, although the chorus gets repetitive for me. I'm enjoying the album overall and imagine it'll get better with time.

    Soulstrut seems to be the only place where people are speaking positively about it. Don't understand the complaints about people saying if they want to listen to disco/funk etc they'll dig out the OG albums. I can't think of many albums from 70's/early 80's that sound quite like this.

  • 4YearGraduate4YearGraduate 2,945 Posts
    I agree with some of the criticism on this. I have listened to it about 5 or 6 times now. It's a good record. My enthusiasm has waned because there are indeed a couple of genuine turds on there and a few masturbatory moments; i think that because it is a such an artistic departure it might get a pass on this from those who really want to believe it is their generation's Thriller. Let's be honest, Pharell's vocal performaces are weak. Ahh uhh. On both tracks - especially on Lose Yourself to Dance. A lot of the songs, like the aformentioned, are about 2 minutes to long with no interesting musical change-ups. Some of the tracks would be as easily at home on a Kenny G or smoov jazz album as on this Daft Punk record - Game of Love comes to mind.

    i know I'm supposed to like Paul Williams because he's the president of Ascap and he wrote alot of good songs but lets be honest, his vocal work has never been notable. He had the worst song on Yo Gabba Gabba. His singing on this album sounds like a sad Grampa. I don't know why they couldnt let him write the track and get someone competent to sing it - I guess that would take away from the HYPE. HYPE HYPE.

    Alot of features, alot of cool people involved. Cool. Some good tracks.

    After a day on it, 7/10. I reserve the right to lower or increase my rating, but thats where i'm at right now. I still think they should be applauded for even doing what they did, even if what they did is not as interesting as we're told it is.

    That said, I think alot of the initial excitement is really just people realizing (either again or for the first time) that Nile Rogers is a living legend and genius who has been overlooked and underrated. Daft Punk could have (and it looks like they did) get anyone in the world they wanted to be on their record with a +6 Million dollar budget. Considering that now, objectively, I'm a little underwhelmed. I mean, if you really want to go there, why not get Rod Temperton to write some tracks, why not get Herbie Hancock on that mug, Ndugu, etc. Fuck why not Prince. Go all the way with it.

    and before SS crucifies me here, again, just my 2c. Not trying to sway anyone's opinion or prove a point. okthxbai

  • vintageinfantsvintageinfants 4,538 Posts
    i keep hearing thousands of cues to country music embedded in the background of tracks. it's really throwing me for a looop.


  • ppadilhappadilha 2,253 Posts
    well, I'm not a Daft Punk fanboy but I liked most of this album. Feels pretty earnest, unlike so many tongue-in-cheek late 70s/early 80s retro bands (like Chromeo and whatnot). Enjoyed the sad robot vibes on some of the songs, and there were a few I'd be pretty happy to hear if I were at a clurb. Don't know how it will do as an album, but at the very least they got a few more massive singles up their sleeves.

  • vintageinfantsvintageinfants 4,538 Posts

    COVER STORY: Machines for Life

  • GrandfatherGrandfather 2,303 Posts
    the design of that article is fucking awesome, dam

  • vintageinfantsvintageinfants 4,538 Posts
    pitchfork just shit on the whole industry

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    vintageinfants said:
    pitchfork just shit on the whole industry, unquietly

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,253 Posts
    vintageinfants said:
    pitchfork just shit on the whole industry

    except other websites have been doing this type of design for a little while now

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