!!! (Daft Punk-related).



  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Streamed this while I was installing hardwood floors in my house. Good background music and reminded me of a 70's euro soundtrack. Obviously not like their other stuff, but that's the point.

  • StoneHandsStoneHands 341 Posts
    Cant say Im feelin this one. The songs arent bad, but alot of it sounds like dudes were using Garageband instrument presets (Especially on Motherboard) and the whole thing has a corporate video vibe, production wise. I cant see how the argument can be made for it being a great sounding record - its clean and im sure the levels are there, but its sooo bland. Its cool that this record was made in 2013 by the band that made it and everything tho... The Doin It Right joint is the most interesting one to me, until the human vocals come in.. and the most Moroder-like, ironically.

  • OptimusLimeOptimusLime 227 Posts
    ppadilha said:
    vintageinfants said:
    pitchfork just shit on the whole industry

    except other websites have been doing this type of design for a little while now


    I'd never seen design like that for an article. Maybe not new for the pitchfork thing, but still awesome looking.

    Kind like Daft Punk themselves. Nothing new, but awesome looking and sounding. Not a massive fan and I don't get the intense hype/buildup to this album (SURPRISE IT SOUNDS LIKE FRENCH DISCO WITH ROBOT STUFF ON IT!!!) but it's a nice, chilled album.

  • YemskyYemsky 715 Posts
    vintageinfants said:

    COVER STORY: Machines for Life

    This wow'ed me last night back home on my Mac browsing on Safari.
    I just wanted to show it to some colleagues at work on IE 9 and it looks completely boring and traditional.
    What are the requirements for this to look cool?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    Yemsky said:
    vintageinfants said:

    COVER STORY: Machines for Life

    This wow'ed me last night back home on my Mac browsing on Safari.
    I just wanted to show it to some colleagues at work on IE 9 and it looks completely boring and traditional.
    What are the requirements for this to look cool?

    Are you waiting to be told that everything looks cooler on a Mac?

    I think IE is the problem, but there are other PC browsers, like Safari, Firefox, GoogleChrome.

  • caicai spacecho 362 Posts
    Really enjoyed reading this thread - it was my first taste of the hype surrounding this album. I even managed to avoid hearing the single.

    So just listened to it through once. I really loved it - the songs, the whole endtroducing-style pretension/vision and the sonics - UNTIL track 6 when Pharrell turns up. Without a warm vintage vocoder the spell is broken.

    Nothing matches that run of the first 5 songs for me. The Pandabear track I like and also the outro Contact but the other tracks.. Hmm maybe they'll grow on me.

  • djwaxondjwaxon 411 Posts
    4YearGraduate said:

    That said, I think alot of the initial excitement is really just people realizing (either again or for the first time) that Nile Rogers is a living legend and genius who has been overlooked and underrated. Daft Punk could have (and it looks like they did) get anyone in the world they wanted to be on their record with a +6 Million dollar budget. Considering that now, objectively, I'm a little underwhelmed. I mean, if you really want to go there, why not get Rod Temperton to write some tracks, why not get Herbie Hancock on that mug, Ndugu, etc. Fuck why not Prince. Go all the way with it.

    and before SS crucifies me here, again, just my 2c. Not trying to sway anyone's opinion or prove a point. okthxbai

    Good point. It's ok, but it could've been great. Personally I don't like some of the production, in particular the way the drums are engineered on some tracks.

  • Possum SlimPossum Slim 353 Posts
    Listening to the album as a non Daft Punk fan, but interested because of the Nile Rodgers element, I liked it more than I thought I would.

  • YemskyYemsky 715 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    Yemsky said:
    vintageinfants said:

    COVER STORY: Machines for Life

    This wow'ed me last night back home on my Mac browsing on Safari.
    I just wanted to show it to some colleagues at work on IE 9 and it looks completely boring and traditional.
    What are the requirements for this to look cool?

    Are you waiting to be told that everything looks cooler on a Mac?

    I think IE is the problem, but there are other PC browsers, like Safari, Firefox, GoogleChrome.

    I certainly do not want to be told that everything is better on a Mac. I simply wanted to know whether anyone knows what the "minimum requirements" are to see that pitchfork media article in it's wow-ness.
    Certainly there are other PC browsers, but there are also corporate policies and concerns about version control as various work-related tools need to run rock solid. I am sure I am not the only one working in a corporation that does not allow users to install what they want.

    As for the album:

    DocMcCoy said:

    Get Lucky sounds about 10000x stronger within the context of this record

    4YearGraduate said:
    My enthusiasm has waned because there are indeed a couple of genuine turds on there and a few masturbatory moments

    vintageinfants said:
    i keep hearing thousands of cues to country music embedded in the background of tracks. it's really throwing me

    StoneHands said:
    Cant say Im feelin this one.
    its sooo bland.

    and that reference by Cai to the "endtroducing-style" also, but in a negative way.

    Really like Get Lucky as a dance track, but the rest is a Pop album that I don't need.

  • DustedDonDustedDon 830 Posts
    man, the vinyl version on Amazon pre-order is $35. might have to pass on that....

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Yemsky said:
    vintageinfants said:

    COVER STORY: Machines for Life

    This wow'ed me last night back home on my Mac browsing on Safari.
    I just wanted to show it to some colleagues at work on IE 9 and it looks completely boring and traditional.
    What are the requirements for this to look cool?

    Download Firefox and make sure all you flash players are up to date and you should be good. I just have a 3 year old HP laptop and it looked great in Firefox.

  • thropethrope 750 Posts
    4YearGraduate said:

    i know I'm supposed to like Paul Williams because he's the president of Ascap and he wrote alot of good songs but lets be honest, his vocal work has never been notable. He had the worst song on Yo Gabba Gabba. His singing on this album sounds like a sad Grampa. I don't know why they couldnt let him write the track and get someone competent to sing it - I guess that would take away from the HYPE. HYPE HYPE.

    Touch is easily the best song on the album. Paul Williams kills it. how can you not like a track that sounds like the grease 2 soundtrack meets phantom of the paradise meets daft punk on some space opera ish. between Touch and the Moroder song i don't really care if the cd has a few turds.

    edit: for the record i am no daft punk fan boy. haven't listened to a full album of theirs since Homework, tbh. i also have been jamming out to Kavinsky's album since it came out, so my tastes might be a lil suspect.

  • 4YearGraduate4YearGraduate 2,945 Posts
    thrope said:
    4YearGraduate said:

    i know I'm supposed to like Paul Williams because he's the president of Ascap and he wrote alot of good songs but lets be honest, his vocal work has never been notable. He had the worst song on Yo Gabba Gabba. His singing on this album sounds like a sad Grampa. I don't know why they couldnt let him write the track and get someone competent to sing it - I guess that would take away from the HYPE. HYPE HYPE.

    Touch is easily the best song on the album. Paul Williams kills it. how can you not like a track that sounds like the grease 2 soundtrack meets phantom of the paradise meets daft punk on some space opera ish. between Touch and the Moroder song i don't really care if the cd has a few turds.

    edit: for the record i am no daft punk fan boy. haven't listened to a full album of theirs since Homework, tbh. i also have been jamming out to Kavinsky's album since it came out, so my tastes might be a lil suspect.

    Fair enough. It's ambitious and well written but damn, they could have had ANYONE sing that track. I guess I'm not a fan of PW on the vocal, the same way I feel like Pharell falls flat on the potential of those tracks. Personal preference I suppose - he sounds like Gramps. I mean, dude wrote The Love Boat theme song. Then again, I've been trying to figure out a way to get Michael McDonald on my next album, so i guess i should be taken with a grain of Lawrys.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    he same way I feel like Pharell falls flat on the potential of those tracks.

    I agree.

    I am digging the album as a whole so far....

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    yuichi said:
    he same way I feel like Pharell falls flat on the potential of those tracks.

    I agree.

    I am digging the album as a whole so far....

    Let's be honest. Pharell is a good singer for a rapper, but he's not a good singer. I'm sure in theory it sounded great to them, but didn't pan out. Plus his vocals are way to high in the mix. You have to have a flawless singer to do that.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    4YearGraduate said:
    thrope said:
    4YearGraduate said:

    i know I'm supposed to like Paul Williams because he's the president of Ascap and he wrote alot of good songs but lets be honest, his vocal work has never been notable. He had the worst song on Yo Gabba Gabba. His singing on this album sounds like a sad Grampa. I don't know why they couldnt let him write the track and get someone competent to sing it - I guess that would take away from the HYPE. HYPE HYPE.

    Touch is easily the best song on the album. Paul Williams kills it. how can you not like a track that sounds like the grease 2 soundtrack meets phantom of the paradise meets daft punk on some space opera ish. between Touch and the Moroder song i don't really care if the cd has a few turds.

    edit: for the record i am no daft punk fan boy. haven't listened to a full album of theirs since Homework, tbh. i also have been jamming out to Kavinsky's album since it came out, so my tastes might be a lil suspect.

    Fair enough. It's ambitious and well written but damn, they could have had ANYONE sing that track. I guess I'm not a fan of PW on the vocal, the same way I feel like Pharell falls flat on the potential of those tracks. Personal preference I suppose - he sounds like Gramps. I mean, dude wrote The Love Boat theme song. Then again, I've been trying to figure out a way to get Michael McDonald on my next album, so i guess i should be taken with a grain of Lawrys.

    I'd like to chime in to say that I wasn't aware Williams wrote "The Love Boat" before making, in retrospect, a not-quite-accurate Vangelis-cruise-liner metaphor earlier in the thread. The high points for me - the first song, "Instant Crush," "Get Lucky," the Panda Bear tune - more than make up for a few mild clunkers on the album. For me, it's more mature and danceable than Discovery and I think it's my second-favorite album of theirs behind their debut. It's better than I could have hoped. Agree on Pharrell - he's not a strong vocalist but "Get Lucky" is a strong enough tune for it not to be a dealbreaker; the same cannot be said for "Lose Yourself to Dance." Also, the Moroder tune, while seemingly just an album placeholder, is interesting but a bit underwhelming.

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,253 Posts
    the album started to lose me at the Paul Williams song, I just can't deal with show tunes and this track comes too close to that for my taste. I had it on while I was doing things around the house, so I wasn't listening too closely, but I remember enjoying the first half a lot more than the second.

  • vintageinfantsvintageinfants 4,538 Posts

  • thropethrope 750 Posts
    ppadilha said:
    the album started to lose me at the Paul Williams song, I just can't deal with show tunes and this track comes too close to that for my taste. I had it on while I was doing things around the house, so I wasn't listening too closely, but I remember enjoying the first half a lot more than the second.

    ahhh man, am i the only one that loves this track? its really only "show tunes"y for like 1:45 of an 8:20 song.......

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    thrope said:
    ppadilha said:
    the album started to lose me at the Paul Williams song, I just can't deal with show tunes and this track comes too close to that for my taste. I had it on while I was doing things around the house, so I wasn't listening too closely, but I remember enjoying the first half a lot more than the second.

    ahhh man, am i the only one that loves this track? its really only "show tunes"y for like 1:45 of an 8:20 song.......

    I love it too. Paul Williams writes beautiful songs.


    "Rainbow Connection" is a showtune.

  • I really like Touch too. Williams' vocals and lyrics come off as so vulnerable which goes really well with the albums concept as a whole (struggling w/ maintaining humanity in a mechanical world and such) and the choral part at the end gets me every time.

  • WoimsahWoimsah 1,734 Posts
    ya there are a few tracks where I feel influences may be particularly relevant...eg

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Japan-only bonus track ramps up the prog factor. A few people have said it sounds like Floyd, which I suppose it does, but personally it reminds me more of those dreamy Danny Kirwan instrumentals you find dotted around all the Fleetwood Mac albums nobody ever talks about.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    First time I head the album I thought it was an acceptable but underwhelming return after such a long time away.

    After repeated listens I now bow down to its majesty. It's superb both in the individual songs and the pacing of the entire album. Crop two minutes of Lose Yourself To Dance and we're done.

    Also, Truth is the absolute mutts nuts, right up there with Giorgio's Wener Herzog -esq tale of living in his car as totally unexpected individual moments that leave you with an overwhelming feeling of bliss.

  • M1NYAM1NYA 18 Posts
    Sorry off topic, but I thought the new Daft Punk would include more of the french touch / dreamwave / nudisco side of things.

    For those looking for that fix, couldn't' believe this extended EP is free from Alan Braxe.... try the 2nd track, TIme Machine... for me, beautiful stuff I was hoping for more of on the RAM joint.

    Long time lurker, never poast.... Daft Punk brought me out of hiding... still a fantastic duo with such amazing hype / influence


  • DustedDonDustedDon 830 Posts
    I took small roadtrip over the weekend and the lady and I played this album about 3 times through front to back. It's a really great record.

    "Mother Board" is about as good as modern psychedelica can get, "Touch", "Game of Love" and "Fragments of Time" all sounded weird at first but really grew on me, "Instant Krush", "Doing It Right", "Lose Yourself" and "Lucky" are all going to be filling floors this summer. The "Moroder" track is incredible and has an awesome Goblinesque finale. The only track I don't like is "Within".

    The use of differant vintage vocorders is really cool too, you can really here the differance on each track.

    Also, this album makes me feel somewhat vidicated for spending so much money on Italo disco records the last 3 years. ;-)

    I give it a solid 8/10.

  • vintageinfantsvintageinfants 4,538 Posts
    can you recall an album in recent history that has taken such a clever approach to scorched earth release marketing?

    "Daft Punk attending the Monaco Grand Prix in support of their new album. Their label, Columbia, sponsored the Lotus F1 Team???s entry into the race."

  • Controller_7Controller_7 4,052 Posts
    "ahhh. Im starting to regret the costume my friend. We should have chosen sunglasses or something. Sacre bleu it's hot in here!"

  • SIRUSSIRUS 2,554 Posts
    which is which? i forget. anyways, ol goldenhead needs to lay off the goug??re, the suit is starting to look a little tight.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Controller_7 said:
    "ahhh. Im starting to regret the costume my friend. We should have chosen sunglasses or something. Sacre bleu it's hot in here!"

    You know those joints got A/C. They are from the future.

    And for people who don't like the LP, Youtube is blowing up with banjo covers and 8 bit mash-ups you might enjoy better.
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