Who's Pumped for Veep Debate?



  • HarveyCanal said:
    FEMA is a lie as well.

    When run by Bush appointees, yes it was.

    Waaaaaah....everything is lousy. Only a racist quack from Texas could have saved us...his common sense ideas like "dont live where disasters happen" would have put this country on the path to prosperity. Waaaaaaaaah. if you don't believe me you are a shill...blah blah blah blah.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    The_Hook_Up said:
    HarveyCanal said:
    FEMA is a lie as well.

    When run by Bush appointees, yes it was.

    Waaaaaah....everything is lousy. Only a racist quack from Texas could have saved us...his common sense ideas like "dont live where disasters happen" would have put this country on the path to prosperity. Waaaaaaaaah. if you don't believe me you are a shill...blah blah blah blah.

    Yes, dude, live your whole life in response to the Republican menace because somehow when a donkey neglects, lies, steals, and murders, it's somehow not as bad as when an elephant does so.

  • HarveyCanal said:
    The_Hook_Up said:
    HarveyCanal said:
    FEMA is a lie as well.

    When run by Bush appointees, yes it was.

    Waaaaaah....everything is lousy. Only a racist quack from Texas could have saved us...his common sense ideas like "dont live where disasters happen" would have put this country on the path to prosperity. Waaaaaaaaah. if you don't believe me you are a shill...blah blah blah blah.

    Yes, dude, live your whole life in response to the Republican menace because somehow when a donkey neglects, lies, steals, and murders, it's somehow not as bad as when a elephant does so.

    The fact you equate them is ridiculous and the fact you think that Paul's platform of neglect was somehow on a higher moral plane is even more ridiculous.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    No, it's not. The US government has clearly been taken over by criminals. So the first step to undoing that is taking their devious toys away from them (like the Federal Reserve, Homeland Security, FEMA, etc.) all in order to begin again with a whole new Constitutionally-backed platform. I've never said that Ron Paul was perfect or should be named king of the world. But at this point, he's just about the only one in a position to get the overhaul of our bullshit government moving. Just because you play the game of liking the well-spoken criminals better than their more shitheel counterparts doesn't mean it's going to actually change anything for the better. And the way that you and your fellow Democratic half-asses have categorically shut up when it's Obama doing pretty much the exact kind of crap that Bush was known for only points to your lack of sack. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know your own livelihood as well as your high moral ground is dependent on government granting you the right to help others...and the helping part is indeed great and something that should be continued under any regime...but a Thanksgiving turkey provided by a Nicky Barnes is still wholly tainted from my view. The work now should be moving in the direction of procuring those turkeys without the sale of drugs or the raping of overseas economies or the jaling of a ridiculous percentage of our population, etc. But here you are only thinking about those sandwiches. Time to do better than just that.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Yeah, because keeping blatant crooks from swindling all of our wealth and industry and reputation and civil liberties away from us, is primitive.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    WWII was a great reason to borrow money. Lots of good, moral reasons to borrow money. Giving tax cuts to the uber rich and buying more guns that we don't need are not among those. That's Romney's plan, at least that we know of. He won't tell us anymore than that. "I have a secret plan". Does this remind any of the older Strutters of anyone?

    day hits the nail on the head. I voted Obama, and will be watching the returns on Tuesday. I'm nervous, and wonder if I've done enough to help the campaign. Donating a few sheckles helps, but I could have given my time. I hope I won't regret not doing that.

  • Hypothetically, let's say Sandy happened next year in a Paul presidency. Let's say he accomished dismantling FEMA. What would the people of the east coast do? There is no way state balance sheets would be in the black enough to "help themselves", so what would be the course of action to help them?

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Oh no, FEMA wouldn't have the funding to confiscate guns and then try to house people in toxic tin cans. Whatever would we do?

    There have been weather emergencies since time began. How did people get along before FEMA was created? That's what we'd do.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Oh yeah, that's right, we can't call in the national guard because Obama has deployed them all to Afghanistan.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:
    I've never said that Ron Paul was perfect or should be named king of the world. But at this point, he's just about the only one in a position to get the overhaul of our bullshit government moving.

    Haha! Ron Paul is sitting at his house in Texas counting all the left over "campaign contributions", and thinking about how he's going to spend them . Some position.

    Dude said, "See-ya". Not a peep from Ron Paul since he had his ass handed to him in the primaries. Not a fucking peep.

    Paul never did a single, solitary thing of note in the 20+ years he was in Congress. He's doing even less now.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:
    And the way that you and your fellow Democratic half-asses have categorically shut up when it's Obama doing pretty much the exact kind of crap that Bush was known for only points to your lack of sack.

    I would just like to point out that 4 years ago I told you I wouldn't give Obama a pass, and I have not, and I have called out others who have. I have never given any politician a pass.

    While I agree with you that our government is a kleptocracy, I disagree on what the cure would be.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:
    Oh no, FEMA wouldn't have the funding to confiscate guns and then try to house people in toxic tin cans. Whatever would we do?

    There have been weather emergencies since time began. How did people get along before FEMA was created? That's what we'd do.

    Case in point. What people did before FEMA was die, go homeless, starve...
    History has done a good job of documenting that.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:
    Oh no, FEMA wouldn't have the funding to confiscate guns and then try to house people in toxic tin cans. Whatever would we do?

    There have been weather emergencies since time began. How did people get along before FEMA was created? That's what we'd do.

    Go back to your mud hut, you Luddite.

  • you guys have really outdone yourself in this one.

    i would like to commend you ALL, each and every one of you, for excellence in the field of filibustery. watch your mailboxes for your purple helmets to be delivered.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    LaserWolf said:
    HarveyCanal said:
    Oh no, FEMA wouldn't have the funding to confiscate guns and then try to house people in toxic tin cans. Whatever would we do?

    There have been weather emergencies since time began. How did people get along before FEMA was created? That's what we'd do.

    Case in point. What people did before FEMA was die, go homeless, starve...
    History has done a good job of documenting that.

    This is what Harvey wants us to do.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:
    There have been weather emergencies since time began. How did people get along before FEMA was created? That's what we'd do.

    Now you're talking some bootstrap shit...expecting people to help themselves and each other without the help of the Government.

    Red Cross annual budget = $4.1 billion

    FEMA annual budget = $5.5 billion.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    HarveyCanal said:
    There have been weather emergencies since time began. How did people get along before FEMA was created? That's what we'd do.

    Now you're talking some bootstrap shit...expecting people to help themselves and each other without the help of the Government.

    Red Cross annual budget = $4.1 billion

    FEMA annual budget = $5.5 billion.

    I thought you would post up how you didn't really think borrowing was immoral.

    But since we have skipped to the above comparison, what is the significance?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    LaserWolf said:
    Rockadelic said:
    HarveyCanal said:
    There have been weather emergencies since time began. How did people get along before FEMA was created? That's what we'd do.

    Now you're talking some bootstrap shit...expecting people to help themselves and each other without the help of the Government.

    Red Cross annual budget = $4.1 billion

    FEMA annual budget = $5.5 billion.

    I thought you would post up how you didn't really think borrowing was immoral.

    But since we have skipped to the above comparison, what is the significance?

    Borrowing by definition is not immoral.

    Borrowing way beyond your means with no clue how you're gonna pay it back is.

    Unless of course you borrow from "preadatory loan companies"...in that case the lender is immoral.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    Rockadelic said:

    Borrowing by definition is not immoral.

    Borrowing way beyond your means with no clue how you're gonna pay it back is.

    Unless of course you borrow from "preadatory loan companies"...in that case the lender is immoral.

    But, we do know how we can pay it back. Increased revenue, plus cuts to things like defense, and (sorry, friends) changes to programs like Medicare and SS.

    We were on a path to being debt free in 2000. And that was without changes to Medicare and SS. 2012 VP candidate Paul Ryan screamed bloody murder that being debt free was not good for this country in 2001, and we needed more debt. He helped oblige.


    He claimed we were overpaying on taxes. WTF!?! http://www.nwprogressive.org/weblog/2012/08/flashback-to-the-bush-error-in-2001-paul-ryan-defended-budget-busting-tax-cuts.html

    "Ryan again urged passage of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001, claiming it would lead to broader prosperity:

    We are paying down the national debt as fast as we can. And even after doing all of those things, you are still overpaying your taxes. What we are simply saying is rather than take your money and find new ways to spend it for you here in Washington, we want to give it back to the American people, put the money back into their paychecks as they overpay their taxes, and revive this engine of economic growth, small businesses and entrepreneurs, and prey on people???s hopes and dreams and aspirations. That is what this all about.

    ??? Paul Ryan, May 16th, 2001 (Source: Congressional Record)"

    The debt won't pay itself back. We shouldn't be where we are. We have guys like PAul Ryan to thank for it. And if Mitt Romney is elected, it will get a hell of a lot worse, IMO.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Thymebomb13 said:
    By the way, the US has not borrowed beyond its means. It has simply borrowed without having the desire to pay it back.


  • HarveyCanal said:
    Oh no, FEMA wouldn't have the funding to confiscate guns and then try to house people in toxic tin cans. Whatever would we do?

    There have been weather emergencies since time began. How did people get along before FEMA was created? That's what we'd do.

    Ignorant would have never been a word I would have used to describe your views...until now.

    So a hurricane wipes out Atlantic city in 1912...gee what needs to be done? Feed 1/25th of the people that live there now, relay some dirt roads, rebuild wooden structures, chop off some broken legs, buy some more horses. You do understand the stakes are much much higher in 2012, right? The infrastructure is much more sophisticated, more people to take care of, electric to restore, hospitals/medicine to be taken care of, gas lines, threat of nuclear contamination from nuclear power plants, subways/trains/airplanes/airports andcthat is only the beginning, im sure i missed a lot....man your statement was ignorant as hell

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    Thymebomb13 said:
    By the way, the US has not borrowed beyond its means. It has simply borrowed without having the desire to pay it back.


    Thymebomb is right. We haven't borrowed beyond our means. No financial institutions think that we have. They keep lending us money. Look at the interest rates. Who lends money to someone they know isn't good for it at the lowest rates on the planet? That doesn't mean our debt can go unaddressed forever; it can't.

    In any event, a way has been found to pay off the debt in the past. We were on our way in 2000. Any assertion that we have borrowed more than we can pay back is not accurate. We have paid off massive debt before as well: WWII as several Strutters point out. We paid off our debt from the Civil War, too.

  • :cheese:

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

  • What is interesting is that even racists are choosing Obama over Romney...the only anecdotal evidence I have is my aunt, who is a psychiatrist, who had patient tell her, when he brought up the election that he was "voting for the nigger boy"!!!!

    She admitted she was struck silent by that statement.

  • The_Hook_Up said:
    "voting for the nigger boy"!!!!

    possible home stretch campaign slogan?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    I think the stress is getting to Romney. If he doesn't win, I'm betting he gets out of politics forever.

  • Had a discussion with someone who voted for Romney...his reasoning was that since Congress will continue to refuse to work with Obama in a second term, in order to get things done in Congress, Obama has to go.

    So, basically he decided to give the toddler having a tantrum about not getting a toy, a toy to get it to STFU.

    Sad what the right wingers in our government have become...an institution that causes seemingly sane people make insane choices...regardless of effect.

    Scary and sad.

  • I wouldn't count on it. I keep seeing more Romney Ryan slogans turning up on cars in primarily democratic regions.

    Either way the election goes, it is safe to say there will be a lot of unhappy people. I give props to both candidates for their efforts during a tight election. However, giving $30 dollars for every $100 spent to people to set up PV and wind turbines without having an integrated grid system is criminal. And with gasoline at $4 a gallon it is very easy to see the fiscal cliffs that are being referred to by economists.

    Good thing the sidewalks go both ways, too.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    The_Hook_Up said:
    Had a discussion with someone who voted for Romney...his reasoning was that since Congress will continue to refuse to work with Obama in a second term, in order to get things done in Congress, Obama has to go.

    So, basically he decided to give the toddler having a tantrum about not getting a toy, a toy to get it to STFU.

    Sad what the right wingers in our government have become...an institution that causes seemingly sane people make insane choices...regardless of effect.

    Scary and sad.

    Yeah, that's got to be up there with most gutless reasons to vote for Romney. It's also totally bogus if the Dems maintain control of the Senate, which is probable.
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