President Romney (NRR Catnip)



  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    crabmongerfunk said:
    how is this clusterfuck of a thread still going?

    need a tissue?


  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    LaserWolf said:
    crabmongerfunk said:
    how is this clusterfuck of a thread still going?

    Better to keep this one going than start a new one.

    New Topic:
    Secretary Of State
    Hillary Clinton will resign sometime in the next 3 months, or so.
    Who do you think will be next? Bill Clinton?

    Secretary of Defense? Biden?

    With some luck Arne Duncan will resign, Department of Education?

    Obama's "grand bargain" is $2.50 in budget cuts for every $1.00 of tax increases. What gets cut?

    I don't see Bubba getting the SOS nod. Kerrey seems to be on some lips.

    Also don't see VP Biden moving over to SecDef. Panetta just got the job.

    I anticipate cuts to defense (needed), means testing for Medicare (needed), and an (small) increase in the cap on taxable income for the payroll tax.

    The 2.5-1 ratio is also the opening hand. I expect more like the 4-1.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    Thymebomb13 said:
    Bon Vivant said:
    crabmongerfunk said:
    how is this clusterfuck of a thread still going?

    need a tissue?

    I think he needs a drink.


    Yes, that's what he needs.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    PatrickCrazy said:

    12,932.73 is a helluva lot better than near 8,000 when O took office, right?


    How was eating lunch off the floor?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    your question makes no sense.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    PatrickCrazy said:
    your question makes no sense.

    Only if you're the kind of person who can't remember the things they said less than 24 hours ago.

    You clearly are, so goody for you!

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i said that i wouldn't have lunch to eat. how can i eat lunch off the floor if i do not have lunch to eat? plz 2 explain ur logic fancy lawyer man

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i will leave with this piece by a horrible person that i only caught today that actually resonates with me:

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    Bon Vivant said:
    PatrickCrazy said:

    12,932.73 is a helluva lot better than near 8,000 when O took office, right?

    here, let me help you out with that:

    i wonder why our lovely central bank hasn't issued a similar statement even though we're doing the exact same thing...

  • I think I will lean back with some :beer: and

  • If you actually think that the gridlock and obstruction in congress are "bipartisan," problems you are fooling yourself. This was a Republican strategy that risked our country's financial health in order to try to make Obama a one-term president.

    It has now failed on a grand scale, and McConnell, Boehner, and Cantor can get fucked.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    both parties refused to compromise on their pet issues. democrats have more think of the children pork to make themselves look better and republicans are loud assholes about not backing down. simple as that.

  • PatrickCrazy said:
    both parties refused to compromise on their pet issues. democrats have more think of the children pork to make themselves look better and republicans are loud assholes about not backing down. simple as that.

    You're wrong, but keep thinking that way. There is no equivalency between the two parties on the level of obstruction practiced. Hell man, McConnell said this REPEATEDLY in press conferences.

    Dems compromised on spending. Republicans blinked on taxes as Boehner tried to get compromise on the debt ceiling (remember that nonsense that your boys ginned up for no reason?) because Grover got your boys by the balls, and they're all afraid. Of a guy. Named. Grover.

    The GOP of the last four years has waged an open campaign of obstruction, and to say, "hey, the BOTH do that," is willfully ignorant.

    Edit: All snarky bullshit aside, read that article. It's a fascinating look at the GOP strategy of gridlock, and it's failure.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i don't need an article to tell me what i've witnessed over the past four years and what has occurred since the beginning of time. and like the rest of soulstrut going straight for "your boys" because if they aren't for my team they must be for the other team, AMIRITE?

    look, each party has their sacred cows that they aren't even willing to discuss. as long as that goes on, all we do in the near future is kick the can down the road endlessly. we need both cuts and tax increases and both parties are unwilling to even ponder something that will make a dent in the joke we call our national debt. you think last year was bad? that wasn't shit compared to what we have coming.

    republicans were a bunch of extremely vocal dickholes over the past few years? really? is that cos they wanted to keep their jobs even though they haven't done shit? i don't see a difference between that and democrats coming up with all these wonderful feel good programs that are paid for by someone else's hard work that balloon out of control cost-wise years down the road in order to buy votes

    but nah brah, it's all the republicans fault, am i rite. i'm sure if we taxed the shit out of rich people it would completely fix everything, right? i'm sure if we follow in europe's footsteps with social programs everything will turn out okay, right? or let's keep interest rates low forever like japan, everything is all good there.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    A major part of our debt has to do with the war that Bush illegally started in two other counties without the consent of the congress which is a violation of the constitution. Sure, after the fact he and Dick made up a bunch of lies and got congress to back them up but it was illegal and against the constitution (that the republicans love to say they represent) when it started. Click here to see how much money we should have never wasted. Were into the trillions for christ sake.

    Add in a multi-billion dollar bail out for giant corporations who apparently aren't so fond of the free market when they fuc up due to greed and incompetence.

    Seriously all this austerity and budget cut talk is bullshit. I agree this country is in a mess, but it's not because of social programs or retired and disabled people not paying taxes.

    Here's an idea, how about all those bail out companies start paying the money back since they instantly were able to give million dollar bonuses to the top executives and have been posting record profits.

    Oh, here another idea.... let's not let anymore presidents start personal wars with other counties.

    Conservatives are completely unable to admit they are wrong and that they are some of the biggest social welfare recipients around. Why do you think Romney doesn't want to release tax returns. Because he make a shit load of money and pays very little in taxes.

  • Let me pose this one question...

    Are you going to put your family at risk for someone who stupidly gambles on real-estate and loses?


  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i'm 100% for us basically becoming an isolationist country again and letting other countries deal with their own messes. republicans are definitely more warhawkish but push comes to shove and we'll be bombing the shit out of iran with israel.

    bailouts were conducted and overseen by bother administrations and parties, don't kid yourself. neither party or administration had the tescticular fortitude to even attach basic strings to bailout money or even attempt to seriously prosecute anyone involved in obvious cases of fraud. you can definitely pin the war thing on bush and republicans but this shit is on both parties. but of course all the bailout money has restored all those businesses to good health and there's no way they'll need bailout money in the future...

    as far as social programs go:

    romney didn't release his tax returns because obama waged a campaign of class warfare and if people saw how much guap romney was making bitd they would lose their minds. obama did not pay a "fair" tax rate but you don't hear about that, do you? that and romney for sure has given a grip to mormon causes which are so easy to target and slander

  • volumen said:
    Here's an idea, how about all those bail out companies start paying the money back since they instantly were able to give million dollar bonuses to the top executives and have been posting record profits.

    What companies are you talking about? The government has recouped most of the money already and is on track to get pretty much all of it back. The idea that these companies are getting fat on the bailout while sitting on the money is just some faux-populist BS.

    The only money that isn't coming back is the Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae, and that's because it's being spent to keep people in their houses.

    You can be against the bailout on principle if you want, but the idea that it's some kind of drag on the economy because nobody is paying it back is pretty uninformed.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    fannie just reported q3 profit, everything is all good man.

    and the reason why fannie and freddie are never paying back bailout money and are effectively nationalized is the treasury taking ALL quarterly profits instead of their 10 dividend.

    but wait, fannie and freddie are the good corporations cos they help people so it's all good right?

    need i mention that a lot of bailout money was repaid with the quickness cos dudes didn't even need it in the first place

    and if you're going to mention bailouts, please bring up automakers that will never be able to compete on a long-term basis with foreign manufacturers until the US becomes such a shithole that we can pay chinese wages for hard labor.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I was going to try to stop posting for a bit, but...

    PC, seriously?
    On the budget?

    You are right, there are a lot of things the Dems are unwilling to fully eliminate.
    NPR and Planned Parenthood funding, which are small potatoes, more like grains of sand.
    And also some big things, they are not going to get rid of Medicare, SS, Food Stamps.

    But the Dems were fully prepared to MAKE CUTS IN EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING.
    The reason every budget talk has fallen apart in the last 4 years is 2 fold:
    1) Rs will not raise taxes. Ever. For any reason. No matter what they get in return.
    2) Rs wanted to see Obama fail.

    That's it. The Ds were willing to make compromises and and make cuts in pet projects including think of the children pork.

    I'm not being partisan here. Just the way it is.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    laserwolf, where did i mention anything about NPR or planned parenthood? fuck, if my ass is going to slave away to pay for your medicare the least you can do is buy the right prescription glasses with that shit

    both parties are unwilling to cut the real entitlements where they will actually make a difference because it will guarantee they don't get another term. simple as that. we can raise taxes on rich bros, cut fucking npr^99999 and it still won't make a dent in the staggering and growing amount that we owe

  • PC,
    Do you think it is unethical to paid for war with loans as opposed to tax revenue?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i think it would be unethical for me to actually respond to one of your posts bro

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    PatrickCrazy said:
    laserwolf, where did i mention anything about NPR or planned parenthood? fuck, if my ass is going to slave away to pay for your medicare the least you can do is buy the right prescription glasses with that shit

    both parties are unwilling to cut the real entitlements where they will actually make a difference because it will guarantee they don't get another term. simple as that. we can raise taxes on rich bros, cut fucking npr^99999 and it still won't make a dent in the staggering and growing amount that we owe

    Sorry. I should have quoted your earlier post I was responding to.

    both parties refused to compromise on their pet issues. democrats have more think of the children pork to make themselves look better and republicans are loud assholes about not backing down. simple as that.

    You mentioned pet issues.
    I picked two insignificant ones, to say 'yes you are right, they are unwilling to get rid of those'.
    You are not paying my medicare, your grandchildren are going to do that. ;-)

    The Ds are ready to make cuts to entitlements. The Rs are unwilling to raise taxes. Simple as that.

  • PatrickCrazy said:
    i think it would be unethical for me to actually respond to one of your posts bro

    I'll take that as a, "no."

    It's alright.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    show me any proof that either party is willing to make real cuts or reforms to any of our wonderful entitlement programs with trillions of unfunded liabilities. you know, stuff that will make a real difference.

    or we could argue about saving a billie here and there. or nah brah lets stage some class warfare as our entire campaign in order to save a mere 47bn over 10 years

    im sure you can show me evidence of some assholes "compromising" on some petty baby balling bullshit in order to get sick photo ops for their monthly newsletter though

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,793 Posts
    Regardless of Obama's success or failure with the economy, I don't get how anyone could think that a party that turned a record surplus into a record defecit is the answer to your economic problems unless the R's have radically changed their modus operandi since the Bush regime. Are they ready to sacrifice any of their sacred cows? Can't see the results of more GOP policy being any different... surely things would just get a lot worse.

    Added to that, I just want to say again:

    Legitimate Rape.


    Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer?

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    PatrickCrazy said:
    fannie just reported q3 profit, everything is all good man.

    and the reason why fannie and freddie are never paying back bailout money and are effectively nationalized is the treasury taking ALL quarterly profits instead of their 10 dividend.

    but wait, fannie and freddie are the good corporations cos they help people so it's all good right?

    need i mention that a lot of bailout money was repaid with the quickness cos dudes didn't even need it in the first place

    and if you're going to mention bailouts, please bring up automakers that will never be able to compete on a long-term basis with foreign manufacturers until the US becomes such a shithole that we can pay chinese wages for hard labor.

    I obviously haven't followed the pay back so it's good if they are paying back. But then it goes to your other point that maybe the bail out wasn't that needed so what was the point. It just seemed like a hold up to me. " give us your money or thr whole country gets it". I pretty much disagree with capitalism in general so it all pisses me off and I have to take a news break for a couple weeks and miss some good news.

    I totally agree with the car manufactures issue. I know Obama was trying to save jobs but floating crappy companies that make crappy products is just dumb. He should have let them fail and than re hired all those people into an environmental car company. If the gov is going to put that money in it should be Eco friendly.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Duderonomy said:

    This is very heartwarming, especially knowing that all of these countries LOVE the U.S. and only want whats best for us and our future success!
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