President Romney (NRR Catnip)



  • Do you think Obama should/should have brought the troops back home?

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    LaserWolf said:
    Debates are going to be the most staged and canned ever.

    Only 2 debates, no Gary Johnson or other 3rd party candidates, topics supplied to the candidates ahead of time.
    All answer should be well rehearsed stump speech outtakes.

    I will be watching.

    There's three presidential and one vice presidential.

  • Gaffe Fatigue anyone?

    CNN covered the primaries like a reality show, yet they'll keep all agitators/tation out of the presidential debate? zzzzZZZZzzzz

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    DOR said:

    Totally Insignificant


    Thanks for the debate videos.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    I'm asking if this is...

    But yeah. That debate video is a little messed no matter your politics.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Why did the RNC fire the company if no wrong has been done?

    Were people who registers democrat registrations thrown out?

    Why do people say who they support anyways?

  • DOR said:

    Why do people say who they support anyways?

    For your/our information, even if it is personal. And, so you/we can get to know them if you want.

    For the same reason people ask each other, "how was your day today," or "what did you learn in school today?" Because if you don't ask them then they might never tell you.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    GatorToof said:
    DOR said:

    Why do people say who they support anyways?

    For your/our information, even if it is personal. And, so you/we can get to know them if you want.

    For the same reason people ask each other, "how was your day today," or "what did you learn in school today?" Because if you don't ask them then they might never tell you.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Debate previews?

    The pundits are saying that Romney will get a bounce in the polls by just being seen next to Obama.
    It will make him seem more presidential.
    If he doesn't mess up people will see him as an equal to Obama just by sharing the stage.
    By people, they of course mean, the handful of undecided or persuadable voters out there.

    Low stakes high returns for Romney.

    They say that Obama most not mess up, he has the most to lose.
    He needs to be more personable and less professorial than he often has the habit of being.
    If he attacks Obama, some pundits think, it will hurt him by making him look negative/mean/small spirited.

    The candidates will be sitting at a table.
    Who gets the advantage there?
    Sitting is not very presidential. We almost always see our presidents standing in public.

    The topic is domestic policy.
    The way the paper states it; they will ask a question, each side gets to make a statement and response, then a discussion.
    6 15 minute sections.
    So, I am thinking 6 questions, and what ever follow ups the moderator comes up with.
    There are to be no surprise or got you questions. The candidates have been told the topics.

    What do you think?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I read somewhere that the DNC is predicting Romney will win the first debate.....WTF?

  • I hope Obama doesn't mention the dog on top of car incident.

    I heard, that Romney put a dog in a carrying case on the roof of his car and was driving around. Then the dog got covered doo-doo so Romney hosed it off and put it back up there and it was cold outside.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Some D talkers have said that Romney will do real well.

    Ryan and other Rs are saying that if Romney just doesn't look too bad it will be a win for him.

    Lowering expectations.

    Looking for lower expectations I found this:
    The New York Times reports: ???Mr. Romney???s team has concluded that debates are about creating moments and has equipped him with a series of zingers that he has memorized and has been practicing on aides since August. His strategy includes luring the president into appearing smug or evasive about his responsibility for the economy.???

    And this:
    President Obama dutifully lowered expectations by characterizing Romney as a ???good??? debater and himself as merely an ???O.K.??? debater.

    Making the president appear smug sounds like a good strategy.
    Since I have never heard Romney be funny or pull off a zinger, that sounds like a bad strategy.
    Romney's idea of a zinger is "do you want to bet $10,000?".

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Here is a NYT blog on the low expectations.

    The Debate Expectations Dance

    BOSTON ??? Ripping the stuffing out of your opponent means it is another day on the campaign trail.

    But suddenly changing course to praise the other guy???s experience, know-how and oratorical brilliance can mean only one thing: Presidential debates are coming up, and it is time to lower expectations for your campaign and raise the bar for your opponent. This way viewers will be unexpectedly surprised and score your candidate the winner.

    Thus on Thursday did a senior adviser to Mitt Romney declare President Obama ???a uniquely gifted speaker??? and ???one of the most talented political communicators in modern history.??????

    The adviser, Beth Myers, wrote in a memo to Republican surrogates that for Mr. Obama the first debate with Mr. Romney on Wednesday ???will be the eighth one-on-one presidential debate of his political career.???

    ???For Mitt Romney, it will be his first,??? she added in the memo, first obtained by CNN.

    Do not try selling that story to Mr. Obama???s team. The president???s senior adviser David Axelrod made excuses that Mr. Obama has been too busy running the country to prepare for a debate and painted a gloomy scenario.

    ???First, just as he was in the primaries, we expect Mitt Romney to be a prepared, disciplined and aggressive debater,??? Mr. Axelrod wrote in a memo on Friday to ???interested parties.??? ???Second, debates ??? and particularly the first debate ??? generally favor challengers. Five out of the last six challengers were perceived to win the first debate against an incumbent president.???

    Twisting the knife of sky-high expectations, Mr. Axelrod added, ???Maybe this is why the Romney campaign has so confidently predicted for months that he will turn in a campaign-changing performance such as Ronald Reagan???s in 1980.???

    Jim Messina, Mr. Obama???s campaign manager, wrote in a memo last week of Mr. Romney, ???He???s quick, polished and ready with a punch attack against the president.???

    And Jennifer Granholm, the former Michigan governor who fired up Democrats at their convention last month, was suddenly not so optimistic this week, predicting flat-out ???the president is going to lose the first debate next week.???

    ???Mark my words,??? Ms. Granholm said on her Current TV show, ???The War Room.??? ???First off, he???s obviously a brilliant man, but the president is not a great debater. You know it, you saw him hemming and hawing in debates four years ago.???

    It is enough to make one think both candidates are spending the days ticking down to the first of three debates, in Denver, cowering under their beds. Do not believe it. Both are burrowing into their studies like the overachievers each has always been. Mr. Obama plans to spend three days beginning Sunday hunkered down and preparing for the debate in Henderson, Nev., outside Las Vegas. And although Mr. Romney is already a seasoned veteran of 20 primary debates, he attended a presidential ???debate camp??? in Vermont while the Democrats held their national convention last month, and he conducted five mock debates over two days recently, according to reports.

    Parodying the quadrennial habit of lowering expectations, Ben White of Politico wrote on Twitter on Thursday: ???Pre-debate flak spin: ???I???ll just be happy if my guy doesn???t vomit blood and flat out murder our opponent with an ax.??? ???

    The praise for opponents is no more sincere than Br???er Rabbit???s pleas not to be tossed into the briar patch. In the same memos hailing their opponents, both campaign advisers went on to explain why no matter what happens in the debates, their candidate will ultimately trounce his opponent.

    ???This election will not be decided by the debates, however,??? Ms. Myers wrote. ???It will be decided by the American people. Regardless of who comes out on top in these debates, they know we can???t afford another four years like the last four years.???

    And from Mr. Axelrod: ???But in this debate, Americans will not be holding a scorecard to see who lands the most punches or who is quickest with the snappy sound bite. They???ll be focused on what they have been throughout this campaign ??? who???s going to lay out the most credible plan to create good-paying jobs for the middle class and to restore economic security????

    But please, don???t hit me so hard.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I seem to recall that Romney did well in most of the primary debates.
    Of course who wouldn't look good standing between Cain and Bachmann?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Thymebomb13 said:
    LaserWolf said:
    The pundits are saying that Romney will get a bounce in the polls by just being seen next to Obama.
    It will make him seem more presidential.
    If he doesn't mess up people will see him as an equal to Obama just by sharing the stage.
    By people, they of course mean, the handful of undecided or persuadable voters out there.

    Low stakes high returns for Romney.

    They say that Obama most not mess up, he has the most to lose.
    He needs to be more personable and less professorial than he often has the habit of being.
    If he attacks Obama, some pundits think, it will hurt him by making him look negative/mean/small spirited.

    Who are "the pundits" who are saying these things?

    They seem like huge idiots.

    They probably all work for Univision

  • Welp, the Pennsylvania shoe dropped today, the lower court just postponed the Voter ID law until after November election.
    Pennsylvania Voter ID Law Ruling (

    Any hope the republicans had of taking this state just went out the courthouse window. As one wag put it, "It's like Lucy with the football (Pennsylvania) and charlie brown (the republicans) keep trying to kick it."

    Romney's path to 270 is getting narrower if he cannot carry Florida.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I am one hundred percent opposed to voter id laws.

    But, I don't think they would have much effect on the result of any election.

    There are lots of other ways to suppress voter turn out and the Rs will be using them all.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Lets talk about something important.
    Saracenus and other Portland posters; Jefferson Smith or Charlie Hales?

  • LaserWolf said:
    Lets talk about something important.
    Saracenus and other Portland posters; Jefferson Smith or Charlie Hales?
    <sarcasm> Yeah, that is an embarrassment of riches we have in our mayoral candidates.</sarcasm>

    I will probably hold my nose and vote for Charlie Hales because with our weak mayoral system in Portland we need someone that knows how the city council functions. We need someone that can work with the council to get the city's business done. Sam Adams (post scandal) has been a placeholder at best and we need strong leadership.

    I just don't think that Jefferson Smith has the experience or the temperament to run the city from the get go (that, and his basketball court rage antics don't paint a pretty picture).

    I am sure my brother, Dr. Wu, has is own opinion.

    I hate to say it, but these past few years and this election has made me nostalgic for Mayor Vera Katz (and I really didn't like her).

    Note: Portland's mayor and city council are non-partisan positions, so this is not a democrat, republican or independent issue.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Here is a crazy thing. I like Sam Adams.
    There, I said it.
    I remember your brother supported him (pre scandal), and I supported Dozono.
    Sam had made bike riding safer in the city and has done a lot to calm traffic in neighborhoods.
    I live in Cully and after years of total neglect he has brought traffic improvements to our neighborhood.
    Parks have in our neighborhood have also increased.

    I have a friend who is active on clean air/no coal trains. Smith is the only candidate who supports her movement, so I am supporting Smith to support her.

    I totally understand why you support Hales, and years ago when my friends didn't like his connection to developers I supported him. I thought he was great until he quit, took a job lobbying the city and moved to Camas to dodge taxes. But besides that he only kinda sucks.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    LaserWolf said:

    But, I don't think they would have much effect on the result of any election.

    Thankfully, the Pennsylvania court disagrees with you.

    Estimates of disenfranchisement were at (a conservative) 89,000 voters.

    And any way, that's not really the point.

  • LaserWolf said:
    low expectations.

    Is that exactly what Obama does? He calls a glass a cup when he is asking for it. Then, he calls a cup a glass when it is asked of him.

    Stop mixing them up to your advantage. A cup has a handle on it. If you aren't handling anything, then you are not drinking from a cup, your drinking from a glass.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Bon Vivant said:
    LaserWolf said:

    But, I don't think they would have much effect on the result of any election.

    Thankfully, the Pennsylvania court disagrees with you.

    Estimates of disenfranchisement were at (a conservative) 89,000 voters.

    And any way, that's not really the point.

    Unless I missed something, the Pennsylvania court was not deciding what effect the law would have on the result of the election.
    I assume they were looking at the legality of the law and voter disenfranchisement.
    If my assumption is correct the court and I agree.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    GatorToof said:
    LaserWolf said:
    low expectations.

    Is that exactly what Obama does? He calls a glass a cup when he is asking for it. Then, he calls a cup a glass when it is asked of him.

    Stop mixing them up to your advantage. A cup has a handle on it. If you aren't handling anything, then you are not drinking from a cup, your drinking from a glass.

  • Yeah, I know. Mixed up people. It takes all kinds.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

  • LaserWolf said:
    Here is a crazy thing. I like Sam Adams.
    There, I said it.
    I remember your brother supported him (pre scandal), and I supported Dozono.
    Sam had made bike riding safer in the city and has done a lot to calm traffic in neighborhoods.
    I live in Cully and after years of total neglect he has brought traffic improvements to our neighborhood.
    Parks have in our neighborhood have also increased.

    I like Sam too, but his administration has been pretty muted and quiet (post scandal) amdcombined with Amanda Fritz being a dud on city council important issues are being left fallow. Portland has a lot on its plate (school funding, business growth, infrastructure maintence, etc.) and it needs an experienced and effective hand to get it done.

    Also, as a bike commuter I appreciate the stuff Sam has done for us and I even liked his little bits on Portlandia.

    I have a friend who is active on clean air/no coal trains. Smith is the only candidate who supports her movement, so I am supporting Smith to support her.

    I totally understand why you support Hales, and years ago when my friends didn't like his connection to developers I supported him. I thought he was great until he quit, took a job lobbying the city and moved to Camas[, WA] to dodge taxes. But besides that he only kinda sucks.

    Like I said, we are "blessed" with an embarrassment of riches for candidates... I can't fault your logic, though I have a bit of trouble voting single issue in this campaign. If Hales was in direct support of the coal terminal then I would probably join you supporting Smith. Sigh.

  • What is the voting process like in Portland?

    Sometimes there is limited parking and a line of voters?

    I hope they keep things moving this year.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    Is this what it's coming to?

    Who here has shook the hand and / or hugged their garbage man!??
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