Breaking Bad



  • bluesnag said:
    Am I just being impatient, or are things really crawling along?

    the pace is fairly slow this season but things look to be coming to a head for the next week. i find myself getting a little impatient with the skyler parts.

    the gale video was perfect tragic-comedy with walt's phony/real confession.

    what was the deal with the russian gangster shoot-out at the beginning? were those the same russians gus had sent to kill the mexican cartel leaders?

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    crabmongerfunk said:

    what was the deal with the russian gangster shoot-out at the beginning? were those the same russians gus had sent to kill the mexican cartel leaders?

    Where those dudes Russians? I assume that they were agents of the Mexican Cartel that has been probing Gus' weaknesses since he went independent (see the chemical supply warehouse Mike retakes at the end of last season). I didn't catch what language they were speaking, but even if they aren't Mexican, I'm sure the Cartel is rich enough to hire talent from around the world. Or maybe Gus' enemies hail from somewhere other than Mexico.

  • GrandfatherGrandfather 2,303 Posts
    They were speaking spanish, I'm pretty sure they were cartel dudes.

  • Grandfather said:
    They were speaking spanish, I'm pretty sure they were cartel dudes.

    just re-watched, they are speaking spanish...

  • cookbookcookbook 783 Posts
    the episode this past weekend was really great. the travel montages with jesse and mike were awesome, and it was fast paced (in comparison) with lots of development and a great final shot.

    i am having more and more trouble getting past walts disregard for everything. i mean your brother in law is on your case, you help him close the case, then go out of your way to push him to reopen it. i get that he is trying to get his "crime boss" on, but no true crime boss would fuck up that perfect situation...

    also, looks like AMC has given the show an end date (a la lost). any thoughts on whether this is good or bad? this article has an interesting discussion on the topic:

  • GrandfatherGrandfather 2,303 Posts
    Its so slick how Gus is out maneuvering Walt.

  • barjesusbarjesus 872 Posts
    cookbook said:
    i am having more and more trouble getting past walts disregard for everything. i mean your brother in law is on your case, you help him close the case, then go out of your way to push him to reopen it. i get that he is trying to get his "crime boss" on, but no true crime boss would fuck up that perfect situation...

    I don't think it has anything to do with getting his crime boss on, it has to do with his pride and ego being his downfall in all his dealings. He wants recognition, something that he never got with Gray Matter, even though it is the last thing a criminal should want. He is proud of his product, and doesn't want the credit to go to his subordinate.

  • cookbookcookbook 783 Posts
    barjesus said:
    cookbook said:
    i am having more and more trouble getting past walts disregard for everything. i mean your brother in law is on your case, you help him close the case, then go out of your way to push him to reopen it. i get that he is trying to get his "crime boss" on, but no true crime boss would fuck up that perfect situation...

    I don't think it has anything to do with getting his crime boss on, it has to do with his pride and ego being his downfall in all his dealings. He wants recognition, something that he never got with Gray Matter, even though it is the last thing a criminal should want. He is proud of his product, and doesn't want the credit to go to his subordinate.

    you've swayed me, but walt is on my nerves either way.

    since when do vegans eat fried chicken?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    I really liked the beginning of the last eps. With Walt kinda losing his shit driving around.

    AMC needed to lock down Breaking Bad. There has been a lot of bad press lately dealing with AMC management and the creators of BB,MM & TWD. Hope they sort all this shit out.

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    My sister let me know that BB was renewed for another 16 eps to wrap up the series. That makes me think some major characters are going to die soon a la Sopranos season 6 :cryface:

    That last episode was great. Walt's ego will be is his downfall

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    yeah gus playing both of them was incredible
    if the above info is accurate i guess that's good in a way because they're definitely going to run out of shit to work with. excited to see where the rest of the season goes

  • It's interesting how the writers are tryin so hard to turn the tide of emotion on Walt but it aint happenin with me.....I love that dude....

    I just need more Saul - badger & skinny pete....that is the best set of characters on TV

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    edith head said:
    really hope they don't stretch those 16 over two years but yeah....

  • Anybody think, even for a second, that mike was going to pull Gus out of the trunk an bury him at their first pickup? Obviously that's not how things are swinging. Mike is a loyal employee, but for a second I thought Gus might be in the trunk. As evidenced, you cant fuck with Gus though.

    It kind of seemed like mike was shook when victor was killed but that hasn't broken any ties.

  • As has happened in previous seasons, Skyler scenes are often unbearable.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    mike probably thinks he's more of a professional and that he wouldn't have fucked up like victor did so he doesn't have anything to worry about.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    yeah but he HAD a dude and jesse is NOT him
    i really wonder if it's a jesse rehabilitation plan or a twisted jesse will play the hero but end up inadvertently getting shot when both he and walt fear for their life or the lab is ''attacked''
    the pollos poster will get hank calling gus which will see hank's life take a turn for the (even) worse

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    how much do you think mike gets paid
    like dude definitely puts in work but he probably ain't getting that cook money right?

  • GrandfatherGrandfather 2,303 Posts
    Brian said:
    how much do you think mike gets paid
    like dude definitely puts in work but he probably ain't getting that cook money right?

    his car is a POS but its probably just a work vehicle.

  • cookbook said:

    since when do vegans eat fried chicken?

    This was a let down. it was expected, and perhaps long overdue, that something would trigger Hank's motiivation to get back on the case. But the Pollos menu? I have a stash of menus that get mailed to me sitting in a drawer in my kitchen. This was hardly a clue.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    ^^^ nitpicking defined ^^^

  • barjesusbarjesus 872 Posts
    keithvanhorn said:
    cookbook said:

    since when do vegans eat fried chicken?
    I have a stash of menus that get mailed to me sitting in a drawer in my kitchen.

    How many of them have handwritten phonenumbers on them?

    Edit: Actually, I saw it wrong. Handwritten Serial numbers

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    Brian said:
    edith head said:
    really hope they don't stretch those 16 over two years but yeah....

    There's no way AMC will air all 16 as a continuous season, they were talking about cutting back the per season order anyway, so it seems likely that it will be two 8 show seasons.

    Ending dates are usually good for shows, even when the finales don't live up to expectation. Most shows either end before their time or linger long after their period of relevance.

  • "Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see? Do you know how much I make a year? Even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop going into work? A business big enough that it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly-up, disappears. It ceases to exist without me! No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!"


  • lamaslamas 39 Posts
    keithvanhorn said:
    "Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see? Do you know how much I make a year? Even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop going into work? A business big enough that it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly-up, disappears. It ceases to exist without me! No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!"


    that's the Emmy clip right thurr...

  • Cue randomly any 30 seconds...
    [pinkman 'whatisityouwantfromme!! grrrr!'-style flareup]...[/pinkman 'whatisityouwantfromme!! grrrr!'-style flareup]
    Character-R but almost a parody at this point.

  • cookbookcookbook 783 Posts
    keithvanhorn said:
    "Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see? Do you know how much I make a year? Even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop going into work? A business big enough that it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly-up, disappears. It ceases to exist without me! No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!"


    a great episode, but i thought it ended fairly flat.

    the CGI baby was

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    keithvanhorn said:
    "Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see? Do you know how much I make a year? Even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop going into work? A business big enough that it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly-up, disappears. It ceases to exist without me! No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!"


    Walt is delusional. This only confirms my belief that his ego will be his downfall. He is slipping bigtime because of his pride, first with blathering to Hank about Gayle being a pupil and now this

  • That quote is pure Heisenberg
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