Didn't realise the Strut would be so undemonstrative. SLEE-PY JOE! SLEE-PY JOE! SLEE-PY JOE!
I'm just exhausted from all this bullshit and can't wait for it to be over. Trump can go spend the rest of his days sucking on Steve Bannon's anal pustules.
There's an election result hanging in the balance? In this country? Could have fooled me. The locals in my area, with their red-blue-yellow covered BMWs, seem to be more fired up about what's going on in the Caucasus Mountains now. I have been bumping Baris Manco with the windows rolled down at intersections because I troll like that.
Yeah man I don't wanna know shit. I can't pay attention on this scale. My mind races instantly to bigger issues like the very idea that it's still called a democracy when by every possible measure you could think of to defend it, it fails. It's a totally dysfunctional state like '83 USSR or something. Probably worse, like the last years of Yugoslavia, racist militias forming allied to politicians etc. Then my mind races to a bigger issue still, the fact that no matter the result now, nothing meaningful will be done about the existential threat to human life on planet earth in these last few moments we have to change course. And I can only spend so long thinking that kind of thought.
Better to get interested in the intricacies of the Nagorno-Karabakh exclave dispute volume II, like Electrode.
I don't understand the "fraud" idiocy he is spouting. I don't know how other states/districts do things, but from experience, I know this is not the case.
I volunteered as a poll worker ten years ago at a non-eventful California primary election because I was unemployed and wanted to meet new people. Any time I dipped out to go to the bathroom or the snack machine, my "supervisor" would watch me like a hawk. And there was another person who kept an eye on her. That's the issue with these conspiracy theories. It's impossible for "everybody" to be "in on it".
When even the hard right people I know say, "Biden's a good guy" or "Trump fucked himself with all the tweeting and name calling", you know it's over. Step down, asshole.
if only... looks a lot like he's going to try to start a war or at least fuck shit up with iran to sabotage a return to the old deal and make a lot of the MIC types happy before he's out
Glad to see Fuckface von Clownstick has finally conceded the election, in his own chickenshit way. At least he dragged his losing for 2 weeks, rather than just the one day it would've taken.
can't wait for the Trump Presidential Library to open, hopefully situated next to a crematorium and a dildo shop.
Glad to see Fuckface von Clownstick has finally conceded the election, in his own chickenshit way. At least he dragged his losing for 2 weeks, rather than just the one day it would've taken.
can't wait for the Trump Presidential Library to open, hopefully situated next to a crematorium and a dildo shop.
Crematoria and dildo shops both provide a useful service to society. Whereas a trump library is a paradox.
She gets Bill's VW as part of the settlement.
I crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentations of their women.
I carry my schlong in a wheelbarrow.
Didn't realise the Strut would be so undemonstrative. SLEE-PY JOE! SLEE-PY JOE! SLEE-PY JOE!
Trump's on his way out.
Well, in 11 weeks
I'm just exhausted from all this bullshit and can't wait for it to be over. Trump can go spend the rest of his days sucking on Steve Bannon's anal pustules.
Better to get interested in the intricacies of the Nagorno-Karabakh exclave dispute volume II, like Electrode.
....keep waiting.
I volunteered as a poll worker ten years ago at a non-eventful California primary election because I was unemployed and wanted to meet new people. Any time I dipped out to go to the bathroom or the snack machine, my "supervisor" would watch me like a hawk. And there was another person who kept an eye on her.
That's the issue with these conspiracy theories. It's impossible for "everybody" to be "in on it".
When even the hard right people I know say, "Biden's a good guy" or "Trump fucked himself with all the tweeting and name calling", you know it's over. Step down, asshole.
STABLE GENIUS, everybody.
Stable genius.
What started on a golden escalator, ends here... Look at you now!
Furries recreate Four Seasons Total Landscaping in VR as a hangout spot
Keep Alan Partridge's name out of this - he's an innocent buffon! But Thick of It is a perfect satircal reference point.
People should be out in the streets over this, n'est-ce pas?
....and people say social media is dangerously dumbing down the populace.
Crematoria and dildo shops both provide a useful service to society. Whereas a trump library is a paradox.