Yes to prepare for war. But I suspect that would have happened regardless, like clockwork.
Hoping a big enough bombshell will drop about Russian ties to take the administration down.
I wonder what big enough would be given all the treats the Rs are getting out of this. If there is something behind all that Russian smoke, I wouldn't be surprised if they can just obfuscate the situation and distract in other ways enough to have it never hurt the administration.
Everyday Trump does something Obama, for example, would've been crucified for by the American Right, yet he hasn't been impeached (or sectioned) yet. How long can this idiot last?
Everyday Trump does something Obama, for example, would've been crucified for by the American Right, yet he hasn't been impeached (or sectioned) yet. How long can this idiot last?
He did hella inappropriatenesses before, and they still voted him in. That is like a green light for man. I am off to blow my life savings on giant foam cowboy hats and boxes of windmills.
WW3 is already being waged on the internets. A battle for your minds.
Who knows if it was the real Donald that liked it. Maybe it was. Maybe he knows he is and doesn't give a monkeys.
Maybe between his antics and the fake news and false flags you just don't know what is real and what is an illusion anymore. Maybe you don't care or know what to believe in anymore.
If you're a journalist, it ain't hard to find quotes for your monthly article about how there's still cro-magnons around who'd still vote for Trump if it was revealed that he'd died in 1998 and was in fact a cloud of flesh colored insects. Trump-voter safari articles belong in the trash in 2018.
But you're totally right, anybody banking on Mueller or democratic/bureaucratic processes to somehow right the world soon is going to lose their deposit. The end of Trump will be either his choice or one too many original buckets. And after him there'll be Pence who is the same but with more twisted religiosity. And while he's torn the modesty veil of decency off his party, they've been like this for yonks and will continue to rule exactly as Trump does, albeit maybe less entertainingly.
Jimmy Carter the last president not to get re-elected? They might as well just change the duration of office to 8 years and save on all the campaigning. Was hoping this impeachment thing might gain some traction, but when the judge has already announced his impartiality, it’s gameover.
Impeachment was always a busy-box for toddleresque media types. The Senate is made up of who it's made up of, everyone knew what was going to happen, they should've just cancelled the fucking thing or sat on it.
The idea of having impeachment be a focused process on one goddamn phonecall instead of the cornucopia of myriad other crimes the man commits and publicly admits to every fucking day was the most ludicrous bit of empty skulled strate-gery I've ever witnessed. Yes, instead of drawing it out into a wide-ranging, ongoing media circus exposé of an investigation into every dump he's ever taken, every emolument he's broken, every security clearance he fucked up, his son in law's phone having been hacked by Saudi state security since before he even took office, the young girl he raped and threatened to have killed at Epstein's house in '92, that kind of thing, let's keep this laser focused on a single, discrete event so that we can get it done in the House nice and quick so the Senate can kill it in four days before the election's even underway. Then we'll be able to campaign on... what? Republicans having voted to support Trump? Like every other goddamn thing they've passed since 2017 wasn't proof enough?
And by the way let's make sure the event we've chosen to investigate involves an actual clear-as-day case of corruption with Our Senile Guy of Choice we want to run against the current senile guy so that the diminishing slice of maniacs who pay attention to this day-by-day are reminded of Biden being Just As Bad every time they think of it, even if they started out on our side. With this impeachment stratagem, Dem leadership have outdone their own original colossal achievement of losing the presidency to this guy in the first place by running the only breathing human on earth who'd lose to him.
The only way to get him out is people power. To be honest I'm not sure elections even function anymore, but if they do they're the only chance I can see. The levers of government have been exposed as bullshit and incapable. Nominating another milquetoast tax-advantaged-savings-account-for-job-retraining means-tester will hand him another four years. If I'm wrong about that and somehow we get president Biden or Buttigieg or whatever, I won't be wrong about president Lindsay Graham or Tom Cotton or whatever after that, and then the sweet acid rains will come and it'll all be over.
Boots is taking the words out of my mouth. We've been asked to compromise and vote for the lesser evil for my whole life, and condemned for being dissatisfied with that choice. Amazing how many people, myself included, are more willing to "compromise" and vote to their right when the compromise on offer actually shows signs of integrity in the stands they take. I want more radical change but I'll at least put in how I can if the movement behind him enables even one of several things:
a. total top-down re-build from scratch of the sclerotic democratic party b. increase in radicalization and workers' rights c. a continuing movement that will scare the shit out of any pol standing in its way, working for worker-empowering policies like healthcare, climate new deal, free education etc.
this thred is totally cursed and largely prophetic. what most people feared came to pass again and again and again and again... by poasting here now, i fear i'm willing the dreaded outcome (and another four years of this thred).
i'm a bit concerned about violence breaking out. trump doesn't seem to care, so it's hard to imagine it not getting worse before it gets better.
I wonder what big enough would be given all the treats the Rs are getting out of this. If there is something behind all that Russian smoke, I wouldn't be surprised if they can just obfuscate the situation and distract in other ways enough to have it never hurt the administration.
Now for the important question.
So I follow Trump on Facebook and in a post he did about tax reform, I called him a thief... and he liked it. Has he lost the plot?
Donald trump Donald trump Donald trump.
Maybe we'll get an answer from the source.
Who knows if it was the real Donald that liked it. Maybe it was. Maybe he knows he is and doesn't give a monkeys.
Maybe between his antics and the fake news and false flags you just don't know what is real and what is an illusion anymore. Maybe you don't care or know what to believe in anymore.
Maybe they done pwned your mind.
I do believe they done did do that.
Edit: And by Republicans I mean the party and its voters:
But you're totally right, anybody banking on Mueller or democratic/bureaucratic processes to somehow right the world soon is going to lose their deposit. The end of Trump will be either his choice or one too many original buckets. And after him there'll be Pence who is the same but with more twisted religiosity. And while he's torn the modesty veil of decency off his party, they've been like this for yonks and will continue to rule exactly as Trump does, albeit maybe less entertainingly.
How does Bolton end up a valiant guy?!
I'm an outsider, but like,
Was hoping this impeachment thing might gain some traction, but when the judge has already announced his impartiality, it’s gameover.
The idea of having impeachment be a focused process on one goddamn phonecall instead of the cornucopia of myriad other crimes the man commits and publicly admits to every fucking day was the most ludicrous bit of empty skulled strate-gery I've ever witnessed. Yes, instead of drawing it out into a wide-ranging, ongoing media circus exposé of an investigation into every dump he's ever taken, every emolument he's broken, every security clearance he fucked up, his son in law's phone having been hacked by Saudi state security since before he even took office, the young girl he raped and threatened to have killed at Epstein's house in '92, that kind of thing, let's keep this laser focused on a single, discrete event so that we can get it done in the House nice and quick so the Senate can kill it in four days before the election's even underway. Then we'll be able to campaign on... what? Republicans having voted to support Trump? Like every other goddamn thing they've passed since 2017 wasn't proof enough?
And by the way let's make sure the event we've chosen to investigate involves an actual clear-as-day case of corruption with Our Senile Guy of Choice we want to run against the current senile guy so that the diminishing slice of maniacs who pay attention to this day-by-day are reminded of Biden being Just As Bad every time they think of it, even if they started out on our side. With this impeachment stratagem, Dem leadership have outdone their own original colossal achievement of losing the presidency to this guy in the first place by running the only breathing human on earth who'd lose to him.
The only way to get him out is people power. To be honest I'm not sure elections even function anymore, but if they do they're the only chance I can see. The levers of government have been exposed as bullshit and incapable. Nominating another milquetoast tax-advantaged-savings-account-for-job-retraining means-tester will hand him another four years. If I'm wrong about that and somehow we get president Biden or Buttigieg or whatever, I won't be wrong about president Lindsay Graham or Tom Cotton or whatever after that, and then the sweet acid rains will come and it'll all be over.
a. total top-down re-build from scratch of the sclerotic democratic party
b. increase in radicalization and workers' rights
c. a continuing movement that will scare the shit out of any pol standing in its way, working for worker-empowering policies like healthcare, climate new deal, free education etc.
i'm a bit concerned about violence breaking out. trump doesn't seem to care, so it's hard to imagine it not getting worse before it gets better.