Donald Trump for President!



  • kicks79kicks79 1,351 Posts
    That really is comedy gold. Shame its going to have a real affect on so many needy people.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    So, countdown to Ragnarok...

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    A few thoughts on Trump;

     It's going to be interesting to see how far Trump can push against the freedom of speech and expression before his supporters begin to question his dictatorial bent.

     The media is the enemy: many on "the right" in America viewed the liberal media elite, liberal media conspiracy etc as firmly against them, bar the brave protectors of truth Fox & Breitbart, and Trump's election victory, against media predictions, reinforced the view that the liberal media are liars (rather than just wrong in their election prediction). This damage the media has done to itself, and they've put more validity, in the eyes of some, into Trump's blatant lies. While it would be easy to take a mocking attitude to the Trump regime, journalists should restrain themselves and let Trump shout and stamp his foot because they need to regain public trust from the other side of the political spectrum if they want any real influence against Trump's excesses.

     Republican presidents vs Democrat presidents and siege mentality: (I'm leaving Reagan out of this scenario as the Cold War effectively disbarred the POTUS from the following observation) one of the reasons Republicans really hated Obama, ignoring race, has to be that he was popular all over the free world in a way that no Republican candidate has ever been, despite (and this hypocrisy must really vex) not being much different in terms of international policy. Bush had shoes thrown at him, people rushed to fist-bump and take selfies with Obama. It's envy. Democrat presidents Bill & Barak were both charming, polite and popular all over the free world. Bush senior was a boring, over-serious twat, Bush junior a despised and ridiculed clown, and Trump... All of this negative reaction to "their guy" must filter through to Republican voters and generate an us-against-them siege mentality that reinforces a preparedness to support wildly antisocial foreign policy: they've already decided they don't care what the rest of the world thinks, and if it annoys them, so much the better.

     The best thing that could've happened to correct this, and perhaps inject some compassion and empathy into the right wing? A Hillary victory. She was so close to a Republican candidate that I think she would've been welcomed by the world like a cup of cold sick.

  • Sorry, Dude, but that reads like you've forgotten anything you ever knew about America.

    The very worst thing the media could do is "restrain" from full-bore criticism of Trump.  We have less than two years to go before the midterms.  If all goes well, Trump will be less popular than a cannibalistic pedophile by November, 2018, and the GOP will (at least) lose control of the Senate as a result.

    It's already happening.  His approval rating is down to 36% and falling, and news anchors are openly referring to his lies about various things.  His diehard supporters will never change their minds, so they don't matter.

    Hillary would have been an instant international hit.  You can't be telling me Europeans or Asians gave a shit about her stupid emails.

  • JimsterJimster 6,974 Posts
    Hillary would have been an instant international hit.  You can't be telling me Europeans or Asians gave a shit about her stupid emails.
    I can't speak for all non-Amerimans but, yeah, I didn't give a shit about her emails.

    She's about as genuine as a £3½ pound note however, and I think that comes across.  She certainly doesn't appear to represent the "Common man" - Barry had that on lock.  She has the GOP look of "Money" about her and that is why Bobby Joe Creationist and y'alls didn't bite, regardless of the madness The Donald will bring.  She screams "Meh."

    He told folls what they wanted to hear and they lapped it up. Again, I can't speak for all non-Amerimans but personally it's a grave look for the US that so many found his shtick prefereable.


  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    From what I was reading & hearing, the election was between the TWO worst candidates in living memory. Yeah, some short-lived euphoria if Trump had lost... but then?
    The rich-poor gap widened under Obama. Trade deals were made that benefited multinationals but not people. Hilary sounded more aggressive and if there's one euro certainty, it's that we're tired of dealing with the human cost of American destabilizing, sorry, freedom & democracy. Jordan next on the hit list?
    If Dems prefer empathy and Republicans prefer authority, she was on the wrong side of the fence, and going on some interviews, just as out of touch as Trump but in a different way.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    Re: media
    Maybe goading Trump will work, but it's really not necessary is it? Aim high when they go low and all that jazz.

  • foefoe turo de la peira 197 Posts
    as far as i could see, the Hillary support in Europe was more anti-Trump than pro-Hillary. she has no charm, watching them both on Jimmy Fallon show really showcased that. Trump is a TV personality.

  • dukeofdelridgedukeofdelridge urgent.monkey.mice 2,453 Posts
    I am looking to get out. 


  • Alex Jones is fuckin hilarious last couple weeks. EVERYTHING IS GREAT FOLKS IT'S ALL GOING TO PLAN.

    Anyone see that chick call him a fat fuck last year? I almost cried with joy. Just beautiful.
    He sells vitality pills now. 

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    I think 2017 is going to shit all over 2016 in terms of shitness. It's going to be so shit, and America is going to have the best shit. Shit's going to be amazing.

  • 2.41 

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    Ok, that was the kind of shit I had in mind, but seeing that shit in action left a nasty taste in my mouth. So shitty.

  • Jimster said:
    Hillary would have been an instant international hit.  You can't be telling me Europeans or Asians gave a shit about her stupid emails.
    I can't speak for all non-Amerimans but, yeah, I didn't give a shit about her emails.

    She's about as genuine as a £3½ pound note however, and I think that comes across.  She certainly doesn't appear to represent the "Common man" - Barry had that on lock.  She has the GOP look of "Money" about her and that is why Bobby Joe Creationist and y'alls didn't bite, regardless of the madness The Donald will bring.  She screams "Meh."

    He told folls what they wanted to hear and they lapped it up. Again, I can't speak for all non-Amerimans but personally it's a grave look for the US that so many found his shtick prefereable.

    Yeah, it sucks that 20% of Americans voted for the fuck.

    Screw the Common Man business, though.  "Barry" (by the way, that's how white supremacists here like to refer to him) was about as common as those nearly-imaginary elements at the end of the table.  Someone needs to discover Obamium, pronto.

  • The rich-poor gap widened under Obama. Trade deals were made that benefited multinationals but not people. 
    The US doesn't exist on its own planet.  It's not immune to global shifts and massive technology changes.  I'm quite sure the rich-poor gap is not unique to this country.

  • JimsterJimster 6,974 Posts
    Jimster said:
    Hillary would have been an instant international hit.  You can't be telling me Europeans or Asians gave a shit about her stupid emails.
    I can't speak for all non-Amerimans but, yeah, I didn't give a shit about her emails.

    She's about as genuine as a £3½ pound note however, and I think that comes across.  She certainly doesn't appear to represent the "Common man" - Barry had that on lock.  She has the GOP look of "Money" about her and that is why Bobby Joe Creationist and y'alls didn't bite, regardless of the madness The Donald will bring.  She screams "Meh."

    He told folls what they wanted to hear and they lapped it up. Again, I can't speak for all non-Amerimans but personally it's a grave look for the US that so many found his shtick prefereable.

    Yeah, it sucks that 20% of Americans voted for the fuck.

    Screw the Common Man business, though.  "Barry" (by the way, that's how white supremacists here like to refer to him) was about as common as those nearly-imaginary elements at the end of the table.  Someone needs to discover Obamium, pronto.
    It sucks that 20% was enough.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    The rich-poor gap widened under Obama. Trade deals were made that benefited multinationals but not people. 
    The US doesn't exist on its own planet.  It's not immune to global shifts and massive technology changes.  I'm quite sure the rich-poor gap is not unique to this country.
    You are correct, it's been the same everywhere that populations were left bailing out the banks (and probably in countries unaffected by the crash too). It's a shame that when given the choice of curbing Wall Street excess or putting in place a scheme to help home owners facing foreclosure, he chose to support the rich and screw the poor. The trade deals have been more of the same. Universal healthcare, which Obama can be remembered fondly for trying to force through, has been torn up by Trump, which doesn't really leave anything positive left of his legacy to consider.

  • trzakhstantrzakhstan IA 198 Posts
    A lot of liberals and people who identify themselves as "the far left" either didn't vote, voted for Jill Stein/Gary Johnson, or voted for Donald Trump. There was a multi year campaign from some very shady people to make Hillary unpopular with liberals, the actors included Breitbart, the Koch network, the Rove network, and no shortage of left writers, bloggers, tweeters, or anyone with a following were happy to play along. The left wing hatred for HillRod was not on the up and up, people did it for greedy reasons, twitter followers, fast friends, attention. They deserve part of the blame for all this.

  • kicks79kicks79 1,351 Posts
    Not sure people not voting for Hilary deserve blame for Trump.
    People not voting at all yes. The democratic party for sinking Bernie yes. The Republican party for not trashing Trump when they had so many chances yes. The Russians? probably. 
    We have to see past the lie of the two party system. When only 20% of Americans voting can allow the shit bag to win. How hard would it be to mobilise all the groups who oppose Trump now to a truly democratic party?

    The rise of American fascism really scares the shit out of me. The only thing that gives me hope is the all the protests. I could see Trump trying to drag the world into another war to hang onto power.   

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,196 Posts
    The rich-poor gap widened under Obama. Trade deals were made that benefited multinationals but not people. 
    The US doesn't exist on its own planet.  It's not immune to global shifts and massive technology changes.  I'm quite sure the rich-poor gap is not unique to this country countries with laissez-faire capitalist economies.
    Jus my take.

    Trump is going to do this till the wheels fall off, and he's going to mint wealth for Ivanka and dem in the process (and whoever else is part of this particular version of the American plutocracy).  Same Great America as always, just a touch more Russian.

    And to get in this position, he has had to sink what America stands for (it's values, if you will) REALLY LOW compared to Obama (for all his faults, at least he projected a largely civil voice domestically).  

    Moving forward, even if the RNC and some of his own supporters choose to reject him before or during the next campaign because of something that actually hurts his support among the political right, they have the executive orders they want, so they're straight for the next four years. (And honestly, why would they reject him at this point?  He's done nothing but deliver on everything he said he would.)  On the other hand, the reluctance of the DNC to become anti-establishment (how can it - that's not what it is... it's one of the oldest establishment institutions in the country) is going to leave it very vulnerable next time around, unless someone HUGELY popular with the left actually wins the nomination - the anti-Trump, if you will.... someone openly balding, perhaps.  Jesse Ventura?


    Naw, I think someone like Sanders would actually win the nomination next time, even if the DNC pushed for a Clinton (Chelsea?).

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,253 Posts
    I can see Elizabeth Warren being the Democratic nominee, if there's an election in 2020

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,196 Posts
    ppadilha said:
    I can see Elizabeth Warren being the Democratic nominee, if there's an election in 2020

  • The rich-poor gap widened under Obama. Trade deals were made that benefited multinationals but not people. 
    The US doesn't exist on its own planet.  It's not immune to global shifts and massive technology changes.  I'm quite sure the rich-poor gap is not unique to this country.
    You are correct, it's been the same everywhere that populations were left bailing out the banks (and probably in countries unaffected by the crash too). It's a shame that when given the choice of curbing Wall Street excess or putting in place a scheme to help home owners facing foreclosure, he chose to support the rich and screw the poor. The trade deals have been more of the same. Universal healthcare, which Obama can be remembered fondly for trying to force through, has been torn up by Trump, which doesn't really leave anything positive left of his legacy to consider.

    It remains to be seen if Trump can successfully kill all of Obamacare, which (believe it or not) was the strongest attempt in decades to do something about the rich-poor gap in this country.  Obama also managed to get through some important protections against Wall Street depredations, including the CFPB, which was championed by Elizabeth Warren. 

    I can also tell you that the Obama administration forestalled hundreds of thousands of foreclosures.  I have a lot of direct work experience in mortgage banking and while it was underpublicized, they helped many people avoid foreclosure and actually enabled a lot of people to remain in their homes payment-free by delaying foreclosures. 

    Trump's election sure looks like a total catastrophe but sheer incompetence may prevent him from becoming the ultimate right-wing wet dream.  Midterms are coming in November 2018. 

  • A lot of liberals and people who identify themselves as "the far left" either didn't vote, voted for Jill Stein/Gary Johnson, or voted for Donald Trump. There was a multi year campaign from some very shady people to make Hillary unpopular with liberals, the actors included Breitbart, the Koch network, the Rove network, and no shortage of left writers, bloggers, tweeters, or anyone with a following were happy to play along. The left wing hatred for HillRod was not on the up and up, people did it for greedy reasons, twitter followers, fast friends, attention. They deserve part of the blame for all this.

    Any so-called liberal who voted for Johnson had a serious head-up-the-ass problem.  And Jill Stein is, was, and shall ever be a joke.  Once the final choice was plain voting for the only practical alternative to Orange Adolf was the only sensible thing to do.

  • ketan said:

    Naw, I think someone like Sanders would actually win the nomination next time, even if the DNC pushed for a Clinton (Chelsea?).

    Chelsea's a pinhead.

    Caroline Kennedy has made noises about getting involved, if you're thinking legacies.  Cory Booker will be involved somehow.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    How long before Spicer goes from telling the press not to take Trump's tweets literally, to just saying don't take him seriously, at all?

    My hunch is that Trump only ran for Pres because he's bankrupt, and he had to accept money from shady sources... maybe some of it in rubles. The American presidency is already like watching a 2-year-old with a gun, but Russian links would make this the best TV show evaaaaah. Have to say I'm hooked, and now start most of my classes with the words "In order to avoid discussing Trump, again, let's look at ______". 

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,196 Posts
    How long before Spicer goes from telling the press not to take Trump's tweets literally, to just saying don't take him seriously, at all?
    It seems like some Trumpologists are staying on the bandwagon in spite of his foolishness because they think he's a master negotiator who waves his hands like a child to get an edge on his foes (domestic and international).  SAD.

    I mean, he could be a master negotiator, but it's still a totally shitty way to lead IMO.

  • Reynaldo82Reynaldo82 NorCal 73 Posts
    Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. 

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. Prepare for war. 
    No doubt.

    It's going to be a fucked 4 years. Hoping a big enough bombshell will drop about Russian ties to take the administration down.
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