My city is nuts right now. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shot.



  • Options
    At first I thought the college-kids-cheering atmosphere was out of place, but not so much by the end.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    BobDesperado said:
    At first I thought the college-kids-cheering atmosphere was out of place, but not so much by the end.


    Weird as fuck in the beginning.

  • too much God in the speech.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    rootlesscosmo said:
    too much God in the speech.

    ^^^Secret Muslim.

  • Herm,

    Did you get to the event proper or where you in the overflow venue? It was weird watching this on the TeeVee and hearing the cheering, what was the vibe on the ground?

    I think Obama's central message appealing to the better natures of our souls was spot on and that we should consider the example we provide to those that are growing into our future generations. It was what a president should do in times of crisis and pain.

    My thoughts go out to you and your own.


  • Options
    From tonight's speech:

    "And if, as has been discussed in recent days, their deaths help usher in more civility in our public discourse, let???s remember that it is not because a simple lack of civility caused this tragedy, but rather because only a more civil and honest public discourse can help us face up to our challenges as a nation, in a way that would make them proud."

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Saracenus said:

    Did you get to the event proper or where you in the overflow venue? It was weird watching this on the TeeVee and hearing the cheering, what was the vibe on the ground?

    I think Obama's central message appealing to the better natures of our souls was spot on and that we should consider the example we provide to those that are growing into our future generations. It was what a president should do in times of crisis and pain.

    My thoughts go out to you and your own.


    I was about 200 people away from getting in to McKale Center (the arena where this event was held). I really thought we were going to make it in then all of a sudden I saw the line splinter off and head towards the football stadium where the overflow was.

    I've been hearing a lot being said about the cheering being inappropriate, but personally, I didn't find any of it disrespectful. It seemed a little awkward that applause followed sad statements, but people were applauding the uplifting sentiment behind it. Our city needed this. These past 5 days have been difficult and depressing for us, but we are a proud community. We cheered to show that we are (re)united. We cheered to celebrate the lives of those we lost and the lives of those struggling to live. Our cheers give us strength and let those around us know that we stand strong.

    I cried. A lot. (When I got home and reread the speech, I cried again.) As I was walking out of the stadium, I called my 11 year old niece. I HAD to. It was impossible not to think of her when listening to Obama talk about little Christina. She answered the phone "Hi nino! Did you watch the speech??" and was in awe when I told her I was actually there. I told her I love her over the sound of the marching band in the background. (They were playing as people were filing out. Cheers come in many forms, among them trumpets, trombones and drums.)

    I have to admit, I was also proud of the crowd for being polite and respectful, particularly when Governor Jan Brewer was speaking. This is a woman who most feel truly loathes my people and tonight the stadium was FULL of brown faces. One single boo would've set the crowd off, yet we held our heads. (The local paper wrote: "...the crowd also applauded for Republican U.S. Sens. John McCain and Jon Kyl, and supported Gov. Jan Brewer.") We may not have applauded her (and in my opinion, with acceptable reason) but tonight, for this memorial, we respected her role as a leader.

    I really admire what Obama had to say, and judging by the amount of standing ovations he received, I'm not alone. In my opinion though - and with all due respect to him - he didn't really say anything new or profound. All he did was echo what my parents taught me and raised me on: love, respect, honor and humility. I would like to think that those are basic morals and values instilled in most of us, but I understand how those can be tarnished by certain beliefs, especially passionate ones. I hope his words remind people how much better we can be together if we live our lives with those morals intact and also, how staying true to our beliefs doesn't have to mean disrespecting others'. I may sound naive, but I truly believe that.

    Location: TOO STRONG, AZ

  • ^^ :feelin_it:

    I doubt there are rain puddles in heaven though, I'd imagine those sort of problems have been engineered out using field and effector based technologies.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    sabadabada said:
    The left isn't trying to just bully Palin into keeping quiet, they want anyone who doesn;t agree with their agenda to shut up, and this is how they do it. First they tried to shut everyone up by calling anyone who disagreed with them racist, now they are accusing us all of inciting murder.

    Patriot Act.
    With Us Or Against Us.

    McCarthyism... was that the left trying to bully the right?

    The left's 'agenda'?

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Dateline Tucson, Arizona
    January 13, 2011

    Jared Lee Loughner made his first appearance in court today when he was formaly charged in the shooting deaths of six people and the wounding of 14 others. Flanked by his attorney, Judy Clarke, Loughner smiled at photographers and spoke briefly with his family before the arival of Judge Krugman. When asked how he pleads, Clarke responded that Loughner was ???not guilty.??? Clarke went on to explain that ???responsibility for the shooting spree really belonged to conservative commentators, the tea-party and Sarah Palin. Specifically, a graphic contained on Ms. Palin???s website depicting a target over the state of Arizona. Clarke told the court, that ???although Loughner never actually saw the map and wasn???t interested in politics, the mere existence of the graphic image created such a climate of hate in the already clearly racist Arizona - a floating miasma of conservative meanness, if you will, that Loughner, denied proper mental health benefits, most likely due to stingy conservative cutbacks, was compelled to commit murder.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    pimlicosquirrel said:
    ^^ :feelin_it:

    I doubt there are rain puddles in heaven though, I'd imagine those sort of problems have been engineered out using field and effector based technologies.

    Interesting point.

  • Good god....did you write that or is there some extremely unfunny right wing version of the Onion now?

    sabadabada said:
    Dateline Tucson, Arizona
    January 13, 2011

    Jared Lee Loughner made his first appearance in court today when he was formaly charged in the shooting deaths of six people and the wounding of 14 others. Flanked by his attorney, Judy Clarke, Loughner smiled at photographers and spoke briefly with his family before the arival of Judge Krugman. When asked how he pleads, Clarke responded that Loughner was ???not guilty.??? Clarke went on to explain that ???responsibility for the shooting spree really belonged to conservative commentators, the tea-party and Sarah Palin. Specifically, a graphic contained on Ms. Palin???s website depicting a target over the state of Arizona. Clarke told the court, that ???although Loughner never actually saw the map and wasn???t interested in politics, the mere existence of the graphic image created such a climate of hate in the already clearly racist Arizona - a floating miasma of conservative meanness, if you will, that Loughner, denied proper mental health benefits, most likely due to stingy conservative cutbacks, was compelled to commit murder.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    The_Hook_Up said:
    Good god....did you write that or is there some extremely unfunny right wing version of the Onion now?

    Fox News?

  • You fuckin kidding me, dude? Grow up.

    sabadabada said:
    Dateline Tucson, Arizona
    January 13, 2011

    Jared Lee Loughner made his first appearance in court today ....

  • PATXPATX 2,820 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    The_Hook_Up said:
    Good god....did you write that or is there some extremely unfunny right wing version of the Onion now?

    Fox News?

  • Options
    sabadabada said:
    Dateline Tucson, Arizona
    January 13, 2011

    Jared Lee Loughner made his first appearance in court today when he was formaly charged in the shooting deaths of six people and the wounding of 14 others. Flanked by his attorney, Judy Clarke, Loughner smiled at photographers and spoke briefly with his family before the arival of Judge Krugman. When asked how he pleads, Clarke responded that Loughner was ???not guilty.??? Clarke went on to explain that ???responsibility for the shooting spree really belonged to conservative commentators, the tea-party and Sarah Palin. Specifically, a graphic contained on Ms. Palin???s website depicting a target over the state of Arizona. Clarke told the court, that ???although Loughner never actually saw the map and wasn???t interested in politics, the mere existence of the graphic image created such a climate of hate in the already clearly racist Arizona - a floating miasma of conservative meanness, if you will, that Loughner, denied proper mental health benefits, most likely due to stingy conservative cutbacks, was compelled to commit murder.

    How many times did you come while typing that?


  • PATXPATX 2,820 Posts
    Jonny_Paycheck said:

    Soulstrut's political groundhog day: where many pages of text are typed out in order to reach the conclusion that Rockadelic doesn't approve of multi-culturalism and Saba has a Dick Cheney poster above his bed.

  • Duderonomy said:
    The_Hook_Up said:
    Good god....did you write that or is there some extremely unfunny right wing version of the Onion now?

    Fox News?

    Fox News would not have misspelled "formally."

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    SportCasual said:
    Jonny_Paycheck said:

    Soulstrut's political groundhog day: where many pages of text are typed out in order to reach the conclusion that Rockadelic doesn't approve of multi-culturalism

    Mental Healh care should be easier to get than a computer.


    Cut and paste anything I've posted in this thread that supports you're above statement.

  • Rockadelic said:
    crabmongerfunk said:
    obama is honouring/eulogizing the victims and heroes right now:

    @8:12 CST dude is saying the right shit......I'm proud.......and that's been a while.

    would you go so far as to say... for the first time in your adult lifetime??


  • Herm said:

    I cried. A lot. (When I got home and reread the speech, I cried again.) As I was walking out of the stadium, I called my 11 year old niece. I HAD to. It was impossible not to think of her when listening to Obama talk about little Christina. She answered the phone "Hi nino! Did you watch the speech??" and was in awe when I told her I was actually there. I told her I love her over the sound of the marching band in the background. (They were playing as people were filing out. Cheers come in many forms, among them trumpets, trombones and drums.)

    I watched the speech this morning and I was crying too. For the half hour that I was watching it on YouTube I felt like Obama was hitting all the right notes. It really was a moment to exhale and reflect. I almost felt like this was the speech Bush should have given right after 9-11. Then as soon as it was over all these other videos popped up about "Fuck Obama" and "Liar" and I got that angry, helpless feeling again like everyone in America is so agitated and insane!!! I really wish the power of that speech, the people cheering with excitement and hope, the feeling that people are sane and logical and can move forward, could expand beyond that half hour in that room and become the overall tone of this country, not just a parenthesis between a growing claustrophobia.

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    picoandsepulveda said:
    I think it's fresh how no one is calling this cracker jack a "terrorist" but rather "unstable" or "crazy" and needed mental help.

    now had he been a brown, black or yellow dude his minority ass would have been dubbed a "terrorist" with the quickness. chalk it up to the white man's american media protecting their own as per usual.

    also, check asian dude at that university in virginia that laced up mad whiteys with bullets. then instantly all over the media about how asian dude was a "terrorist" and not "unstable" or "crazy".

    white people can do no wrong in this white man's america lol!

    bring in replies from ass-hurt white boys with their panties in a bunch now....

    That isn't true about the VA Tech shooter. After the shootings, it came out in the media that he was utterly insane with several accounts of him stalking women on the campus. Even his violent, batshit crazy short stories from his creative writing classes were published in AP stories.

  • Herm,

    Glad you were able to attend. Sorry you could not get into the venue proper. I heard folks had lined up since 5:30 AM.

    The cheering was just weird to me because I am far removed from this in the Pacific North West and I am not dealing with street level pain of the citizens of Tucson. I am used to more somber affairs. It was just different than my expectations.

    What you all needed vs. what I need are two different things. You guys are living this where I am separated by the filter of TeeVee, Radio, and print. I don't have the personal connections that you all have to one another and if Tucson needed to bust out and cheer, then bust out and cheer.

    That is why I asked what the vibe on the ground was. I wanted to know how people were feeling about this.

    I am glad that folks held their cool and gave proper respect to all those who attended from all sides of the political isle.


  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Herm said:
    Saracenus said:

    Did you get to the event proper or where you in the overflow venue? It was weird watching this on the TeeVee and hearing the cheering, what was the vibe on the ground?

    I think Obama's central message appealing to the better natures of our souls was spot on and that we should consider the example we provide to those that are growing into our future generations. It was what a president should do in times of crisis and pain.

    My thoughts go out to you and your own.


    I was about 200 people away from getting in to McKale Center (the arena where this event was held). I really thought we were going to make it in then all of a sudden I saw the line splinter off and head towards the football stadium where the overflow was.

    I've been hearing a lot being said about the cheering being inappropriate, but personally, I didn't find any of it disrespectful. It seemed a little awkward that applause followed sad statements, but people were applauding the uplifting sentiment behind it. Our city needed this. These past 5 days have been difficult and depressing for us, but we are a proud community. We cheered to show that we are (re)united. We cheered to celebrate the lives of those we lost and the lives of those struggling to live. Our cheers give us strength and let those around us know that we stand strong.

    I cried. A lot. (When I got home and reread the speech, I cried again.) As I was walking out of the stadium, I called my 11 year old niece. I HAD to. It was impossible not to think of her when listening to Obama talk about little Christina. She answered the phone "Hi nino! Did you watch the speech??" and was in awe when I told her I was actually there. I told her I love her over the sound of the marching band in the background. (They were playing as people were filing out. Cheers come in many forms, among them trumpets, trombones and drums.)

    I have to admit, I was also proud of the crowd for being polite and respectful, particularly when Governor Jan Brewer was speaking. This is a woman who most feel truly loathes my people and tonight the stadium was FULL of brown faces. One single boo would've set the crowd off, yet we held our heads. (The local paper wrote: "...the crowd also applauded for Republican U.S. Sens. John McCain and Jon Kyl, and supported Gov. Jan Brewer.") We may not have applauded her (and in my opinion, with acceptable reason) but tonight, for this memorial, we respected her role as a leader.

    I really admire what Obama had to say, and judging by the amount of standing ovations he received, I'm not alone. In my opinion though - and with all due respect to him - he didn't really say anything new or profound. All he did was echo what my parents taught me and raised me on: love, respect, honor and humility. I would like to think that those are basic morals and values instilled in most of us, but I understand how those can be tarnished by certain beliefs, especially passionate ones. I hope his words remind people how much better we can be together if we live our lives with those morals intact and also, how staying true to our beliefs doesn't have to mean disrespecting others'. I may sound naive, but I truly believe that.

    Location: TOO STRONG, AZ

    I believe it too.
    We are not the only ones.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I recall a storyline from VA Tech, that I am not hearing now.
    He only did this to get attention.
    Do not print the perps name or say anything about him.

    I heard that a lot after VA Tech. I have not heard it at all this time.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    picoandsepulveda said:
    I think it's fresh how no one is calling this cracker jack a "terrorist"

    By definition a terrorist is somebody who uses violence against innocent people to further some type of agenda.

    This dude does not seem to have any coherent agenda, hence nobody is calling him a terrorist.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    According to news reports, Giffords made major improvements yesterday.

    Some of the improvements may be the result of a decrease in the drugs they are giving her.

    I don't know, but I am guessing that the next major step for her will be surgery to reattach her skull. (Drs removed a portion of her skull to lessen possible damage from possible swelling)
    That might set recovery back about a week or so.
    After that rehab would begin.
    This may include learning to walk and talk again. Synapses need to be rebuilt.
    Rehab would take months.
    With luck she will regain 100% of speech and movement.
    Even if she doesn't regain 100%, I would expect her to return to Washington. I am hoping sooner than later.
    All speculation.

    One of her main concerns was the tone of rhetoric and partisanship . If you have been following this you probably heard about the email she sent Trey Grayson.

    A few Giffords' quotes:
    "For example, we're on Sarah Palin's targeted list, but the thing is, that the way that she has it depicted has the crosshairs of a gun sight over our district. When people do that, they have to realize that there are consequences to that action.

    "And so they started disseminating all this information that it was a chat with Congresswoman Giffords, that it was a health-care meeting, we saw this traffic being ginned up. And sure enough, as we got reports of people that were gathering with photos of me being the Grim Reaper killing babies, killing seniors, pictures of the President white faced with a hammer and sickle, just really offensive messages.

    "A lot of the strong Democratic activists, the far, far left, aren't happy with me. They don't like the fact that that I'm a Blue Dog and really push fiscal responsibility and deficit reforms. I've voted against my leadership.

    "Our democracy is a light, a beacon really around the world, because we effect change at the ballot box, and not because of these outbursts ??? of violence in certain cases, and the yelling, and it???s just ??? you know, change is important, it???s a part of our process, but it???s really important that we focus on the fact that we have a democratic process.

    "Like this week, I was over at Golden Eagle Distributors with about 300 employees. The hot topic was healthcare and energy. So in creating those environments where I could hear from people but not to create an environment where someone can get hurt.

    "I was first elected in 2000. So I've gone through five campaigns. I've never seen anything like this before. Not through the Iraq war when you saw a lot of protesters, a lot of anger about what was happening in Iraq. Folks on both sides coming out with that issue, not with immigration which has been one of the most hostile debate topics that we've had in this country; not with any other issue this community has faced. Even 9/11 when that really traumatized the country and we saw a lot of outpouring of people, have we ever seen something that has really appeared like this.

    "We have to work out our problems by negotiating, working together, hopefully Democrats and Republicans.

    "My 1st Congress on Your Corner starts now. Please stop by to let me know what is on your mind or tweet me later."

    Gabby's favorite quote, from Lincoln:
    "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation???s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."

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