My city is nuts right now. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shot.



  • BobDesperado said:
    picoandsepulveda said:
    I think it's fresh how no one is calling this cracker jack a "terrorist" but rather "unstable" or "crazy" and needed mental help.

    now had he been a brown, black or yellow dude his minority ass would have been dubbed a "terrorist" with the quickness. chalk it up to the white man's american media protecting their own as per usual.

    also, check asian dude at that university in virginia that laced up mad whiteys with bullets. then instantly all over the media about how asian dude was a "terrorist" and not "unstable" or "crazy".

    white people can do no wrong in this white man's america lol!

    bring in replies from ass-hurt white boys with their panties in a bunch now....

    I don't remember the VA Tech shooter being called a terrorist, but maybe he was.

    Sarah Palin was asked point blank (hah!) if abortion clinic bombers or doctor killers were terrorists, and she just couldn't bring herself to say yes. I guess it's okay if you're working on behalf of Baby Jesus.

    Directly after the Virginia Tech tragedy, people called the shooter "crazed" and 'mentally unstable". It wasn't until probably two or so weeks later that I started hearing people in the news use the word terrorist in reference to him. But it was more in the context of "terrorism is starting to creep in amongst us." It's been amongst us for some time now.

    As for the Tuscon shooting, it's easier to state that it was his overenthused political persuasion that led him to do such an act, but mental health should be the primary focus in matters such as this. At a time when we as a people should come together in the face of a crisis, there are those out there too busy pointing fingers of blame on the opposite side of the fence. Ridiculous.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    It's Tucson.

    C before the S.

    Thank you.

  • Herm said:
    It's Tucson.

    C before the S.

    Thank you.

    Oh, no. Thank YOU. I thought I was the only one who realized my own spelling mishap. Too bad I realized it only after I posted it.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    It's not just you, I'm seeing it everywhere and as a born & raised Tucsonan, it irks me a little!

  • Options
    Gun people are really fucked-up assholes.

    "???It???s in the news now. I???m sure the Green Bay Packers are selling all kinds of jerseys today as well,??? he said. ???I just think our state embraces guns.???"

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Naw, I understand people who come to the decision that since everyone has a gun they should get one as well.

    These people are straight up assholes tho...

  • DOR said:
    Naw, I understand people who come to the decision that since everyone has a gun they should get one as well.

    These people are straight up assholes tho...
    "God sent the shooter! Praise God for ALL his works, and BE YE THANKFUL!."

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts
    DOR said:
    Naw, I understand people who come to the decision that since everyone has a gun they should get one as well.

    These people are straight up assholes tho...

    what confuses me, is that today the Arizona government passed an emergency law which banned protesting at funerals. Sound great right? Problem solved.

    ...then you go on to read the fine print. Protesters are allowed to be present, but have to keep a distance of 300ft.

    300ft really? they couldn't do better than that? How hard is it for one of those dickholes to have a megaphone and still be heard yelling in the distance?

  • Options
    DOR said:
    Naw, I understand people who come to the decision that since everyone has a gun they should get one as well.

    It's not that they're buying guns. It's that they're buying the exact same gun the shooter used.

    I wonder if Mannlicher-Carcanos flew off the shelves after JFK was killed.

  • Options
    knewjak said:
    DOR said:
    Naw, I understand people who come to the decision that since everyone has a gun they should get one as well.

    These people are straight up assholes tho...

    what confuses me, is that today the Arizona government passed an emergency law which banned protesting at funerals. Sound great right? Problem solved.

    ...then you go on to read the fine print. Protesters are allowed to be present, but have to keep a distance of 300ft.

    300ft really? they couldn't do better than that? How hard is it for one of those dickholes to have a megaphone and still be heard yelling in the distance?

    People like that can be assholes from thousands of miles away.

  • BobDesperado said:
    knewjak said:
    DOR said:
    Naw, I understand people who come to the decision that since everyone has a gun they should get one as well.

    These people are straight up assholes tho...

    what confuses me, is that today the Arizona government passed an emergency law which banned protesting at funerals. Sound great right? Problem solved.

    ...then you go on to read the fine print. Protesters are allowed to be present, but have to keep a distance of 300ft.

    300ft really? they couldn't do better than that? How hard is it for one of those dickholes to have a megaphone and still be heard yelling in the distance?

    People like that can be assholes from thousands of miles away.

    It isn't just any assholes protesting - it's THESE ASSHOLES

  • IT'S A NINE YEAR OLD GIRL! I wonder what wrong she had done God to deserve to die. Honestly these people would take the "speck of dust and plank" parable and use it as a just cause to kill everyone they think displeases God with a plank of wood. I'd hate to see what they would do if one in their own circle were to die. I pray that never happens, though. Would they conduct the service or would they take turns eulogizing and protesting?!

  • Options
    TheKindCromang said:
    BobDesperado said:
    knewjak said:
    DOR said:
    Naw, I understand people who come to the decision that since everyone has a gun they should get one as well.

    These people are straight up assholes tho...

    what confuses me, is that today the Arizona government passed an emergency law which banned protesting at funerals. Sound great right? Problem solved.

    ...then you go on to read the fine print. Protesters are allowed to be present, but have to keep a distance of 300ft.

    300ft really? they couldn't do better than that? How hard is it for one of those dickholes to have a megaphone and still be heard yelling in the distance?

    People like that can be assholes from thousands of miles away.

    It isn't just any assholes protesting - it's THESE ASSHOLES

    I know.

  • Options
    Get your limited edition "You Lie!" rifle.

    Yeah, both sides do it. Uh huh.

  • Been too wrapped up in my own personal sh*t until now...

    A terrible day this was. My thoughts go out to all those who where killed or injured and their families.

    I am glad to hear that Congresswoman Gifford prognosis is as positive as it can be for a penetrating head wound.

    Rock, you hit the nail on the head, this guy is bat shit insane. Salon has an interview with Schizophrenia expert who is pretty damn sure the shooter is a full on Paranoid Schizophrenic:
    Loughner a "textbook" case paranoid schizophrenic

    The sad thing is, Arizona has some of the most liberal mental health laws allowing folks to report someone who is acting erratically and have them evaluated. Here in Oregon you have to demonstrate a clear and present danger to yourself or others before you can be involuntarily evaluated.

    This guy should have been in treatment but even if there had been some form of intervention it is likely that he would have not received the help he needed because of the huge budget shortfall in the state. They are denying folks funding for transplants, mental health is way lower on the funding totem pole.

    Herm, I have family down your way. I feel your pain, Tucson is a weird mix of small town, college kids, retirees, and "hippies" and having the vultures descending on it and making this about whatever partisan axe they have to grind is painful to watch. This is a tragedy about human beings who were senselessly attacked by a deranged individual. Its hard to make sense of the incomprehensible.

    Its my hope that Obama's vaunted oratory skills will serve him well and he can bring something dignified to the proceedings when he attends the memorial. This is not about right or left, its about 14 people who's lives were shattered and the 6 who were lost. Maybe the memorial will drill that point home.


  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Saracenus said:

    Herm, I have family down your way. I feel your pain, Tucson is a weird mix of small town, college kids, retirees, and "hippies" and having the vultures descending on it and making this about whatever partisan axe they have to grind is painful to watch. This is a tragedy about human beings who were senselessly attacked by a deranged individual. Its hard to make sense of the incomprehensible.

    Its my hope that Obama's vaunted oratory skills will serve him well and he can bring something dignified to the proceedings when he attends the memorial. This is not about right or left, its about 14 people who's lives were shattered and the 6 who were lost. Maybe the memorial will drill that point home.


    Thank you, Saracenus.

    The thing about Tucson is that it's relatively small. Most long-time residents I've talked to know somebody that was affected by this. A coworker of mine has a daughter that works in the produce department of that store.This is somebody I sit next to every day. Her daughter was scheduled to get off at 10am and they asked her to work a little bit longer. She would've been walking out the door right about the same time this went down. They found bullets in the wall near her department. She knew the judge and his family very well. They'd give her their season pass ballgame tickets when they couldn't make it to a game. Her mom calls her multiple times a day to see how she's doing. (I don't mean to eavesdrop, but she literally sits an arms-length from me and I can't help but hear. She keeps us informed and shares what she knows though.) Safeway's still closed, but they're offering counseling at an offsite location, which her daughter's been attending. The "gay Latino intern" that's been credited with saving Mrs. Gifford's life graduated from my high school. At least 2 friends of mine grew up with Gabe Zimmerman, Mrs. Giffords' director of community outreach. My mom's friend is close to 9 year old Christina Green's family. As I mentioned in an earlier post, a girl I used to date is on the trauma unit at the hospital where a majority of the victims are. My Mom works for a different hospital where a few victims are. We're all affected by this.

    This short clip represents our city in a wonderful way:

    Visit for #999 !important; font-weight:normal !important; height: 13px; color:#5799DB !important;" href="">breaking news, #999 !important; font-weight:normal !important; height: 13px; color:#5799DB !important;">world news, and #999 !important; font-weight:normal !important; height: 13px; color:#5799DB !important;">news about the economy


  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Also, I plan on attending the memorial tomorrow. I'm not sure if I'll make it in, but I'm damn sure going to try.

  • now PALIN is the victim in this whole tragedy. this woman has no shame.

    Palin Calls Criticism ???Blood Libel???:

  • DOR said:
    I understand people who come to the decision that since everyone has a gun they should get one as well.

  • rootlesscosmo said:
    now PALIN is the victim in this whole tragedy. this woman has no shame.

    Palin Calls Criticism ???Blood Libel???:

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Palin is a crackpot who's biggest attraction to the Right is that she pisses off the Left


    Crazy shooter dude's friend said "He did not watch TV. He disliked the news. He didn???t listen to political radio. He didn???t take sides. He wasn???t on the left. He wasn???t on the right." during a TV interview this morning.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Getting mental health treatment should be easier than buying a gun.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Okay, so there's Palin, minding her own business hunting caribou or whatnot. There is a shooting in Arizona and before the blood on the parking lot pavement is even dry, Kos, Krugman, The MSNBC crew, Sullivan, Mark Halperin all blame a map graphic on Palin's website for the shooting - okay, a fucking graphic of a map with targets on it, on some web page - as the reason for some lunitic shooting six people in the head. Really? Really? A map?

    And then when she responds to this assinine, completely batshit crazy accusation, you accuse her of trying to make this all about her and play the victim.

    Some sad desperate shit. And then these democratic hack congressman are trying to use that as some excuse to bring back the fairness doctrine. If I had told my H.S. Social Studies teachers that one day, democrats would be doing everything they could to chill free-speech they would have taken away my walkman.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    LaserWolf said:
    Getting mental health treatment should be easier than buying a gun.

    What was preventing him or his parents from getting help?

    Was he rejected somewhere?

  • sabadabada said:

    And then when she responds to this assinine, completely batshit crazy accusation, you accuse her of trying to make this all about her and play the victim.


    the fact she responds with such a defensive tone and a victim mentality is what is fucked up. If you are Sarah Palin, you offer condolences, condemn the act and then shut the fuck up...going on to lecture people on right and wrong and use terms like Blood Libel is a straight up selfish, bullshit move at this time. Her map and rhetoric are curiously topical at this moment and to think it isnt worth to at least be brought up is ridiculous. She should know this. But she doesnt, because she is a dolt.

  • sabadabada said:
    Okay, so there's Palin, minding her own business hunting caribou or whatnot. There is a shooting in Arizona and before the blood on the parking lot pavement is even dry, Kos, Krugman, The MSNBC crew, Sullivan, Mark Halperin all blame a map graphic on Palin's website for the shooting - okay, a fucking graphic of a map with targets on it, on some web page - as the reason for some lunitic shooting six people in the head. Really? Really? A map?

    And then when she responds to this assinine, completely batshit crazy accusation, you accuse her of trying to make this all about her and play the victim.

    Some sad desperate shit. And then these democratic hack congressman are trying to use that as some excuse to bring back the fairness doctrine. If I had told my H.S. Social Studies teachers that one day, democrats would be doing everything they could to chill free-speech they would have taken away my walkman.

    dude, have you watched the video?

    I mean, blood libel?

    Good luck hitching your fortunes to her.

    I think what you meant to write was

    By the end, when she clearly knew she was doing well, it was so sparkling it was almost mesmerizing. It sent little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around the living rooms of America.

  • Rockadelic said:
    Palin is a crackpot who's biggest attraction to the Right is that she pisses off the Left


    Crazy shooter dude's friend said "He did not watch TV. He disliked the news. He didn???t listen to political radio. He didn???t take sides. He wasn???t on the left. He wasn???t on the right." during a TV interview this morning.

    He can be crazy & political at the same time. The act was inherently political. He didn't shoot up a Supermarket, he shot up a political meet & greet. Gifford's name was written in his journal/kill-list. And he wasn't doing it to impress Jodie Foster.

  • sabadabada said:
    A map?

    with cross hairs...

    I am in the camp that this map (nor the right as a whole) had anything to do with this crazy person killing innocent people. however, I do believe that a politician should not have a graphic with crosshairs on it (and yes I am aware of the democratic map with crosshairs from 2004, I'm not being party specific here).

    this is a gun control issue, not a political party issue (gun control is still political, though).
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