vinyl digging documentry

has anyone seen this vinyl digging documentry? it's pretty cool.
Red Beans & Rice (Record Collecting Documentary) from The Diggers Union Local 1200 on Vimeo.
Red Beans & Rice (Record Collecting Documentary) from The Diggers Union Local 1200 on Vimeo.
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sweet thanx for the heads up
Best way,
Open in Safari and hit ???+Opt-a to bring up the activity window. Then simply find the largest file (usually multiple MB which for this video says 257MB) and double click it.
File comes out in .mp4 format.
If you need to convert. Check out
Vimeo blocks the download (at least with this video) thats why i put up the clipnabber link.
Hmm, didn't for me. Downloaded fine. But you should still get new video window which gives you the link
Put in your download manager and you should be sorted.
[strike] I just get "no permission to read file" , might be because i'm in u.k. [/strike]
Working now, thanks!
Yeah, Beastie lover also loves to hear all the crackles and the pops on the record??? Who the junk would like that? If I get this guys number I've got a shelf of vinyl that I'm gonna make some cash on that no one else would buy.
i just heard from smite the other day. funny. i had like a great, brief sojourn in phoenix where i met some of those dudes.
that being said, somethings gotta be done on the creative front with these digging documentaries. always the same format, mighta as well be the same walls of crates and expedits. same ol heads and neo ol heads talking about the same stories.
i love all that shit and i share a lot of their sentiments, but somehow this all needs to be presented in a new way.
i agree. it comes off as super flat and dry. i mean, it interests me only because i know exactly what they're talking about, but to the average head i can see this becoming boring really fast.
I'd like to see a documentary that actually goes out digging.....6 million records on a farm......2 million in a folks can see just how hard this shit is....that 99.9999999999999999% of the records you go through is CHUD while breathing in black mold and rat feces.
Johhny D. is an old friend, one of the best there is and it was great to see him get some shine.
And an aside about handling vinyl......bitd some collector hanging out at the Hotel Room during ARC made a comment about my partner's handling of an LP.....he looked at the anal retentive collector....called out my name and threw me an original Index disc across the room Frisbee style. I wish I had a camera to catch Mr. Collectors facial expression.
This reminds me of stories of a certain Belgian dealer. Classic. I'd still probably make googly eyes if someone lobbed an original Index at me like that, but on a higher level it's hilarious.
I agree. I personally couldn't get through a portion of this because i just don't care about anyone's records. I would rather here stories or see vid of dig. I realized many many years ago that record collecting is not about the records you find but the experiences along the way, the people you meet, the stories you hear. A lot of little dudes never catch that anyone can get money and buy records, it really doesn't mean any damn thing to have them..., but can you navigate a barn while perry is cleaning his 30 odd 6 and still find the deadstock?
One day i'll actually edit and compile a bunch of vids like this i shot over the last decade - africa, india, egypt, peru, mexico, brazil, USA, japan, europe, china, etc. LOTS of funny shit on there and they never show what i actually caught, just all the wacky shit that happened when trying to find records.
And the fact that he doesn't have "Quiet Fire" by Roberta Flack but has 'insert private turd here' by 'bobby mcfunky'
Would love to see those clips....and you nailed it on the head, the records don't mean nearly as much as the adventure.
Roc, there is a phenomenon I have witnessed which I refer to as the force, the inexplicable ability for an idividual to intuitively know where records are which always baffles me.
Also, record Karma is real. Give records as gifts and records come back to you tenfold I think this may be tied to the force or at least on the other hand I have known many dudes who boosted records as a matter of practice (or price switched) to loose records or whole collections late on down te line.
Again, inexplicable, but true.
Record karma is very real.....I've seen it too many times.
But it really isn't much different than everyday karma.....treat people the way you want to be treated..... be fair....and understand that you're dealing with records....friggin insignificant round pieces of plastic...and I've never seen one that was worth more than reputation or integrity.
need to be given away as a free tattoo at record shows, right on people diggin' arm.