Sure, I got a bunch of rekkids. I just don't like to talk about them in front of people with vastly superior collections.
My policy was to cop if playing along would impove my bass playing, so no "Penny Black" Northern Ungoogleable pieces in there. Lots of Marcus Miller, Nathan East, Chic and dem. It's not all chud doe, some would deffo get the nod from Richard Searling/Robbie Vincent and dem.
Flairs went to Texas for 156
Bobby finch to Essex for 123
Sandra wright reish 54. Duder holler.
Disappointed in a couple, but overall a good experience. Pm any wants if you like, not a lot of moddun 45s left but plenty big bits in eurofunk, us funk, jazz LPs etc.
The ones in Market Square here are like the Star Wars cantina.
Obnoxiously drunk out-of-town stag-do scrums, morbidly-obese ex-prostitutes in Santa costumes (all year round) b/w belligerent testosterone/charlied-up local bullies looking for said stag-do friction & a big scoop of haggard lifelong alcoholics with a spectrum of stale odours, flocking to a beer-trough with all the atmosphere of an massively over-lit, filthy slaughterhouse/Clownburger joint, seduced solely by the #1 position the venue occupies on the alcohol-per-buck chart.
"90 Jaegerbombs, mate!"
Grave. 70%+ chance of random chinning from any punter.
The 4 doormen should give it away.
Whatchugot dahn sahhhf doe? Maybe ??4.50 a pint is an effective deterrent?
The local one is notorious for banker suicides from the 5th floor roof terrace. Three this year so far.
Yes Duder, that reish is now a money item. Think the vg+ had a thread on it a while back.
Odd, because I recall the Demon label as home to satanic metal and hardcore punk.
But there's no fucking with 'Midnight Affair'.
I know it's not in your lane, so feel free to bay it, or consign it back for my next soul cluster.
This is seriously weird. A photo that's apparently been doing the rounds for three years: Jimmy Savile and Frank Bruno, visiting Broadmoor secure hospital to meet Peter Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire Ripper, in 1991. Apparently Savile had his own keys to the place.
Re DuttyBabylon:
Dutty, dutty Babylon. //younger Steptoe voice//
RE: Steptoe Snr:
"In 1962 he was arrested in a toilet in Shepherd's Bush for persistently importuning and given a conditional discharge.[8][9] Earlier in his life he had been married, from 1948 to 1955, to Mary "Molly" Josephine but the relationship ended after she gave birth to the child of their lodger in 1953.[7] In 2012 he was accused of abusing in the 1970s two boys aged 12-13 backstage in the Jersey Opera House. One of the boys was from the Haut de la Garenne children's home.[10]"
So that children's home in Jersey (land of 5 trillion in untaxed moolah) has connections to Kenneth Clark, Jimmy Saville, Steptoe Snr. No wonder the media buried that story quicker than you can say the teeth of 65 children of varying ages.
Sandra Wright on Demon is no reish, its the only original, unreleased in the Stax fallout. Been going for 50-100 for years, so 54 is a good price for the buyer if its in nice playable nick
Sandra Wright on Demon is no reish, its the only original, unreleased in the Stax fallout. Been going for 50-100 for years, so 54 is a good price for the buyer if its in nice playable nick
Cor blimey guvnor. Might have to dig it out and give it another listen.
He'll never shake it. Sucks... That was a goal at the end. Liverpool gets the shaft!
Him diving after the first goal in front of the bench was hilarious.
DocMcCoy"Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
DOR said:
pcmr said:
and suarez keeps the love hate going
He'll never shake it. Sucks... That was a goal at the end. Liverpool gets the shaft!
Him diving after the first goal in front of the bench was hilarious.
It was a joy to see him getting so comprehensively under the skin of the bitters.
Although the result was a fair one over the 90 minutes, I wonder how much longer the quality of refereeing in the Premiership can continue in its current lamentable state. Does every pundit or commentator or player or manager who talks about Luis Suarez's "reputation" going before him realise that, with those words, they're effectively sanctioning biased refereeing? They're saying it's OK for a referee not to make a decision based on what he sees, simply because Suarez (or any other player, for that matter) dived or made a meal of a tackle last week or last month or whenever. That's not to mention the build-up to any big game you care to mention where invariably one of the main points of discussion is the effect that [insert name of showboating, wildly inconsistent ref here] is likely to have on the game. Barely a week goes by without the integrity of one or more referees being called into question. Justifiably, too.
The thing that bothers me is the game seems like it's turning into every bump, everyone's calling for a card.
While there have been case where Suarez does do some bad flops, I don't blame him. It seems like many are guilty because the game has turned into cards being dropped left and right. But like one of the presenters commented during the game, very few teams would pass on Suarez if they had the chance to scoop him up.
I thought the reffing was alright for this game. Except for the disallowed goal at the end. I honestly can't believe they called that offside.
We always end up totally caned at these meets.
But always look back on them with fondness.
Bunged a score on both.
Did we mention ??30 would clinch the Tubby? I can't remember the details at the mo.
I'll be mighty pissed off if the LJ4 doesn't reach 25.
The cover on that (city gent silhouette) was my signature pic for a mag I used to write for.
Thx jim and Dutty for playing along.
Anyways, it has plenty watchers. It will start climbing tonorrow.
Sure, I got a bunch of rekkids. I just don't like to talk about them in front of people with vastly superior collections.
My policy was to cop if playing along would impove my bass playing, so no "Penny Black" Northern Ungoogleable pieces in there. Lots of Marcus Miller, Nathan East, Chic and dem. It's not all chud doe, some would deffo get the nod from Richard Searling/Robbie Vincent and dem.
And then there's the Zappa.
See, now I will add to the package some of your faves like Clive Stevens and khan jamal if you truly want the LJ4 and tubby.
If I get decent cash I'll ramp them up in quality.
Biggest surprise is a reish from 89 with 50+ watchers.
A certain strutter who got the spare in a care package should flip it stat.
I did actually bid on a few, but with my budget spread across a few items, all I ended up doing was bumping up a couple of the auctions.
Total 1100 quid on 32 records.
Flairs went to Texas for 156
Bobby finch to Essex for 123
Sandra wright reish 54. Duder holler.
Disappointed in a couple, but overall a good experience. Pm any wants if you like, not a lot of moddun 45s left but plenty big bits in eurofunk, us funk, jazz LPs etc.
Failed at the first hurdle of "Serious" record collecting.
Hangover just about gone.
Yes, it was that bad.
??54 on a re-ish you gave me Skel? Dang. Also, hangover cured on Saturday: went to my first Mui Thai Kickboxing class, and had it beaten out of me.
The things we do for love.
I'm dubious.
The ones in Market Square here are like the Star Wars cantina.
Obnoxiously drunk out-of-town stag-do scrums, morbidly-obese ex-prostitutes in Santa costumes (all year round) b/w belligerent testosterone/charlied-up local bullies looking for said stag-do friction & a big scoop of haggard lifelong alcoholics with a spectrum of stale odours, flocking to a beer-trough with all the atmosphere of an massively over-lit, filthy slaughterhouse/Clownburger joint, seduced solely by the #1 position the venue occupies on the alcohol-per-buck chart.
"90 Jaegerbombs, mate!"
Grave. 70%+ chance of random chinning from any punter.
The 4 doormen should give it away.
Whatchugot dahn sahhhf doe? Maybe ??4.50 a pint is an effective deterrent?
The local one is notorious for banker suicides from the 5th floor roof terrace. Three this year so far.
Yes Duder, that reish is now a money item. Think the vg+ had a thread on it a while back.
Odd, because I recall the Demon label as home to satanic metal and hardcore punk.
But there's no fucking with 'Midnight Affair'.
I know it's not in your lane, so feel free to bay it, or consign it back for my next soul cluster.;
And this is not friendly fire like some Einstein shit.
So no ice grill.
Tom Watson PMQs 24/10/2012: Powerful paedophile network connected to Number 10
Cameron's face :::FACEMELT:::
It should've been obvious long ago:
Where the fuck is David Ike? Your time is NOW!
RE: Steptoe Snr:
"In 1962 he was arrested in a toilet in Shepherd's Bush for persistently importuning and given a conditional discharge.[8][9] Earlier in his life he had been married, from 1948 to 1955, to Mary "Molly" Josephine but the relationship ended after she gave birth to the child of their lodger in 1953.[7] In 2012 he was accused of abusing in the 1970s two boys aged 12-13 backstage in the Jersey Opera House. One of the boys was from the Haut de la Garenne children's home.[10]"
So that children's home in Jersey (land of 5 trillion in untaxed moolah) has connections to Kenneth Clark, Jimmy Saville, Steptoe Snr. No wonder the media buried that story quicker than you can say the teeth of 65 children of varying ages.
granted, he looks like a nonce in my avi
Cor blimey guvnor. Might have to dig it out and give it another listen.
the referee really screwed the pooch the blues deserved a draw
He'll never shake it. Sucks... That was a goal at the end. Liverpool gets the shaft!
Him diving after the first goal in front of the bench was hilarious.
It was a joy to see him getting so comprehensively under the skin of the bitters.
Although the result was a fair one over the 90 minutes, I wonder how much longer the quality of refereeing in the Premiership can continue in its current lamentable state. Does every pundit or commentator or player or manager who talks about Luis Suarez's "reputation" going before him realise that, with those words, they're effectively sanctioning biased refereeing? They're saying it's OK for a referee not to make a decision based on what he sees, simply because Suarez (or any other player, for that matter) dived or made a meal of a tackle last week or last month or whenever. That's not to mention the build-up to any big game you care to mention where invariably one of the main points of discussion is the effect that [insert name of showboating, wildly inconsistent ref here] is likely to have on the game. Barely a week goes by without the integrity of one or more referees being called into question. Justifiably, too.
While there have been case where Suarez does do some bad flops, I don't blame him. It seems like many are guilty because the game has turned into cards being dropped left and right. But like one of the presenters commented during the game, very few teams would pass on Suarez if they had the chance to scoop him up.
I thought the reffing was alright for this game. Except for the disallowed goal at the end. I honestly can't believe they called that offside.