
  • those emails only make him seem more sympathetic... the heart wants what it wants

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Clearly dude lost it.

    He thought he was in love and he thought his love was more important than his family or his job.

    I am betting Ms BA was playing him and will soon be doing the talk show circuit, Playboy photo shoot and the big prize, her own reality show.

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    Now that his emails are out...

    F*ck his apology. F*ck THAT BULLSHIT.

    This has been going on for months. He's only sorry because he got caught; he would be heading back down to Argentina in another few weeks if this hadn't happened.

    F*ck him.

    F*ck him for what, cheating on his wife? Who f*cking cares?

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    those emails only make him seem more sympathetic... the heart wants what it wants

    you can have the apology to his family.
    the emails, and the sentiment therein.

    you can't have both, if you are trying to be the gov of SC. he's only sorry because he got caught not hiking on the appalachian trail.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    I was pretty impressed by Sandford's presser. His apology sure sounded forthright and sincere. i actually have more respect for him now...

    You have got to be joking.

    Subjecting the public to this rambling trash is the ultimate vanity.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    you can't have both, if you are trying to be the gov of SC.

    Do you think the religious conservatives will crucify him like they did Palin when they found out her daughter was pregnant out of wedlock?

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    This thread is more fun than Hall & Oates thread.

    I have not had this much fun laughing at the personal life of a politician since Lewinsky blew Clinton.

  • you can have the apology to his family or the emails, and the sentiment can't have both, if you are trying to be the gov of SC. he's only sorry because he got caught not hiking on the appalachian trail....Subjecting the public to this rambling trash is the ultimate vanity.

    firstly, i think its parochial to say it's only one or the other. it is not inconsistent for an individual to sincerely fall for someone else and at the same time not want his family to be hurt by it. the man has obviously been carrying enormous guilt over his infidelity.

    we all F*ck up from time to time: he got caught and instead of making up excuses he faced the music head on

    finally, i highly doubt that he was really enjoying his "moment in the sun" when he had to apologize to his children and wife for betraying and humiliating them along with his supporters and staffers.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    I was pretty impressed by Sandford's presser. His apology sure sounded forthright and sincere. i actually have more respect for him now...

    You have got to be joking.

    Subjecting the public to this rambling trash is the ultimate vanity.

    yeah, i am sure he was really enjoying his moment in the sun when he had to apologize to his children and wife for betraying and humiliating them along with his supporters and staffers.

    we all F*ck up from time to time: he got caught and instead of making up excuses he faced the music head on

    No, he engaged in onanistic rambling. It was disgusting, albeit entertaining.

    And "instead of making up excuses"--did you actually watch the clip?

  • No, he engaged in onanistic rambling. It was disgusting, albeit entertaining.

    And "instead of making up excuses"--did you actually watch the clip?

    what he had to do at that press conference must have been excruciating and i think it possible he felt the need to work up to it or maybe he wanted to be able to put the matter in some context, without deflecting blame. this was what educators call a "teaching moment".

    the only excuse in that clip i saw was the segue from the "stressful" stimulus package debate to his affair. other than that, he admitted that his marriage was breaking down for some time and even though his affair started off seemingly innocently that something much more serious was at play and that he was essentially in denial about it.

    this is a man who has done some serious soul searching, he has come clean and now he is facing the consequences both personally and professionally.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    No, he engaged in onanistic rambling. It was disgusting, albeit entertaining.

    And "instead of making up excuses"--did you actually watch the clip?

    the only excuse in that clip i saw was the segue from the "stressful" stimulus package debate to his affair. other than that, he admitted that his marriage was breaking down for some time and even though his affair started off seemingly innocently that something much more serious was at play and that he was essentially in denial about it.

    this is a man who has done some serious soul searching, he has come clean and now he is facing the consequences both personally and professionally.

    LOL, dude--this is a man who has watched a sufficient amount of daytime talkshows and browsed a sufficient number of self-help books to have picked up on some of the cheapest rhetoric of supposed soul-searching.

    I always wondered why politicians engaged in embarassing charades like this when caught with their pants down. This is my first encounter with a member of the populace who is actually taken in by it.

  • you're waaay too cynical... what makes you so damn sure he was just miming the daytime tv rhetoric of apology? this may come as a surprise to you but politicians are actually human beings who make mistakes some of which they may or not regret.

    frankly, i am a little bored of these caricatures: that all politicians are snake oil salesmen who don;t have souls, all lawyers do is cheat people (apologies to maury levy), etc....

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    you're waaay too cynical... what makes you so damn sure he was just miming the daytime tv rhetoric of apology? this may come as a surprise to you but politicians are actually human beings who make mistakes some of which they may or not regret.

    The very act of rambling at the press conference renders him ipso facto insincere.

    Here's what you say in his situation:

    "I have been derelict in my duties as governor. I abandoned my post, leaving the country without notifying my second. I am now resigning. By the way, I also had an affair. Since my infidelity is a private matter, I ask that you respect my privacy and that of my family."

    Anything more is some combination of vanity and political positioning. This display was particularly grotesque and self-indulgent. It demonstrates a lack of respect for his office, for the intelligence of the voters and for his own family.

    frankly, i am a little bored of these caricatures: that all politicians are snake oil salesmen who don;t have souls, all lawyers do is cheat people, etc....

    This huff is not responsive to anything I've said in this thread. I have tremendous respect for public servants, including many politicians. I have very little respect for people who engage in reality show politics.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    F*ck him for what, cheating on his wife? Who f*cking cares?

    I think people are angry because he took an oath to run a state and he disappeared for a week and wasn't reachable to do the things a governor is supposed to do.

    People are touchy about that stuff.

  • underlying your whole position is the assumption that an apology that isn;t made within a few seconds isn't sincere or meaniginful. just because he didn;t apologize in the precise manner that you deem he should have, that is supposed to proves that it was insincere by that fact itself? as i mentioned, sometimes people feel the need to work up to these things and provide some context. he may have been trying to be sensitive to his family.

    secondly, you seemed to be implying that politicians, especially those "who get caught with their pants down" are all the same in that they continue to engage in "charades". the assumption here of course is that politicians have an essential nature, which is to decieve and self-promote.

    finally, why shouldn't he fight for his career and his family. is he supposed to just roll over and die?

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    It's not worth debating this. If Fishongerfunk thinks Sanford was being sincere and everyone else thinks dude is a sack of shit, there it is.

    What Saletan had to say on Slate wasn't actually that bad. His point was that Sanford was a lot more honest about what happened than other politicians - and to that extent, I think he may have a point.

    The more egregious Slate writer on this matter is John Dickerson who apparently thinks all the twitterers who are bashing on Sanford are big meanies!

  • let me be clear- i am not apologizing for him by any means.

    all i said is that i was impressed by the apparent sincerity and honesty of his statement but reasonable men can differ...

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    F*ck him for what, cheating on his wife? Who f*cking cares?

    I think people are angry because he took an oath to run a state and he disappeared for a week and wasn't reachable to do the things a governor is supposed to do.

    People are touchy about that stuff.

    If that was truly the case then we would all be talking about how he disappeared for a week.

    That's entirely secondary if you follow the line of asshurtness in the media, etc.

    I'm all for calling people out on poor performance. Where the guy sticks his dick is irrelevant.

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    underlying your whole position is the assumption that an apology that isn;t made within a few seconds isn't sincere or meaniginful. just because he didn;t apologize in the precise manner that you deem he should have, that is supposed to proves that it was insincere by that fact itself?

    you do realize that he had no intention of making a public apology....until he was caught by a reporter in the airport a day earlier. however, his wife has known about the affair for 5 months.

    the "public" apology served no purpose other than his own self-interest. do you think his wife and kids wanted this to become a public topic? if sanford had previously offered a sincere and private apology to his kids, what do you think is their opinion about his continued selfishness?

    what kind of asshole puts his kids in this position? this was an affair that did not have to become public news...but for sanford's recklessness in taking off to argentina for 4 days.

    as for his apology...are you f*cking kidding me? that was the worst and most excruciating speech i've had the misfortune of listening to? as said before, he started off as if he was going to man-up, but then spent the next 5 minutes rambling about everything BUT his infidelity. did you form your opinion before or after reading an article where someone praised his piece of shit speech?

  • F*ck him for what, cheating on his wife? Who f*cking cares?

    I think people are angry because he took an oath to run a state and he disappeared for a week and wasn't reachable to do the things a governor is supposed to do.

    People are touchy about that stuff.

    If that was truly the case then we would all be talking about how he disappeared for a week.

    That's entirely secondary if you follow the line of asshurtness in the media, etc.

    I'm all for calling people out on poor performance. Where the guy sticks his dick is irrelevant.

    If you actually go back and read[/b] the thread, that point has been made several times.

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts

    The more egregious Slate writer on this matter is John Dickerson who apparently thinks all the twitterers who are bashing on Sanford are big meanies!

    That article was the hottest of hot garbage.... just terrible.

    I don't necessarily agree with Saletan, but I do think he had some good points. Besides, after he absolutely owned the George Tiller story, I'll read anything with his name on it.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

    "I have been derelict in my duties as governor. I abandoned my post, leaving the country without notifying my second. I am now resigning. By the way, I also had an affair. Since my infidelity is a private matter, I ask that you respect my privacy and that of my family."

    When I become Governor and get caught coked up in a tub full of ladyboys, I hope you will write my speech. But I guess I should become a Republican first? So pass.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    underlying your whole position is the assumption that an apology that isn;t made within a few seconds isn't sincere or meaniginful. just because he didn;t apologize in the precise manner that you deem he should have, that is supposed to proves that it was insincere by that fact itself?

    you do realize that he had no intention of making a public apology....until he was caught by a reporter in the airport a day earlier. however, his wife has known about the affair for 5 months.

    the "public" apology served no purpose other than his own self-interest. do you think his wife and kids wanted this to become a public topic? if sanford had previously offered a sincere and private apology to his kids, what do you think is their opinion about his continued selfishness?

    what kind of asshole puts his kids in this position? this was an affair that did not have to become public news...but for sanford's recklessness in taking off to argentina for 4 days.

    as for his apology...are you f*cking kidding me? that was the worst and most excruciating speech i've had the misfortune of listening to? as said before, he started off as if he was going to man-up, but then spent the next 5 minutes rambling about everything BUT his infidelity. did you form your opinion before or after reading an article where someone praised his piece of shit speech?

    This is the heart of it:
    the "public" apology served no purpose other than his own self-interest.[/b]

    I could give a shit if this guy had cheated on his wife all along, that is THEIR business. That he creates a crisis for no good reason by disappearing and then subjects everyone in the country to this vain posturing in the hopes of salvaging his political career just seems stupid. His sincerity is of no interest to me because I have no vested interest in his success or failure. If I lived in SC I would be pissed that the Governor was such an imbecile, and I would most likely hope that he stepped down and let more competent people attend to the duties he has shirked.

  • [
    F*ck him.

    F*ck him for what, cheating on his wife? Who f*cking cares?

    You really think him cheating on his wife is the ONLY reason someone could and should say "F*ck Mark Sanford"?

  • This is a guy who continually does all he can to make people dislike this state (more than they already do) and not want to come here at all (move here/vacation here).

    This f*cking idiot prefers to offer his "prayers" instead of stimulus money to those in desperate need. He is a f*cking scumbag (please don't think that this Argentina mistress scandal is the only thing shady about this guy). F*ck him and F*ck everyone in this state that voted for his ass.

  • you do realize that he had no intention of making a public apology....until he was caught by a reporter in the airport a day earlier. however, his wife has known about the affair for 5 months.

    the "public" apology served no purpose other than his own self-interest. do you think his wife and kids wanted this to become a public topic? if sanford had previously offered a sincere and private apology to his kids, what do you think is their opinion about his continued selfishness?

    what kind of asshole puts his kids in this position? this was an affair that did not have to become public news...but for sanford's recklessness in taking off to argentina for 4 days.

    as for his apology...are you f*cking kidding me? that was the worst and most excruciating speech i've had the misfortune of listening to? as said before, he started off as if he was going to man-up, but then spent the next 5 minutes rambling about everything BUT his infidelity. did you form your opinion before or after reading an article where someone praised his piece of shit speech?

    i just read those two slate articles when o-dub posted them, but i agree with the general points made by both.

    you can be sure that no one in his inner circle, least of all his family, wanted this to become a topic for public discussion but sanford is a man in the public eye and part of the deal with that is that you lose a measure of privacy and so does your family.

    clearly, he was reckless and thinking with his dick when he had some serious responsibilities to attend to. i am not defending that or apologizing for it, but the fact that he only apologized after being caught is irrelevant: many people don;t examine their own actions or appreciate the magnitude of their mistakes until they are caught. sometimes people engineer situations so that they will be caught.

    as i mentioned before, an apology doesn't have to be given in a few seconds in order to be sincere or truthful. sometimes it takes it takes a few minutes to work up to the confession and perhaps he felt the need to give a wider context.

    excruciating as it was to listen to (and for him to give i imagine)my perception is that this was an individual who was truly conflicted, regretful and sincere in his statement.

    as for self=preservation, why should;t he fight for his career and his family? anyone here would do the same. that doesn't mean the apology was phony.

    as o-dub said, i am not sure this is a debate that either of us is going to win.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    underlying your whole position is the assumption that an apology that isn;t made within a few seconds isn't sincere or meaniginful. just because he didn;t apologize in the precise manner that you deem he should have, that is supposed to proves that it was insincere by that fact itself? as i mentioned, sometimes people feel the need to work up to these things and provide some context. he may have been trying to be sensitive to his family.

    secondly, you seemed to be implying that politicians, especially those "who get caught with their pants down" are all the same in that they continue to engage in "charades". the assumption here of course is that politicians have an essential nature, which is to decieve and self-promote.

    finally, why shouldn't he fight for his career and his family. is he supposed to just roll over and die?

    Dude, I have no expectations whatsoever regarding the form of his apology--I don't want to be subjected to it at all.

    The extended and public nature of the "apology" is what renders it phony (and I think referring to his ramble as an apology is a stretch).

    His affair is not the public's business, and he has no reason to apologize to the public for it.

    It serves only to draw attention away from the actual issue, which is that he walked away from his job.

    You can't do that and expect to return when you work at Burger King, and you definitely can't do it when you have been vested with the public trust.

    Again, I truly can't believe that a member of the voting public is actually taken in by this. It's frightening.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    you do realize that he had no intention of making a public apology....until he was caught by a reporter in the airport a day earlier. however, his wife has known about the affair for 5 months.

    the "public" apology served no purpose other than his own self-interest. do you think his wife and kids wanted this to become a public topic? if sanford had previously offered a sincere and private apology to his kids, what do you think is their opinion about his continued selfishness?

    what kind of asshole puts his kids in this position? this was an affair that did not have to become public news...but for sanford's recklessness in taking off to argentina for 4 days.

    as for his apology...are you f*cking kidding me? that was the worst and most excruciating speech i've had the misfortune of listening to? as said before, he started off as if he was going to man-up, but then spent the next 5 minutes rambling about everything BUT his infidelity. did you form your opinion before or after reading an article where someone praised his piece of shit speech?

    i just read those two slate articles when o-dub posted them, but i agree with the general points made by both.

    you can be sure that no one in his inner circle, least of all his family, wanted this to become a topic for public discussion but sanford is a man in the public eye and part of the deal with that is that you lose a measure of privacy and so does your family.

    clearly, he was reckless and thinking with his dick when he had some serious responsibilities to attend to. i am not defending that or apologizing for it, but the fact that he only apologized after being caught is irrelevant: many people don;t examine their own actions or appreciate the magnitude of their mistakes until they are caught. sometimes people engineer situations so that they will be caught.

    as i mentioned before, an apology doesn't have to be given in a few seconds in order to be sincere or truthful. sometimes it takes it takes a few minutes to work up to the confession and perhaps he felt the need to give a wider context.

    excruciating as it was to listen to (and for him to give i imagine)my perception is that this was an individual who was truly conflicted, regretful and sincere in his statement.

    as for self=preservation, why should;t he fight for his career and his family? anyone here would do the same. that doesn't mean the apology was phony.

    as o-dub said, i am not sure this is a debate that either of us is going to win.

    Struggling to reconcile his personal failings and salvage his family relationships and his marriage: highly admirable

    Trying to do that while trying to minimize your liabilities and maintain political authority after creating a scandal AND abandoning your post/lying to both your own staff and your constituents (for no good reason): laughable and vain

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    as for self=preservation, why should;t he fight for his career and his family? anyone here would do the same. that doesn't mean the apology was phony.

    He should not "fight for his career" because he already effectively quit his job--he walked off.

    And he is not fighting "for his family"--he's only deepening their humiliation.

  • trying to minimize your liabilities and maintain political authority after creating a scandal AND abandoning your post/lying to both your own staff and your constituents (for no good reason): laughable and vain

    but that is the crux of the matter: he din;t minimize the relationship or the deception of his family and staff whereas there were ways he could have finessed that speech to make himself seem a lot better.
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