Soulstrut Fit Club .............

DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
edited August 2005 in Off Topic (NRR)
I know we were on the subject of eating right etc. a few weeks back. Two summers ago I weighed 300lbs., last summer I was at 219lbs. and this summer I'm at 239lbs. Time to start losing again! I would like to be under 200lbs. even if it's 199lbs. just so I'm not 200lbs. I was eating good and exercising and I remember on my b-day last year I wanted a slice of cake. My girl brought me a whole cake! So of course over the course of two weeks ended up eating the whole thing, then slowly but surely eating bad again altogether and realize it's been another year passed and I can feel the 20lbs. I packed on! So I figure with the help of the soulstrut fam we can do a soulstrut "Fit Club" and that way I can lose with the help and support of y'all and maybe some of y'all have to lose a few too? Maybe the winner gets a RAER???????? Lol.


  • kennykenny 1,024 Posts

    the thing is everytime after i do exercise i just get so hungry again and ended up eating more

  • johmbolayajohmbolaya 4,472 Posts
    You and I have never met, and I've never shied away from me being a big guy. I don't talk about how much I weigh, but I'm heavy. I've been working out a bit, and primarily doing a lot of walking, two to three miles a day. While that might not seem like a lot for those who are more fit, for me it's a day-to-day struggle, but I like it and I want to do more. I'm on a momentum that I haven't been in years, and I'm very serious in wanting to lose some serious weight.

    I don't want it to be a competition though, but anything to motivate me, each other, whatever, I'm all for it.

    Free Endless Pools for everybody!

  • marumaru 1,450 Posts
    i hear you holmes. i used to be close to 270 in college. i started playing basketball like 3-4 times a week and was below 230 about a year ago. now i'm about 240 and my clothese are a little tight. i'd definitely like to be around 210-220. i even stopped eating meat and poultry back in january but i haven't noticed a huge difference in my weight. i think my main problem is controlling portions, and staying away from cheeses. let's do this.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    How do people get so fat?

    I just don't understand it really.

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    How do people get so fat?

    I just don't understand it really.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    How do people get so fat?

    I just don't understand it really.

    Some people can't help it dude. It's easy if you don't have a body that is predestined towards obesity to be smug, but not necessarily a good look.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    How do people get so fat?

    I just don't understand it really.

    Some people can't help it dude. It's easy if you don't have a body that is predestined towards obesity to be smug, but not necessarily a good look.

    I guess.. i'm not trying to be mean, but it's seriously always confused me.

    Although I'll say one thing: when I went to the states, i couldn't believe the size of the portions they serve when you order at restaurants was gigantic.

  • i just dipped below 80 kilos (which according to google is 176.36981 pounds) for the first time in 18 months or so. Im only like 5'10 and eat right, excercise a little, but its pretty hard for me in a family of people who constantly eat shit food and are rake thin.

    i don't really care how i look that much, i just want my pants to fit me.

  • Yeah, I need to do some push ups and sit ups, like daily. I used to, got lazy.

    Just do it. (no nike)

    If nothing else, make it an excuse to buy some fly athletic gear.

  • dCastillodCastillo 1,963 Posts
    this is all you need:
    you must become disgusted with sweetened and greasy food.

    and then you need to break as if your life depended on it.

    I did 185 - 155 since January. I seriously think it's all that pop I was drinking beforehand. Seems I can still fly off the handle and have some pan pizza and grease it up a bit, but as long as there's no pop and minimal corn syrup shit, I do just fine.

    fitness is 80% diet, 20% physical. control portions, drink water, and make yourself sweat 2-3x a week.

    80lbs in a damn year is really good though dude. just keep your eyes on that prize, and don't celebrate too soon, eye of the tiger, yadda yadda.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I know we were on the subject of eating right etc. a few weeks back. Two summers ago I weighed 300lbs., last summer I was at 219lbs. and this summer I'm at 239lbs. Time to start losing again! I would like to be under 200lbs. even if it's 199lbs. just so I'm not 200lbs. I was eating good and exercising and I remember on my b-day last year I wanted a slice of cake. My girl brought me a whole cake! So of course over the course of two weeks ended up eating the whole thing, then slowly but surely eating bad again altogether and realize it's been another year passed and I can feel the 20lbs. I packed on! So I figure with the help of the soulstrut fam we can do a soulstrut "Fit Club" and that way I can lose with the help and support of y'all and maybe some of y'all have to lose a few too? Maybe the winner gets a RAER???????? Lol.

    Don't drink soda's.

    Eat greens with every meal (if you can).[/b]

    I don't know what your workout plan is (if you even have one), but you've got to eat proteins within a half hour aften you've finished training. If not your muscles turn to mush.

    Dstillo is right. Get that sugar out of your mouth.[/b] Fruit & water are far more better than soda's. Really. Just try and avoid a soda for 2 weeks and then taste one. ... It'll taste like shit.

    Natural sugars are all good tho. Eat fresh pineapple/or something similar when you feel the urge.

    80 lbs. is quite an achievement, tho DeeRock... what made you lose that much in the first place???

    No sweets? Less alcohol?

    You need to ask yourself what you can & can't live without.[/b]

    Holler on some more tips, [/b]

    it ain't really nothin to it.


  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    You could also become vegetarian like me? It can make a difference.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    You can also be a fatass vegetarian if you have bad genes. What's your point? If you're a vegetarian and you drink soda all day while sitting on your ass, you will still gain weight. There's more than just not eating meat.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    You could also become vegetarian like me? It can make a difference.

    Doesn't really look like he needs that much work.

    Just watch his balance of "intake/workout", and he should be fine.

    Just don't drink soda's, Dee.

    And eat 5-6 light meals a day instead of 2-3 heavy ones.

    A big tasty apple can make a difference in between meals

    Holler, and again just shout if you'd like more ways to keep it straight.


  • DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
    For me I started doing a cardiovascular workout 20 minutes a day and cut out starch from my diet. I don't drink soda anyway I hate it. I do drink ice tea and water, juice etc. That was all I did and I did it for a year straight and dropped a lot, but it's creeping back now. It's funny because I will run around all day without eating then on the way home from deejaying at 3:00AM I will be starving and hit up denny's and seriously throw down. Then go home and go right to sleep. Not good at all and is why the weight is creeping back. I don't excercise as much either. So here is the deal I'm at 239 right now. I guess we will keep the thread going until I lose 40lbs.? Yeah right, anyway for real though I'm going to make a good effort and see if I can't do it. Not to make an excuse but many members of my family are overweight, I have a fat gene. I look at cake and gain weight!

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    For me I started doing a cardiovascular workout 20 minutes a day and cut out starch from my diet. I don't drink soda anyway I hate it. I do drink ice tea and water, juice etc. That was all I did and I did it for a year straight and dropped a lot, but it's creeping back now. It's funny because I will run around all day without eating then on the way home from deejaying at 3:00AM I will be starving and hit up denny's and seriously throw down. Then go home and go right to sleep. Not good at all and is why the weight is creeping back. I don't excercise as much either. So here is the deal I'm at 239 right now. I guess we will keep the thread going until I lose 40lbs.? Yeah right, anyway for real though I'm going to make a good effort and see if I can't do it. Not to make an excuse but many members of my family are overweight, I have a fat gene. I look at cake and gain weight!

    Word on the late night snacks, them shits is murder!

    For real tho, just try and sleeps on an empty stomach on those late nights. Addin' up that shit'll be like 10-15 lbs.

    Once again, i can't stress enough, if you eat light like 5-6 times a day, you won't have that need for burgers(waffles, kebabs, bahn mi's, slices, etc.) man.

    As long as you're eating (considerably) right, you can pull it off.

  • I'm game - was bout to start a new regimen this week.

    I used to weigh 280+ about 3yrs ago. 300 was right around the corner.
    I was at a point where I was miserable, bein' fat was starting to fuck with my life & not to mention it was cock blockin' a brotha, lol.

    I took desperate measures & went the hardcore low-carb route / Ketogenic diet.
    That along with dedciated excercise (hittin the gym 4-5 times a week HARD) got me down to 205 & strength to boot.
    I managed to totally change my body composition & metabolism to an extent..
    Later on I throw in supplements, stupid protein shakes & water & within a couple months everyone around me was stunned.
    I won't lie, I took ephedirne too.
    I didn't get skinny, but I lost & gained where it counted.
    My diet defintely wasnt for the meek. It literally fucked with my head, but shit worked.
    And I am a beans & rice eatin ass dude.

    Well it's a couple yrs later & shit is creepin right back on me.
    Being back from vacation is waking me up again, feeling the lard form again & mother f*ckin love handles.

    I'm like you, prolly round 230+ or so.
    I'm a 38/36 waist, but I wanna be a 34 or lower again.
    Shit man, I used to be a 44 & that was tight!

    Bottom line, ** Diet, sleep & Excercise **
    And whatever diet you choose, do split them meals up, the worse shit is eating 1 or 2 big meals, especially late at nite!
    Even if it's healthy meals - it will still make you fat - your body will be storing that shit, knowing it aint about to have nother meal for a long time.
    Eat 6-8 times a day or more. DO NOT SKIP YOUR MAIN MEALS.
    Seriously, I found the hardest part about my orginal weight loss was keeping enough food around me at all times.
    But with discipline it becomes 2nd nature.
    You gotta constantly be eatin.

    And yo, I was in same lifestyle, always out late, partying, fuckin, eatin burritos, binge drinking, all to no end.
    Add a sedintary day job, not exactly fast metabolism & you gotta formula for poor health.
    My girl is asian & cooks pretty lite, but I still managed to stay fuckin fat, even when I cut out the rice.
    And for a latin dude, that shit aint easy (not eatin rice).

    Ok anyhow.
    Get a george foreman grill & go to town.
    Eat veggies, lean meats & crazy water.
    Kill soda, alcohol (as much as you can, or stick to vodka/club soda) and if possible cut out the juice too.
    Yes, juice! It is high in sugar!
    Moderate your fruits intake, same with ketchup, BBq sauce, etc...
    All that shit has crazy sugar & will impede your weight loss.
    When you meet your goal, slowly bring it back.
    Diet may be bland, but learn to love Tobasco, Chaka sauce, etc... to make shit taste a lil more tasty - but easy on the sodium too.

    Hit me up if you want my diet plans.
    We can be some diesel ass record neeyahs up in here.
    (ok, I'll settle for healthier!!)

    In all honesty, i aint tryin' to be a skinny dude.
    I'm more comfortable with some weight, it comes in handy when I need to mush some herb out the next row of records at the store or make my way to the front of the bar.
    hahah. playing.

    Naah but for reals, if you stick to some basic diet guidelines & exercise consistently the lard will fall right off.
    Cardio 3 times a week minimum, weight training & sleep will really speed it up.
    Lifestyle change! Lose it slow & steady, not 20 lbs in one week!
    It will stay off that way.

    I'm not saying my suggestions will work magic, but you kinda seem like me & would prolly benefit from a keto diet, more sleep & gym time.

    I fell the fuck off my damn self & haven't hit the weights in about 9+ months.
    Bout to hit it again & got my old work out partner, who just moved back in town too so I'm bout to make my goal get down to under 200 before X-mas & 3 plates on the benchpress by years end.

    And if you're like me & HATE cardio, do a 15-20 minutes treadmill on as max incline you can take. That shit is murder!
    And hit that SPIN class if your gym has it.
    I felt like a sucker in that shit 1st few times, the fine ass broads were in abundance & I couldn't keep up with the leader for more than 5 minutes, I was a sorry ass dude!
    But after a while you adjust & walk out that shit damn near 2 - 3lbs lighter from losing sweat & feeling saucy at end of the day!

    Big ups to all the pansones out there!

    Now, I gotta work off these 6 beers I drank this weekend dammit.

    PS: Throw on your Jazzercise records too!

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts
    How do people get so fat?

    I just don't understand it really.

    I can see where you're coming from, because as I've said before, I used to be a very skinny dude. Once you start to gain weight, though, you understand what a slippery slope it becomes. I'm guessing you probably have a very high metabolism. That's great. It's also genetic. I was blessed with a very high metabolism for much of my life, but eventually, as happens to many, it slowed down. Now it's a struggle for me to maintain my weight, let alone reduce it. Sure, I could be far more agressive about it and exercise like a fiend, or eat some hippy macrobiotic diet or something, but that's easier said than done.

    Right now I'm back on the low calorie soy protein shake diet. It worked for me pretty well a couple of years ago and I'm hoping it will do the same now. I drink two of the protein shakes a day and eat one healthy, high calorie meal. On top of that, I try to exercise for 45 minutes a day, three days a week. That's not much, but it should be enough to lose 1-2 pounds a week. I think the slow, but steady weight loss plans are the best. It's also important to implement your diet changes for life. If you go back to your old eating and drinking habits (as I have done), you'll only gain the weight back.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    I can see where you're coming from, because as I've said before, I used to be a very skinny dude. Once you start to gain weight, though, you understand what a slippery slope it becomes. I'm guessing you probably have a very high metabolism. That's great. It's also genetic.
    Yeah I hear a lot of people say it's genetic, and I guess it is. I do have a very fast metabolism, and always have. Can I ask - if you were skinny when you were younger, at what age did your metabolism start to slow down?

    I think it also makes a diffrrence for me that i walk everywhere. i don't have a car so i can't really ever get lazy. I do notice that ost people i know who have been like me have put on weight as they shift to the car-lifestyle (that's what I call it - where they basically drive EVERYWHERE)

    It's also important to implement your diet changes for life. If you go back to your old eating and drinking habits (as I have done), you'll only gain the weight back
    Yeah, i would say eating habbits are possibly the hardest habbit to change. We learn them so young.

  • I'm not sure how old you are kinetic but once you turn 30 things go down hill. I'd say get a head start on changing bad habits as early as possible. I used to be real skinny. Then I developed a gut. It snuck up on me. Never thought I'd gain weight.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    Well, I'm 28 and I'm not even close to having a gut. I have pretty good eating habbits generally, but i take your point - I just hope it doesn't sneak up on me!

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    How do people get so fat?

    I just don't understand it really.

    You see, its really because most of us are incredibly lazy and discusting people that just dont care. That, and were also quite stupid.

    Really, what kind of answer are you looking for here?

  • Big ups to all the pansones out there!

    like pansone said, watch those condiments. mad sugar and salt. sodium retains water in the body....not the best thing to exaggerate. and all that sugar might as well be fat. sodas gotta go, but juice is just as sugary! if you need that in the morning, try eating an orange instead.

    greens & orange (yams, melons, oranges, carrots,etc)
    whole grains
    =good foundation to any diet. then just eat other foods in moderation around that. you dont have to be a vegetarian or give up carbs or any of that. fill up with the foundation and add some meat, cheese, etc to the plate for taste.

    i'm far from fat, but i gotta stay working out. if i don't i turn into a human skeleton dude..chicken chest, weak belly, stick arms. fuck that. i do push ups, chin ups, curls, sit ups , bench press as much as posible during the week. i dont spend time in the gym, just around the house.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    How do people get so fat?

    I just don't understand it really.

    You see, its really because most of us are incredibly lazy and discusting people that just dont care. That, and were also quite stupid.

    Really, what kind of answer are you looking for here?

    It had crossed my mind that in America, there would be a good proportion of people who'd be afraid to give that answer, because it's true. Lots in Australia too.

  • I have been blessed with a good metabolism, but I have started changing my diet recently because eating shit food is just really bad for you. Just because you don???t gain weight eating a bad diet doesn???t mean you are not unhealthy. One thing that might help people trying to diet is to not keep a lot of food at home. My girlfriend and I only buy what we need for the day and don???t keep any extra junk food around the house. Also drink lots of green tea and eat lots of fiber, both are good for you and help you lose weight.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    How do people get so fat?

    I just don't understand it really.

    You see, its really because most of us are incredibly lazy and discusting people that just dont care. That, and were also quite stupid.

    Really, what kind of answer are you looking for here?

    It had crossed my mind that in America, there would be a good proportion of people who'd be afraid to give that answer, because it's true. Lots in Australia too.

    Yes, all fat people are lazy and stupid.

    Yet people who have never had to deal with either the issue of weight/size or some of the issues that can lead to weight gain like to feel smug and self-satifsfied that they are not "stupid and lazy". Many folks dealing with serious weight issues are often doing so because of medical issues(diabetes, kidney problems, the list goes on)and you would never know that just by looking at them. But to many people, their weight automatically brands them "lazy and stupid". Some people are just BIG, just like some people are more diminutive. For us BIG folks, weight is always an issue. But it's our issue, it really does not need skinny folks' opinion on our waist size unless you happen to be my doctor.

    Anyway, Dee, sorry this thread went from 'what can us big folks do to get into better shape' to 'why are fat people so lazy?', but you can count me in. I need some (positive)motivation on the daily to drop some weight. I am in the same position you were in last year, and the fact that you dropped so much is really impressive and inspires me a lot. I know a couple other friends of mine on this board who are of similar mindsets and really want to attack the excess. So onward and downward!

  • djannadjanna 1,543 Posts
    Good looking Dee!

    I am down with this club, I've lost 10 lbs in the last 2 months and I am using my wedding as a great motivator to slowly and safely drop some lbs in the next year.

    -Just added fish to my diet, less breads, more greens.
    -Green tea every morning.
    -45 minutes on the eliptical trainer 4x a week.
    -Yogilates once a week, hardcore shit y'all!
    -Dog walks twice a day.

    I'm going to be looking foine, ummmkay?

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts

    sorry this thread went from 'what can us big folks do to get into better shape' to 'why are fat people so lazy?'

    For what it's worth, I'm fit and strong and woefully lazy. Fat people have no particular ownership of laziness, so please don't pretend that you guys are better than me.

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts

    diet is like 90% of the battle.

    the biggest culprits if you ask me:



    cut out the milk / cheese and you are already moving the right direction. Eggs especially... 1 egg has the same amount of fat in it as eating 3 bagels. so a 3 egg omelete with cheese and bacon bits is a massive amount of fat / caloric intake.

    try to cut anything out that involves eggs.

    i still eat cheese but i stick with raw unpasturised and always organic. The flavor is much stronger so you use way less.

    don't eat anything processed.

    i've been a vegetarian since i was 17 years old.. so that's 13 years now and i credit that to the main reason im not over weight. i work on the computer all day so my excercise is limited.

    BUT that said im lucky to have a wife who's a fitness professional... pilates trainer. she runs 21km 3 times a week. does multiple pialtes sessions and weight trains...

    her comitment to healthiness is a major motivator.

    so lately i've been back into lifting free weights, situps, pushups, pilates walking every night after diner and now we're adding basketball 3 times a week.

    im at 170 right now and the definition is starting to creep in... six pack here i come baby!!!

    actually don't focus on things like abbs as they're superficial muscles.. you need to work you're inner core for true muscle developement.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    DeeRock, it seems like this post was written directly towards me. I've recently got the spirit and dedicated myself to a healthier lifestyle. Over the past 2 months I've started incorporating more healthy foods and walking 2-3 miles at least 4 times a week. For me, it's was an energy thing. I work 7 days straight, and I'm constantly on the go. With opportunities opening up for me with music in the future, I felt as though I couldn't continue to keep alot of weight on me. I lost almost 100 lbs myself a few years back and I definately remember going toe to toe with the energizer bunny. You definately feel as though your able to do more. But then I got complacent and fell off. Birdman and I had a good laugh recently about how rail thin some of these record dudes are. Being thin and healthy is one thing, but some of you record cats look like you caught something wrong or you're on a hunger strike. I'm definately down with a fit club check in. Say at the first of each month?
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