Horrible news of the day: RIP EDDIE BO

Extremely sad, but true. He passed away Wednesday night of a heart attack. His sister came in to tell my boss this morning. He was friends with my boss and I had the chance to meet him about a month ago. He was in bad financial shape, was talking about trying to sell some memorabilia to get some cash and I offered to help him sell some of his records, totally pro bono. He was SUCH a nice guy and was really happy that I was willing to help him. Now I feel bad that I never got to do so before he passed...To me, Eddie will always be
. For now, RIP to a lover & a friend:

well, you know what....dude is going to live forEVER.
unbelievable legacy.
that man is sunshine too...i saw him play at the rockn bowl and he was just all smiles. i asked if he had time to write something in my journal...he took it and disappeared. came back twenty minutes later and gave it back and it said something like "to a dear friend" or something totally not true and we had a laugh about it. i asked if he was going to play "lover and a friend" and he was like "well, i would need to go find the girl to do that one!" so cool.
hate to hear about hard financial straits for him...
that should have never happened.
RIP and thanks for everything. Eddie=good as it gets
Indeed. The man was a true giant, and I will forever be playing his music.
RIP to one of the greatest ever.
cannot cosine enough.
and oddly enough, THIS was the first Eddie Bo 45 I ever scored...
My condolences to his family and my heart goes out to you and everyone else who is saddened by the loss of such a great man. I found out about his passing by text message, which was bad enough, but I had the same feeling when I found out about James Brown on Christmas morning. It threw my whole day off. I feel even worse now that Eddie Bo passed because he obviously wasn't as well known and he basically died penniless, which is heartbreaking. I'm glad you at least got the chance to talk to him. That was a blessing...
We all know just how important he was.......seeing him play at the Jazz Cafe a few years ago was so memorable. Whilst the material wasn't the deepest of his work, the performance spoke volumes. Personality and passion from the first to the very last note.
A true pioneer that deserved/deserves absolute recognition from every aspect of the music industry. Let's hope his legacy is served as it should be.
'From this day on'.............