Post a pic of the best T-shirt you own



  • Oooooh. Nice.

  • MortiMorti 68 Posts

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    This is one of my many favorites:

    1 of 25 (?) Bloc28 x Disney shirt designed by Mear One. M*rs gave me this for my bday last year.

  • calkutacalkuta 160 Posts
    rocking this until the stitching pops. [the MLB kayboshed it's pressing after a run of 20 or so].

    those T.O. shirts were the shit my boy has one and i was with him when he got it at a show but he didnt show me til after, i was pissed cus i never saw who he got it from so could not cop one

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    virgin mary with Nike Cortezezes on (sorry jd)

    Gunnerz baby!!!

    b/w apparently i like to open my mouf a lot (pasue)

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    sorry that blue jays t is LAME. It screams "I camp out for sneakers".

    my fav was this david robinson t-shirt I had as a kid. Remember those big headed cartoon caricature sports star t-shirts in the late 80's/early 90's? I think it was Salem that made it.

    My current favs are experimental jetset t's.

  • MondeyanoMondeyano Reykjavik 863 Posts

    My favorite would be this Soil & PIMP Sessions shirt from their Japan tour from a few years back.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    This thread >>> most of the record threads we have.

    And AKallDay ...I don't know you but your coolness quotient is seriously above + beyond.

    I wish I had a bigger image of the old Giant Robot "Bruce Made Tapes" t-shirts. Can't believe I managed to lose mine

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    I think i gave my GR Bruce Lee t away, it was too big for me. I wear smalls now.

  • It ain't easy makin a T... if you've ever tried silk skreening ya know what I mean

    I usually burn my screen's in the direct sun -- if you even wait 5-10 seconds too long, you'll have to scrap it / recoat it / reburn it. Plus, if you use the professional ink (plastisol) at home, you're really really asking for trouble.

  • johmbolayajohmbolaya 4,472 Posts
    slightly inspired by johnboylayas quest for that Bell t shirt.

    Fresh, one of the few times I may have inspired another thread here.

    Anyway, here are some of mine. Some of these I could never fit in, while others I haven't worn in years.

    1. Bought the "Bloodsucking Freaks" 20 years ago, after playing 3 Feet High And Rising[/b] to death. I think I bought it from a dealer in See/Hear.
    2. Robert Palmer Addicted To Love Tour, 1986. I saw him at the Andrews Amphitheater in Manoa on Oahu when I had come back home.
    3. I wore this one with pride during 11th and 12th grade. Probably bought in 1986 at the swap meet.
    4. Bootleg Rhyme Syndicate, bought at the Aloha Flea Market in 1991.
    5. Wore this one in high school too, along with my knock-off Polo's. It says "Kuhio Bar & Grill: All You Can Eat", a reference to Kuhio Avenue once being the haven for hookers and strip clubs.
    6. 6th Annual Okie Noodling T,
    7. My "Check OTHER" T-shirt from Blacklava
    8. Adobo shirt, meant to parody the Adidas logo
    9. Tsukenjo's was one of my favorite lunch wagons growing up, and it was a favorite of my parents during their hanabata days.
    10. Blue Thumb Records, given to me as a gift last year.
    11. Style Wars, when the DVD was released
    12. Custom made Makaha Records logo T
    13. Growing up in Hawai'i, I always saw train tracks out in the country when you go to Nanakuli, Waianae, and Makaha, but the only trains I actually saw was the Pearlridge monorail and the Ala Moana Christmas train. Nothing but abandoned tracks from a time when train travel was the primary way to go from one part of the island to the other. When I went back in 1998, it would become one of the best moments of that vacation.
    14. Bootleg Bart Simpson shirt, with George H.W. Bush uniting in beating up Saddam Hussein. I bought this in NYC when I went to New Music Seminar 11 in July 1990, and also purchased the Bart Marley shirt (seen elsewhere in this thread), two different Bart Jordan (as in Michael) T's, and another with Bart between BBW buttcheeks with the slogan "Crack Kills".
    15. Promo Naughty By Nature T, with the Naughty logo in the front. I'll be putting this up on eBay within a week.

  • phongonephongone 1,652 Posts
    This thread >>> most of the record threads we have.

    And AKallDay ...I don't know you but your coolness quotient is seriously above + beyond.

    I wish I had a bigger image of the old Giant Robot "Bruce Made Tapes" t-shirts. Can't believe I managed to lose mine

    Fool, I stole yo schitt! Swaggerjacked!

    Jonboloya - your t's are fiyah! Here are some of my gems.

    Rockers "Politricks"


    Geoff McFetridge

    Surface 2 Air


  • phatmoneysackphatmoneysack Melbourne 1,124 Posts

  • johmbolayajohmbolaya 4,472 Posts

    That's a fairly recent shirt, isn't it, at least judging from the photos?

  • That's a fairly recent shirt, isn't it, at least judging from the photos?

    i think it was like 2002/3...pretty recent. definitely post-mmmbop! ex-gf-R

  • This thread's got me craving some new Tees.

    Anyone got any suggestions for online shopping?

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts

    Here's me DJing in my favourite t-shirt... can you make out who it is in each little circle? I start consistently great conversations with people based solely on their reactions to seeing this shirt.

  • JimsterJimster 6,990 Posts

  • Man, I'm taking pictures the minute i get home.

  • Here's me DJing in my favourite t-shirt... can you make out who it is in each little circle? I start consistently great conversations with people based solely on their reactions to seeing this shirt.

    Old Michael/new Michael?


    This is some "29% THC" D-O-P-E. I made Wifey a Beatnuts shirt in which to sleep using the promo sticker from the radio edit promo. Everyone knows ain't nothing 'radio friendly' about the original!

    Having seen AK's shirt all I want to do now is just stick this f++ker to the front of a white tee:

    I made my friend this shirt for his birthday:

    and I made this one for myself:

    Here is my Rotty, Bella, snagging some bacon in mid-air wearing a men's medium. She didn't wear it for long, so you can put your PETA-meter away.


  • DongerDonger 854 Posts

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts

    Here's me DJing in my favourite t-shirt... can you make out who it is in each little circle? I start consistently great conversations with people based solely on their reactions to seeing this shirt.

    Old Michael/new Michael?

    Black Michael/white Michael

  • DongerDonger 854 Posts

    And AKallDay ...I don't know you but your coolness quotient is seriously above + beyond.


    So here is a home made tee shirt, a still of jeanne moreau in the film jules et jim

    it used to be a flyer of a party i did as well called "love on the run", love her coolness

  • MIT Press:

    Don't wear this one much these days, and it makes my wife retch:



    Central Asian Detergent Steeze:


  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Well, if we're counting 3/4 sleeves, I copped this at a vintage shop:

    and I'm fond of this one these days:

    Full view:

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    I'm seriously lacking in t-shirt freshness at the moment, but it's winter so who cares.

    Can't go wrong with some classics.

    and this one is a bit old now, but it's by one of my favourite local artists so I'm going to put it up.

    and especially for the t-shirt arbiter

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Two out of those three aren't t-shirts. Might as well be posting pictures of pants.

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