You Really Think Obama is Going to Win?



  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    font class="small"1Quote:
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121A lot of people don't want to vote for the A-RABS...
    object width="425" height="344"1
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    font class="post"1
    b,121I could only stomach about a minute of this (existential pain over unabashed display of ignorance by my fellow countryfolk b/w squirmy reality-TV feeling I get when laughing at ignorant people... do I sound Liberal yet??)
    b,121but tell me, did dude on the left ever figure out that it would be much more efficient to hide his face by covering it with his hand rather than waving his hand in front of the camera?
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Did dude on the left ever figure out it woulda been more beneficial to just GET THE HELL OUT OF CAMERA RANGE IN THE FIRST PLACE?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    font class="small"1Quote:
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121A lot of people don't want to vote for the A-RABS...
    object width="425" height="344"1
    param name="movie" value=""1
    param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"1
    embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"1
    font class="post"1
    b,121I could only stomach about a minute of this (existential pain over unabashed display of ignorance by my fellow countryfolk b/w squirmy reality-TV feeling I get when laughing at ignorant people... do I sound Liberal yet??)
    b,121but tell me, did dude on the left ever figure out that it would be much more efficient to hide his face by covering it with his hand rather than waving his hand in front of the camera?
    font class="post"1b,121b,121You missed the Grand Finale.....b,121b,121Hillary Clinton For President: ALL THE WAY!!

  • shitzrshitzr 648 Posts
    font class="small"1Quote:
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121Y'all - y'all's - y'all?
    font class="post"1
    b,121I find it very hard to believe that you actually speak like this.
    font class="post"1b,121b,121that shit irks me too. i KNOW some of the cats on here (some of whom i've met in the real world) DON'T speak like that.b,121b,121harvey's official though.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    I did a hit-and-run earlier, because I had to go back to work, butb,121I just want to get something clear: my post was directed at Harveyb,121alone, not the entire south, and was not some sort of accusation ofb,121the south as ignorant for using the term "y'all" ... I have no issuesb,121with southern accents or slang, I was simply saying exactly what I typed:b,121that I have a hard time believing that Harvey/Ro*ert speaks like thatb,121himself, I was suggesting that his southern slang in the post was a posture.b,121Now, I am always willing to admit I'm wrong, and he and others have saidb,121so in this thread, so I most likely spoke in error. I just couldn't see him,b,121who has moved around and lived in a few different states, actually speakingb,121in such a heavy southern style. Anyone who took that post as "hatting onb,121the south" was mistaken. Thanks for playing. I gotta go pahk mah cah in b,121the hahvahd yahd, like right now.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    SOI, I knew what you were talking about.b,121b,121All of a sudden harvey typing "yall" in his posts like he grew up on the f*cking farm or something.

  • /font1
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121I did a hit-and-run earlier, because I had to go back to work, but
    b,121I just want to get something clear: my post was directed at Harvey
    b,121alone, not the entire south, and was not some sort of accusation of
    b,121the south as ignorant for using the term "y'all" ... I have no issues
    b,121with southern accents or slang, I was simply saying exactly what I typed:
    b,121that I have a hard time believing that Harvey/Ro*ert speaks like that
    b,121himself, I was suggesting that his southern slang in the post was a posture.
    b,121Now, I am always willing to admit I'm wrong, and he and others have said
    b,121so in this thread, so I most likely spoke in error. I just couldn't see him,
    b,121who has moved around and lived in a few different states, actually speaking
    b,121in such a heavy southern style. Anyone who took that post as "hatting on
    b,121the south" was mistaken. Thanks for playing. I gotta go pahk mah cah in
    b,121the hahvahd yahd, like right now.
    font class="post"1b,121b,121EVERYTHING Harvey does is posturing. I think it's the effort of keeping all those balls in the air that has driven him insane.

  • /font1
    font class="small"1Quote:
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121Y'all - y'all's - y'all?
    font class="post"1
    b,121I find it very hard to believe that you actually speak like this.
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Oh yeah, SoI. That's no doubt. Y'all and ain't all day long. b,121b,121Related to the topic at hand, I tend to feel like RAJ. I am trying to prepare myself for disappointment. I don't put it past Bush & co to figure out a way not to have the election even.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    font class="small"1Quote:
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121There needs to be mandatory IQ testing for people to vote or reproduce. I'm dead fuc
    king serious too. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1
    b,121I was thinking the same thing (I'm serious too). I know 14 year olds that should have the right to vote over people like this. How is it even possible to be this ignorant? It blows my mind.
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Eugenicist revealed.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121And I'm not talking about the Chicago soul band.
    font class="post"1b,121b,121 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/breakface.gif" alt="" /1

  • driving through berkeley recently and i would say 2/3rds of the houses had obama signs. i saw ZERO mccain signs (yeah big surprise, it's berkeley). the surprise is driving through central valley, ca i see about 3:2 mccain to obama ratio, for bush 2004 it was about 12:1 (or even higher!). merced county is the poorest county in california and also the strongest republican area in california. isn't that kind of weird ? There are tons of forclosures in this town, and i would imagine if those people would get themselves up to vote it would be slightly for obama. not like it matters though, california is going for obama anyway.b,121b,121each day the dow drops, is a vote away from mccain.b,121b,121i'm not sure if you can give only credit or blame for the president but it should be an indicator that republicans economic policies are shit...b,121b,121under 8 years of clinton the dow jones went from 2000 to about 10,000. under bush II, it's gone 10,000 to 10,000. balanced budget. under bush we have now a trillion dollar deficit. gigantic import/export deficit. 10 Billion a month in Iraq, etc etc. Why is this election even close ? I ALMOST wish the democrats would just capitulate and say they are against abortion, then they would win in the landslide they should be winning in now.b,121b,121img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/WHYMUSTICRY.gif" alt="" /1

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121Next time the Soul Strut Bed Wetters Club is getting together please call me so we can run down the facts for you.
    b,1211) The polls are swinging strongly to Obama, largely due to the economic news which the incumbent party always gets blamed for.
    b,1212) The Gallup poll is showing an incredible first debate bounce of +5-8%. This is remarkable given that no memorable tag lines were delivered in an hour plus of talking.
    b,1213) Barack is challenging is several states that have gone GOP in the last election. He's going to have to fall on his face to lose this won.
    b,1214) I predicted a blow out last spring. When are you going to learn that I am clairvoyant?
    img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/GetOnMyComp_gm.jpg" alt="" /1
    font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121b,121For real. Anyone dropping 100 Euros on this is dropping 100 Euros on this.b,121b,121Yard signs in your neighborhood for the person you're not voting for might mean trouble for your local lefty Water Reclamation Officer, but they mean nothing on a national scale.b,121b,121Some of the folks on this board purport to be so "educated," yet their exhibited fright suggests their current lack of education about the Electoral College, heavy polling results, conventional wisdom, and raging trends around them. Go to a href="" target="_blank" or a href="" target="_blank" and look at the numbers. If this keeps up, Obama will win handily.b,121b,121I'm telling you: anyone deep in a pit of consternation about Barack Obama winning this country's General Election should instead be reading up on their read-ups. It's easy to get myopic in troubled times like these, but seriously: the internet is your friend.

  • i think pennsylvania is a good example to mention to the worried residents of this thread.b,121b,121we got a highly conservative, reactionary, provincial state with some small urban pockets that are democratic (pittsburgh,reading,etc). but basically its a red state. but then you got philly, which holds it the fuk down for the democrats upward of 80%...and we got the population to put weight behind it. b,121b,121everyone is important, every vote counts, and i wish everyone could all agree and be happy. and in no way do we want to disparage those of different persuasions (political or otherwise). but urban centers are just gonna have to gotta lead on this one. get out the motherfuckin vote!!!!!

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    Luck: In all fairness, after 2000 and 2004, I think a healthy dose of cynicism and pessimism isn't unwarranted. b,121b,121I don't want to sound paranoid but I'm really concerned about possible voter fraud. That said, if the machines were really rigged, I don't get how 2006 would have happened.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121Luck: In all fairness, after 2000 and 2004, I think a healthy dose of cynicism and pessimism isn't unwarranted.
    b,121I don't want to sound paranoid but I'm really concerned about possible voter fraud. That said, if the machines were really rigged, I don't get how 2006 would have happened.
    font class="post"1b,121b,121I'm just looking at the big picture. Kerry was not enjoying leads like this at this time four years ago. Bush was up by - what? - 7 points before the first debate, which dropped to a 2-point lead soon thereafter. But Bush was still in the lead at this point. I view 2004 as a legitimate election victory for the man.b,121b,121But times are really different now, looking strictly at the numbers.

  • Luck isn't blowin' smoke up your butt, read the last couple of days of and you will see that McCain is in trouble in the key states of MI and PA... with all the other states that are starting to break Obama's way he will probably not even need OH. Just check out the polls for PA today:b,121b,121img src=""1b,121b,121Unless Obama flames out and Biden literally stabs Gov. Palin at the debate Thursday I am not sure he is going to recover from this. Stranger things have happened but I don't think this one is going to be close enough to steal. b,121b,121img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/green30sv.gif" alt="" /1

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    I read 538 as religiously as the next guy and hell, it's not like I'm hostile to quantitative data analysis...I just think some healthy skepticism is always good. And I actually appreciate how careful the 538 guys are - I mean, they're not DailyKos on some crazy partisan ego tripping - and they never get too cocky about saying, "OBAMA'S GOT THIS BATCHES!"b,121b,121But I just think the political game has gotten much more insidious in the last ten years and without trying to sound paranoid, I'm just bracing myself for some crazy, 11th hour shit. b,121b,121That said...a friend of mine told me back when Palin was announced: "you know, we're going to look back on this time in a few months and wonder why we were so worried and clearly see that the GOP were out of their f*cking minds." b,121b,121And that may very well be the case. But until November 5th rolls around, I'm not going to go there.

  • 538 was crazy today. Obama's polling even or better in NC!

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121Luck isn't blowin' smoke up your butt, read the last couple of days of and you will see that McCain is in trouble in the key states of MI and PA... with all the other states that are starting to break Obama's way he will probably not even need OH. Just check out the polls for PA today:
    b,121Unless Obama flames out and Biden literally stabs Gov. Palin at the debate Thursday I am not sure he is going to recover from this. Stranger things have happened but I don't think this one is going to be close enough to steal.
    img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/green30sv.gif" alt="" /1
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Those numbers are nice, but it's really the three-week trends (numbers and political happenings) that I'm looking at. Those are very encouraging, bordering on decisive. McCain's strong debate suit (foreign policy) is over - with a subsequent loss for him in the polls, and the economy is in the tank (with McCain calling for more de-regulation). In my mind, Obama needs an understated Biden showing (and only a minor gaffe from Palin), a continued, steady hand, and no October surprises for the numbers to play out. As Nate Silver pointed out in his appearance on NPR today, a 5+ point lead in a General Election is substantial enough that the Electoral College barely matters at that point. Obama's not there yet, but the numbers are substantially in his favor.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121I read 538 as religiously as the next guy and hell, it's not like I'm hostile to quantitative data analysis...I just think some healthy skepticism is always good. And I actually appreciate how careful the 538 guys are - I mean, they're not DailyKos on some crazy partisan ego tripping - and they never get too cocky about saying, "OBAMA'S GOT THIS BATCHES!"
    b,121But I just think the political game has gotten much more insidious in the last ten years and without trying to sound paranoid, I'm just bracing myself for some crazy, 11th hour shit.
    b,121That said...a friend of mine told me back when Palin was announced: "you know, we're going to look back on this time in a few months and wonder why we were so worried and clearly see that the GOP were out of their f*cking minds."
    b,121And that may very well be the case. But until November 5th rolls around, I'm not going to go there.
    font class="post"1b,121b,121I actually go to RCP for overall numbers, because their site seems to skew slightly right-center (or merely more cautious) overall. It also seems to be a bit handicapped against Obama vis a vis 538 (by at least -0.5), and I like my numbers cooked a bit against me - like a clock that's set ahead so you get up earlier.b,121b,121The 11th hour is the complete economic breakdown in this country that, not coincidently, has tempered the demeanor of John McCain's bullshit ads. The 10th hour was Sarah Palin, who will look really shaky come mid-October. The 3-ring circus is down to 1.5 rings, and the crowd is booing because the row of Elephants is out of sync.b,121b,121Barack Obama looked competant (at very worst) in the debate. That, or he looked at least as competant as John McCain. McCain's portrait of Obama as na??ve and inexperienced is just not an easy sell anymore, especially considering that McCain actually has one of those types on his own ticket. America knows what inexperience looks like when they see it, and the worse Palin looks, the shakier McCain's judgement seems, and the more statesmanly Obama gets. You notice how the meme has shifted from "inexperience" to "Barack Obama doesn't get it?" It's a slight but important switch that's half due to Palin and half to the fact that the man can obviously hold a stage with McCain.b,121b,121And I never read KOS. Too many big mouths, not enough facts. I would have loved this in high school (had I not been fiercely born-again at the time), but - flipping Dylan - I'm older than that now.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121I read 538 as religiously as the next guy and hell, it's not like I'm hostile to quantitative data analysis...I just think some healthy skepticism is always good. And I actually appreciate how careful the 538 guys are - I mean, they're not DailyKos on some crazy partisan ego tripping - and they never get too cocky about saying, "OBAMA'S GOT THIS BATCHES!"
    b,121But I just think the political game has gotten much more insidious in the last ten years and without trying to sound paranoid, I'm just bracing myself for some crazy, 11th hour shit.
    b,121That said...a friend of mine told me back when Palin was announced: "you know, we're going to look back on this time in a few months and wonder why we were so worried and clearly see that the GOP were out of their f*cking minds."
    b,121And that may very well be the case. But until November 5th rolls around, I'm not going to go there.
    font class="post"1b,121b,121They're very clearly out of their minds--which is why they worry me.b,121b,121I would not put it past the current administration to knowingly allow a terrorist attack to occur on the eve of the election.

  • /font1
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121And I never read KOS. Too many big mouths, not enough facts.
    font class="post"1b,121b,121I img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cos3ve.gif" alt="" /1 that!b,121b,121When I am researching something (like which neocons from the Bush admin are advising Gov. Palin) on "The Google" occasionally a KOS blog will pop up that has some decent links but rarely do I use the material on the site. And I take what I read on the internet with huge grains of salt.b,121b,121I consider sites like Huffington Post and TMP to be political gossip sites (and a wonderful guilty pleasure). has really seemed to lost a step in the last few years. Politico is good but they are damn slow sometimes updating, but then again they do more actual reporting. They are all fun to read but if you want background you got to dig deeper.b,121b,121One of the advantages of being a student again is gaining access to some very powerful tools like LexisNexis which mere mortals cannot afford otherwise. b,121b,121Most of what I use are business tools but you can pull some damn interesting stuff from these databases. I wish we had them when I was getting my History degree, the internet didn't really exist in a commercial sense at that time... sigh.

  • spivyspivy 866 Posts
    font class="small"1Quote:
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121I read 538 as religiously as the next guy and hell, it's not like I'm hostile to quantitative data analysis...I just think some healthy skepticism is always good. And I actually appreciate how careful the 538 guys are - I mean, they're not DailyKos on some crazy partisan ego tripping - and they never get too cocky about saying, "OBAMA'S GOT THIS BATCHES!"
    b,121But I just think the political game has gotten much more insidious in the last ten years and without trying to sound paranoid, I'm just bracing myself for some crazy, 11th hour shit.
    b,121That said...a friend of mine told me back when Palin was announced: "you know, we're going to look back on this time in a few months and wonder why we were so worried and clearly see that the GOP were out of their f*cking minds."
    b,121And that may very well be the case. But until November 5th rolls around, I'm not going to go there.
    font class="post"1
    b,121They're very clearly out of their minds--which is why they worry me.
    b,121I would not put it past the current administration to knowingly allow a terrorist attack to occur on the eve of the election.
    font class="post"1b,121img src=""1b,121img src=""1b,121img src=""1b,121LIZARDS!!!!!! (just kidding.) faux- you are right on the money. i wouldn't doubt it for a minute.

  • I think if the electronic voting machines actually record and report the peoples' votes accurately/b1 then Obama has a strong chance of being the next President.

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    b,121"I would not put it past the current administration to fabricate a terrorist attack to occur on the eve of the election."

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    ANYONE basing their anecdotal electoral predictions on yard signs could as easily assume that pain in old broken joints is a predictor.b,121b,121a href="" target="_blank"1,121b,121no one gives a shit about a yard signsb,121if yr so worried, volunteer

  • Well, I don't think some of the folks in this thread care enough to volunteer... some might even be secretly rooting for McCain (not wanting to be the only one in the room to say so) and yet more might be secretly hoping to see the hard partisans on this site like King Most slashing their wrists on November 5th (or 6th, as the case may be).

  • "youz guys & yuz"b,121b,121-- guilty

  • ladydayladyday 623 Posts
    a href="" target="_blank"1Why you're not seeing Obama yard signs/a1

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121some might even be secretly rooting for McCain (not wanting to be the only one in the room to say so) and yet more might be secretly hoping to see the hard partisans on this site like King Most slashing their wrists on November 5th (or 6th, as the case may be).
    font class="post"1b,121b,121the real reason behind soulstruts McCain banner ads revealed!!

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121"DELAND, Fla., Nov. 11 - Something very strange happened on election night to Deborah Tannenbaum, a Democratic Party official in Volusia County. At 10 p.m., she called the county elections department and learned that Al Gore was leading George W. Bush 83,000 votes to 62,000. But when she checked the county's Web site for an update half an hour later, she found a startling development: Gore's count had dropped by 16,000 votes, while an obscure Socialist candidate had picked up 10,000--all because of a single precinct with only 600 voters."
    b,121- Washington Post Sunday , November 12, 2000
    font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121/font1
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121After the 2004 U.S. presidential election there were allegations of data irregularities and systematic flaws which may have changed the election result, if proven. Following the election, voters bringing legal action claimed that these irregularities if corrected by the relevant courts would have reversed the claimed Bush victory.
    b,121The U.S. Electoral College vote on December 13, 2004 gave President Bush a 286-251 victory over challenger John Kerry and was certified by the U.S. Congress on January 6, 2005, despite a challenge to Ohio's electoral votes alleging irregularities in that state's election process. With the election certified, there is no means by which the election result can be overturned.
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Let's see what irregularities/b1 2008 brings.
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