Hillary Clinton has legs.



  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    before his hillarious "bomb bomb bomb iran" song parody

    "John McCain made this odious joke about Chelsea Clinton back in ???98:

    "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno.???
    ??? Sen. John McCain, speaking to a Republican dinner, June 1998. "

    yea, he's just a mean a-hole. the guy left his crippled wife, made jokes about a teenage girl forced into the spotlight being ugly, and voted against having a holiday for MLK jr. i'm not really one for getting all TMZ, but when the media gets done with this dude, people are gonna be spitting at him in public and long forgetting that he was a "war hero". the keating 5 stuff is also going to turn him into the world's biggest hypocrite, which goes nicely with the image of him kissing bush's ass after the smear job bush did on him, making him the world's biggest whore.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    before his hillarious "bomb bomb bomb iran" song parody

    "John McCain made this odious joke about Chelsea Clinton back in ???98:

    "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno.???
    ??? Sen. John McCain, speaking to a Republican dinner, June 1998. "

    yea, he's just a mean a-hole. the guy left his crippled wife, made jokes about a teenage girl forced into the spotlight being ugly, and voted against having a holiday for MLK jr. i'm not really one for getting all TMZ, but when the media gets done with this dude, people are gonna be spitting at him in public and long forgetting that he was a "war hero". the keating 5 stuff is also going to turn him into the world's biggest hypocrite, which goes nicely with the image of him kissing bush's ass after the smear job bush did on him, making him the world's biggest whore.

    why do you put war hero in quotes?

  • before his hillarious "bomb bomb bomb iran" song parody

    "John McCain made this odious joke about Chelsea Clinton back in ???98:

    "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno.???
    ??? Sen. John McCain, speaking to a Republican dinner, June 1998. "

    yea, he's just a mean a-hole. the guy left his crippled wife, made jokes about a teenage girl forced into the spotlight being ugly, and voted against having a holiday for MLK jr. i'm not really one for getting all TMZ, but when the media gets done with this dude, people are gonna be spitting at him in public and long forgetting that he was a "war hero". the keating 5 stuff is also going to turn him into the world's biggest hypocrite, which goes nicely with the image of him kissing bush's ass after the smear job bush did on him, making him the world's biggest whore.


  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    1. If Hillary starts winning primaries, and Obama's star starts to fade, the party will be under immense pressure to nominate the person they think can win at the time of the convention not who may have been the favorite three months earlier. They will also need to correct Dean's idiotic draconian response to Florida and Michigan. If Obama can't win Ohio and the Democratic Party alienates Florida, you can forget it if Obama is the nominee.

    Deciding to seat the MI/FL delegates would be the worst possible PR move - 1st off Obama wasnt even on the ballot in MI but Hillary only got what 40% of the dem votes??

    There is also no suggestion that Hillary is about to start winning primaries without stopping - PA might be a problem, but states like Wyoming and Mississippi (the next two to vote) are definitely easy Obama states. She does not own the momentum now - the PA primary is as far into the future as the Iowa primaries were in the past

    2. I also think now that we have an actual primary, rather than a coronation, you will see the Obama supporters[/b] for the vicious, scorched-earth, either-you-are-with-us-or-you-are-against-us, fanatical partisans that they are (that is the vocal white elite ultra liberal crowd[/b] ??? soulstrut). They have already begun to vilify Hillary in a manner usually reserved for Dick Cheney; calling her names, insulting her looks, etc. But, the Democrats have encouraged and fostered this kind of discourse for the past eight years by pandering to the far-left when it served their purpose, so if the far left now wants to try and purge the party of anybody with a modicum of responsibility, then I say "have at it" see who ever survives in the fall.
    lolololol at a conservative playing capn save-a-hillary
    now its time to admit you've been listening to rush

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts

    lolololol at a conservative playing capn save-a-hillary
    now its time to admit you've been listening to rush

    i just dont think that the total self-destruction of the Democratic Party is good for the system.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    bringing up rezko is the equivalent of mentioning obama's muslim heritage

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    bringing up rezko is the equivalent of mentioning obama's muslim heritage

    good try.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts

    lolololol at a conservative playing capn save-a-hillary
    now its time to admit you've been listening to rush

    i just dont think that the total self-destruction of the Democratic Party is good for the system.
    tell me more about how hillary is the candidate of 'a modicum of responsibility'

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts

    lolololol at a conservative playing capn save-a-hillary
    now its time to admit you've been listening to rush

    i just dont think that the total self-destruction of the Democratic Party is good for the system.
    tell me more about how hillary is the candidate of 'a modicum of responsibility'

    i know, its a bizaro world, but you have to consider it in the relative context of Obama's own policy ideas.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts

    lolololol at a conservative playing capn save-a-hillary
    now its time to admit you've been listening to rush

    i just dont think that the total self-destruction of the Democratic Party is good for the system.
    tell me more about how hillary is the candidate of 'a modicum of responsibility'

    i know, its a bizaro world, but you have to consider it in the relative context of Obama's own policy ideas.
    i would think you would be a big fan of obama's policy plans, as a man of down-to-earth pragmatism

    bringing up rezko is the equivalent of mentioning obama's muslim heritage

    EXACTLY. A secret the mainstream media is exerting every effort to remain secret. Obama is a crooked muslim scumbag who has lied about his relationship with tony rezko and about his faith. Youre willing to look the other way tho so you can feel virtuous for voting for a black guy, even if that means the destruction of christendom.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    surly only looks out for one guy, surly.

    lolololol at a conservative playing capn save-a-hillary
    now its time to admit you've been listening to rush

    i just dont think that the total self-destruction of the Democratic Party is good for the system.
    tell me more about how hillary is the candidate of 'a modicum of responsibility'

    i know, its a bizaro world, but you have to consider it in the relative context of Obama's own policy ideas.
    i would think you would be a big fan of
    obama's policy plans, as a man of down-to-earth pragmatism

    Obama, BigLaw, and Taxes
    (Or: Obama = $34,000 Paycut)[/b]
    A practical look at how political choices might affect your personal finances.

    BigLaw lawyers love Obama. If one searches by law firm various databases on-line for campaign contributions, one sees an overwhelming sea of blue, and most of it to Obama.

    But how will Obama affect BigLaw wallets? On Above the Law, we regularly see commenters threaten to abandon law firms for falling $5,000/year short of market. I therefore thought it worthwhile to examine the effects of Obama???s tax and spending plans on take-home pay.

    We all know that Obama wants to end the Bush tax cuts. That is a 3% bump across the board to the bad old days when associates faced a marginal federal tax rate of 36%.

    But the real hidden tax is that Obama plans to end the social-security tax cap. Right now, you may notice, sometime during the summer or early fall, your take-home pay suddenly goes up because they stop deducting FICA. Current law caps social security taxes: in 2008, the cap is at $102,000. Obama proposes to abolish this. That mid-summer bump will be no more: add about several thousand dollars to your annual tax bill.

    But social-security taxes are not only on employees. The government also charges 6.2% to employers that you never see on your W-2s. But rest assured the partners see this, and will notice that the expense of keeping an associate has risen several thousand dollars a year when FICA taxes double and triple. Will they swallow that additional expense, or take it out of your bonus?

    I???ve taken the liberty of calculating the effect of Obamanomics on the typical mid-level BigLaw associate. Betsy BigLaw is a fifth-year associate who is paid market at a New York City BigLaw firm. She rents; she itemizes her deductions; she is single; she maxes out her 401(k). I assume she???s generous, and gives $10,000 a year to charity; I assume her law firm partners are generous, and swallow nearly half of the Obama tax increase, only cutting her bonus $5,000. If either of those assumptions are untrue, the cost of Obamanomics to Betsy go up even more.

    The effect is enormous. Betsy???s marginal tax rate goes up from an already ridiculous 42.5% to 51.4%???not including the new 6.2% marginal tax on your employer. Subject to how she structures her withholding, Betsy???s take home pay drops an average of $515 a paycheck???less in the early months of the year, but much more in the later months of the year. Add in the effects on her bonus, and Betsy loses nearly $20,000/year in take-home pay.

    I added a third column: how big a pay cut would you have to take to receive the same take-home income? The answer is that Obama???s tax increases have a bigger effect on your income than a law firm cutting New York salaries by $34,000.

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts

    why do you put war hero in quotes?

    does the "hero" gives up the information?

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts

    why do you put war hero in quotes?

    does the "hero" gives up the information?

    oh right. it was only last year that having a leader who served in the military was of paramount importance. this year none of that matters again, if you have the mettle to question ideas, and refuse to put your hand over your heart for the pledge of allegiance.

    ps which is better. Geno's or Pats?

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    Obama is a crooked muslim scumbag

    Awesome. I see this all the time at wingnut blogs--"Obama's the Muslim Manchurian candidate! Get ready for sharia if he's elected! Terrorists will invade your home!" (Not at all coincidentally, the people who say this are also the people who say that Islam, far from being the Abrahamic religion that it actually is, is really a pagan cult in which followers worship a black stone named Allah. They are not at all kidding when they say that.). I'm not sure if Dolo's doing schtick or not, but either way, it's pretty damn funny.

    BTW, Saba, don't you think that whole scorched earth/with-us-or-against us deal is inherent to any bit of partisanship? The more gung-ho you are about a party or a candidate, the more likely you are to start espousing that line. Bushies have made a particular art form out of that--hell, the subtext to Bush's 2004 campaign (which the wingnutosphere simply came right out and said, repeatedly) was, "Either you're with me or with the terrorists." I just see that bullshit Manichean attitude coming off hardcore partisans of every stripe.

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts

    ps which is better. Geno's or Pats?

    Pats. The guy who owns Genos is a notorious xenophobic discriminatory douchebag.

    Situated in a South Philadelphia immigrant neighborhood, Geno's -- which together with its chief rival, Pat's King of Steaks, forms the epicenter of an area described as "ground zero for cheesesteaks" -- has posted small signs telling customers, "This Is AMERICA: WHEN ORDERING `SPEAK ENGLISH."'

    "They don't know how lucky they are. All we're asking them to do is learn the English language," said Geno's owner Joseph Vento, 66. "We're out to help these people, but they've got to help themselves, too."

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Terrorists will invade your home!"

    stop kidding yourself this has already happened.

    BTW, Saba, don't you think that whole scorched earth/with-us-or-against us deal is inherent to any bit of partisanship? The more gung-ho you are about a party or a candidate, the more likely you are to start espousing that line.

    yes. but i mean in an intraparty fight. the democratic party is not very accomodating to ideas that don'e comport with the party orthodoxy.

    Bushies have made a particular art form out of that--hell, the subtext to Bush's 2004 campaign (which the wingnutosphere simply came right out and said, repeatedly) was, "Either you're with me or with the terrorists." I just see that bullshit Manichean attitude coming off hardcore partisans of every stripe.

    Again, this was not in the context of an intraparty fight.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts

    ps which is better. Geno's or Pats?

    Pats. The guy who owns Genos is a notorious xenophobic discriminatory douchebag.

    Situated in a South Philadelphia immigrant neighborhood, Geno's -- which together with its chief rival, Pat's King of Steaks, forms the epicenter of an area described as "ground zero for cheesesteaks" -- has posted small signs telling customers, "This Is AMERICA: WHEN ORDERING `SPEAK ENGLISH."'

    "They don't know how lucky they are. All we're asking them to do is learn the English language," said Geno's owner Joseph Vento, 66. "We're out to help these people, but they've got to help themselves, too."

    thats funny. your politics has even clouded your culinary judgment. Me and wifey wnet there two or three weeks ago for the weekend and tried both (i know thats kind of gross). We both agreed that Genos was better, but also noticed that the guy is kind of a crack-pot. There were signs saying that you had to order in english, they were wearing t-shirts that advocated executing Mumia .... even i was a little taken aback (me, sabadabahitler).

    We went to bookbinders for dinner, stayed at the Alexander, and did the tour of Independence Hall, where I challenged the curators statement that the Constitution was "a living document"

    all in all, a nice trip.

  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts
    george w bush just said that mccaine will be the next president. he will be a good one because he knows who and where the enemies of the USA are.


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,905 Posts

  • SnappingSnapping 995 Posts
    i wonder how happy the American people who support billary would be if they knew monica has her own SS detail & that she's still not only traveling w/ him but Fuckking him...

    Where on earth would you hear something like this? ....sources plz.

  • george w bush just said that mccaine will be the next president. he will be a good one because he knows who and where the enemies of the USA are.[/b]

    They're in the White House...

  • SnappingSnapping 995 Posts

    Where on earth would you hear something like this? ....sources plz.

    are you a SS agent? give us more dirt.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    the destruction of christendom.


  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    bringing up rezko is the equivalent of mentioning obama's muslim heritage

    EXACTLY. A secret the mainstream media is exerting every effort to remain secret. Obama is a crooked muslim scumbag who has lied about his relationship with tony rezko and about his faith. Youre willing to look the other way tho so you can feel virtuous for voting for a black guy, even if that means the destruction of christendom.

    You're funnier when you try.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    By the way: Obama actually won Texas, delegate-wise.

    One night's sleep can do wonders for the psyche.

  • One night's sleep can do wonders for the psyche.

    I told you, my man!

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    One night's sleep can do wonders for the psyche.

    I told you, my man!

    But it is, like, soooo totally not over.

  • fauxteurfauxteur 342 Posts
    By the way: Obama actually won Texas, delegate-wise.

    One night's sleep can do wonders for the psyche.
    RCP has him down one delegate in TX and nine in OH
    a net loss of eleven last night is pretty minor, his lead was reduced to 144 (109 w/supers)

    Obama is in good shape. even if FL and MI re-vote, it will be very difficult to catch him
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