Hey Hillary, Iron My Shirt (WTF Related)

RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
edited January 2008 in Strut Central
Am I missing some inside joke here or is dude just a sexist douche??Not looking good for Ms. Clinton today regardless.



  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts

    Not looking good for Ms. Clinton today regardless.

    She's done.

    Crying =

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    I wish we'd seen a little more before the video started. The way it's presented, her comeback's almost too immediate and smooth, like a set-up. But maybe they'd been chanting for minutes already.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Not looking good for Ms. Clinton today regardless.

    She's done.

    Crying =

    I once worked with a woman who wore her emotions on her sleeve and was known to cry in meetings if things got tough.

    One day she complained to me that the company was sexist and wouldn't promote her because she was a woman.

    I had to break the news to her that if I cried in meetings I wouldn't get promoted either.

  • You have to admit, it's pretty fucked though - she knows that showing emotion will get her torpedoed, so for the last few years she fashions herself as this made-of-steel woman that is hawkish and won't break for shit. Then all of a sudden she starts getting criticized for being too distant and unemotional, and maybe combined with some shock at her current woes she breaks a little bit on TV - and bam! She's an overemotional woman who could never be fit to run this great nation.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    You have to admit, it's pretty fucked though - she knows that showing emotion will get her torpedoed, so for the last few years she fashions herself as this made-of-steel woman that is hawkish and won't break for shit. Then all of a sudden she starts getting criticized for being too distant and unemotional, and maybe combined with some shock at her current woes she breaks a little bit on TV - and bam! She's an overemotional woman who could never be fit to run this great nation.

    Word - straight-up double standard. It's a wonder how any female politician simultaneously be respected and liked at the same time.

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    Woman collapses at Barack Obama rally as primary voters turn out in droves

    Tuesday, January 8th 2008, 12:01 PM

    HANOVER, N.H. - At a morning rally here at Dartmouth College, a woman collapsed in the middle of Barack Obama's stump speech, causing the front-runner to stop speaking as medics tended to her.

    Comedian Larry David of HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm," an Obama supporter who was at the event, seized on the opportunity to lighten the mood.

    Picture the scene: The room is quiet, all whispers. Medics are tending to the woman. Obama is standing on stage not saying anything, other than occasionally telling the crowd that the woman looks ok. Everybody is watching, trying to get a view of the woman.

    And then, David, the king of awkwardness, decides to speak out.

    "Sinatra had the same effect on people," David shouted, though later he thought he said, "Sinatra had the same effect on women!"

    The crowd didn't laugh. Obama, looking uncomfortable, acknowledged David from the stage.

    In a brief interview moments later, David said, "I don't think they knew who Sinatra was."

    David said he made the remark to "break the tension."

    Asked why he's supporting Obama, David replied, "I think he'd make the best president."

    David, who is famous for finding himself in awkward, uncomfortable situations in life and on his show, declined to expand on why he's backing Obama.

    "I don't want to write an essay question here," he said.

    "You don't have to write," a reporter replied. "We'll write."

    Awkward silence as reporters waited for David to speak.

    "I don't want to read about me tomorrow," he said. "Nah, I don't want ???"

    Earlier, at one point while David was watching the senator deliver his speech, a piece of tape became stuck to his shoe. A passer-by alerted him to the problem. It took David a moment or so to understand what the passer-by was telling him and then another moment or so to remove the tape from his shoe.

    All very awkward. All very funny.

    As Cheryl, his wife, would say on the TV show, "Larrrrrrrrrry!"

    IMG SRC="http://obamarama.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/03/obama-wants-you-to-sign-up-for-obamarama.jpg" WIDTH=245> http://dhawhee.blogs.com/photos/uncategorized/larry_david737304.jpg" alt="" />

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    I think there has been some investigation into the people holding those signs and their is suspicion that they are actually affiliated with Hillary's campaign.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    Woman collapses at Barack Obama rally as primary voters turn out in droves


    Earlier, at one point while David was watching the senator deliver his speech, a piece of tape became stuck to his shoe. A passer-by alerted him to the problem. It took David a moment or so to understand what the passer-by was telling him and then another moment or so to remove the tape from his shoe.

    All very awkward. All very funny.

    As Cheryl, his wife, would say on the TV show, "Larrrrrrrrrry!"

    what an incredible piece of journalism
    blogging really is the new newspaper

  • what an incredible piece of journalism
    blogging really is the new newspaper

    And newspapers the new blog!

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

    This bitch is toast!

    I'm giddy like a school girl over it.

  • I thought her crying was the most genuine moment I've seen out of her, and if that 'sinks her ship,' it is total bullshit, given that our Frickin' jackass cowboy president cries at the drop of a Frickin' hat.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    You have to admit, it's pretty fucked though - she knows that showing emotion will get her torpedoed, so for the last few years she fashions herself as this made-of-steel woman that is hawkish and won't break for shit. Then all of a sudden she starts getting criticized for being too distant and unemotional, and maybe combined with some shock at her current woes she breaks a little bit on TV - and bam! She's an overemotional woman who could never be fit to run this great nation.

    I am not much of a Hillary fan (in fact, I think Hillary getting the nod is the only chance any Republican has of getting elected), but yes to all of the above. It's pretty fucked up.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    You have to admit, it's pretty fucked though - she knows that showing emotion will get her torpedoed, so for the last few years she fashions herself as this made-of-steel woman that is hawkish and won't break for shit. Then all of a sudden she starts getting criticized for being too distant and unemotional, and maybe combined with some shock at her current woes she breaks a little bit on TV - and bam! She's an overemotional woman who could never be fit to run this great nation.

    I am not much of a Hillary fan (in fact, I think Hillary getting the nod is the only chance any Republican has of getting elected), but yes to all of the above. It's pretty fucked up.

    I would agree with this but it is the main problem with her in general -- everything that comes out of her mouth seems focus-grouped to death. If she spent a little more time being herself, she would fare a lot better with the younger voters that Obama has inspired to participate in the politcal process.

  • phongonephongone 1,652 Posts

    Not looking good for Ms. Clinton today regardless.

    She's done.

    Crying =

    I once worked with a woman who wore her emotions on her sleeve and was known to cry in meetings if things got tough.

    One day she complained to me that the company was sexist and wouldn't promote her because she was a woman.

    I had to break the news to her that if I cried in meetings I wouldn't get promoted either.

    Dude, you never teared up during a presentation?

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    I cry every time I post.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts

    I just cried.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    i cry every time you post also.

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    You have to admit, it's pretty fucked though - she knows that showing emotion will get her torpedoed, so for the last few years she fashions herself as this made-of-steel woman that is hawkish and won't break for shit. Then all of a sudden she starts getting criticized for being too distant and unemotional, and maybe combined with some shock at her current woes she breaks a little bit on TV - and bam! She's an overemotional woman who could never be fit to run this great nation.

    I am not much of a Hillary fan (in fact, I think Hillary getting the nod is the only chance any Republican has of getting elected), but yes to all of the above. It's pretty fucked up.

    I would agree with this but it is the main problem with her in general -- everything that comes out of her mouth seems focus-grouped to death. If she spent a little more time being herself, she would fare a lot better with the younger voters that Obama has inspired to participate in the politcal process.

    Ha, I think she is being herself. This morning I saw a clip of Obama's rally at a high school that looked and sounded like a rock concert, juxtaposed with the next shot of Hillary's gathering that looked and sounded like a damn funeral. She has a tired, ran-through message, no personality, and zero momentum right now. I don't think she can turn this around in time.

  • SnagglepusSnagglepus 1,756 Posts

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    JP and ODub,
    I agree with you on the double standard......an agressive businessman is called succesful, an agressive businesswoamn is called a bitch....no quetion that's straight up BS.

    I think the problem with Hillary is that she is so disingenuous that no one knows if the tough act is fake or the crying is fake...or BOTH!!!

  • I think the problem with Hillary is that she is so disingenuous that no one knows if the tough act is fake or the crying is fake...or BOTH!!!

    Or if both are real and she's just insane.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    JP and ODub,
    I agree with you on the double standard......an agressive businessman is called succesful, an agressive businesswoamn is called a bitch....no quetion that's straight up BS.

    I think the problem with Hillary is that she is so disingenuous that no one knows if the tough act is fake or the crying is fake...or BOTH!!!

    My old boss was a woman. When she used to mix it up with contractors, asked questions, & got her into arguments with people who she thought were scamming her, she was called a "hyper, nosey bitch", even by fellow managers. I do the same schitt, & people call me "on the ball" or a "tough cookie". That schitt is wack.

  • This bitch is toast!

    I'm giddy like a school girl over it.

    Can someone make laser beams come out of his eyes, zapping Hillary?

  • "Sinatra had the same effect on people," David shouted, though later he thought he said, "Sinatra had the same effect on women!"

    The crowd didn't laugh. Obama, looking uncomfortable, acknowledged David from the stage.

  • I am not a Hillary supporter, but I think 99% of the hatt leveled at her has more to do with the fear of an ambitious woman, and 1% of actual policy positions.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I am not a Hillary supporter, but I think 99% of the hatt leveled at her has more to do with the fear of an ambitious woman, and 1% of actual policy positions.

    So are you in the 99% or the 1%???

  • pacmanpacman 1,114 Posts

    This bitch is toast!

    I'm giddy like a school girl over it.

    Can someone make laser beams come out of his eyes, zapping Hillary?

    Paging Controller7........

  • I am not a Hillary supporter, but I think 99% of the hatt leveled at her has more to do with the fear of an ambitious woman, and 1% of actual policy positions.

    So are you in the 99% or the 1%???

    I would say the 1%...I spent a while following her, and I do think she would be an ok president. But, at a certain point, I decided Obama would make a better leader. I didn't decide against her rashly, though.

    I DO think she is an intelligent, ambitious woman, and that is more frightening to much of America than a bloodthirsty, draft dodging Connecticut 'Cowboy.'

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    to attribute even part of her failure to the fact that she is some victim of sexism is funny.

    she comes off as completely disingenuous and portrays an offensive sense of entitlement.

    NOBODY REALLY likes her. not even Bill. hell, if he wouldn't have wiped his dick on that blue dress we wouldn't even be talking about Hillary for prez--AMONG OTHER THINGS[/b]--right now.

  • Options
    I am not a Hillary supporter, but I think 99% of the hatt leveled at her has more to do with the fear of an ambitious woman, and 1% of actual policy positions.

    So are you in the 99% or the 1%???

    I would say the 1%...I spent a while following her, and I do think she would be an ok president. But, at a certain point, I decided Obama would make a better leader. I didn't decide against her rashly, though.

    I DO think she is an intelligent, ambitious woman, and that is more frightening to much of America than a bloodthirsty, draft dodging Connecticut 'Cowboy.'

    I kind of toyed with the idea of "maybe she won't be so bad", but then scrapped that when I realized if she won the country would still be just as divided as now with Bush in office. Also, like Rock mentioned, the first thing I thought of regarding her crying was that she was faking it. I think Obama can bring the people together a bit more, and Sween's all about togetherness.

    I think if she got the nomination she'd win the presidency. She was trouncing Giuliani in NY for their Senate race a few years back before he pulled out with the illness he had. Even though that's only NY, and yes we are Democratic here, it's still Rudy's home state and it was after 9/11. He was getting destroyed. I think she'd have a tougher time against McCain than Giuliani. I still don't count her out, but if she loses by a lot today I'd like to see how much she slips in the polls in NY and CA, 2 states she's carrying right now. This might be it though, I overheard today no one has ever won NH and Iowa and NOT gotten the nomination.
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