1,024 Posts
when you're digging in a store?i do.fuck it, why not.
Shit.....3 pages of that will be special invites from all the store owners here.
"You're that dude from SS that switches price tags, come right in".
This shit will probably hit 15.
Rick from Orpheus in Arlington VA would say that using a portable is, in fact, shoplifting.
I'm not kidding.
Don't do it.
here's a question, what is more retarded: stealing in secret, or freely admitting you're a low-class creep who steals when no one has even asked you?
Really? I dunno whether to test this out or not attempt to test his barefoot gangster.
Special pass....free ride if it was a Big Bird.
Let me know when you are gonna try it cuz I wanna come and see dude's head spin around all exorcist-style!
You might get as far as switching a black and purple sticker.....
I'm so ashamed I may have to sleep with my Dennis Kucinich doll tonight!!
No, I know....I seriously think Rick would be less offended by switching the tags, and I am deadly serious.
At your own risk.
He told me letting people listen to records before buying decreases sales. Considering what was said over in the portable thread, he may be correct.
Hahahahahahahah. I've spent a lotta money in his store the few times I've been. Perhaps I should try to play the preferred (yet infrequent) customer card.
Switching tags is wack. The only thing I'd be tempted to do is to take a tag off his stuff and see if the price got better or worse.
That could mean you actually got some good stuff or just minted up your Born to Run.
I'm happy to see that we are both taking this seriously.
I got some good stuff. Lots of good moder, Headless Heroes, some Latin shit.
and i got caught, i still feel weird about it
who here likes to steal money from their moms purse to buy pot?
why is it wack ?
its not like doing that in every Frickin' stores. if the shit is priced right i don't do that. and i DO find most of the people on here have this etiquette, they know the know, and they do things right, i respect this and i don't cross my lines.
but muthafuckas charge 50+ for a CTI and tells you its a rare record right in your eyes ? or switching a bashed to fuck copy from their back room and charge you the same price? c'mon, who's wacker? the price tag switch or the guy who's trying to rip people off ?
I may have switched records in covers to get a better condition copy for a slightly lower price though - although I seriously can't remember an instance of having actually done this.
still feel like an ass for it. the worst was getting caught in the act on a saturday morning sneaking in their room.
Know a guy who used to switch the tags of walmart spray paint onto krylon to get krylon for like $1 each.
But me personally, nope. I got caught for stealing cigars when I was like 13 at rite aid. Ever since then, thievery is a 99.9% no go.
why are you compelled to talk about it? It doesn't make you honest, it just makes you an asshole.