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I copped both albums yesterday at my local Mami & Poppi store.Curtis 6.0Graduation 6.5As a whole Graduation moved along quite well. I never was like "WTF". Whereas w/ 50, there were times when i just wanted him to stop. Im not 18 anymore and Im just not impressed w/ his content.But 50 has 1 fuckin incredible joint called All Of Me feat. Mary J. Blige that i rewinded 3 fuckin times.No song on Graduation made me press rewind. This is my second 50 album.I dont own the second joint cause i never really was feelin dude as an mc.This is my first Kanye album cause i was never feelin dude as an mc. A whole set is out of the question.I must say that there were times where Kanye had some hot sentences. I can appreciate his "experimental" production. I wish he gave some of those tracks to Common. Drunk and Hot Girls is my fav, here, w/ Big Brother coming in second. Its is on some Post Hip Hop??? shit...............Deej can u confirm?Ive been a st8 hatter on both of these mofos for a minute,and I purposely bought into this "Release Date" war gimmick.There were times during Curtis where I was like "Yeah, that's some hithardbeatshit",but his ramblings over the top got to be boring, where Kanye at least had a broader range topics to keep me awake.Neither album is crazy for me, but Im a old Bruce Waybe mofo sittin at the Batcomputer.
Soulstrut's own JacobWizzle strikes once again.
Nevertheless i'll be buying both albums when i see them down here.
I think Batmon might be the only person in the world who likes "Drunk and Hot Girls", don't let that put you off his endorsment of that Jake track though haha.
I wanted to be able to back up my Hatt.
Best track on the album by far.
i think its okay. plus, if you have ever been exposed to the bottle service crowd...well, someone needed to dedicate a song to the sense of entitlement that these chicks walk around with. its not golddigging, its more like - "oops, sorry i spilled your $400 bottle of ketal but it was time to do the obligatory stand on the table and act like a fake lesbian dance with my girlfriend".
lol. Glad yall like the songs I did. Hopefully he can sell some records and I can make a trip to Utrecht to celebrate.
Yea. Wow. That's almost impressive.
exactly. kinda like me, but on a much larger scale.
the kanye has some moments where you remember why you liked him at first.
Well, I guess so. But it's clear he isn't a real life gangbanger, so I don't see what all the gun talk is about. I'm not buying it.
Most gangsta rappers don't pull the trigger... but I still like them. I never seen Willie D shoot anyone...
50 should just stick to club music.
i at least feel like buying that 50 cd and giving it away to someone
thats all.
Graduation actually has a better overall sound vs Curtis.IMO.
do you even like hip hop music? i think you might like the album more if you got to know the artist you are easily dismissing.
no he isn't dude is weak as an MC.
I hate both as MC's so it was always going to be about the production.
This line irks the fuck out of me. Crazy ingant disrespect of Malcolm X from a dude that sells himself as "conscious".
if you havent heard the first two albums you are missing: two words, addiction, get em high, spaceship, we major... and other crap aside from the obvious singles.
dude makes good music. period. and he is the biggest producer to keep "traditional" hip hop production values relevant. i'd take all 3 kanye albums over most albums put out by "lyrically advanced" mcs. people may think kanye is weak as an mc. ill admit that he isnt the strongest mc. but if you are going to easily dismiss kanye's albums simply because he is a weak mc... i'd be forced to say your perspective of hip hop is incredibly myopic.
this is just my opinion. nothing personal, but ive been increasingly irritated by peoples comments on hip hop lately. im just venting.
im not trying to say that everyone should like kanye.... or that everyone has to like everyone... but how can you judge someone's work if you have only listened to a third of his solo work... not even counting his work with other people.