CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
edited June 2005 in Strut Central


  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    And if you do, don't click on the PIZZA thread afterwards.

  • DJPrestigeDJPrestige 1,710 Posts
    And if you do, don't click on the PIZZA thread afterwards.

    shit too late...

  • what happened? I was reading and went to click the last page but it kept saying "forum not found." I must read! I have to find out what happened to this Hitler guy.

  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts
    it's gone!

  • 99Problems99Problems 1,541 Posts

    But if you must know, a large reason why I voted for Bush is because I couldn't get down with any party that shirked America's responsibility for propping up the pornographically evil Saddam and then blame it on a group of policy intellectuals. That's where the Dems went in 2004 and it's where they still are, in large part because they are pandering to the likes of 16corners.

    Why not blame the policy intellectuals? Someone should be held accountable.


    You can not build a democracy in the middle east from the top down.


    nah, there was just a really really disgusting photo...Not safe for work or digestion.

  • That was one of the best threads ever and I missed page 4 completely!

    Not to mention that Blood of Abraham, Ariel Sharon & TrAnSiEnT were running neck and neck in my poll.

    Ban Raj!

  • z_illaz_illa 867 Posts
    so wait, now shadow's lawyers are yanking soulstrut threads?

    dude is a fucking gangter.

  • what happened?

    a representative of Mr.Davis ordered its removal

  • was that a picture of a hernia? nasty as fuck.

  • what the fuck i go to lunch and the best thing to happen to me today is gone

  • And if you do, don't click on the PIZZA thread afterwards.

    now that the whole thread is gone, is it safe to click on the Pizza thread??????

    Heads want to know!!!

  • was that a picture of a hernia? nasty as fuck.

    I think it was prolapse or really bad 'roids...really fuckin gross

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Hello C*smo!

    On behalf of my W*lls F*rgo tellers and customers, we thank you for this lovely Love Break mix that is currently whispering in our ears and brightening our day.



  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    good riddance

    the pizza thread is making me hungry though

  • DJPrestigeDJPrestige 1,710 Posts
    i click the pizza and the damn pirate thread is gone...WTF?

  • Death to the facist insect that prays upon the life of the people!

  • 33thirdcom33thirdcom 2,049 Posts
    I wouldn't have even gone there if dude did not post the same stalinist style group think I've encountered on this board from the very beginning. The fact that a large faction on this board can't accept me cause I voted, reluctantly, for Bush is an affront to every other value you all purport to have.

    Furthermore, my views have been so consistently caricatured on this board by the brainless Bush bashing, I've grown weary of explaining myself. Your side should explain itself when people write that America resembles pre-Auschwitz Germany. Are you aware of anything like the Nuremburg Laws coming down the pike (and no the retarded flag burning amendment does not make it illegal for an ethnic minority to own most forms of property or vote)? Does anyone here know of a secret state run militia targeting miniority owned businesses for a night of sheer vigilante terror like Kristalnacht. By the way, in countries none of you ever want to discuss, like Iran, such state militias do exist and the people they go after are self described liberals.

    But if you must know, a large reason why I voted for Bush is because I couldn't get down with any party that shirked America's responsibility for propping up the pornographically evil Saddam and then blame it on a group of policy intellectuals. That's where the Dems went in 2004 and it's where they still are, in large part because they are pandering to the likes of 16corners.

    But seriously, most of you who celebrate diversity, actually are afraid of it. When confronted with political diversity a good chunk of you just resort to the same formulaic invectives.

    Its not that many of us are cutting you down for voting for bush. We just disagree with your rationale for doing so. You continually support his work with Iraq, when if you do the smallest amount of research you see how really fucked up the whole situation. I have a friend over there now who can't tell me what's going on but he has a laundry list of shit to tell me about when he gets back... Its closer to a vietnam style clusterfuck than I think most people realize...

    Its very easy to bash Bush... he is not that bright, he makes statements and has enacted policies that if enacted by any Democrat or outside party would have gotten them most likely impeached.

    True the flag burning amnedment does nto necessarily ecroach on any freedoms outside of FREE SPEECH/RIGHT TO PROTEST... But you know what did we need that right for anyway, Bush has everything under control! Also it is obvious you are not a minority or ethnic, because if you were you would understand how hard it is for ethnics and minorities to gain and maintain control of their property... Even from just trying to get a loan, you already have one strike against you.

    A secret state militia targeting Minorities??? umm not secret, but how about the POLICE in every city and state in this country? How about the fact that in many cities and in NC to be exact right after 9/11 occurred, they reinstituted racila profiling? red flag possibly?

    You voted for bush because you couldn't get with any party that shirked its responsoability for propping up an evil dictatorhsip??? C/mon the biggest proponents of puppet regimes have been the Republicans. I mean who put Saddam in power and supported his ass throughout the 80s?

    I don't think it has anything to do with supporting political diversity... I hate politicians pretty much all the same.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    good riddance

    the pizza thread is making me hungry though

    weren't we supposed to talk about records today?

  • DJPrestigeDJPrestige 1,710 Posts
    good riddance

    the pizza thread is making me hungry though

    weren't we supposed to talk about records today?

    yeah, i'm looking for this hard to get record, it's called "funky drummer" by some obscure singer named james brown. anyone have it?

  • VitaminVitamin 631 Posts

    But if you must know, a large reason why I voted for Bush is because I couldn't get down with any party that shirked America's responsibility for propping up the pornographically evil Saddam and then blame it on a group of policy intellectuals. That's where the Dems went in 2004 and it's where they still are, in large part because they are pandering to the likes of 16corners.

    Why not blame the policy intellectuals? Someone should be held accountable.


    1) The reasons for the war were overdetermined. My reason as I've stated numerous times here is because we owed it to the people of Iraq to topple the man we put in place to torment them.

    2) Neocons were among many intellectual tribes in Washington persuaded that Saddam had WMD. Read Ken Pollack's Book the Threatening Storm. He was a Clinton NSC official. Or check Sandy Berger's speech at the end of the administration saying eventually we would have to use force to contain the sanctions regime.

    3) Saddam went out of his way NOT to comply with the UN Security Council for his final opportunity. A fact proven by Hans Blix's last report to the UN before the war which stated there were 12 remaining disamrment tasks.

    4) Leaders of both parties (which have access to intelligence well beyond the project for a new american century) voted to authorize force and appropriate funds for the war.

    5) No one should be held accountable as you say until we lose. And we have not lost yet. But we most certainly will lose if the anti-war side gets its way and we abandon a representative government in Baghdad to the alliance of al-Qaeda and Baathism.

  • PEKPEK 735 Posts

    Its very easy to bash Bush... he is VERY[/b] bright, he makes statements and has enacted policies that if enacted by any Democrat or outside party would have gotten them most likely impeached.

    I don't think that thick down home/good ole boy persona of his 100 % genuine - it's easier for your enemies (real + perceived) to show their true colors if you act dumb - pretty sure someone schooled him in Tzu's 'Art of War'...

  • Also it is obvious you are not a minority or ethnic, because if you were you would understand how hard it is for ethnics and minorities to gain and maintain control of their property... Even from just trying to get a loan, you already have one strike against you.

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that local governments may seize people's homes and businesses -- even against their will -- for private economic development.[/b]

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

    1) My[/b] reason as I've stated numerous times here is because we owed it to the people of Iraq to topple the man we put in place to torment them.

    Your reason? That's the most arrogant shit I???ve ever read. The audacity!

    Eli, step away from your computer, hop on the H-2 to Hechinger Mall and join the fucking Army.

    Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

  • PEKPEK 735 Posts

    1) The reasons for the war were overdetermined. My reason as I've stated numerous times here is because we owed it to the people of Iraq to topple the man we put in place to torment them.

    A Mr. Mugabe in Zimbabwe needs your immediate attention, methinks - 1st, he ousted the white farmers from their land, now he's targeting black opposition/dissidents... What was once a self-sufficient country that EXPORTED foodstuffs is dying and relying on food handouts from relief organizations... And while you're @ it, the autocratic regime of Mubarak in Egypt needs a dressing down as well... It's a slippery slope...

  • VitaminVitamin 631 Posts

    1) My[/b] reason as I've stated numerous times here is because we owed it to the people of Iraq to topple the man we put in place to torment them.

    Your reason? That's the most arrogant shit I???ve ever read. The audacity!

    Eli, step away from your computer, hop on the H-2 to Hechenger Mall and join the fucking Army.

    Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

    So people who are not in the military do not have a right to an opinion about war and peace. You should think through your pithy outbursts.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts

    Also it is obvious you are not a minority or ethnic, because if you were you would understand how hard it is for ethnics and minorities to gain and maintain control of their property... Even from just trying to get a loan, you already have one strike against you.

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that local governments may seize people's homes and businesses -- even against their will -- for private economic development.[/b]

    so bad, I heard this at the end of the week and now it's really hitting home
    so sad

  • Its very easy to bash Bush... he is VERY[/b] bright, he makes statements and has enacted policies that if enacted by any Democrat or outside party would have gotten them most likely impeached.

    I don't think that thick down home/good ole boy persona of his 100 % genuine - it's easier for your enemies (real + perceived) to show their true colors if you act dumb - pretty sure someone schooled him in Tzu's 'Art of War'...

    I dont know, dude almost flunked out of college and didnt get into law school, I have a hard time thinking he is brilliant. Unless of course being a poor student, a idiot frat boy and a failure at busniess was all part of the plan he concieved when he was 18..then fuck we are in trouble

  • VitaminVitamin 631 Posts
    Yes but we never propped up Mugabe, indeed he is in power because his insurgency against the last vestiges of colonialism succeeded. And as for Mubarak, we never implored the Egyptian people to rise up against him only to allow him to use his helicopters in a counterattack as we sat on our hands; and Mubarak never invaded two of his neighbors, used chemical weapons, defied 14 un security council resolutions; ethncially cleansed his people; instituted rape and mutilation as legal penalties for petty crimes; or deliberately starved his people while syphoning oil wealth for more palaces. So it's not quite the same.
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