Online Racism



  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    Yeah, I can't really agree with that at all either. Like Birdman9 mentioned, we still have a long way to go with all of that shit but there's no way that you can compare racism towards Blacks with racism towards Asians. There is a reason why racism towards Asians is more tolerated and even though it is, most Asians are far better off with that shit than Black people will ever be in this country.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    you know what, yea you guys are right....just as soon as i replied i thought about it. This one older Black dude in one of my classes said to me one time "it's hard for someone like me to get good jobs in SD, the good-looking white dudes get jobs easier." For me that was kind of a wake-up call. As far as how Asians are portrayed in the media, imho they are last in line. Especially the Asian male; I think they are under-represented.

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts

    That's just from some promo event for a Castle Wolfenstein game, right? Right? For the love of Jebus, let me be right.

    I'd tap

    *sigh* I at first I was like "yeah" but then I was like "DUDE!....Hitler".

    2). I scrolled past that post and thought it was Big Chan's.

    Damn Phonics! I made it a point to stay out of another racism thread on here and you go and put my name in it. Why do you assume I'm gonna post pictures of Asian girls with Nazi flags? The pictures I posted yesterday were funny, this shit is not funny at all.

  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
    hey guys, i agree with you, but i dont disagree with me. please understand i in no way mean to understate the bullshit systematic racism blacks have and CONTINUE to go through. In a way, its something that lots of minorities can feed from and learn from, which is a reason why i, an east indian can pick up a marcus garvey book and feel inspired by the struggle and the overcomings.

    BUT, the fact of the matter is there IS racism against non blacks. You dont know the pain of having your parents called a paki by phucking teens or having your house have sheit thrown at it cause you're brown folks in a suburb neighbourhood, still to this phucking day. i went to a catholic school in elementary school,where everyone was supposed to be treated equal, and i experienced first hand a lot of racism because i was one of those "turban wearing camel jockies" and i eat curry. and imagine being brown in the states during 9/11 or crossing the border. sheit like maxim magazine and radio jocks and TELEVISION still refer to brownies as camel jockies and sheit, dont tell me that sheit is tolerable. and when it comes to the other asians, people dont give a second thought to that "me so saaahry" voice. Latinos catch bad sheit too. I'm sure lots of asian americans could speak up about times they overheard someone phucking idiot saying "do you guys eat cats?" and sheit like that, i've had friends that went through that sheit. im just saying, a lot of times people think there is one sort of racism.

    i just wanted to add my own perspective. and i think the rapper jin mentioned during that tsunami joke fiasco, that just because there aren't so many people in the media or whatever that are asian american to express their views, doesn't mean shit should be tolerated.

    to restate, i am not comparing asian struggles to the black struggles, im just saying, they still have their struggles and just because there aren't on that scale, dont make it right.


    ps: among my favorite tv shows are south park and the simpsons. i dont have a problem when they make fun of minorities, they are showing the absurdities of the sheit.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    as a brownie, one observation i have is that lots of people dont like to be called racist, but dont find themselves racist if they slag non-blacks. this perspective is not limited to online communities, its still pretty prevalent in the media...i'm sure y'all remember that radio show that did that disgusting song sheit with the tsunami victims as a "joke", i guess they thought it wasn't offensive. im really phucking glad people spoke up against that sheit. i think asian american's(the non brown type) still get so many bad stereotypes, i feel bad for them. people still feel other racial terms are not equivelant to the "n" word, when they should be. "cracker" included. peace

    AlieNDN said something very true. You won't find American movies with dudes in blackface (Bamboozled aside), but you'll still find movies where it's totally acceptable to have "Habib The Liquor Store Clerk/Terrorist" or some really fucked-up Asian stereotypes. Seems like Asians (East and South) are kinda the last in line.

    good point Ross. I can't agree more.

    no offense people...but i kinda disagree


    Let's not compare struggles. But let's do look at reality.

    Perhaps you look around and see a lot of Asian Americans excelling in schools and high tech field. Perhaps that is how you see the Asian American experience. It is certainly a prevalent stereotype, so it's not surprising it has shaped your worldview.

    NDN pointed out Asian Americans suffer all kinds of discriminations in this country and no one bats an eye. Pacific Islanders are pegged as gangsters, Koreans and Indians go deep into debt to by business that they work at 16 hours a day only to be spat on by the locals. Arabs are assumed to be terrorists, as are Indians, Pakistanis, Afghans...

    Many of those affluent Asians you see are the children, grandchildren of indentured servants (slaves). Japanese Americans had their property and business confiscated. Recently a sweatshop in the USA was busted, the workers were enslaved Chinese immigrants.

    Not the same thing as 300 years of slavery, followed by 150 years of repression, but think about it.


  • The pictures I posted yesterday were funny, this shit is not funny at all.


    I hate nazi's as much as the next guy... but that shit... Man. Fuck those ignorant culturally retarded bitches...

    ...are sexy. Especially the one on the left.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Hey Folks,

    Being in MilwauKKKee, I'm surprised that I've met people that have never met Blacks and some other minority groups as well. This cultural isolation breeds some of the cultural ignorance that surfaces, on occasion, on this message board. As a military brat, I grew up in very culturally diverse settings. I've befriended people of all creeds, colors, nationalities, etc. I've placed my feet under the dinner tables of all kind of folks. I've had similar experiences in college settings as well. And you know what I learned from these experiences? The reality is that people are people, plain and simple. Everyone generally wants the same things, peace of mind, prosperity, their children to grow up to achieve more than them, etc.

    Only since I've gotten into my career, and have lived in civilian and/or non-college settings have I discovered how rampant bigotry is. I see whole scale avoidance of the abstract, media-created "undesirables" (primarily by the majority, but others as well) that I never encountered in my past settings. This tendency seems to be moderated by class, as the more affluent are the most avoidant and racist. As an example, affluent Whites in Akron looked down upon the poorer Whites of the Kenmore area of town, yet those folks treated my Black-ass with more friendliness and goodwill while I lived in that area than the affluent ones. See, poor folks of various groups are more likely to interact than the affluent, who will move far away to isolate themselves (as they are more able to do so financially). This may explain why day-to-day racial relations (not necessarily racial attitudes) are more cordial in the South than the North (I know, this sounds crazy!!!) because racial segregration is greatest in the latter (e.g., the Northeast and Midwestern U.S. are illustrative here). There is more social interaction between the races down South than up North. In closing, I marvel at how little kids are wiser than us grown-ups because they will innocently play together regardless of race. It's us wise adults that teach them to be bigots!!!


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    My experience with ignorant shit include HS and college encounters, where people joking went overboard with comments like "remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki?!" and "We won THE war!" and "i'll drop an A-bomb on you". I was just astounded by the stupidity of what some white people say and how they act. I understand it is a minority of white people who make racist and dumb comments like that but still...

    Outside of the topic of race, the majority usually is unaware and apathetic of the minorities' views and sensibilities. And I think that's what happens a lot of times living in the U.S.

    I also can say that because of my personal experiences as well as history and the media, I can relate more to Black people than the majority, which is White. I obviously do not think about this kinda shit on the daily, but as AlienDn has pointed out, the struggles that African-Americans have had to go through past and present are inspiring and something to keep in mind for an Asian-American like me.

    for the record, it does not mean "die whitey!" for me. I really don't care what color or what culture people come from. Just be nice and respect people's space, and we should all get along fine.

    rant end.

  • ArchaicArchaic 633 Posts

    I will say that I don't think I've ever encountered any bashing of white people on here, though.

    But a hacky sack is obviously the first sign of an impending apocalypse.

    Hey man, I never said that it was a bad thing, just that it was an Austin thing.

    If you're uncomfortable with how your city gets down, that's on you.

    Try frisbee golf instead.


    Per Archaic, all references to Austin, Project Blowed and/or live band hip-hop will now be greeted with the following jpeg:

    Now that's more like in it's more accurate.

    Although I'd like the slow motion clip of that Real World dude getting his face caved in on 6th Street even better.

  • street_muzikstreet_muzik 3,919 Posts
    There is a reason why racism towards Asians is more tolerated and even though it is, most Asians are far better off with that shit than Black people will ever be in this country.

    That's a pessimistic view.

    The validity of human races is a subject of much debate. Many anthropologists, drawing on biological research, think common definitions of human races are without taxonomic validity. They argue that race definitions are imprecise, arbitrary, derived from custom, and vary across cultures. Others, however, argue that race continues to serve as a valid concept, and argue that movements to discredit racial classifications are often politically rather than scientifically motivated.
    Human variation can be used to distinguish and classify humans into groups. Group admixture can hinder such analysis. The relationship between social and genetic definitions of race is complex. Phenotypic and genotypic classifications do not always correspond exactly. Common race definitions correspond to genotypic groupings insomuch as they correspond to ancestry. Whether human population structure warrants racial groupings is a matter of debate, with majority opinions varying between disciplines. Some biologists prefer the term population to race. Similar reasoning has led some to describe races as (inbred) extended families.

  • street_muzikstreet_muzik 3,919 Posts
    I'm sick of blacks being racist......

    against MEXICANS!!!![/b]

    ...and vica/versa.

  • strangley enough, the spelling is ashkenazi.

    and depending on who you ask, there are three communities of Jews - sephardic (Spain, Portugal, Morocco), ashkenazi (Germany, Poland, Eastern Europe) and mizrahi (Middle Eastern).

    And of course the Jewish diaspora was larger than that. We all know about Ethopian and Yeminite Jews, but Jews are all over Africa. There is a South African group of Jews. Anthroploigist had dismissed there claims of Jewish heritage. Geneticist have found that they have the same porportion of their population with the Cohen gene as other Jewish populations. There are also Far Eastern Jews.

    There was an obit in the NYT the other day for a guy that helped airlift something like 50,000 Jews from Yemen to Palestine in the 40's. Cool story.

  • ariel_calmerariel_calmer 3,762 Posts
    I just wanted to say I've never found any confusing yet racially offensive shit online.

  • Salary_DizSalary_Diz 735 Posts
    The only other message board that I frequent where I have heard racist comments is


  • VitaminVitamin 631 Posts
    Couple of observations.

    1) Racism against black people in america is in a completely different category because this country propagated a racial caste system until 1965. So the bigoted slur was the tip of long sword meant to keep blacks in menial labor jobs and exclude them from cultural, economic and political power. As Laserwolf said you can't compare that to some slurs against Chinese people or Jews.

    2) In America today the white supremecist is very marginalized. I'm not denying racism, but I'm saying the president of the united states in 1924 was a Klansman. Today there are numerous FBI units devoted to busting up the Klan. In 2003, Trent Lott was forced to step down from his post as majority leader because he said he thought the country would be better off if Strom Thurmond won the presidency in 1948. The country has changed.

    3) There are many idiots on the internet and in life. Until the racism turns into some criminal harassment or discrmination I think you got a roll with an imperfect world. I don't think anti-racism seminars for the workplace or college will have much of an effect. I think you just have concede that there is a majority or at least large minority of ignorant and uncurious fools in the world. Most of em aren't interested in learning. I'm all for forming a rainbow coalition of open minded freaks to ridicule the close minded. But I don't see many options.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Couple of observations.

    1) Racism against black people in america is in a completely different category because this country propagated a racial caste system until 1965. So the bigoted slur was the tip of long sword meant to keep blacks in menial labor jobs and exclude them from cultural, economic and political power. As Laserwolf said you can't compare that to some slurs against Chinese people or Jews.

    Well said.

    2) In America today the white supremecist is very marginalized. I'm not denying racism, but I'm saying the president of the united states in 1924 was a Klansman. Today there are numerous FBI units devoted to busting up the Klan. In 2003, Trent Lott was forced to step down from his post as majority leader because he said he thought the country would be better off if Strom Thurmond won the presidency in 1948. The country has changed.

    I was happy to hear last week the senate condemmended themselves for failing to act on lynching back in the day. (I hope you all followed that last poorly worded sentence.) Then I heared that Trent Lott and 14 other senators failed to join in.

    3) There are many idiots on the internet and in life. Until the racism turns into some criminal harassment or discrmination I think you got a roll with an imperfect world. I don't think anti-racism seminars for the workplace or college will have much of an effect. I think you just have concede that there is a majority or at least large minority of ignorant and uncurious fools in the world. Most of em aren't interested in learning. I'm all for forming a rainbow coalition of open minded freaks to ridicule the close minded. But I don't see many options.

    I think anti-racism or diversity seminars can have a good effect. People need to understand history and the current system and the continuing power of people like Trent Lott.

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