Krautrock Faves Beyond the Usual Suspects?

As far as pure listening pleasure goes (i.e. not only from a digging perspective), what are some Krautrock favorites of yours beyond the heavy-hitters (Can, Faust, Kraftwerk, Neu!, Tangerine Dream, Popol Vuh, Cluster, both Amon Duuls, etc.)? One record I get a lot from is Gila's "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" -- a concept album about the plight of Native Americans that sounds more like psych-folk than most of the above groups. Seems like most critics rate Gila's earlier, proggy s/t LP higher, but I love the more organic vibe on "Bury My Heart."Any others you'd rate as highly as the top albums by these better-known groups?
Achim Reichel and Machines "Echo"
Ash ra Temple
Guru Guru
Yatha Sidra
Brainticket (they were swiss but still get lumped into the krautrock genre)
Agitation Free
I know Ash Ra, Guru Guru, Brainticket, and Agitation Free... as well as Harmonia. The rest are new leads for me. Thanks! Particular records to check for...?
- spidey
just heard my first few tracks from them last night... killer stuff
Mind totally blown by the likes of T??el and Phartz.
yes yes yes yes yes and yes
'Watussi' is ridiculously good
also these guys
I listened to them last night for the first time in a while (do they only have the one record?) and they sounded even better than I remembered.
Thanks for the recommendations... keep them coming.
They've got at least 2 LP's... "Malesch" is tops for me...
Popul Vuh "Affendestunde" is
Malesch is what I have, didn't realize they have others. I've been hunting for that Popol Vuh for a while, but so far no luck.
a few weeks ago, I went to see embryo live in berlin. It was a sad experience, they were perfroming half playback, totally wrecked and there was one guy sitting on the front of the stage making uncontrolled noises and screams and stuff, looking mad. I don't know if concerts 30 years ago were like this, but this left me a bit disillusioned. I love their records though...especially this one
One of my all time favourite records
Thanks. I've been trying to track down a copy of Julian Cope's book on Krautrock, but I'm getting the sense that it's very n/a these days...
I re-upped them on yousendit.
Krautrocksampler part 1
Krautrocksampler part 2
Many thanks.
Oh, and the Crack in the Cosmic Egg info also looks very helpful.
Forget about Xhol Crarvan though. Soul Crarvan is the one to look for. Krautsoul.
I listened to many Kraut records, but I'm not a big fan of them. So I'm not an expert.
Great read so far. Thanks.
Getting a lot of enjoyment out of these 2 albums and that site, so many thanks to HookUp, Spidey, and Rod.