Stuff that irks you



  • catalistcatalist 1,373 Posts
    Is a de-escalating escalator not escalating on the underside?

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    Fuckers that poke their cute ass car onto the road just enough, so that I have to grimace and slightly turn left to dodge it because it's impeding the flow of traffic. When I'm in a grumpy mood, I let 'em have it though. HOOOOONNKKKKK! THA FUCK OUT THE WAY. YOU AIN'T IMPORTANT!

    oh my god. i hate that. also people who are turning left across a four-lane and block my lane waiting for traffic to clear on the other side, bringing traffic on my side to a grinding and needless halt. if traffic doesn't chill out coming both ways, tough shit. turn right and do a u-turn later or some shit. i hate that.

    another thing i just found out irks me is looking at someone's myspace page and they have some shitty song on the music player, but the design on their page is all kooky and re-arranged so that i can't find the fucking thing to turn it off.

  • Double parkers (FedEx, UPS included). What gives them the right to block traffic, and during rushhour?! Why should some private company be allowed to block an entire lane of traffic so they can pick up some packages? I've never seen a double parker get a ticket.

    What also is infuriating is that a lot of the time there are actual parking spots right there next to them, yet they choose to stop in the middle of the road.

  • the inability of people to differentiate between your and you're irks me greatly. As does the whole apostrophe s syndrome.

    Bad English in general irks me. Things I've heard at work:

    "Yeah, he brung it in, but we didn't need it so I throwed it out."

    "He just told on hisself by doing that."

    "Does this need cleaned?"

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts

    the inability of people to differentiate between your and you're irks me greatly. As does the whole apostrophe s syndrome.

    Bad English in general irks me. Things I've heard at work:

    "Yeah, he brung it in, but we didn't need it so I throwed it out."

    "He just told on hisself by doing that."

    "Does this need cleaned?"

    Oh, and another one that I just heard a coworker use: "So you take this number, and then you times it by this number." No, you do not "times it" by another number, you multiply it.

    Also, big cosignature on the apostrophe syndrome. Apostrophes are not for creating plural forms. "Buy my CD's!" Buy your CD's what? Your CD's raers? Your CD's lunch?

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts

    I have a lot of things that irk me:

    -Distracted drivers (Don't put on makeup or talk on your cellphone while driving).
    -Aggressive drivers (Calm down, dude. Don't kill me 'cause you're in a rush).
    -The use of "non-words" (i.e., conversate, orientated).
    -Presumption (minority-related; "You speak so well"; I have a PhD, damnit!!! How should I sound, like Buckwheat?).
    -Clerks (usually White) that put my change on the counter (Black doesn't rub off).
    -Ending sentences with a preposition ("Where is he at?").
    -Talking on cellphones in public places (so rude!!!).
    -People who don't maintain proper social distance (get outta my face).
    -Unfamiliar White womens' fake, nervous "don't hurt me" smiles when alone with me in elevators.
    -Men who don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom (disgusting).
    -People who run stop signs, and then get upset when I blow my horn at them.
    -Black folks acting loud and ignorant in public places (negative stereotype-related).
    -Cellphones ringing in movie theaters and at plays.
    -People who talk during movies and plays.
    -Girls with waist fat who wear short, tight shirts (Milwaukee-related).
    -Parents who don't control their bad kids at the grocery store.
    -People who don't pay attention to where they are walking while shopping.
    -Bus drivers in Milwaukee (dangerous driving-related).
    -People who drive too fast during inclement weather.
    -Those who equate record sales with artistic quality.
    -The recent reality TV shows and remake movie craze (How about some creativity, please?).
    -Loud talking during live musical and theatrical performances (Shut the fuck up and listen-related).
    -People who are shallow and superficial.
    -Dogmatic, close-minded people.
    -Self-righteous, condescending people.
    -Racists, sexists, homophobes, etc.
    -Pseudo-liberals (stop frontin' related).
    -People who falsely assume equal opportunity in America (social stratification-related).
    -Some of the Black, middle-class (Don't hurt your arm patting yourself on the back, frontin' like Affirmative Action didn't help your pompous Black-ass, reach back and help your fellow brothers and sisters and stop condemning them-related).
    -Clerks that ignore my big Black ass (who is 1st in line, mind you) and wait on White folks instead (Heinemann's restaurant related).
    -People who block entrances and walkways and stand there oblivious to it (wake your ass up and move out of way-related; thanks for the reminder, Delay)


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    1. NYC Urb
    2. NYC Mexican food

    I can name about 100 things in NYC that piss me off more than these.
    people that stand in the door on the subway or block it on the platform. I will push your yuppie ass OUT of my way if you do this.

    Cabs ask where you're going before they let you in, then drive away.

    people turning from the middle lane.

    tourists that step on your shoes when the subway starts moving.

    the MTA's consistant bullshit, "This train is now going express to Hoyt Schemerhorn"

    that traffic crap that happens every time i come off the 59th st. bridge.

    Long Island's Northern and Southern Parkways (I never know which one I'm supposed to take)

    Holland Tunnel traffic when i'm just trying to get to the west side.

    "Cool guy" ice grills

    everyone in NYC movie theaters.

    No deposit envelopes at the bank atm.


  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    drez, definitely get at me about that LATIN LETTUCE. I might have an answer to your problems.

  • akoako 3,419 Posts

    the inability of people to differentiate between your and you're irks me greatly. As does the whole apostrophe s syndrome.

    Bad English in general irks me. Things I've heard at work:

    "Yeah, he brung it in, but we didn't need it so I throwed it out."

    "He just told on hisself by doing that."

    "Does this need cleaned?"

    well, here are a few sentence fragments you will enjoy:

    "there coming over later"

    "there pie is the best"

    people who still dont know that "they're" is a word....i wanna kill'em

    i dont care so much about "their" but when people dont use "they're" it gets me pretty bad

    does anybody get bothered by people who type "prolly" or "probly"? it doesnt bother me that much but i can see people on here not being happy with that...

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    people who still dont know that "they're" is a word....

    Two words.

  • akoako 3,419 Posts

    people who still dont know that "they're" is a word....

    Two words.


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Cats who call most Black Music from the early 70's to the mid 80's Disco.

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    Elise threads and every thread turning into an Elise thread.

    I agree with you cpeeeeeetz.

    Let's talk about this

  • - People who feel more threatened by christian evangelicals than jihadists

    - The decrying of hipsters by hipsters

    - People who use the word esoteric

    - pete docherty. He takes drugs, so fucking what?

    - Old motherfuckers who doubt my game

    - Communinists who propound long debunked nostrums they insist on calling progressive

    - Ska

    - Bush haters/terrorist supporters

    - Celebrities who 'care' about stuff

    - Non 4/4 time signatures. There is no point

    - moths

    - needing to piss when im tired

    - keith olbermanniacal ally of satan

    - animal rights crap

    - pious vegetarians

    - People who think it is the highly courageous and iconoclastic
    to make derogatory remarks about our lord and saviour jesus christ

    - People who think they are doing the world a favor by driving a toyota prius even though their fuel economy isnt actually very impressive at all.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    - dolo yeung

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    - People who think it is the highly courageous and iconoclastic
    to make derogatory remarks about our lord and saviour Jeezy christ

  • - dolo yeung

    Is this guy for real?

  • when it takes the postal service + 4 weeks and counting to deliver a fucking record

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    people who completely rip off my comedy stylings

    who are you? joe rogan?

  • El PrezEl Prez NE Ohio 1,141 Posts
    People who bid on Ebay listings and dont have the money to pay for the item. "Can I pay you next week when I get paid?"

  • - Ska


  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    Cabs ask where you're going before they let you in, then drive away.

    and it's 3 fucking 45, raining and you're standing out there with your turntables and records and this guy not letting you in means you'll be on the curb for another 20 minutes.

    living in Parkdale + having gear = no taxi love

    backpacks on crowded subway

    people who don't tip

    not covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing and/or not teaching your offspring to cover her/his/their mouth(s) when coughing or sneezing

  • irregardless

    x 1,000,000.

    "But it's in the dictionary!"

    white dudes with dreads. period.

    when i was washing my hands the other day some dude was having an involved and LOUD ass discussion on his cell phone in the stall whilst taking a loud-ass shit. he didn't pasue even a bit, no matter how dramatic and horrid the sounds emanating from him were. it was truly unbelievable.

    "your a looser"

    probably most of all: people who fucking text message and e-mail shit like

    OMG? U2? C U L8R!

    Anyone who texts me with some shit like that gets a talking to. Seriously. That shit makes me cringe so deeply that I'm immediately in a bad mood and will yell at a bitch if it comes to that. Just don't do it. "But it's a phone keyboard" is no excuse.

    "inputted" was in a paper I read yesterday

    "heigth" as a word, used and pronounced like "length" because there's no equivalent, or so it would seem.

    there's lots more but i have homework to do.

    Here's a blog I wrote about "irregardless." My first blog ever:

    Anyway, along the lines of things "we," as a nation, are proud of, I worry about the disdain that seems to be growing towards speaking and writing properly. I will say from the outset that my personal opinion on grammar is that it *can* be perverted to some degree provided that it is an appropriate context and an individual is capable and cognizant of the "right" way. As for spelling there really is only one correct way to spell most things (sometimes two or three accepted ones) and you should know and use them. The exception to the spelling clause of my manifesto here is transcribing spoken slang into text (e.g. beeyatch etc), where there is no established standard and then it's kind of a free-for-all, which is OK.

    I rarely point out errors other people make, but one cautionary note: if you say "irregardless" in my presence brace yourself for a tongue lashing, as it were. Though it is actually in the dictionary I, as a sovereign state, do not recognize it, as it is an unholy bastard child of a double negative and ignorance and it will be purged when the revolution comes. And how the fuck did it end up in the dictionary? The justification the Merriam-Webster gives is that "irregardless" has achieved such widespread use that it warranted its own entry. On a whim just now I looked to see if "ain't" is in there and...for shame! This is how our kids are going to speak.

    Incidentally I think it's amusing that "ain't" has an apostrophe in it. In a formal context would I want to say "I wanted a cookie but I discovered that there ai not any left?" Anyway, let's all just make up words and communicate that way. That's the true meaning of freedom.

    That whole thing is kind of like the way we think these days, which I would summarize as follows "'everybody's' doing it, so it must not be wrong."

  • they spelled my name dj comotoast in the paper.


  • they spelled my name dj comotoast in the paper.


    Even worse - my publisher sent out some sort of press release with my name misspelled, so now there are 115 websites with my name spelled wrong.

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    Without a doubt, drivers seems to be #1 on most peoples list.

    I think the worst cause of all is the cellphone, I mean I see people do THE DUMBEST shit whilst driving and on the phone. I really want to get out and pummel them. Drifting across lanes, not seeing lights change, no turn signals etc etc etc.
    And this applies to almost every driver in Miami, who without a doubt are THE worst drivers in the country. I mean I took my Florida licence in a 10-minute long test in a mall car park for fucks sake. No wonder our insurance rates are so high here.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Without a doubt, drivers seems to be #1 on most peoples list.

    I think the worst cause of all is the cellphone, I mean I see people do THE DUMBEST shit whilst driving and on the phone. I really want to get out and pummel them. Drifting across lanes, not seeing lights change, no turn signals etc etc etc.
    And this applies to almost every driver in Miami, who without a doubt are THE worst drivers in the country. I mean I took my Florida licence in a 10-minute long test in a mall car park for fucks sake. No wonder our insurance rates are so high here.

    Shiiit, ya'll have NOTHING on Milwaukee. Nearly 50% of all auto fatalities in this state involve alcohol. Insurance rates here are off the fuckin' charts.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • - Non 4/4 time signatures. There is no point
    since everyone else is cracking on this guy, here is my 2 pennies:

    How could there be no point? Music is about expression, entertainment, emotion, ect. (E-words). People can make sound together, that is enjoyable to others, and it is music. Time signature or not, 4/4 or 5/7, how can you say there is no point. Have you ever heard music before? Are you a real person? I don't know much about music theory, or time signatures, but i know a little. Enough for me to say that this is the most moronic thing i have seen a DJ, MUSIC LOVER, COLLECTOR, or whatever you are, say, in the recent past.

    You're friends with these guys

  • - People who feel more threatened by christian evangelicals than jihadists

    i must irk you then. america has been hijacked by the latter, but ultimately they're not that different, being compelled by their interpretation of their religion to act in certain ways. i don't condone either. Bring on the hatemail!

    - Communinists who propound long debunked nostrums they insist on calling progressive

    what the hell does that mean? using big words to sound smart but thus obfuscating your meaning irks me. if you were talking about democrats you might have said so, as it stands it seems that you might have been talking about the USSR. and, strictly speaking, I don't think you can "debunk" a "nostrum."

    - Ska

    i heard that.

    - Bush haters/terrorist supporters

    i don't think these are the same group.

    - pious vegetarians

    word. pious people of all types irk me.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts

    when i was washing my hands the other day some dude was having an involved and LOUD ass discussion on his cell phone in the stall whilst[/b] taking a loud-ass shit.

    Following up "whilst," a stuffed-shirt word (unless you're British), with "a loud-ass shit."

    In casual conversation, there is nothing wrong with "while." Saying "whilst" does not make you sound smarter or cooler. It reminds me of this guy I knew in high school who spent three weeks in Ireland and milked his acquired accent for almost three months.
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